Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Chapter 1: Nightmare Express
Hogwarts Express was waiting by the platform nine and three quarters at the King's Cross, about to depart. Its red and black carriages, perfectly polished, shone in the light that seeped in through the skylights in the vaulted ceilings. Thick steam erupted from the engine's chimney time and again, as though the train was getting impatient.
The platform itself was packed with Hogwarts' students, eager to be reunited with their friends, teary eyes parents and anxious first years. Most of the children had boarded the train already and either chatted with their families through the windows or fought over free places in the compartments. With every passing minute, the platform was becoming slightly less crowded, and it was a clear sign it was a time to go.
Albus Severus Potter, the first year, glanced at the clock nervously. It was nearing eleven o'clock. He bit his lower lip and stared at his parents, Harry and Ginny Potter. With dismay and shame, he felt that his green eyes started to fill with tears. With a hem of his shirt, he wiped them off quickly, hoping no one noticed. After all, he had his eleventh birthday yesterday; he was much too old for behaving like a crybaby. What if his brother James saw him now? He's tease him for the rest of the year, just like he did when Albus's trousers accidentally exploded in the middle of the Diagon Alley.
Noticing his distress, his father smiled warmly and ruffled Albus's unruly, jet black hair. "Stop worrying, Al," he told him. "Everything will be fine, I promise. You'll have a wonderful time at Hogwarts, just like I did."
Albus arched his eyebrow, giving his father a doubtful look. "Do you mean all those times when Voldemort tried to kill you?"
His father made a foolish face, clearly stunned by the question. Then, he laughed sheepishly to relieve the tension. "Well, I hope your school life won't be that eventful. There will be other adventures, safer ones, but also thrilling."
"Just stick to the quidditch, Al," Al's mother chimed in, fixing a slightly stern gaze at her younger son. She looked at the clock and tugged Al's shoulder. "Let's get you to the train." Hurriedly, she passed the cage with Draco the ferret to Al and had her husband take care of the heavy trunk with the school supplies. "Harry, help Al get it onboard the train."
Suddenly, Lily, the youngest child of the Potter family, broke in tears in the middle of the platform. Hefty tears streamed down her puffy cheeks as she dashed out to hug her brother. "We'll miss you!" she sobbed, squeezing Al's ribcage unbearably strongly before letting him go.
"I'll miss you too, Lily." Al smiled at his sister, a bit surprised by the abrupt and violent display of affection.
He gasped and scowled when his mum put her arms around him and gave him an even more crushing hug. Feeling smothered with boa-like love, he staggered back. The cage with his brand new pet swayed from side to side and Draco went on a rampage inside, hissing and making a fuss.
Next to Al, his cousin Victoire was in the middle of a very dramatic goodbye. She downright wailed, possessively clutching her boyfriend, Teddy Lupin. Her long, blonde hair billowed, moved by the unpleasant, chilly draft. Azure ribbons in her fair locks flailed like banners, perfectly matching the blue of the Ravenclaw House, she belonged to. She lifted her chin and fixed her longing gaze on her boyfriend and he returned it, staring at her sorrowfully.
Teddy Lupin, a lanky young man leaned down to press a tender kiss upon Victoire's lips. When he did so, his blonde hair instantly changed its colour to bubblegum blue; he was a metamorphmagus, just like his late mum.
Not so secretly, Al and his family hoped Teddy and Victoire to marry, the sooner the better. The Young Lupin was Harry Potter's godson and, practically, a part of the grand Weasley-Potter clan already, but marriage with Victoire would solidify it nicely. From the overly serious, mooning expressions on their faces, it looked like the wedding bells would ring soon. First, however, Victoire would have to finish the seventh, final year of Hogwarts.
"Oh, Teddy, I don't know how I'll endure a whole year without you," Victoire whispered loud enough for everyone around to hear once she broke the kiss.
Teddy cupped her cheek and smiled. "It's only a year." There was something roguishly ckeeky about the way he said that, but Victoire didn't catch on.
"Still . . ." she sighed.
A playful spark glimmered in Teddy's kind, brown eyes. "I have a surprise for you. You'll find out in the evening."
Victoire crossed her arms on her chest and cast a doubtful stare at him. "Will I like it?"
"You'll love it," Teddy promised, grinning.
Then, an ear piercing sound of the whistle For a fleeting moment, everyone went silent and Al could hear only the noise making by the magical engine of the Hogwarts Express which was ready to head for Scotland. Then, the pandemonium erupted. Parents started shouting to their children, making sure everything had been packed. Last minute gifts and hugs were exchanged through the open windows and the most dawdling students boarded the train in haste.
With her brown eyes widened, Al's mum cried out, "Quickly!"
His dad already grabbed the trunk and sprinted for the train. Clutching Draco's cage, Al ran after him, painfully aware that he was the last kid on the platform. One, last time, he looked over his shoulder at his mum and Lily who waved to him, with identical, anxious looks painting on their faces.
James Potter peeked at the platform, searching for his younger brother as he stood at the entrance to the carriage, already aboard the train. The draft played with his messy, black hair, making it look even more untidy. When he spotted his family members, his brown eyes lit and he waved his arm energetically. "Dad, here!"He reached out and grabbed Al's trunk when their dad tossed it to him.
Al found himself practically shoved into the train by his father, right after his luggage, the moment the clock struck eleven. Another whistle signal sounded, announcing the departure of the Hogwarts Express.
Al's dad reached out to squeeze his son's hand reassuringly and stepped back. He nodded with encouragement and optimism. "Remember what we talked about, son. I know you'll make me proud," he said, his last words jammed by the noise of the engine howling.
The train creaked and squeaked before it started moving, slowly rolling along the platform.
"Don't worry, I won't let you down!" Al cried out quickly and felt his heart sink when he saw his dad nod back, looking so proud and hopeful.
Suddenly, all the weight of who Al was hit him in a single moment, extinguishing his self-confidence like a strong gust of wind puts out a tiny flame. He was the son of the Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world and, most probably, the greatest wizard alive. When Al's father was his age, he faced off against Lord Voldemort, became the youngest seeker in the history of quidditch and knocked out a mountain troll. Al gulped, sitting atop his luggage. It's a lot to live up.
His dad shifted from the sight and vanished in the crowd of parents, much like mum and Lily. Before the carriage's door slammed shut on their own, he caught a glimpse of Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione, several other Weasley relatives and Teddy Lupin who kept sending kisses toward the train. Hogwarts Express accelerated and whizzed past the platform, into a long, dark tunnel. When it emerged and the daylight streamed through the windows again, it was already on the outskirts of London, rushing north.
"Worried that you'll get sorted into Slytherin?"
Al looked over his shoulder at his older brother.
James grinned roguishly and leaned in, taunting Al. Something about his playful attitude reminded of uncle George. "Don't stress it, little brother. Every family has to have a black sheep."
"Knock it off," Al grumbled, puffing his cheeks and glaring at his brother.
Shrugging, James laughed, "Imagine our cousins' reaction if you get sorted into Slytherin! Everyone would be befuddled. " He patted Al on his shoulder and turned on his heel. "I've got to go. Louis and Roxanne are holding a seat for me. Try making some new friends." He winked. "With Slytherins."
Al felt his face heat up from the surge of anger. He balled his hands into his fists and hissed through clenched teeth, "James!" When he swung to hit his thirteen-year old brother, James danced away, humming, and left Al with his heavy trunk and Draco's cage.
The ferret stretched its little limbs lazily and sprawled on the cage's bottom. He fixed his suspiciously intelligent, dark eyes on Al and let out a series of squeaks that sounded like mocking cackle.
"Zip it, Draco," the boy hushed the pet and, hauling the trunk, set off in the search for a free seat.
However, all compartments were packed. A hoard of loud teenagers was making themselves comfortable in their seats, stacking their luggage on the shelves above their heads and catching up with friends. Al passed seven compartments with only Hufflepuffs inside until he stumbled upon one that was almost empty. From the corridor, he could see just one boy sitting by the window.
There were no house colours on his robes, so he must have been a first year, like Al. Resting his elbow on a tiny counter, he gazed out the window, observing the small, midlands villages whizz by. The sharp sunlight reflected in his very fair, blonde hair that seemed to be almost white. He wore it elegantly slicked back.
Al smiled to himself, glad that he managed to find a compartment with only one passenger inside. Encouraged, he slid the door open. "Oh," a sound of dismay escaped his throat when he saw multiple trunks and suitcases taking every inch of available space. The two shelves under the ceiling were full, the seats covered with the luggage so completely that Al couldn't see the worn off plush. There was even a trunk on the floor. Other students must have left their luggage here and wandered off somewhere. Judging by the number of trunks, six, he assumed all seats were taken.
"Sorry," Al said to the blond boy. "I was looking for a free seat."
Reluctantly, the fair-haired first year turned to stare at Al, revealing a pale, pointed face. He bore a disinterested, slightly condescending expression. With his pale, grey eyes he scanned him from the top of his head to his toes, frowning. "You may sit," he said stiffly.
Al gestured at all the luggage. "But the trunks . . ."
"They're all mine." The blond boy shrugged his shoulders and went back to staring out the window.
Al pushed his way in, digging one seat from under the boy's suitcases, and plopped down. He looked about at the compartment. "Wow, that's a lot of stuff," he commented as he stacked his own trunk above his travelling companion's. He reached out toward the boy, offering him a hand to shake. "I'm Al Potter"
The blond boy glared at Al's hand as though it was a poisonous snake. He straightened his back and looked up, completely ignoring the hand extended in a friendly gesture. "Scorpius Malfoy," he introduced himself and, before Al could even react, he added threateningly, "If you're going to laugh at my name, I'll hex you."
"I wasn't going to laugh at your name!" Al exclaimed defensively, showing his hands in a non-hostile sign.
Scorpius Malfoy gave him a long, probing look. "You better," he muttered. His unfriendly gaze shifted to Draco, Al's pet ferret. "Since when ferrets are allowed as pets in Hogwarts?"
Al flashed a nervous, contrived smile and placed the cage on his lap. "My dad got a permission from the headmistress. Do you want to pet him? He's a bit ferocious and ill-tempered, but he's okay, once he warms up to you," he said and, not waiting for Scorpius Malfoy to answer, he opened the cage and dragged Draco out.
The ferret put up a fight, wriggling in Al's grip, hissing and scratching his arms. When he dumped him on Scorpius's thighs, however, Draco calmed down. Curiously, he stared at the blond boy and sprawled atop his lap belly side up.
Al felt a sting of jealousy; the ferret never acted so amiably toward him. "Draco likes you," he noted quietly.
"Draco?" Scorpius stiffened up and something changed about him. He clenched his teeth so hard that Al could see a muscle in his jaw working.
"That's his name," Al explained, confused. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, now, when Scorpius was glaring at him coldly. "What's wrong?"
The Malfoy boy grabbed Draco and unceremoniously tossed him straight at Al's face. "Here, take this ferret the heck away from me, Potter," he murmured, crossing his arms on his chest. Snarling like a slighted werewolf, he reached for a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and started stuffing them in his mouth with vengeance.
Al flinched, increasingly baffled and disheartened. So much for making new friends on Hogwarts Express. Why is Malfoy acting so hateful, though? Did I say something? I tried to be polite and friendly . . .
Malfoy stopped devouring the beans for a moment to grace Al with another, reproachful glare. He rattled the box with wizarding candy and brought it closer to his chest protectively. "Stop gawking at me, Potter. I'm not giving you any."
"I don't want them anyway." Al shrugged his shoulders.
Suddenly, the compartment's door flung open loudly. Both boys flinched, startled, and looked at the newcomer.
Already dressed in the school robes, a first year girl scoured the compartment. Her red hair was long and fizzy, impossible to tame. Actually, her freckled, round face was a very familiar one. The girl's blue eyes lit up when she spotted Al who was nestled amidst Malfoy's luggage.
"Al! There you are!" she exclaimed cheerfully, beaming a heart-warming smile at the boy. "I looked for you everywhere on the train. I started to thing you didn't board Hogwarts Express at all!" When she shifted her gaze to the other occupant of the compartment, she frowned and narrowed her blue eyes. "Scorpius Malfoy."
Malfoy smirked. "Red hair and manners of a mountain troll? You must be a Weasley."
The girl glared back and rested her hands on her hips in an ultimate, intimidating pose. Proudly, she lifted her chin and cackled villainously."Right you are! I'm Rose Granger-Weasley and I'm going to whack your buttocks in every test until the day we graduate."
Al interjected, "Rosie's my cousin."
Malfoy rolled his eyes theatrically and muttered, "How amazing." His voice oozed with disdain. The cool, mocking demeanour of his cracked a little when he saw Rosie yank his trunks off the seats and indelicately throwing them onto the floor. He flinched and jumped to his feet. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
"Moving your stuff so that I could, sit, obviously," Rosie rebutted and reached for a black, leather suitcase to clear her seat.
Malfoy's thin, pointed face flushed from rage, changing its colour from pale to almost scarlet. Suddenly, he reached to the pocket of his trousers and whipped out his wand. "Touch one more thing and I'll curse you!" He lifted his want threateningly.
Rosie glanced at it and smirked malevolently. She made no move to take out her own wand, but looked very confident. "Bring it on, Malfoy!"
Malfoy swished his wand and was about to yell an incantation when Rosie dashed out at him, unarmed. She jumped onto one of the trunks and closed the distance between them in no time, surprising the blonde boy. He never had a chance to fire a hex at her. Rosie's closed fist collided with his face, and he stumbled back until he fell back into his seat. His want flew out of his hand and tumbled onto the floor and under the seats. Rosie smirked triumphantly, but it was too early to celebrate the victory. Malfoy attacked, pulling at her frizzy hair. She yelped and started whacking him with her fists again and kicking about.
Al Potter observed the scene that was unfolding before his eyes with disbelief. "That escalated quickly."
Hi, guys! Thanks for reading. I wanted to write a Potter fanfiction for a while and here it is. Let me know if you enjoyed the first chapter and if you'd like to read more in your awesome reviews, please. How do you find Al and the other characters?
Review, please! It motivates me like nothing else.