Where Jack Frost Asks The Snow Queen to Prom Outline

Hello, so the story outline I'll be putting out here is

will be this one, because apparently I've drafted that out back in 2017.

Included here is the unfinished, unedited draft of Chapter 11 (which occurs immediately after Chapter 10), which was started and stopped also in 2017. Hope you enjoy how it abruptly transitions from prose into summary points.


Chapter 11

Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let them know.

Don't let them know that you've heard them calling you names – boyfriend-stealer, player, and a bunch of four to five letter words that she had once associated with the dumber girls of the school, but never herself. But a certain five letter word that started with 'b', which had never passed her own lips, was now what the school labelled her, and in the worst way possible.

Elsa couldn't help wincing internally every time a set of eyes met hers and darted rapidly away. She tried not to grimace every time a passing pair of students huddled their heads together and whispered amongst themselves, thumbing her not so subtly at the same time. She tried not to listen behind the toilet cubicle doors as peers handed out their judgement and condemnation over her wrongs.

She tried not to notice how her sister hadn't replied to any of her messages. It was sad that this occasion, of all occasions in her young social media life, she finally understand what it meant to be 'blue-ticked'.

Part of her wished that North had her suspended from school for a longer time. Her old self would worry about missing classes, and her new self didn't care at all about the lessons, but her present self – an odd boat in between of extremes, thrown in with a measure of fear and depression – had no motivation whatsoever to even step into school. It was getting harder to hold the straight face and ignore the way people treated her, and it was getting harder to pretend that she didn't deserve it.

"Hello, Snow Queen," a crisp, mocking voice broke into a train of thought. Elsa whipped around to scowl at him, but the redhead was in no way deterred, hopping forward when she stepped up the pace. "Or should I say heart-breaker, home-wrecker, and even play girl?"

"Shut up, Hans," she hissed acridly at him, not glancing his way deliberately. "You don't know anything."

"For all your rep of being such a principled, goody-two-shoes girl-" he went on, not caring about her response, or perhaps he was just sadistically soaking in all her frustration, "you're a despicable person, are you?"

The girl woved through the crowds that eyed her disapprovingly, heading straight for her locker. "Look who's talking."

"Touché, but I don't care." The boy leaned himself against the adjacent locker, ignoring the student behind him who was trying to open it. "My self-esteem far outweighs the opinions of people around me. One day,-" there was an air of pride in his manner "-you'll be seeing me decorating the newspapers."

"As an escaped convict?" Elsa quipped dryly, only to at the moment catch the eye of Rapunzel a few doors away. The other blonde girl was opening her own locker whilst in having a conversation with her troublemaker of a boyfriend. That conversation however ended abruptly when the eyes of the two girls locked eyes, and that staring contest too ended abruptly when Flynn tugged Rapunzel by the elbow, making the girl look away. The boy shot Elsa a dirty look as he led his girlfriend away.

Elsa, however, couldn't let the opportunity slip by. "Rapunzel, wait!"

She could see the girl with the long yellow hair hesitate and her pace slowed, though her boyfriend still tried to pull her off to class.

"Rapunzel." Elsa slammed her locker door shut, turning her back to demon of a rival taunting her, dashing up to other blonde girl's side. She was incredibly thankful that her sister's roommate was such a nice person – anyone else would have probably sped off in fear of associating with the week's social pariah. "Rapunzel, please." She searched the girl's expression, though her face was downcast. "Please – did Anna say anything to you?"

Rapunzel let out a long exhale, removing Flynn's insistent hand on her arm and gazed up at Elsa. Her tone, though kind, had a tint of disapproval in it. "She wouldn't talk about it, but I heard her crying last night. She took my tissues, but she still wouldn't talk."

Elsa's heart could feel her heart-breaking. Oh, Anna… Pleading, she wrung her hands together. "Can you tell her that I need to talk to her?"

"Elsa-" it was clear that the other blonde was not comfortable with the situation, by the way she was twisting her pinky in her hand "-she doesn't even want to talk me, and we stay in the same room. I don't think anything you have to say is going to make a difference."

"Look,-" she was already grappling at straws here "-if she does start listen, please tell her that-"

And just like then, the bell rang.

"I'm sorry, Elsa." Rapunzel glanced over her shoulder, then at the clusters of bystanders who were watching the scene unfold. "I have to go for class now."

Without even waiting for a farewell, Elsa watched as the other senior student grabbed the hand of her boyfriend and both of them dashed the corridor – along with numerous other tardy students – towards their respective classrooms. Flynn Rider however did take a moment to send a glare her way before flying behind the wooden classroom door, letting smack shut behind him.

A surge of annoyance flew through her system. A troublemaker like he had no right to judge her the way he did. How many detentions and suspension had he gone through? Then again, even troublemakers had standards.

She used to too – have standards. She had principles, and rules, and ideas of how things should or shouldn't be done. She had set up all the walls and barricades to protect herself. But she then thought that all these walls were what made her unhappy, so she discarded them.

Look at where that had landed her.

The journey back to her locker was a sombre one. At least Hans was gone – the rat scurried off to class too – but the void that remained was as heavy, dangling like Damocles' sword over her. In the silence, she could almost imagine voices warning of how close her world was to becoming unravelled. Or perhaps that had already happened, and she was not doing a very good job of patching up the holes.

Anna hated her. There was no 'probably' or 'likely' or 'possibly' about this. It was a definite, undeniable fact. The reasons behind it were not unreasonable. After all, she had only been the worst of sisters – ignoring her, snubbing her, criticising her constantly, and then stealing her boyfriend.

Well, it wasn't really stealing, Elsa would argue. Stealing would imply that the item of theft was already in her possession. Along with Anna, Jack was another who didn't reply to her texts. Admitted, they had never texted each other before and she had only managed to acquire his number after swearing to Merida that she was not doing this to spite her sister (her redheaded roommate had been rather cold to her of late, come to think about it). In her messages, she asked for a talk. She had sent them during the time of her suspension, though, and wasn't aware of the situation in school. He probably felt disgusted with her about what had happened, and now that that viral video of the incident was going around the school, perhaps now he also hated her.

It seemed an apt punishment, considering how she had treated him when he had bared his heart out to her.


She was a storm – a blizzard of bad blood and toxic touch. Wherever she went, whatever she did, she only hurt those around her.

Elsa stood at her locker for a good several minutes before realising that she had been lost in thought, and it was already a few minutes into class. Her gaze fell on the notebook and file that rested the shelf, but she couldn't bring herself to pick them up and head off to class. Her eyes then flitted to the mini-mirror hanging behind her locker door, and her reflection, caked in powder and cream, stared back at her. She recalled all the times that she posed in front of that mirror, painting herself with brushstrokes that she believed could brush away her fears. But the paint was just a new mask, and like the old one, the cracks were starting to show. And she didn't like what she could see underneath it all.

No. No more experimental styles. No more free-flow living. No more mess, disorder and madness.

She grabbed the toiletry bag from her make-up shelf, grabbing a few of her older garment from the hangers and draping it clumsily over her arm. She didn't even bother to lock the locker after shutting it with a kick of a foot. She headed to the girl's bathroom, which was empty since it was still early in the lesson time and the skivers have yet to snatch all the bathroom passes.

Elsa dropped the bag of toiletries on the sink counter, unzipping it to find the bottle of translucent gel that she needed. According to the instructions, one was suppose to pour a little of the gel onto a facial swab, then gently wiped the swab against one's cheek in an upward fashion. However, our blonde heroine was no mood to do it the proper way, instead pouring a generous helping onto her hand and smack it on her face. Lathering it hurriedly, she then slammed her palm onto the tap and washed off the sticky substances with the water. Her face was quickly dried with the towel she brought in and any remnants of the makeup was rubbed roughly off with toilet paper, living her face smarting red with how rough she was with herself.

The next came the clothes. She went into one of the cubicles to strip off the frilly, semi-translucent, tea length dress she had come to school in. From the pile of garment she had brought in, she threw on her old pleat skirt along with a dull-coloured blouse. Over that, she slipped on an even duller-coloured jumped which just screamed 'Nerd' all the way. The boots went off and were replaced by ballet flats, and that was only after she had squeezed on the unattractive grey panty-hose. When she stepped out of the toilet cubicle, she noted through the bathroom mirror that, other than her face, every inch of her skin had been covered back up again.

Well … she slipped on the gloves. Now only her face was uncovered.

The earrings went off, as well as the assortment of fancy clip that she had stuck in her hair. The French braid stayed, but she looped it back around the back her head, tucking it back into the position that it was supposed to be. She stuck a few pins to secure the pins before lowering her hands from her head.

It was amazing the miracles a makeover could work. It was amazing the horrors a reverse-makeover could work.

Elsa had never realised how plain and uninteresting her old colour palette used to be. Just be changing back to her old style alone, she seemed to have aged a dozen years. She couldn't even recognise herself!

But what needed to be done needed to be done. She gathered up her belongings and returned them to the locker. She then grabbed her books and made her way down to the classroom, her feet moving as fast as they could without running. When she knocked on the door of the classroom and opened it, class was already in motion. Everyone in the room looked up to face her and the mortification pouring over her tempted her to shut the door and run.

But Elsa steeled herself, pulling an emotionless expression. Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let them know.

"Elsa?" Miss Tiana, who was halfway through writing an equation on the board, sounded unsure when she spoke the name.

The girl nodded and let herself into the room. As she inched her way between the tables, the heads of her peers turned automatically towards her, some even had their mouths falling open. One of those she passed was a boy with white hair and he was staring at her too, though his own face betrayed on feelings either. She went straight past him, pretending not to notice how his head followed her over his shoulder. She supposed that if he wanted to talk to her, he could answer her texts.

She sat herself on the table in the fourth row, right in the middle of her class. Her books were dropped onto the table and she flipped open the relevant ones as Miss Tiana cleared her throat. "You are late, Elsa."

She froze, suddenly full of fear as the eyes of her classmates went immediately to her again, weighing down on her as if they were really intangible. A pair of sapphire eyes – a bright eyes that had once made roll her own, and now were inexplicably enchanting – too rested on her, waiting for her response.

Then Elsa lifted her head to teacher, and said, "I'm so sorry, m'am."

Miss Tiana watched at her for a moment, as if trying to solve the riddle in her head. Finally, she said, "Don't do let it happen again."

"Yes, m'am," was her polite answer as she opened her pencil case, removing the stationary that had been long neglected of use.

The lesson went on and eventually eyes turned away from her, but the message was undoubtedly clear: The Snow Queen was back - in the most underwhelming way possible.


He couldn't wait for the day to be over.

He had seen the messages she had sent him. Well, he hadn't actually read them – more like they've been piling up his inbox since who knows when, and he still wasn't going to touch them. Class had gone by, like a passing breeze, and he hardly noticed what was going on, even as the sounds of nagging tutors and gossiping students buzzed around him.

He was at an utter loss about what to do.

Anna was ignoring him. He knew that by the fiftieth message he had sent. She had excellent reasons for ignoring him, since he was in the wrong, but it didn't change the fact that if she would not listen to him, he would never get to tell his side of the story.

He wasn't sure why he cared. He had never really bothered about his reputation, so all the snide remarks and looks of revulsion went right over his head. He had been trying to break up with her for a while, and she had taken it on herself to end their relationship, so that was not a problem. But there was a part of him that still treasured her company and though he had no desire for her to be his girlfriend, he still very much wanted her as a friend. How many people in the world loved ice cream as much as him, or enjoyed his pranks and plots like him, or saw life through the lens of fun? Anna was a wonderful person.

But he wondered that in the pursuit of mending their friendship whether he would lose the only good that he had gained out of this whole fiasco.

Elsa had kissed him. Elsa had, after what felt like ages of ignoring him or snubbing him, returned his feelings. On the night that it had happened, he had scarcely believed it. But now that the nasty viral video was all over the net, he knew that beyond any doubt that what had happened had really happened. By the messages piling up in his phone inbox, he knew that she hadn't forgotten what had happened, and she had deemed him worthy of message-spamming. She was actually interested enough to care – to chase him down, the way he had done for her before.

But if he made a move towards Elsa now, Anna would never speak to him again. Somehow, he couldn't bear the thought of that either.


"Hey, Frost. Got my chemistry for today?"

Jack snapped out of his reverie, finding that hovering over his desk was a redhead with an expression so smug that it could have melted empires with the extent of its egoism.

The white-haired lad blinked. He had been so caught up with writing his break-up letter to Anna, and later on his apology letter to her, that doing Hans Flippin'-wants-to-marry-Dutch-princess Westergaard's homework completely slipped his mind.

Hans frowned, looking a little alarmed. "You didn't do it."

"I have a lot on my plate right now." Jack glanced up to the clock on the wall of the classroom. By right, class should be starting right now, but for some reason Mr. Weselton had not yet arrived. Jack was none too pleased with that. Whenever Mr. Weselton was late, he tended to drag class late too, and since this was the last class of the day, it meant that he could pull the end of this horrid day even longer than it needed to be.

"Well, that's really a pity," Hans said, clearly peeved by this news but still trying to hide the extent of his annoyance. "And here I thought I was going to tell the various tutors of what a fantastic help you've been to my suffering grades." There was a hint of warning at the end of the sentence.

Jack cast a glare at him, but Hans was mostly impervious to such expressions.

"Let's make this clear, Jack," the redheaded boy said in a low voice, gaze unflickering. "You help me, I help you. You don't help me, well," he slapped his hands together, putting on a falsely apologetic expressions at the same time, "-well, that will just be really unfortunate for you."

A rational part of the white-haired lad really considered what his classmate had said, but the less rational part of him that he had been burying under layer after layer of restraint couldn't take it any longer.

"You know what?" our lanky young hero said, stepping away from his desk. "I've had it with you." Grabbing his bag, he overturned it, emptying out sheet after sheet of homework – Hans' homework – onto the ground, an act which earned murmurs of surprise from his peers. Tossing his bag aside, he felt Hans glaring at him, but he didn't waver, shooting one back. "There! Take it back. Get some other idiot to do your work."

This statement was met with a whistles of surprise, and even a little laughter as Hans' face turned crimson. A little puzzled, and incredibly furious, he growled, "What are you doing?"

"Do the math, you weird and kinda creepy jerk." Jack jabbed his finger at him. "Well, except that your math sucks – but bottomline's this: I'm through with putting up with your crap, so,-" he kicked at one of the paper sheets carelessly, making it fly up, "-have fun being an honest, hardworking student."

As he climbed back into his seat, the classroom erupted in cheers and like a Olympic athlete marching in the opening ceremony, Jack waved to his adoring fans. Of course, he should have known that Hans wouldn't let it stop there.

"I might be a jerk, but at least I'm not a cheat."

"Um, yes, you are," contradicted the white-haired lad, a little puzzled. "You cheat all the time."

"Not on my girlfriends, I don't." There was a spiteful expression forming on his face. "I go through them like tissues, but never at the same time." A sly grin appeared. "Then again, with someone as pathetic as Anna Arendelle, I don't suppose it's any wonder that.

Shooting up to his feet, Jack's fist curled into a ball and launched itself straight into Hans' smug face. The entire class broke into a silent gasp as the latter stumbled back, clutching his face and staring at the other boy. Jack's knuckles smarted from the strike, but the adrenaline pumping in his veins numbed out the pain and he couldn't help but grin at the stunned countenance on his enemy's face.

Boy, it felt good to be bad again.

Of course, Hans would not take this kind of humiliation, and certainly not in front of the entire class. Rubbing the wounded site, his eyes glittered. "You shouldn't have done that."

"You shouldn't have said that about Anna," was the unremorseful reply.

"Nothing that wasn't true," the redhead taunted, cracking his knuckles. "She's clinging and desperate, like you. She's too stupid to know when to give up, like you. You two deserve each other – oh, no wait." He made a show of serious pondering. "She broke up with you. How does it feel, Jack?"

"It was an accident."


Jack POV: Hans and Jack get into a heated fist fight, with which the whole class cheers them on (mentions Elsa watching worriedly on). Phil (if y'all don't rmb, he's supposed to be the Yeti in ROTG) comes and tears them apart eventually.

Jack POV: In detention, North talks to the two boys, who have to be tied to chairs to keep them apart. (Mention the part about Jack getting shoved into the pool, in which Hans still denies). Both of them are banned from Prom (and their names removed from Prom King nominations.) Both boys are pretty devastated from this outcome: Jack because he's now missing Prom, and Hans because apparently he thinks this might affect his chances of marrying an european princess.

Jack POV: Flashback. He and Emma are the in the back seat of the car where Emma insists on watching her favorite movie, which involves some kind of Prom-related Rom-Com, and Jack is sick of it. He complains to his parents, and then car crashes into the river.


Chapter 12

Elsa POV: After returning most of the clothes she and Anna had bought, she gets a ride back from Pitch, discussing graduation and whether she's still getting peer tutored from him. During the conversation, he asks her out, which she still refuses. Somehow Pitch let slips that he was the one who tricked Jack into falling into pool. Elsa gets mad at him.

A dialogue like this follows —

E: Stop the car

P: Well, no

E: What do you mean no?

P: You now know, and I can't have you telling people

E: So, what, you're going to kidnap me and kill me?

P: …

E: Are you actually thinking about this?


E: I can't believe this. You're crazy.

P: And now I remember why I like you.

E: And I remember why I broke up with you.

She tries to grab the break of his car, which he shoves her off. And the car drives off the road.

Jack POV: He learns later about Pitch finally getting arrested for…tax evasion (WHAT.) and being involved in smuggling of illegal peanut butter brands (WHAT). Nobody really gets it – like when he started, or what he's doing with it. They just dismiss it.

Jack Goes and sees Elsa at hospital. Bumps in Anna and things are a still awkward between them (he asks if she's still going to Prom and she shrugs. He tells her that he's banned from going which doesn't really make her feel much better.)

On another day, otw to visiting Elsa again, Jack thinks between buying Elsa flowers. He eventually settles on picking flowers from the park (which is free and illegal).

Elsa however turns out to be awake this time and mostly well. (Jack plans on fleeing almost immediately after realizing she's awake.) They have a small talk, where Elsa finally apologises for being cold towards him and for judging so harshly when she herself isn't perfect, and apparently her judgement kinda sucks because how could she not read all the problems with Pitch.

J: Hey, it's not a bad thing to have standards, or to study hard, or to want to be perfect. Just as long as it doesn't make you shut out other important things in life.

E: (amused) Like Prom?

J: Like Family.

They part on better terms, with Elsa asking Jack to help her take notes in class. He smiles and says okay.


GENERAL POV: Jack's now Elsa's tutor with all the classes that she had missed, since Hans is completely hopeless, and she gives him glowing reviews. She gets back to school, where everyone seems to have forgotten her errors and wants her to get better (This is around a few days before Prom).

She eventually gets to sit down and talk to Anna, who's largely out of sorts. Anna admits to her that she kinda of knew Jack didn't really like her as much. They talk a bit, laugh a bit, and they don't really hate each other anymore. Elsa reassures her that she'll find someone who like her the way she deserves. After they part, Anna starts sort of crying again, to which Kristoff finds her and gives her a bottle water for hydration and a large box of tissues, and a plastic bag to throw her tissues.

A: (stares at items) So you just carry these with you wherever you go.

K: (stares at items too, then gestures to coat) I have a lot of space in my pockets. (He removes box of carrots from his pocket) Carrot?

A: (stares at carrots, before shrugging) Okay, why not.

On Prom Night, while Jack comes down to school to help North with toy painting, only to find that North has let him off and that his help was no longer needed. He's told to go to Prom, which is at a hotel.

Jack tears away and starts running away (like a maniac) while North chuckles to himself.

Because he has no Prom clothes, He calls for Kristoff's help(but he's not available —see later down the paragraph). He calls for Bunny, and Bunny is extremely reluctant.

And then he calls for Anna. And she comes riding down on a bike to rescue him. They run to the boutique to get the shirt and bargain like crazy with the owner who is just about to close shop, and wants to go home to watch TV. Before they go in together, Jack explains to Anna that he reminds her of his sister, and they hug and Anna gets into the Prom as Jack's date. They get in while the party is crazy and insane and all those stupid teenage things. Kristoff is apparently performing a solo act on stage with an electic guitar, complete with reindeer sweater and the lack of shame. (REINDEER ARE BETTER THAN PEOPLE! NANANA! REINDEERS!)

However, at one part, apparent, Elsa comes up with a guitar and sings 'Falling in Love with You', and asks Jack to be her Prom date. Anna thinks its wonderful and urges him to say yes, but Jack snaps and runs off.

Chapter 14:

Elsa POV: Elsa goes and chases after him, and they end up sitting by a lake. Jack tells Elsa about his accident.

Flashback to how Jack met her while he was in the children's hospital and Elsa used read him stories during recover. She was serious little kid but she made sense in a world that didn't make sense.

Back in the present, Jack comes to a conclusion that it's completely stupid to like some girl because she happens to pretty and related to a traumatic incident in his life and yeah. Elsa tells him that it's also ridiculous to like a boy just because he's annoying and persistent and makes her smile. She asks him to Prom this time, and he gives her the three conditions that she gave him last time. They smile.

They go back in time to hear the announcement for Prom Queen, in which… Merida wins. The girl is both pleased and mortified. For Prom King, Bunnymund wins, only that the announcer reads 'Elvis. Is there an Elvis in this place?"

Bunnymund flees while Jack is cackling like crazy.


Elsa is driving from the hospital and goes to pick Jack up from where his workplace, which is a school for special needs kids because he apparently did graduate through college(cameo Jamie. Sandy, who is now Jack's co-worker). Elsa's totally a doctor in the emergency department, and her cool demeanour even under duress continues to terrify her co-workers. Both of them are happily married and own a dog called Marshmallow.

They both discuss the email they got for a ten year reunion at their high school, and discuss what happened to everyone else:

Tooth and Bunnymund married, after Bunnymund legally changed him name from Elvis to Enoch. Jack doesn't think it's an improvement.

Hans did eventually go an exchange programme in college and begin dating a Dutch viscountess, only to end up running away with her much wealthier cousin, who was already married.

E: How do you know all this?

J: We still Facebook each other sometimes. It's a weird kind of frenemy thing we have.

Merida ended up being the first of them to settle with the 'dude with crazy hair and with teeth like a woodpecker'.

Anna was currently on holiday with her boyfriend, Kristoff, to Alaska, where Jack lets out that Kristoff going to propose to her there.

Pitch was currently at large, having escaped jail and gone on to become involved in some kind of crime syndicate.

North had retired from his job as a principal and went to establish a large charity organization for orphans.

And they lived happily ever after.

Until the water coolers of the world ganged up and finally took over the world. But that's another story.


(When Jack Frost Asks Part 5)

A/N on

This started as a supposed one shot when I was in hard time in college, so it was light and quirky in response to my own emotional turmoil. Eventually, by the grace of God, when the season passed and I was handling school better, I no longer needed the story. I did try to continue for a bit, but writing it brought back memories of that time and I didn't really enjoy.

Also, because of that time, I had started on 'The Immortal Haemovore's Cookbook', which had the high school element, plus all the fantasy elements that I love.

So yeah, this story was a fun little experiment, and at the time that I wrote most of it, I did like it. It has a lot of issues though, so ...yeah.

Glad that some of you guys did like this anyways.
