A/N: So, yeah. The Riddler in Young Justice is… Irritating. I prefer the versions in Batman: The Animated Series and The Batman. Even though his costume in The Batman is… Strange, to say the least. Dang, I love playing with the Gothamites like my own personal doll set. So, I was going to do Bane, but then I watched that The Batman episode where Riddler basically played twenty questions with Batman. Queue massive inspiration. This is the chapter I've been waiting for the entire story.

Robin woke up feeling dizzy. Was this becoming a thing? He had hoped that the villains' fascination with kidnapping Robin to get to Batman would have died out by now. Apparently not. So not whelming.

Robin recalled what had happened perfectly. Somehow, Riddler had managed to figure out where their regular check-in point was, and rig the rooftop to spill out knockout gas. By the time Batman and Robin had reached for their rebreathers, it was too late and they were unconscious.

Slowly, the young hero edged his eyelids open. He was lying in what looked like a mostly transparent cube of energy, about ten feet by ten feet square. There was another identical cube in the blank, white room, which held Batman, who was still unconscious… Probably. You never knew. After seeing that there were no cameras in the room and his boots, shoes, gloves, and cape had been taken, Robin rose to his feet and looked around more thoroughly. He noticed a small outline, more like a crack, showing where the door was. Otherwise, the room was stark white, illuminated by bright white lights.

Batman rose to his feet, clearly having finished his own assessment of the room. Batman touched the energy field that kept him contained, looking for all the world like a mime. The force field covered the floor, and it felt like cool water, but solid.

The two Bats' attention was diverted to the door, which Riddler stepped through, looking smug. "Hello, Batman, Robin."

Batman looked annoyed. "Riddler. What do you want?" Robin stayed silent, as was protocol when both members of the Dynamic Duo were captured.

Riddler smiled gleefully, the irritating gap in his two front teeth showing. "So glad you asked, Batman! You see, I'm out to solve one of the greatest riddles the world has ever known! The true identities of Batman and Robin! The thing is, I can't just remove your masks, too easy! No, we're going to play twenty questions. I'm going to ask Batman twenty questions. He's going to answer them truthfully, and I will try to guess the identities of Batman and Robin from his answers. And if Batman answers false, Robin will be electrocuted! Trust me, I'll know."

Robin pressed his fists against the force field. "Don't tell him anything, Batman!"

Riddler ignored the Boy Wonder. "Question number 1: Do you have blonde hair?" Batman scowled and grit his teeth.


A loud beep sounded, and the lights flashed red for a moment. Electricity came through the floor of Robin's cube and zapped him until the boy slumped on the ground, while Batman pounded on his force field. The electricity stopped, and Robin staggered to his feet. Riddler smirked. "Consider that a sample, kiddies! With each wrong answer, the voltage spikes. It might even kill him after five or so wrong answers! Question number 2! Were you born here, in Gotham City?"

Batman looked torn, but reluctantly answered, "Yes." Riddler looked enormously pleased.

"There you go! Keep it up, and Bird Boy might survive!"

"So, you actually work for a living. I'm beginning to get a sense of the real you, Batman. We're on question fifteen. I've asked all of the questions purely about you, but now… why don't I find out a few things about your little sidekick?"

Robin looked annoyed. "Partner, NOT sidekick! Batman, stop answering this idiot's questions!"

Riddler completely ignored Robin. "Question 15: Is Robin your son?" And there it was. The perpetual elephant in the room, especially when it comes to Bruce and Dick. Riddler thought it was a simple question, but it wasn't. Robin went still and silent, staring at Batman. Batman hesitated for a moment, then answered.


Robin braced for electricity, but none came. Cautiously, he opened his eyes and stared at Batman, who looked slightly worried. Robin gave Batman a small nod and a half grin, and Batman immediately relaxed. Robin was okay with Batman regarding him as his son. And maybe, Robin thought of Batman as his father, too.

Riddler was pacing, so he missed the entire exchange. "Question 16: Was Robin born in Gotham?" Batman smirked. This would confuse Riddler.

"No." Robin had been born in Romania. Riddler looked increasingly agitated.

"Question 17: Is Robin's mother dead?" Batman scowled and exchanged glances with Robin.


If anything, Riddler looked more and more bewildered with each answer. "Question 18: Is Robin famous?" Batman smirked.

"Of course. He is the Boy Wonder, after all." Riddler nearly tore his hair out when he realized that he had wasted a question. The villain looked thoughtful. He tried again.

" Question 19: Is Robin's civilian identity famous?"

Batman grit his teeth. "Yes."

Riddler looked exasperated. "Question 20: Do you two live in Gotham?" Batman grinned, knowing he'd won. Technically, Wayne Manor was just inside the border of the next county, even if the area was considered 'Gotham.'

"No." The Riddler looked shocked, then he rushed to a computer.

"No, no, no, no! NOBODY fits those descriptions! How?!" Riddler typed frantically, and words popped up: NO RESULTS.

Robin smirked, and his cube suddenly turned off. Batman and Robin had run into force fields before, and each had a device built into their right sleeve that could break them, given time. Batman had distracted Riddler while Robin activated his device, and now Robin had finally broken out.

Riddler was distracted, so Robin took him down nearly effortlessly, then used Riddler's computer to turn off Batman's force field. Robin turned to his mentor and flashed him a cocky grin.

"I don't need to be rescued."

A/N: AND FIN! Yaay! Anyway, I changed my name from DragonQueen3721 to CloakedDragonWing3721. If you want to know my reasoning, see City Musings. It's in the bottom A/N. LOTS OF SHOUTOUTS!

Aquarica: Thank you! I tried to make him very irritated and sassy. So glad I succeeded!

PikaWings: You'd think. But Black Mask is stupid, no matter which way you looked at it. I guess I used him because I wanted someone without a clear pattern, a random gangster. I thought about using Rupert Thorne, but I really haven't seen him in anything other than B:TAS.

SuperSparkleBats123: Yup. Robin's kickin' butt and takin' names! I kinda got tired of writing victimized Robin.

Guest: Here's your chapter!

Animelovernewbie: I'm glad you like it!

Claire: You hit the nail on the head! Robin's just fed up at this point.