Callie woke with a cold rag on her head and soothing voices lulling in the background. She couldn't make out what they were saying but their presents alone were soothing.
It suddenly dawned on her that she didn't remember going to sleep and she didn't know why Stef and Lena were by her bedside as she woke up.
She slowly cracked her eyes open trying to adjust them to the lamplight on her bedside table. "Momma?"
"Oh Callie!" Lena whispered but her tone gave off a sense of relief. Almost like she had been holding her breath the whole time Callie was sleeping. "How are you feeling sweetie?"
Callie practically ignored the question, answering it with one of her own.
"I don't….I…what happened? Why are you in my room?"
Callie began to raise herself from the bed, knocking the rag from her forehead.
Stef put a hand on Callie's shoulder and gently pushed her back down. "No no no Callie you need to lie down." She tucked a piece of hair behind Callie's ear, hoping to sooth her ailing daughter.
"It's ok Cal, you're sick and stood up to fast and passed out. Don't worry ok, Momma and I are going to take good care of you." Lena removed the now warm rag and checked Callie's temperature with a kiss.
Now that the fog had lifted from sleep, Callie could see how much worry her illness has caused her moms' and felt extremely guilty. She didn't know if it was the fever or the exhaustion but tears started to stream down her face and she felt like there was something caught in her throat.
"I am so…sor…ry." Callie choked out before she turned her back to Lena and Stef, hiding her face in her pillow. Callie had worked herself up so much that her mom's soothing words were not enough to calm her down. So Stef and Lena squeezed themselves on both sides of the girl, surrounding her in momma snuggles.
The mom's were glad they sent Marianna into their room for the night. The last thing they needed was another grumpy teenager in the morning.
Callie eventually wore herself down and fell asleep for the night.
Lena placed her hand on the girl's forehead. "She's still burning up. What are we going to do? I've never seen her like this. Callie never complains about anything. We have to force her to tell us when she's hurt or sick."
Stef saw how panicked her wife was becoming. She didn't like seeing her children sick or hurting either but both of them freaking out wouldn't do anybody any good.
"Hunny, everything is going to be fine I promise. We'll keep an eye on her tonight and in the morning if there's no change we will take her to the hospital."
"But what if it's something serious and she…she" Lena got choked up and couldn't finish her thought. Stef reached across her sleeping daughter and grabbed ahold of her beautiful wife's hand.
"Lena, we just got Callie to calm down enough to fall asleep. Do you really want to wake her just to drag her to some emergency room and risk her breaking down again."
"No." Lena said quietly.
"Ok then how about you go sleep on Mari's bed and I keep an eye on Callie." Stef didn't want to be squished in the corner of her daughter's bed all knight but she was pretty sure Callie wouldn't allow her to get up anyways.
"Are you sure I can.."
Stef interrupted Lena, "I'm sure. I love you."
Lena got up and leaned over Callie to kiss Stef goodnight. "I love you too. Goodnight."