Demigod Uchiha The Lightning Thief
Disclaimer: Naruto is the property of Masashi Kishimoto and Percy Jackson is the property of Rick Riordan. I don't own this in any way so please don't sue me.
Chapter 1: Lost Blood
My name is Percy Jackson, and for most of my life, I've been weird. I've been kicked out of every school I ever went to mostly because of accidents that I've on the bus the school bitch, Nancy Bobofit was throwing chunks of her lunch at my best friend, Grover Underwood, he was an easy target because he was weak and scrawny. I couldn't do anything about this as I probation and if anything went wrong I'd get blamed and in-school suspension would be my punishment. Nancy knew this and was taking advantage of it by going out of her way to piss me off.
"I'm gonna kill her." I said as Grover dodged another chunk of her sandwich.
"It's okay Percy, I like peanut butter." Grover said as another chunk got stuck in his hair.
"That's it." I started to get up but Grover stopped me, looking back a small part of me wishes I had caused on field trips. So when we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art I was sure that something was going to happen. Looking back on it I wish I had decked Nancy right then and there, the in-school suspension I was threatened with would be nothing compared to what I was getting myself into. When we arrived at the museum we got off the bus and we started going past Greek and Roman paintings, my Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner talked about each one and several of Nancy's friends started laughing and giggling and I eventually lost it. "Will you shut up!" that came out louder than I intended and Mr. Brunner heard me.
"Do you have something to say Mr. Jackson?" Mr. Brunner asked.
"No, sir."
"Percy, can you tell me what this picture represents?" Mr. Brunner asked
"That's Kronos eating his kids right?" Percy says
"Yes," Mr. Brunner said obviously not satisfied "And he did this because…."
"Kronos was the king of the Titans and he didn't trust his children who were the gods because his mother, Gaia, foretold that one of them would rise to overthrow him so he ate them, his wife, Rhea, hid Zeus and gave Kronos a rock instead. Years later when Zeus grew up he fed Kronos a mustard and wine cocktail which caused him to throw up Zeus' siblings, then Zeus his siblings and friendly Titans fought Kronos and his kin in the Titan War and were able to beat Kronos then, just as Gaia said, Zeus, overthrew Kronos and sliced him into a thousand pieces with his own scythe and cast his remains into Tartarus where he was to remain for all time." I recited from memory, Mr. Brunner smiled happily at my answer, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend of hers.
"Like we're going to use this in real life like it's going to say on our job applications, 'please explain why Kronos ate his kids'."
"And why, Mr. Jackson," Mr. Brunner said. "To paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?"
"Busted." Grover snickers.
"Shut up!" Nancy hissed, her face turning as red as her hair.
"I don't know sir." I responded still trying to figure out how I memorized my previous answer, then a voice spoke and said.
"You had your Sharingan active when you read that section of your textbook and those blessed eyes give photographic memory." I spun around looking for who just spoke.
"Who said that?!"
"Said what Mr. Jackson?" Mrs. Dodds asked with an evil tone in her voice, my voice turned red with embarrassment.
"Nothing, ma'am." Mr. Brunner dismissed us for lunch not long after that and Grover and I ate our lunch together while Nancy pickpocketed tourist.
"I'm really impressed Percy, that was awesome how you answered Brunner's questions." Grover said.
"I still wish I knew how I did that." Then that voice spoke again in an agitated tone.
"I already told you how you did that, don't make me repeat myself."
"Okay, who the hell are you and why am I the only one who can hear you?" This time I thought my answer when I asked it out loud the voice didn't respond. Suddenly all time froze and a man with waist-length hair and with shoulder-length bangs framing the sides of his face, covering most of his right eye appeared. Although he looked relatively young, he had prominent creases under each of his eyes. He wore crimson armor with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders, and thighs. He had very strange weapons strapped to his back they weren't like anything I'd ever seen before, but I got the oddest sense of familiarity that I couldn't really understand.
"I have only moments to speak with you for now young Uchiha so I'll make this quick...My name is Madara Uchiha and you are one of the last few of our once proud clan to appear. For 15,000 years our clan has been all but extinct with only one or two in almost 10,000 years. The Sharingan is a blessed eye that only you have awakened since our near extinction. For thousands of years, I had lost hope of ever seeing our Kekkei Genkai active that is until you were born, my chakra is now clinging to your's and you are the first who I could found who has activated our Kekkei Genkai. Your Sharingan has awakened, but you don't know how to use it as you have never been taught. I will teach you when I have more time but until then I bid you farewell." Madara faded and time returned to normal.
"What the hell?" I thought as I looked at Grover who had gone silent. Before I could ask him if he had seen Madara he spoke.
"Can I have your apple?" Grover asked, I wasn't feeling particularly hungry so I gave it to him. A few minutes later Nancy Bobofit dumped her lunch on Grover's lap and smiled.
"Oops." She said, I tried to stay cool. The school counselor had told me a million times, 'Count to ten, get control of your temper.' but I was so mad my mind went blank, a wave roared in my ears. I don't remember touching her, but the next thing I knew, Nancy was sitting on her butt in the fountain, screaming. "Percy pushed me!" Mrs. Dodds pretty much materialized next to us a triumphant smile on her face. Some of the kids were whispering,
"Did you see-"
"-The water-"
"-Like it grabbed her-"
"Now honey." Mrs. Dodds said.
"I know," I said, "erasing textbooks for a month." That wasn't the right thing to say.
"Come with me," Mrs. Dodds said.
"Wait!" Grover yelped. "It was me. I pushed her. "I stared at him, stunned. I couldn't believe he was trying to cover for me, Mrs. Dodds scared Grover to death. She glared at him so hard his whiskery chin trembled.
"I don't think so, Mr. Underwood," she said.
"You-will-stay-here." Grover looked at me desperately.
"It's okay, man," I told him. "Thanks for trying. "
"Honey, " Mrs. Dodds barked at me. "Now." Nancy Bobofit smirked and I glared at her and for a reason, I didn't understand she started sweating like crazy and she then vomited all over the floor. But I walked up and about halfway I looked back at Grover who was desperately trying to get Mr. Brunner's attention but he was absorbed in his novel. I looked back up and Mrs. Dodds had disappeared and was inside the entrance hall.
"Okay," I thought. "She's going to make me buy a new T-shirt for Nancy at the gift shop." But apparently that wasn't the plan, I followed Mrs. Dodds deeper into the Museum and when I finally caught up to her we were back in the Greek and Roman section. The gallery was completely empty except for us, Mrs. Dodds was standing there, arms crossed in front of a marble frieze of the Greek Gods. She was making a growling noise that made me nervous. Even without the noise, Mrs. Dodds was looking at the frieze as if she wanted to pulverize it.
"You've been giving us problems, honey."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Did you really think that you'd get away with it?" The look in her eyes was beyond mad, it was evil.
"She's a teacher, it's not like she's going to hurt me." I gulped. "I'll try harder ma'am." Thunder shook the building.
"We are not fools, Percy Jackson, it was only a matter of time before we found out; confess and you will suffer less pain."
"What the hell is she talking about? Did they find out about the illegal stash of candy I'd been hiding and selling, maybe they found out that I'd gotten my essay about from Tom Sawyer without reading the book and now they're going to take away my grade? Or worse…..make me read the book!"
"Well?" She demanded clearly irritated about my lack of a response.
"Ma'am I don't-"
"Your time is up." she hissed then something really weird happened...her eyes started to glow like barbecue coals, her fingers stretched turning into talons, her jacket melted into large leathery wings. She was a shriveled hag with bat wings, claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs and she was about to rip me to shreds. Then things got even weirder, my vision turned black and white with Mrs. Dodds glowing yellow, then Mr. Brunner, who had been outside a minute ago, wheeled into the doorway.
"What ho, Percy!" He shouted and tossed a pen through the air.
"Die, honey!" Mrs. Dodds lunged at me but she was moving in slow motion and I dodged and grabbed the pen, but when it hit my hand it wasn't a pen anymore, it was a sword, Mr. Brunner's Bronze sword, the one he used on tournament days. I turned to face Mrs. Dodds and she lunged again. "DIE!" my vision showed me the path that she was going to take and I rolled under her strike and swung the blade and it sliced right through Mrs. Dodds and she hissed as she exploded into a shower of yellow powder. A wave of air passed over me and when I turned to thank Mr. Brunner he was gone.
"What the hell just happened?" I asked myself, then I walked outside and saw Nancy who gave me a dark look, or as best she could with vomit covering her shirt.
"I hope Mrs. Kerr whooped your butt!" she shouted.
"Our teacher, Duh!" I walked over to Grover and sat next to him.
"Where is Mrs. Dodds?"
"W-who?" Grover stuttered and he wouldn't meet my eyes and I knew he was lying, however, I didn't pester him as I remembered I was still holding onto Mr. Brunner's pen. I walked over to him and he looked up from his novel like he'd never put it down.
"Ah, that would be my pen, next time please try to bring your own writing materials Mr. Jackson."
"Sir," I said. "Where is Mrs. Dodds?" he stared at me blankly.
"The other chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, the pre-algebra teacher." He frowned at me and sat forward, looking mildly concerned.
"Percy, there is no Mrs. Dodds on this trip, as far as I know, there has never been a Mrs. Dodds at Yancy Academy. Are you feeling alright?" Then I heard a small chuckle and Madara spoke.
"He's a good liar I'll give him that." He said. "But I am not so easily fooled. What you saw was very real and you will need to learn to defend yourself, you won't always have someone to hand you a weapon."
"Then teach me, Madara, I want to learn."
"Very well, every night as you sleep, I will teach you how to dance."
"Dance? I thought you were teaching me how to fight."
"Oh, sorry old habits, yes when I am done with you, young Uchiha, no one will be able to fight you and win."