A/N: Hi folks! Sorry real life has immobilized me. I know it has been roughly six months since the last chapter. I can only apologize for not posting sooner... But I can say that the likes and follows do push me to keep writing when I feel like I can't! Thanks to you who take time to comment after each post. **Hearts and Flowers**

Chapter 30

Christian POV

The nurse came with the dinner tray and I see Ana glancing at her watch. The few hours she has been here flew by so quickly.

"I should get going and let you eat in peace," Ana says passively as I take the lid off the tray. Mentally I smirk knowing that she doesn't sound like she truly wants to leave. I like this. A lot… I groan at the tray before me. I'm still eating a diet of pureed foods: mashed potato, chicken, Jello, and tea. Hardly appetizing.

Ana stands to grab her bag. "Please, please don't go," I beg. She can't go. Not yet.

Ana sighs and nods at my tray. "Okay, How about I head down to the cafeteria to get something to eat while you have this… fine looking meal, and I will be back as soon as I can."

Her words conciliate me. Even thought I know she must be hungry by now I am greedy for making her stay.


I head to the elevators and press the button. I open my phone and read the text messages. All but one was from Kate.

Where are you!?

Called your house. Your dad answered. He sounded mad.

I can't find José either. Are you together?

Call me as soon as you can.

And one from Ray:

I think it best you come home. Now.

I flip the phone closed and enter the elevator, filling in the space the other passengers cleared for me. I stretch and roll my head and stare up at the ceiling panels. I am a bit achy from snuggling with Christian on his bed, but in all honestly, the aches are not unmanageable and I would not hesitate to do it again.

The hospital cafeteria at suppertime offered little in fresh options so I managed to grab a boxed salad and bun. I reread the messages and dial Kate's number.

"Jesus Ana! I've been looking for you all day. You weren't at school. Called José but there was no answer. Then I called your house and Ray answered. He was not impressed and he asked if you were with me! Where are you?" Kate was bordering on genuine fear and frustration.

"Kate, calm down. I am at the hospital visiting Christian. I don't know when I'm leaving here but I need to see you." I hooked my cell phone between my collarbone and my ear. I squeeze the tube of salad dressing on my salad and stir it with the fork. "Actually, can you come pick me up here in an hour? Its better I talk to you in person."

Next is the harder step: calling Ray.

Ray picks up the call immediately. Before he can start with his probable yelling I jump in. The best offence is a good defence. "Ray, don't freak out. I'm at the hospital. I'm fine. I'm visiting the friend I mentioned." Ray is quiet and I know he wants to choose his words wisely.

"Ana, you went through hell yesterday and you what—you go traipsing to the hospital?" His words are firm but luckily he is not screaming. "Ana, I think it best you come home. Now," he says with finality.

"I am coming home soon. Kate is picking me up and she will be visiting for a while. So, can I trust you to behave yourself and not punish me until after she leaves?" I am surprised by my brazenness.

I can almost hear Ray shaking his head at my audacity. "I'll be waiting."

Crap. Crap. Crap… How could I ever think that I could sneak out of the house today and not have him find out…

X x X

My meal finished I make my way hack to Christian's room. I know he begged me to stay, but with Ray being so upset and the importance of what I need to discuss with Kate, I will have to tell him that I need to head out. The elevator door opens and I step out, only to see a familiar woman disappear into the one beside mine.

Christian pushes his bed tray to make room for me. He's looking better, considering all of his injuries. He stretches his good hand out toward me. I take it and ease up on the bed beside him. "I'm sorry Christian, but I have to leave soon. Ray and I spoke and he is not happy I'm out, especially since I got banged up yesterday."

He looks crestfallen, but I think he can understand Ray's point of view. I highly doubt he would want his daughter to sneak out after being hurt. Oh my god, if he had a daughter…

"I understand, Ana. You have spoiled me by coming in today—against your better judgement I might add," He smiles. There is no anger in his words, only teasing. "I'm sure you must be getting sore. Did you have meds?"

"Yeah, I do. Antibiotics and Tylenol 3." I shake my bag and there is the tell-tale sound of pills jingling in their containers. "Kate should be here by now so I really must go." I lean in and kiss his forehead. He pulls away gently and lowers me to his mouth. His kiss is firm, but not enough to reopen the cut on my lip. It should be criminal that he kisses so well. I don't want to stop. But I manage to. "I don't know if I can visit tomorrow but I can call you—or you can call me." I fish his phone out of the bedside cupboard and type my number to store in contacts. "There! No excuses now." I give him one final kiss and leave before I lose my resolve.

Kate is pulling into the patient pick up entrance. Perfect timing. I jump in and fasten my seatbelt.

"So how is Christ—" She gasps as she takes in the marks on my face. "What in the hell happened to you?"

"I'll tell you everything when we get to my house." I lift my hand to move my hair to cover my face and decide that it's futile and pointless now that she's seen them.

We arrive at my house and face the awkwardness of Ray's stiff politeness. Luckily it was short lived as we head upstairs to my room.

"Okay Steele, start talking." Kate pushes the pillow aside and sits. I join her and scoot to the wall.

"Kate, I don't know where to start. I really don't. There are things about me, things about Christian and things about José." I grab the pillow and clutch it like a safety net.

"Well, then, start with yesterday. You went off with José after school."

I inhale and squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears which are fighting to come. "José is not what he seems. He did this to me." I point to my face and make a swish motion. For a moment I am awed at her composure.

"I went to his house yesterday. When you said that we should visit Christian after school I got anxious and jumped at the chance to go get homework that José said he collected for me.

"Things became tense. He became possessive and creepy. His home phone rang so when he went downstairs to answer it I wanted to make my way out of his bedroom. Instead I went to another room which was a make shift darkroom. He had pictures Kate. They were mostly of me and some of the outside of my house. Many I never knew he took. He was stalking me.

"I didn't hear him come back up the stairs. He came in and shut me in the room with him. He babbled on about his display and how exquisite the photos were. He knows! He saw Christian and me at the dance. I mean, we were there together, but we split up and I was with Christian in the coatroom. That got him so mad. He shouted nonsense about how it was supposed to be me with him that night. The drink! I almost forgot. It was José who spiked it. Most of it spilled out and you drank the rest. He meant to drug me Kate.

"He ranted about the date with Jack and seeing me with Christian. He said that I was his and nobody else's. I begged him to let me go and that Ray was waiting for me. He dragged me back to his bedroom and threw me on the bed. Then there was my clothes tearing, biting on my neck and collarbone and of course the punches to my face.

"It seemed like forever Kate. José's dad arrived and pulled him off me. He subdued him and locked him in the other room. Kate he is obsessed with me. But this isn't the first time he's had an obsession with someone. Back when he lived in Florida he stalked another girl. Luckily she fared better than I did and she and her family moved away and kept the matter quiet.

"When it was over we went downstairs and called Ray and the police."

I look over at Kate. Her face was ashen and a single tear rolled down her cheek. In some sense I knew she be relieved about knowing who drugged us.

"Mr. Rodriguez said that José was institutionalized for a year. That is where José is now. The police took him away in cuffs to get him admitted. I went to the hospital to get examined and to have a rape test kit performed."

"I don't know what to say Ana. I am shocked. I can't picture José doing this." She rubs her eyes. "So what now? Are you having charges laid for the drugging and the assault? I definitely would if it were me."

"No. I'm not pressing charges. Don't look at me this way—he needs help, not jail time."

She shook her head. "Ana you can't be serious. Look at what he did to you!" Kate was near shouting. "Christian knows this too?"

I nod my head. "I pretty much told him the same thing." It was getting easier to say this all since I already got it all out with Christian.

"He is as enraged as you are, especially about me not pressing charges. He says I should not forgive José. But, it's not about forgiveness; it's about acknowledging and moving to make changes to resolve it."

"I bet if Christian wasn't trapped in that hospital bed he would do more about it. And what about your dad? He must be pissed too."

"He is. But what can he do? He only wants what is best for me, even if it is to move on and not press charges." I grab her hand and squeeze it. "After all of this I told you, this isn't even the worst thing to have happened to me."

"I came here to stay with Ray to escape my mother and her current husband. Ray is not my biological dad, but he raised me as a baby and I love him.

"I won't go over all the details, but in a nutshell her husband abused drugs and alcohol, and more so, abused me. My mother stood by powerless or was indifferent to his abuse. She feared him so much that his lies and false comfort made her think that I was lying about it all."

I stood and pulled off my shirt. Kate looked confused at first but then saw the scars that she saw that one night before the dance. "He did this to me. He marked me. José did the rest. The bites and the bruises was all him." Kate raised her hand slowly and motioned to touch them. She waited for me to respond. I nod and close my eyes. I feel the gentlest touch, almost like tiny breeze or the tickle of hair on my scar. I open my eyes and see her tears fall as her finger tips move slowly over each one.

"I told you that night that I would tell you what happened when I was ready. You are my best friend and I'm ready now."

"I can't get over your mom not protecting you. I bet she even called you a liar for saying things against him," Kate hedged.

"Yes, she did. Once she even accused me of trying to 'seduce' him. I was so young and didn't even know what that word meant. Well things got worse; he beat the shit out of me while mom did nothing. I called Ray and he bought me a plane ticket to come here." I pulled my shirt back on.

Kate stood and embraced me. "I'm so sorry Ana, I really am. If you ever need to tell me anything—and I mean anything—I am here for you." Kate sniffled and wiped her eyes again. "I am truly honoured that you confided in me. You know you're my best friend too, right?"