This idea was born of mine and gray-x-natsus-matching-hip-scars angsty speculation in our tumblr chats…

Warnings: blood, angst, feels, spoilers

Enjoy! :)

Gray hadn't spoken a word since Natsu had revealed to the guild that he was E.N.D. and that in addition his hidden power hadn't worked on Zeref. Instead Gray's slipped away from the chaos which had ensued and hoped that no one would try and find him. He knew they would ask what he was going to do, but he didn't want to think about that. Not yet.

Not when E.N.D. was Natsu. Anyone but him.

"Gray?" Natsu whispered. He approached the Ice-Mage as he sat a fair way from the guild of sleeping wizards, staring out at the dark, still night sky. If Natsu had noticed the tear tracks on Gray's cheeks he didn't comment.

"I thought you were asleep." Gray didn't look up as he heard Natsu's voice.

"Can't." Natsu sat next to Gray, just close enough so that their shoulders touched. "Would you be able to?"

Gray shook his head.

"Zeref has to die." Natsu stated.

"He does." Gray replied slowly, "any ideas?"


"And?" Gray was surprised to feel Natsu shaking. He looked up into Natsu's dark eyes with worry,something's not right.

"Well," Natsu began, he looked directly at Gray, before making a split second decision, should I tell him or not? "I'll need your help…"

"Anything, Natsu, you know you don't need to ask." Gray replied with a small smile, anything for you, "especially if we're going to kill Zeref…it should cancel out what he's done to you, right?"

"Yeah," Natsu paused, "yeah it should. Thank you Gray." Natsu turned back to the open sky a sad smile on his lips.

"What do you need me to do?" Gray asked, never moving his gaze from Natsu's face.

"We need to do a Unison Raid, I think it might be the only way."

"A Unison Raid?" Gray replied incredulously, "but Natsu, you do know how difficult that is to perfect? We'd need years of training, and our magic, Natsu, they're polar opposites!" Gray exclaimed, "do you really think it would work?"

"Gray, we don't need any more training than we already have, we've been fighting together for most of our lives…"

"Fighting each other more like."

"Listen to me! Gray!" Natsu looked him in the eye, "all those fights, together and against each other, they helped us to familiarise our power and technique with each others. I probably know the way you fight better than anyone else in the guild. Wouldn't you feel the same with me?"

Gray nodded, yet he couldn't help the gut feeling of doubt, "but fire and ice?"

"Isn't there that saying that 'opposites attract'?" Natsu smiled.

You have no idea, Gray thought, "if you're sure?"

"I trust you completely." Natsu responded.

"And I you…but if we don't pull this off we're bound to get hurt, or worse."

"It's never stopped us before."


"You never fail to do whatever it takes do you?" It'll get you killed one day.

"You know me best." Natsu grinned widely, trying not to think about what he was about he was about to do, hoping he could cover his worry.

Gray returned the smile, almost oblivious to Natsu's inner turmoil. Almost. "Natsu?" Gray questioned, his brows creasing into a frown.

"What is it?"

"We both come back okay?" I don't completely trust what you're planning, but I trust you. "No matter what happens we both come back."

Natsu's stomach did a back flip at those words, and as he turned back to Gray he couldn't help but notice the almost determined tenderness in Gray's expression. Damn it Gray! Why do you have to be so perceptive? Natsu didn't speak, but a small, sad smile graced his lips as he felt Gray lean his way and rest his head on his shoulder, part of him wanted to push him away, but something deeper held him still. Why Gray? Of all the people to be cast the die of Devil-Slayer. At least this way I'll do his job for him.

Part of Gray, the less rational, more reckless side, screamed for him to tell Natsu exactly why they must both come back, the other was rallying against. He can't know, not all of it at least. "Before we face Zeref I need to tell you," Gray closed his eyes, "I really do care about you."

"I wouldn't be here if I thought otherwise," Natsu chuckled, bumping his shoulder to Gray's, "this needs a strong emotional connection for it to work." Natsu paused to rest his head on Gray's, "I care too you know!" I am so sorry Gray…I am so, so sorry.

The next morning, it was a while before the guild agreed to let Natsu and Gray go, Makarov knew how stubborn those boys could be, and he knew it was best not to stop them when they had a plan. Natsu talked to Happy alone, explaining the necessity of what he had to do and asked him to please not say a word. Many tears later, from both of them, Happy understood.

Mest took the pair out to where Natsu had fought Zeref the day before. After Mest flickered out of sight, Gray turned to Natsu, "how do we get Zeref here?"

"Oh, you're here, aren't you Zeref?" Natsu replied calmly, trying to ignore the ball of swirling guilt which had settled in his stomach. It wouldn't budge.

Gray flexed his fingers, "you can smell him?"

"Strong as your sent is to me," I prefer yours though, he added as an afterthought, "I think it's because he's my brother." Natsu was surprised at how easily the word rolled off his tongue.

"Brother?" Gray whispered in shock.

"Yeah, I can smell it," Natsu replied, "I know he's not lying. Like when I met Silver for the first time, I knew he was related to you somehow. Your sent was so familiar to me by then." Pine trees and petrichor.

Gray looked over at Natsu, does he really notice?

"Fascinating, Natsu, you brought another." Zeref said quietly.

Natsu and Gray spun round; instinctively Natsu took a step forward so that he was between Zeref and Gray. "I know how to defeat you now."

"Really?" Zeref shot the pair a quizzical frown, "you do remember what I told you Natsu?"

"Yes." Natsu replied simply. "Then it's time we say our goodbyes."

"Of course," a sad smile flickered on Zeref's lips, finally. I get to end this cursed life.

Natsu paused, looking over at Gray, the darker haired man still seemed to be processing the 'Zeref is Natsu's brother' reveal, but as soon as Natsu caught his eye Gray took a step forward. Natsu held out a hand, stopping him. Then he ran towrds Zeref, and punched him in the jaw.

Zeref took the hit without flinching; he spun back a few feet before landing squarely on his feet. When he looked up, there were tears in his eyes, "that was well deserved. Goodbye, Natsu."

Gray could feel the nervous energy in the air. Zeref looked completely calm, and he wasn't, not really anyway, Natsu's words the night before had calmed him and he knew he would do anything to keep Natsu safe. So it must be Natsu…Gray could feel Natsu quivering as he took a step closer until they were almost shoulder to shoulder.

"With Devil Slayer Ice in my right hand…"

"…and Dragonslayer Fire in my left!"

A cloud of pure icy power started to build up in Gray's right hand, in Natsu's left, right next to Gray, a brilliant flame burned. The swirling bubbles of power grew and grew until they'd melded into a sphere of ice blue flames which surrounded the pairs clasped hands.

Then in perfect sync, Gray and Natsu chanted, their voices melding into one as they yelled.


With that, using the full force of their anger and passion, they threw the ball of raw, mixed power at Zeref. Ice blue flames cantered and danced towards the Dark Wizard, and at the command of the pair it engulfed him. Encasing him in the pure magic energy Natsu and Gray had created.

Zeref screamed in pain as the freezing flames burnt his skin, and then through his body. The pain was excruciating but it was worth it if he got to leave this world. Finally. Thank you, Natsu.

With a thud, Zeref's lifeless body hit the ground.

Gray looked to his right to grin widely at Natsu but Natsu wasn't there. At the same time he felt Natsu's grip on his hand slacken, and he heard the sound of a second body hitting the rough ground.

"Natsu!" Gray cried out, he crashed to his knees next to Natsu's still body and held him in his shaking arms. "We did it, Natsu! We killed Zeref!" Gray squeezed Natsu's hand as a nervous laugh left his lips, "Natsu? Natsu what's wrong? Natsu!"

Natsu stirred, coughing up a mouthful of blood, his whole body was quivering with the effort of keeping his mind focused, and eyes open. "Gr- Gray…I- I'm sorry…"

"Hey! Hey!" Gray whispered, cupping Natsu's cheek with his hand, using the his thumb to wipe the blood from his lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for! I agreed to this, you just put too much into it."

"No." Was all Natsu could manage.

"What do you mean no?" Gray's voice grew in pitch with with his increasing panic.

"Zeref said," Natsu coughed up more blood, it splattered on his chin, and stained his scarf, "he said, if he dies, I…I die too."

"You what!" Gray exclaimed, "Natsu…you idiot…you, why?" He spluttered before letting his expression soften, "Natsu I- you can't- this is all my fault!"

"Gr-ay! No. My f- fault. Sorry."

"Stop apologising Natsu, just don't die!"

"Might not b- be able to st- stop me this t- time…" Natsu coughed as a dark chuckle rose in his throat, "too late."

"No!" Gray snapped. It was almost like an order. "Why though?"

"Zeref and E.N.D. needed to d- die."

"You don't!"

"I am E.N.D., Gray, I do." Natsu offered a sad smile, "I s- saved you though. You didn't have to k- kill me Gray, he d- did."

"No, no Natsu. Don't. Please don't." Gray shook his head, "you can't die. You can't. You can't."

"I am, Gray." Natsu coughed, it wracked his whole body, making him groan in pain. "I'm scared…" Natsu whispered, staring up at Gray with tears in his eyes. Natsu was more scared then than he ever had been in his life. He didn't want to admit it but he did.

"Shh, shh," Gray whispered, "you are going to be fine, okay? I know it. You will be fine." That was when Gray's voice broke and a sharp sob escaped his lips.

"Gray." Natsu lifted a shaking hand to Gray's cheek, "It's okay." He smiled before another rattling cough broke loose. "Everything is going to be okay."

"No no no. Natsu I, I can't do this." Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Everything will be fine."


"Everything will be fine." Natsu repeated. "Everything will b-"

"Natsu!" Gray cut him off. "Natsu stop! Please." Gray's tears dripped onto Natsu's cheeks, pulling fresh tracks along with them.

Natsu blinked, the pain was overwhelming now, only Gray's voice was keeping him grounded. "Just, just talk to me." Natsu whispered.

"I- about what?"

"Anything, I just n- need to hear your voice. Please. Gray…"

"Natsu, I- please don't go. Please! You can't."

"Tell me something happy." Natsu tried to smile through the pain, "just let me see your smile, Gray, just one last time."

"Natsu I-"

Natsu's hand dropped from Gray's cheek and thudded to the ground. His eyes flickered closed.

"Natsu? Natsu!" Gray cried out, "open your eyes! Open your eyes damnit!"

Natsu responded, dragging open his weary lids and focused all his strength on taking in every detail of Gray's face. His nose. His lips. His eyes. Those sad, sad eyes. So much love in that expression.

"Natsu!" Gray smiled through his tears, "stay with me okay! Stay with me!"

"Thank you, Gray…" Natsu whispered as his last breath was carried away on the wind.

"Natsu? Natsu!" Gray cried out, "answer me damnit! Open your eyes!"

Gray's scream of anguish echoed throughout the clearing. The pain and guilt filled sound filled the space and settled cold. He yelled out, he cursed he cried. Again and again and again. Gray clawed at his blood covered skin, pulled his hair, beat his fists into the ground, but all the while he clutched to Natsu's lifeless body. Willing him back to life. Gray buried his face in Natsu's hair, it still smelt of cinnamon and fire, the most comforting, beautiful smell.

"I love you Natsu."

Then, like a switch had been flicked in Gray's mind, he lay Natsu down on the ground, and using a lump of ice he slowly and gently cleaned Natsu's face, hands and scarf of blood. The tears still fell, but his initial rage had subsided due to the task at a sob, Gray knelt down and pressed a gentle kiss to Natsu's forehead.

He looks so peaceful. So content.

With that, Gray lifted Natsu's still body into his arms and started the long walk back to the guild. How does that sound? Hey, Natsu? You and me eh? One last trip.

I do have a little sequel of sorts to this so stay tuned :) (if you can deal with more angst that is!)