Spring Festival- Part One
Characters (c) Nintendo and Intelligent Systems
Story (c) Me (Imaginativegoody2shoes)
"Erm, Frederick?" Chrom started slowly cautious of his wording so as not to offend his loyal and most trusted guard and ally. "Do you...think this training session is a bit...excessive?" Frederick had arched an incredulous eyebrow at his lord as he turned towards him. His back was straight hands behind him in the same stance he always stood no matter who he was conversing with. Why would Chrom ask such a peculiar question? It was not like Chrom to ever doubt his training nor even question it for that matter. The knight looked out into the field momentarily to take in the scene of the Shepards before returning back to the prince. His brow furrowed into a deep scowl. "Whatever do you mean, milord?" asked Frederick his hard expression obliviously troubled. Chrom exhaled deeply. He had expected that sort of answer from the man. "I mean," the blune gestured his hand towards the field as if his previous point should have been obvious, "look at them, Frederick! You are running them thin. I think they need at least a break. Perhaps for just today."
"I did give them a break," argued Frederick concerned lines crossing along his forehead. "But we mustn't dally, milord," he added. "If we don't train ourselves, we may as well lay down our swords and surrender and I'll be damned before I even do such a deed much less get you and milady in harm's way! I already allowed that with lady Emmeryn...And I shan't let it happen again on my watch."
Once again, Chrom looked out towards the field. He knew all too well how his knight felt. The guilt of his sister's death all lied heavily in everyone's chest. He vowed as well to get revenge for his sister and also protect his own kingdom from the hands of Gangrel, but still...
His eyes fell onto Sully who was doing vigorous pushups with Stahl next to her who was huffing out in breathless wheezes. They both soon rose up from the ground and Stahl sluggishly sauntering behind Sully who called out to the caviler to hurry his "arse up". Behind the two were Donnel, Gaius, and Varion all trotting hastily to catch up. Chrom turned his eyes back onto Frederick who had moved away shouting out commands. Chrom followed the man's footsteps. "I know Frederick," resumed Chrom, "but have you not been training since dawn?"
"I train every day at dawn unless otherwise," Frederick replied. He then growled baring his teeth. "Varion!" He bellowed. "Get back into your training!" The sound of Varion's curses flitted across the field. "Every day?" Chrom said flabbergasted. "What about your chores? Don't you usually do those first?"
"I do, but Cordelia finished them today before I even could..." Chrom noted the disappointment in his tone. He inclined his chin. "Ah," was his only response. He was not sure how to respond since hearing the news was none too surprising. Cordelia was the only one who could match up to Fredick's level when it came to the many chores in their clan. Lately, she managed to beat him at most everything which he knew was beginning to take its toll on the knight. Chrom cleared his throat loudly. "Well, I have been watching everyone all morning-!"
Frederick interrupted the man, "That reminds me, milord, did you come out here earlier to train? While patrolling the camp, I noticed your tent was empty." Chrom nodded. "Yes, I did. With-Wait. Frederick, do not change the subject!"
"I did not change the subject," stated Frederick factly, "I was merely asking a simple question." Chrom groaned. He loved and cared for Frederick. Frederick was not only his appointed knight, and his most trustworthy friend. However, he was also loitering stewardess as Maribelle would put it always catering to his and Lissa's needs before even himself. As much as the knight was frantic on their behalf, Chrom was appalled the man had yet to catch some kind of plague. Stress was never a healthy vital to the human body, and only one could take so much for so long.
In other words, this man could drive him mad!
"Look, Frederick," Chrom sighed. Frederick tilted his head slightly. "All I am saying is, I think you should let them relax for once. For an entire week, you have been working them to the bone, as well as yourself and more since...Emmeryn." A bitter taste was left in his mouth when the name of his sister slipped from his tongue and his heart grew heavy. "Kick up your feet for once. Wouldn't you enjoy spending time with Sumia too? She has been worried about you." Frederick pondered on the exalt's words. "I suppose," Frederick murmured. He cast a worried glance at Chrom. "But what of-!"
"The war?" Chrom finished with a warm grin. He then nodded. "Yes, of course," he said, "I have not forgotten. I just believe that we deserve a break every now and then. Besides, you also deserve it too. You work the hardest out of everyone. So, look at this as a gift from a friend. Or...I guess a favor," Chrom chuckled wearily. "So, will you do that? Will you take the day off and just relax for once?" Frederick was silent. Chrom read his uneased expression and he added, "tonight is the Spring Festival. Maybe you should take Sumia there. I know she would love that." Still, Frederick looked unsure. Several minutes passed, Chrom coming up with many excuses for the knight. He began to run out of options. It was at this point Chrom feared he would have to command the knight to buckle down for once, but even then he knew that could backfire on him. Chrom sighed once again. He really had no choice. There was only one negotiation left to kick the man out of this field for once. "Frederick-!"
Chrom looked up at Frederick. Frederick nodded. "After one last lap, I will call it day," he said. "When does this festival start?"
Chrom balked. He actually took his advice?! "T-This evening, I believe," he answered. Frederick nodded. "Understood. Many thanks, Milord. I will see you this evening." And with that, the man was gone. He stalked over to the training field where he exclaimed for them to cease. On cue, the shepherds all toppled on one another, Donnel being at the bottom and Gaius at the top. After Frederick's brief announcement, cheers and hoots rang along with relieved laughter.
Chrom smiled at the sight, not even noticing a female figure sauntering towards him feet planted firmly by his side. "Wow," their voice said, "I am very surprised you were able to persuade him." Chrom jolted with a yelp. His head snapped towards the stranger.
Robin did not turn to him. Instead, she kept her calm, but amused gaze on the field. Her brown hair was held up into a messy bun, strands hanging around her face and cupping her jaw. She wore her white knitted camisole and white linen pants with her usual dusty brown boots and matching colored gloves. It felt kind of odd to see Robin without her large coat around the small of her shoulders. The tactician hardly ever left without her coat. It was practically glued to her. Robin wiped at the sweat that glistened her collarbone grimacing as she did. Chrom swallowed heavily and shakily said, "w-well it didn't take much of negotiation this time...I guess he was in a rather good mood today to listen." Robin nodded this time rubbing at her brow. "Well, either way, I do appreciate it," she sighed blearily and closed her eyes. There was a slight pause between the two, the prince staring at the tactician and studying her, and Robin still remaining with her lids closed as if she had fallen asleep. When she spoke again, Chrom jumped. As silent, as she was, he was almost convinced she had fallen asleep. "So, what is this about a Festival?"
Despite himself, Chrom let out a teasing grin. "Have you been eavesdropping?" He inquired. Robin chuckled. She placed her hands on her hips and turned to Chrom. "What kind of a tactician would I be if I didn't know the whereabouts of my captain?"
"So, you were eavesdropping and stalking?"
"Not stalking," Robin corrected waving a finger, "eavesdropping I will accept. I was out here training anyway. I just barely snuck away from the group when I heard you and Frederick's conversation. I am shocked he did not notice. He has eyes of a hawk!" Chrom laughed. "That he does," he agreed. Robin hummed in response. She reached up and pulled her hair out of it's hold. Curled locks feathered around her pale shoulders like webs. They fell down her back and around her face clawing at her skin as she continued to dust herself off. For some reason, Chrom found himself watching in awe, jaw dropped and blue eyes filled with astonishment. As if just noticing his presence, Robin turned to the young prince once more dropping her heavy limbs by her side. He noticed her outfit shifted when she did, revealing more of her skin to him. "So, what's this about a festival?" She repeated. He almost didn't catch her query. Chrom shut his mouth closed shaking his head jarring him from his trance. "It's just some Spring Festival the town is throwing," he explained rubbing the back of his neck. He smiled, chuckling airily. "I convinced Frederick to give the others some time off and relax for once."
"Ah, I see."
There was an awkward silence.
"...Are...you planning to go, Robin?"
"I'm considering it," answered Robin honestly. She swayed in her spot, pursing her lips and brow furrowed into a single line, a usual sign that the woman was pondering heavily. Chrom replied slowly, "you should go. I was planning on taking Lissa." Robin's pinched expression relaxed, but her lips still remained pushed out. "I've been really busy as of late," she said. "I would love to go with you and the others but...-"
Chrom grinned. "Don't tell me you are like Frederick who can't afford any distractions?" Robin snorted. "Oh god's no. None of that, but I am a tactician. I still need to review battle histories, while also planning strategies and..." Robin counted on her fingers. She stopped, looked up at Chrom, and she sent a misshapen smile. "You get the rest," she added. She dropped her hand back to her side. Chrom inclined his chin in understanding. "You should really relax a bit, however," he said, careful with his word choice. He already knew how driven Robin could be at certain times when it came to her abilities. Not to mention, she was a bit of a bookworm much like Mirel. He would always catch them having complex conversations in regard to certain books and tomes. Often times, he even found Miriel studying with her, which at times were odd, as the woman usually spent time alone. The only one that was ever really comfortable hanging out with her, much less teasing, was Vaike himself. Chrom continued, "Even experienced soldiers rest when they can." Robin chuckled blearily. She appeared tired under the eyes all of a sudden. "I understand that. We barely even had time to eat. I had to sneak some of Maribelle's tea and Sumia's pie just to get in a bite...Maribelle wasn't too happy with me when she found me hovered behind some tree."
Chrom laughed through his nose. "It's been a tough road and it's only going to get harder."
Robin nodded. "That for sure," she replied. She brushed a strand of her hair out of her face in annoyance. The lock only fell back into place. "I do try to rest when I can, though," she added with a lopsided smirk. "A lady needs her beauty sleep after all."
Chrom grew unnaturally silent.
Robin blinked at him. "What? Did I say something wrong?" she asked. Chrom shook his head. His eyes were wide and lips tightly pressed together as he studied her closely. His expression was blank, but a grimace made it's way into his wrinkled nose. "No...It's nothing..." He hesitated. "Just that..." His voice faltered.
Robin lifted an arched eyebrow. "It's what?" She demanded slowly. Chrom waved a hand. "I-it's nothing, Robin! I swear on my life," he exclaimed. "I just never thought you cared about beauty and such. I never really perceived you as a lady per say."
Robin stared stupidly at the man. Chrom recoiled from under her burning gaze and he felt his cheeks slowly blooming with dreaded heat. He licked his lips, opening his mouth to amend his words to avoid being struck, but Robin had beat him to the punch. "In any case," she interrupted the prince crossing her arms still glaring at the man. Her hazel eyes never left his, piercing his skull. If looks could kill, Chrom knew he would have already ended up in flames...Not that she couldn't have anyway. After all, she was a magician as well. He swallowed heavily at the thought. "I'll think about it," Robin said. She heaved a deep sigh and smiled. "I better head back before Frederick has my head. I'll see you later, Chrom." Before Chrom could bid the woman farewell, Robin had already stomped away. He heard her curse "what a dimwit" as she carried off.
Chrom watched guilt clawing at his chest and he groaned. He didn't notice Kallem who approached him from behind with a straight face as he cursed under his breath mentally slapping himself for making his closest friend cross with him. "Wow," Kallem commented strangely sympathetic, but also amused, "you are really bad at talking to women."
Chrom screamed, just now noticing the man who looked shocked and saddened by Chrom's reaction. "...Did I say something?" Kellam murmured under his breath.
A/N: Not gonna lie. I struggled so goddamn hard with this one for freaking months lol. I got rusty :S Also as always: sorry for the wait. Still going through some things and working on original works XD Life never stops for anything. Anyway, This was going to be waaaay longer and a second part was going to be added to this to make it one full story (or one-shot). However, I was thinking about it and I believed I made people wait long enough lol. So, this is a two-part one-shot instead. The second part is almost done. I just need to finish the ending, then edit...edit again, have a peer edit, etc. So, hopefully that will be done by say...next week? I am giving myself that goal anyway.
It is also set before they get married or anything! ...And yes I added their support A convo but changed it a bit to where Robin doesn't flip out lol and it's set a little bit after she-who-shall-not be-named died lol. Whether or not it's after the war or somewhere between the time span before the war is up to you guys as I never mentioned it lol. I changed the timeline a bit. If it sounds a little backwards...eh sorry about that. It wasn't the main focus anyway. Hope you guys enjoyed this one as well! CX
Btw, I managed to get my hands on the old Fire Emblem games like: Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, and Path of Radiance and I have been playing them as of late (right now I am working on Sacred Stones ;P) And ohhhhhh my loooooorrrdddd I love them! Fire Emblem is the best lol. I'm playing them all in order and the last one I have is Three Houses which I already have started a tiny bit on and am loving it so far as well, so maybe I will get out some fics on them in the meantime if the inspiration ever strikes me for any one of them :3 See y'all later!
Now to thank my new followers/favers: Neo Gem Rose, Shadows-Of-Captivity, Lady Rini, ponieslover88, Thirtyk94, Natusmi2112, D-rex102, Krishna Yamilet Gaete Francois1030, tl34lt12, Quip Scarlet and TheKwingDoctor. (If I had forgotten to add you, let me know so I can :3 Thanks for the support guys!)