They watch as Asgard is blown to pieces. The rock creature, Korg, lightening the mood with accidental comedy.

"What have I done?" Thor asks quietly, seeing his home fall to ruin before him.

"You saved us from extinction. Asgard is not a place, it's a people," Heimdall tells him, earning a small nod of thanks.

Amnesia sets a hand on Thor's shoulder giving him some calm pulses of soothing energy. He reaches a hand up and covers hers in a silent thank you.

"You should clean up your eye," Amnesia says a few minutes later after everyone started to get organized and those needing medical attention were getting it. He pauses and nods gruffly then goes off to find a place to get some isolation. Amnesia watches him go, his sadness reflected on her. She looks down at the stone in her hand, her own powerful creation and she looks up when she feels Heimdall's gaze on her.

"He's coming, isn't he?" Amnesia asks him. "Thanos," she elaborates after a moment. "It's like it knows," she adds looking at the stone in her hand.

"It's hard to say. He evades my sights better than even Loki. Speaking of," he says nodding to the green dressed god walking towards them. Amnesia walks a few steps to meet him and guided by instinct, gives him a hug.

Loki tenses up, his hands raised in surprise. He's about to pat her back out of sheer awkwardness before Amnesia unwillingly picking up an extreme energy signal coming from him that she assumes to be the tesseract. "You fucking moron," she seethes before taking a deep breath and calming down. "You should have let it get destroyed," she murmurs meeting his eyes and he attempts to remain aloof. They trade another round of nonverbal spars before he speaks attempting now to calm her.

"It would have survived. At least you know where it is," he counters challenging her to raise a voice to the matter right now. "It will be fine. I currently have no devious plans as of the moment believe it or not. I'm actually in mourning," he adds when he sees the worry in her eyes.

"I trust you at the moment, and I think you have the best shot at keeping it safe for the time being. But-"

"But nothing. It will be safe with me. I have a plan. Everything will turn out according to it," Loki says interrupting her.

"Hopefully not your plan though. Thor said that your rule of Asgard was isolationism and theater. We all know how that turned out," Amnesia says and Loki gives her a pointed glare. "We'll continue this later, go talk to your brother."

"We are all going to die," she says quietly when she rejoins Heimdall and Brynhildr. Heimdall just chuckles lowly and makes no intention to disagree.

Her lips straighten into a line and she goes off to help bandage people up and give them some pain killers using her very particular skill set. She's helping an older women when she sees Thor out of the corner of her eye. He pauses until she turns and gives him her full attention and he just nods back towards the front. She nods in return and finishes up with the old woman before weaving through the crowd to the front and joining them as Thor sits down in the "throne."

"So, King of Asgard, where to?" Heimdall asks and Amnesia smiles, noticing the great golden sword he still carries.

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions?"

"I'd say Earth but I'm afraid they might not like your brother so much," Amnesia says hoping that's where they'll go because she misses her soldier. Thor nods, taking it into consideration and favoring the option himself.

"Miek, where are you from?" Thor asks turning to Korg and the other creature the rock man is holding.

"Oh," Korg begins. "Miek's dead. Yeah no, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty, I've been carrying him around all day," he says and Amnesia frowns, a very similar reaction to those around her until Miek stirs to life. "Oh Miek you're alive! He's alive guys. What was your question again, bro?" Korg says excitedly and Amnesia smiles a bit turning back to Thor to see him already looking at her.

"Earth it is," he says, matching her smile. She goes back to helping people and Thor retreats back to the room he claimed as everyone else goes their separate ways now that there's a plan.

Loki follows Thor intent on finishing the "should Loki go back to Earth" discussion that Amnesia posed.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asks immediately.

"Yes, of course. The people of Earth love me. I'm very popular."

"Even though the girl you're pining after's boyfriend is there? You're reuniting them. Quite charitable."

"I'm not pining after anyone. Amnesia's a friend," Thor says pretending he wasn't thinking about it. She was unlike his tastes. The girl was nothing like Jane, and he had liked Jane a great deal before they had broken up with each other. Even before then, he had always gone for more...simple... women. He loved a woman that could hold her own in battle, but he still liked feeling needed. Amnesia was a completely different breed, an incredible mixture of deadly and innocent.

"You're a horrible liar, brother, I've seen the way you look at her."

"Earth is the right choice, trust me brother," Thor says electing to ignore him. There's a knock on the door and he yells for them to enter and the boys see Amnesia walk in.

"Let me rephrase it then. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?" Loki asks trying to get an argument started because his guess is that Amnesia is here to tell Thor about the cube he lifted from the vault.

"Probably not, to be honest," Thor replies.

"It will be fine, we will keep you away from Stark, and I've got politicians that annoy me so I'll put you in a room with them and solve all the problems in the world," Amnesia answers while estimating how quickly Loki would break out of the raft prison. "Nick Fury is no longer in charge of Shield, and there isn't a suitable place to imprison you. Nothing that would keep you down at least. Your only worry should be execution, and that order would fall on Tony. He'd have no qualms though, don't get me wrong."

"I wouldn't worry, brother. I feel like everything is gonna work out fine," he says giving Amnesia a small smile that she matches to reassure him.

Both disappear though, as a gigantic ship appears in front of them. Amnesia holds her stone tightly, spares Loki a glance that he meets, then her eyes go stone grey.

"He lets half live," Loki says frantically, coming up with the loose details of a plan so he can stitch them together in the future.

"Get as many to safety you can," Thor says nodding to Amnesia before running off with Loki to do who knows what. Amnesia rolls her shoulders back and follows then starts with the back end of the great room herding as many possible into a smaller section of the ship. The Valkyrie joins her and Amnesia instructs her to take over as the first shots connect and the blast knocks Amnesia over.

"Get as many people into the cargo hold, I'm going to turn it into something you can pilot," Amnesia commands realizing they've got the ship they crashed into the rainbow bridge connected. She attached the cargo hold to the multi colored ship to give Brynhildr something to drive and quickly built a remote attached to another explosive that she really hoped would work, if it did work, it would disconnect the cargo hold from the rest of the ship, and give them a head start. She passes it off when she sees the other girl and sends the message and directions using the first method of communication she used after leaving that Hydra base. She squeezed the stone in her hand, and before Brynhildr realized her plan, had disappeared, knowing the warrior would do her duty and save as many as she could.

Amnesia appeared back at the great hall and helped funnel people away and into the makeshift life boat. Two thirds of the civilians had made it on before the first of Thanos's minions appeared, and the first minion was soon followed by a second, then the third, and finally the fourth.

It was the third that realized the silver haired girl was a threat. He wore weird robes, and Amnesia presumed him to be the youngest. He threw his spear at her back, only for it to fall to the ground and clatter a few yards away from her. Amnesia turned at the sound and quickly surveyed the new arrivals. She saw Heimdall engaged with one and he caught her eyes and nodded. She saw a little boy with brilliant white eyes that reminded her of herself and even caused her to pause in alarm very briefly. She couldn't save them all, much less the little boy and it pushed an emotionless mask onto her face so she could do what needed to be done. Amnesia pushed a pair of civilians past the door and sealed away the Asgardians in the cargo unit and doomed the rest to deal with Thanos on their own before messing with a control panel in the wall, catching an older man guarding her from minion number three as he stalked toward her.

He barreled through everyone that came at him, his path straight and his gait leisurely. Amnesia met his eyes and swallowed her fear. She knew that she wouldn't be able to take him in hand to hand combat, but she also knew that it would be better if Thanos didn't know about the stone in her hand, so that was her only option. She calculated her odds and an idea popped into her head as she started walking towards the alien in the hood, she tripped. She fell and caught herself with her hands and sent him a smirk she learned from Loki as she sent him to the ground knocked out, unfortunately that came with the several other civilians in the area, also being knocked out. Better knocked out than dead though.

She hopped to her feet and got to him, she took the last minute from his mind and kicked him in the head for good measure as Thor yelled a warning. She darted away as a blue woman swung a spear at the place she just was. Amnesia's eyes kept flickering between her high energy glowing white and the grey of the Grim stone as she actively fought off using it. That's what did her in. She fought and managed to hold her own for the most part, or at least not get hit, but her mind was too occupied to realize that her first opponent was already coming to his senses.

Heimdall joined the fray in time to take an injuring blow and in turn save Amnesia from a fatal one. She cried out, and then the blue lady got lucky, her spear hitting Amnesia in the hip. Amnesia fell and released her pent up energy into the spear and sent the woman flying. Breathing heavily, Amnesia pulled the spear from her side and then used it to stand up. She glanced at the stone on her wrist and then up at the battle still raging on. They were losing.

She felt a hand on her wrist and looked down to see the little boy with the white eyes. His skin was pale, and his curly brown hair was in a frizzy mess but he looked at her like he knew her. He smiled at her. It was something he shouldn't have been able to do given their current circumstances yet he did.

"I'm sorry kid," she replies, and then, using the spear to keep her balance, fumbles the remote to the explosives from her pocket and looks out the window towards Thanos's ship and presses the button, ensuring their current ship is unsalvageable but pushing the other ship to safety. She looks back to him with a saddened expression because she knows he won't survive this.

"I will remain true to my cause and observe all that occurs, from the beginning to always, I will be known as the watcher," he says serenely, peace taking over his cherubic face in an attempt to comfort her. Then, his expression changes to one of a fierce warrior, and he tackles Amnesia to the ground, purposefully lands on the spear in her hand, and impales himself.

She stays on her back, stares into the glowing white eyes of a child, and weeps for she knew, somehow, the child belonged to her.

AN: Hey guys, bet you thought you had seen the last of this story but fear not I actually started writing it again because I came up with new ideas and such.

Who's ready to be hurt by Endgame?

Please leave a review and know that this is, sadly the end for now, the next part should be out around the summer so keep your eyes open. Until then, please review (I love reading your thoughts and it never bothers me) follow/favorite and thank you so much for reading.