Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Final Fantasy 7, both belong to their respected owners please support the official and fan releases.
Chapter 3: The Seventh Heaven
Zack really did not know whether this had been luck or misfortune on the horizon.
Waking up in a tank beneath Nibelhiem manor with Cloud was not what he expected. That dreary, damp basement, the creepy ass machines and those dusty old books on the sleeves set off alarm bells, breaking out was an easy decision. The escape? Not so much. Memories from what happened were foggy but remembering vivid details of flames burning his inability in place events bothered him than he'd cared to admit. Zack quickly clued in on the fact SHINRA was up to no-good. SOLDIER's never retired. Dying in the line of duty or going missing that's how one became free of the company's insidious grasp. A bitter taste lingered in his mouth knowing the atrocities and horrors committed by the company, many victims existed due to their endless greed where the rest of the populace remained blissfully ignorant.
Disgusted filled him, long ago Zack had been like the many supporting the company blindly until the truth stared him in the eye. The lengths SHINRA went through throwing people under the bus and using others unless they had political clout they were tossed aside mere stepping stones.
A horrifying thought occurred; Cloud and he were kept alive. For what reason and why?
The enhanced senses alerted him of the sound of bullets, bailing from the truck and kept the driver from harm. Pain stabbed in his gut dragging an innocent into this, in retrospective Zack had not anticipated their arrival so early. Someone desperately wanted them gone, unfortunate for them, neither would die so easily. Hopefully, the driver managed to get away unscathed. While wanting to believe the driver was safe Zack knew that the driver probably would have been taken into custody or his 'disappearance' ruled as an accident, at worse, framing Cloud and himself...
Anger coursed through his veins and curled his hand into a fist slamming against the rough, rock wall seething.
Mako-eyes flickered towards the Harry and Sirius who saved them. Strange but Zack saw no reason not to doubt them, still… no harm in being cautious.
Harry arched against the stone wall drifting to sleep based on the slouch, a tingle of regret ran up his spine sliding down to the kid's level. "So, be honest with me. This Sirius guy trustworthy?" Maybe it could have been worded better, Zack's mouth tended to move before thinking.
The kid's eyes opened slightly. "I guess? Known him just a bit longer than you."
"Oh really?" Zack prodded further.
"He helped me out," Harry answers, vaguely. "That's all. Figured if he wanted to kill me would have done so by now."
The ex-SOLDIER mused. "Sure. I guess."
"Worse case scenario I'll die." A nonchalant shrug. "Not without a good fight though."
The kid had been so casual in his delivery that Zack felt rather unnerved for someone so young to speak like that was not been normal. Not even in the slums, people who thrived in desperation to survive would speak of death openly. Tall tales spin about the slums from the surface passed person to person, nothing short of gossip the ignorance of the middle class to upper class, fragments of memories overhearing a soldier tell another about the rats down in the slums where what people dined on. A false and ridiculous story, a bit farfetched however the living conditions below Midgar were less than ideal, where the strongest survived. Age meant nothing down there with each day could mean the last, unless willing to do whatever necessary, the harsh environment forced many to commit crimes and performing unsavoury acts just for food on the table and clothing on their backs. There were those who lived dignified lives no matter how difficult life became however not everyone managed to keep their integrity not without compromise. A singular person came to mind, Zack smiled briefly before shaking his head, remembering the kid's words, unlike anything heard from someone so young.
"You are one strange kid, you know that?" Zack remarked, not unkindly.
The kid smiles. "So I've been told."
"How'd a kid end up here?" Curiosity got the better of him, then again, Zack loved knowing things.
Silence as the kid's demeanour changed shuffled into a small ball with arms wrapped around his legs. Zack hesitated uncertainly. What could he say? The question stirred bad memories.
Zack nodded quietly. "Hey. When we get to Midgar, how about you and Sirius join the Mercenary group Cloud and I are gonna start up?"
"Mercenary Group?"
"Yeah!" Excited bounced. "I mean, you could help with small stuff like contracts and requests. The office type of deal. That's important for these types of businesses got to keep a paper trail and know where the money's going, you seem like the type of guy that would be good for that area! So, I'll be trusting you with that. If you wanna join, that is," Zack proposed, sincerely. While the offer might not have been much that way the four could stick together and manage to get a roof over their heads, the ex-SOLDIER preferred keeping kids off the battlefield.
Adult problems should be handled by adults rather than thrusting them on to kids.
Emerald hues gleamed curiously. "Contracts? Requests?"
The ex-Soldier grinned. "Yeah! Keeping track with our clients, funds and pay. Midgar and other places have monster problems all over, we don't have to be out killing things. We can do other things like making deliveries, escorting people from one place to another or even as bodyguards. The mercenary business can do a lot more than just fighting."
To the kid's credit, he did not immediately jump on the idea, contemplating thoughtfully at the offer, Zack was rather impressed by his maturity. Harry remained in deep thought his face betraying nothing the kid's and Sirius's skills were unknown to him but felt certain the two would be assets. After they risked their lives providing shelter from those troopers there was no way Zack could leave them behind. Not many dared to challenge the authority of SHINRA and their soldiers, those that did were hidden in plain sight immersing themselves with the people; Cloud and he needed to learn to adapt to that life. Somehow, Zack doubted that whoever oversaw their elimination would confess to messing up either coming up with a satisfying cover story or a manhunt whatever work out in their favour. SHINRA never admitted wrongdoings unless biting them in the ass, not that ever happened.
The employees of SHINRA were dedicated in their abilities to silence opposition and problems.
Zack knew that they needed to get rid of their uniforms ASAP. Who knew how old and how long the two had been wearing them, Cloud decked in a SOLDIER outfit that he'd never seen before. Far too different in style compared to the one Zack wore, four years passed since their captivity, who knew what might have changed?
They needed more information.
Once in the city Zack hoped to contact Aeris, she believed him dead for too long never knowing why contact ceased, his heart broke at the thought of her being alone; before that Kunsel needed to be found first which would be easy, always showing up exactly when Zack needed him. His friend would give him the update worldwide, the company and the lost years that way his next move was planned properly. His final text indicated shady business going on the suggestion of willing to betray SHINRA for him, relief rushed through him but so did worry, the slightest hint of betrayal could place Kunsel in danger. Cissnei drifted from the corners of his mind recalling their encounter, her wariness prompted worry remembering the distance she portrayed. Just how much changed and what was missed during those years?
"Looks like night's fallen."
Harry stretched re-adjusted his posture then stood. "Time to move?"
"Maybe," The lack of vehicle concerned Zack carrying Cloud was not too much of a problem, the catatonic state was the real issue. Given that their group raised to four the ex-SOLDIER, the chances of running into monsters increased and not knowing whether they could fight rang in his mind (attempting to keep the kid of out harms way came to mind too). "How's Cloud?"
"Breathing. Still out of it," Sirius's head shook.
Zack hummed. "Let's get going. It's a matter of time before they find this place and I really don't like fighting in cramped spaces."
"All right. What's the plan?"
A sly smile formed on Zack's features stepping forward with eyes shining amidst of the darkness. "Don't you worry your little head over that. Just leave everything to me."
"I can't believe we're actually doing this."
Harry regretted allowing Zack to choose their method of smuggling into the city. The group managed to get all the way inside Kalm Town, Zack charmed the woman at the front desk of the inn gaining them a small room. The room had been bigger than his old dormitory, so he was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth greeted by the nice warm bed helped his mood considerably promptly falling on the bed. The feel of the cushioned sheets, blanket and the warm fabric sent him into a deep wonderful slumber.
Despite the nice long sleep and the warm food, the back of his mind nagged. The group left Kalm early not wanting to leave a trace of their stay, Zack feared to place them in danger due to the influence of SHINRA making Harry wonder how much power a simple company had.
That train of thought came to an end when Zack held up a map revealing his plan. Harry wanted to dig himself straight into a hole curl into a ball and die.
"It's risky," Sirius murmured. "No guards? That sounds a bit too convenient."
Zack pointed out on the map. "Not in this area. It always low-profile due to the slums, barely anyone bothers going down there unless necessary mostly for shady business," He added. "No one would even blink an eye at us bringing Cloud with us in his state. Trust me I know what I'm doing!"
"You don't really inspire confidence," Harry said. "No offence."
"Ouch," Zack responded. "Harsh."
Harry shrugged unapologetically. Seeing that they left the inn before the crack of dawn the fatigue took over, not unusual seeing him awake since the Dursleys got him up at ungodly hours to get to work, being woken up by Zack roughly soured his mood. The wizard knew that remaining too long in a place was not a wise decision since Sirius and Harry were now accomplices, the four were forced together. Zack and Cloud proved to be good people regardless of the latter's inability to communicate. Not knowing what exactly happened nevertheless were able to tell that whatever happened had been horrific.
Sirius sensed his discomfort clapping an arm onto his shoulder. "So, all we have to do is sneaky through the slums and go from there?"
"Yep." Zack nodded, cheerfully. "There's a train once we enter that we can take to Sector 7. Then from there, we can make our way upwards, I have a friend Kunsel. I know he'll be able to help us and fill in the details we've been missed since being away."
Harry whispered quietly. "Let's hope that his trust hasn't wavered."
"You say something kid?"
"Nothing," Harry responded, hurriedly. "Lead the way, Zack!"
The train was not too crowded, Zack managed to snag a coat for himself and Cloud concealing their uniforms trying not to stand out, Harry and Sirius were hardly any better through the former practised in the art of stealth seeping to the background. Standing at the platform Harry noticed the mechanicalized structure and the discolouration of the metal, the aroma of fumes strong enough to know out the strongest of animals, Harry held his breath. Zack looked utterly unperturbed, Cloud twitched slightly and Sirius stood like nothing was wrong.
Harry chalked it up to them having stronger immunity. While the smell was nearly as bad as Dudley's laundry his nose could take only so much wrinkling irritably while boarding the train.
"Ticket?" The guard pressed hand held up.
"My ticket? Oh." Harry glanced. "I erm –"
Zack waved. "Right here. The four of us are together."
"Together?" The Guard repeated, lowly.
"We're going to meet our uncle," Zack lied smoothly. "Family gathering. We're from Junon so we're just here for a few days."
The man hummed. "Junon, huh?"
"Y-yeah. It's been a long drive from there to here wanted to be right on time," Zack answered, smiling forcibly. "Didn't want to be late."
The guard's eyes peered through the visor dubiously before handing the tickets back. "Ah well make sure you wish your Uncle well. Not a lot of people these days travel that far out to see their family, you kids seem like the good sort."
"Thanks, man, we'll tell Uncle you said hi," Zack promised, waving and gave Harry a slight push forwards onto the train.
Quietly finding a booth and sat across from one another taking up the room. The seats were hard as wood and just as stiff shifting uncomfortably they were nothing like the seats on the express built for comfort and the long travel to Hogwarts. Shuffled awkwardly trying to find a comfortable sitting position, Harry grunted. It felt restrictive and unpleasant.
"What's with these seats?" Sirius growled, glaring.
Zack smiled sheepishly. "They're pretty bad. Looks like SHINRA's been lacking in care not too surprising for the slums. Unless you're on the surface than you're out of luck."
"What the bloody hell?" Sirius bristled. "Reminds me of back home, unless you're Pureblood you are out of luck!"
Sirius had a point the officials practically fawned over those that were pure, the discrimination towards half-bloods and Muggle-borns were atrocious Hermione's voice whispered in his ears, his blood boiled at the innocents who were shoved aside for those corrupt and held ill-intent. The mocking drawls of Voldemort surfacing and the callous sneers from Lucius Malfoy; his looming threat from the end of second year replayed cruelly mocking his parents, their sacrifice, the sheer arrogance earned his ire and disgust. Discovering SHINRA's practices fell in line with Pureblood propaganda did nothing than make him angry.
What exactly had been wrong with this world? Everything that Zack shared with them and what he'd experience was nothing short of horrifying! What happened in this world?!
"Guards are coming. Act natural," Zack whispered lowly. "Show them your pass and they'll leave you alone."
Harry tensed. The sound of footsteps grew closer and closer towards them feeling his throat tightened.
"Pass?" The Train Guard boomed.
"Here," Harry held up the blue pass.
Zack held up two. "For me and my friend here," He gestured to Cloud. "He's really tired from the commune."
"Very well," The Train Guard nodded sharply. "Make sure he's awake once the destination has been reached."
"Gotchya!" He waved cheerfully.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
"What was up their arses?" Sirius grunted, peering eyes.
Zack slammed his back against the seat. "SHINRA pen pushers. Real sticks in the mud, don't pay them any mind but they can call reinforcements. Best to avoid a fight until we get you guys outfitted properly."
Harry opened to say something as a binging sound echoed from the PA system warning the passengers before setting off repeating the message once more, nothing left to do other than enjoy the ride. The lights shined brightly within the vast darkness that spread outside with even a hint of the sun with the windows covered in thick, vomit smog.
"Just kick back and enjoy the ride," Zack pipped. "Won't be long until we get to Sector 7."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Joy."
The travel time took less than thought with swarms of people standing on the platform outside rushing towards the train, trying to get off many bumped into them unapologetic and practically shoved them out of the way. Shaking his head firmly Harry waited near the bench for Zack and Sirius carrying Cloud carefully sitting him down, he gazed worriedly. The blonde remained unresponsive throughout the entire trip despite their best efforts in coercing him to talk, Zack did his best, telling Cloud things and what they were passing by, the plans of where they were going to go and mundane simple things. The wizard felt uncertain how to broach subjects with the comatose man trying his earnest in communicating with Cloud, Sirius seemed to understand what might have been wrong with him, however, kept his mouth shut on the manner refusing to budge until they were safe.
He really hoped there would be something which could be done for Cloud. Anything at all…
The voice prompted them turning around coming face to face with a rather muscular woman with long brown hair, waving towards her thigh and steadily raising a hand towards her mouth trembling. Shock exploded on her features eyes begun brimming with tears, the ability to speak seemed lost flickering attention towards Cloud; auburn hues widened in disbelief. A bold step forward, nervousness emitting from her body language, Harry could tell that she had been happy to see them. Every inch of her screamed joy trying to fend off the urge to jump the two. He felt awkward feeling Sirius and himself peered into something private, unneeded for their eyes, his godfather gazed away politely slouching into a casual stance.
No one dared to say anything the moment soaked around fearful of breaking the delicate moment. Zack ran fingers through his dark locks abashed by her words with eyes illuminated beneath the darkness of the city smiling weakly followed by his two-finger wave. "Hey, Tifa." He greeted quietly.
The strained smile formed as the woman, Tifa, nodded still focusing on the blonde. "Cloud?"
"…." The blank expression remained. Dull and emptily.
Sirius shook his head. "We don't know," He said. "Won't respond."
"We're trying to figure that out," Zack added, hurriedly trying to reassure her. "Ever since Cloud and I escaped Nibelheim –"
Tifa shifted, confused and angry. "Escaped? Zack Nibelheim –"
"Got burnt to the ground," Zack finished, darkly. "Yeah. It isn't anymore."
"What are you… " Tifa's voice trailed off and then shook her head roughly. "You know what? Let's talk about this somewhere else. Where there aren't too many places to be seen. C'mon I'll take you guys to Seventh Heaven."
Zack stared. Head tilting with arms falling to his chest. "Seventh Heaven?"
"My bar," She answered, cheekily. "Turns out I have quite the talent for it."
"Not sure if I'm comfortable taking Harry to a bar," Sirius stated, dryly.
Tifa smiled. "The Seventh Heaven is a safe environment for minors. I often look after my friend's daughter when he's busy I can promise you that Harry here will be safe. You have my word."
"I'll be fine." Harry pipped up. "Not interested in alcohol."
Sirius snorted. "Not you I'm worried about. I'm worried about the drunken patrons they are the ones I don't trust, kiddo."
"Yeah." Tifa let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "They can be rather rambunctious. Until I show them who's boss," She slammed her fist into her palm smiling widely. "That's when they decided to sit down and be good. There are a few that I ended up roughhousing with I always come out on top, so don't worry. Nothing bad will happen."
"Fine. I'll let Harry go into a bar," Sirius agreed, afterwards.
"We do have food. And, you all look mighty hungry so," Tifa clapped her hands. "I'll make sure to whip up a great meal for you guys."
"Free food? Now you have my attention!"
Zack grinned, throwing up his fists excitedly. "Here, here!"
"All right," Her hands went to her hips smiling widely. "I'll make sure to whip you guys one of the best meals yet and that's a promise. To Seventh Heaven!"
The promise of food were their weakness sounds of hunger rumbled all around, Harry felt a tinge of embarrassment when his own stomach had joined in. Strange due to surviving for long periods of time without any food, nevertheless the chance to eat some free food was too much of a good thing. Tifa's giggle soared in the air gesturing follow remarking about the lack of monsters resulting in Sirius and Harry exchanging stared while flanking behind, the idea of monsters roaming around openly in the city was concerning. There were many creatures back home which could be classified as monsters but, they were very intelligent. Had Zack brought them somewhere dangerous? He truly did not want to believe that the other would put them in danger after rescuing him and Cloud, even so, could not deny the fact that the man could and would do whatever needed to protect Cloud.
His heart twisted at that thought of Zack possibly using Sirius and himself wishing that was not the case.
"This was delicious!"
Tifa went out of her way cooking up a storm for the four the booth was right next to the door allowing Zack to place Cloud right into the seat next to the wall that way the blonde would not fall and slouch, Seventh Heaven had a warm, accepting atmosphere patrons praised her return with such glee and sincerity, she responded warmly before setting to work. The exterior and interior of that bar were shabby though added to the charm. Harry genuine looking forward to what she might prepare.
"Have you known Tifa long?" Sirius asked, and gave a smirk. "You two seem close."
Zack's handwaved. "Tifa and I? Nah, man. Cloud and she are childhood friends, she used to be our tour guide when we were dispatched to Nibelheim on a mission." His expression darkened immediately. "What a nightmare that turned out to be," his head shook with disgust before bouncing back. "But we're alive and so's Tifa. That's what matters!"
"What now?" Harry prompted. "Other than that Mercenary business you were talking about earlier."
"Mercenary business?"
"Like I said earlier getting in contact with Kunsel," Zack murmured. "He's a real whiz with information and computers, wouldn't doubt Kunsel knows what's going on, after that, I have to go and find Aeris. I owe that much."
'Aeris?' Harry thought, curiously.
Sirius leaned against the chair. "And Cloud?"
"Can you help him?" Zack asked sharply. "Like really help him?"
The man arms folded onto the table grey eyes lingered on Cloud then shifted his gaze on Zack. "I can try," Sirius answered, slowly. "I have a fair idea of what's happened to him. Keep in mind I'm no expert in this field but I'll do what I can. All I ask if you give me the appropriate amount of time."
"What's wrong with him?" Harry could not stop himself from asking.
Sirius's his expression softened, sighing. "From what I can tell Cloud's mind is all muddled and chaotic. Like a mirror that's been shattered. What exactly happened to you guys?"
"I don't know," Zack whispered, truthfully. "All I remember is fighting against Sephiroth and then Cloud… afterwards darkness. Then waking in a tube with Cloud. I knew we had to break out, so we did."
"A tube?" That sounded a bit too sci-fi for his tastes.
"In a dungeon. Really icky and cluttered something you'd read in a novel or watch in a movie," Zack elaborated. "Looks somethings do apply to real life."
Harry wisely choose not to say anything. "Sirius will focus on Cloud and you'll be looking for Kunsel and Aeris right?"
"That's the plan," Zack confirmed before the sliding dishes appeared. He beamed happily. "Wow! This looks great Tifa!"
She chuckled. "You're welcome. Make sure to clear your plates boys and sorry but no alcohol. It's still too early in the morning!"
"Who needs alcohol when you've got a hot meal?" Sirius remarked, grinning and took the fork and knife into his hands. "Time to dig in!"
The decision had been unanimous digging into their meals energetically Zack occasionally made attempts to get Cloud to eat, he managed Cloud sipping some water tilting his head allowing liquid sliding down his throat and helped him swallow, the solution might not have been the best but one they had until restoring Cloud's mind. The flavour danced upon Harry's tongue digging into the dish Tifa made the texture popping inside of his mouth, a large burst across his face resuming in consuming the food until his plate was bare, cheeks flushed slightly hearing the snickers from Zack and Sirius. Tifa could give Mrs Weasley a run for her money!
An image of his friends once again flashed inside of his mind and froze. His throat tightened shutting his eyes trying to push away the thoughts of his friend, Harry made the right decision in putting their lives before his own, they were safer that way. They had to be.
"Something wrong?"
Tifa's voice broke his line of thought bending slightly. "Did you eat too fast?"
"N-no. It's really good, thank you." Harry smiled sheepishly playing off her comment. "I've never eaten anything like this before. Are you sure you haven't cooked for years?"
"Awww that's sweet of you," She smiled and pumped her arms revealing her bicep. "'Fraid not. I've been cooking for about a year or so. I'm nothing special, glad to hear you enjoyed my cooking. I'll make sure to do even better next time!"
Sirius patted his stomach. "It's been so long since I've eaten something so delicious, thanks."
"How much Gil?" Zack prompted digging through his pocket.
'Gil?' Harry thought. 'Must be the currency.' The wizarding world used Knuts, Sickles and Galleons where the muggle Britain had Pounds made sense this world used something else.
Tifa shook her head. "It's on the house. You guys don't have to pay."
"No." Her hands flew to her hips. "Don't make me kick your scrawny behind out this door Zackary Fair!"
Zack chocked. "Ack full name!"
"Seriously, it's fine. It's not liked the bar's hurting for money," Tifa assured. "You and Cloud came back, that's enough to warrant a free meal."
The man looks uncertain reluctantly nodding. "Fine," He agreed, flatly. "But I owe you something in the future."
"Deal," Tifa's eyes gleamed teasingly. "I'll make sure to come in collect in the future. It's a promise, now!"
Zack rolled his eyes. "Great. Looking forward to it," He said sarcastically.
"Anyway," Tifa said pulled away from the table. "I have to go and drop off a letter at the Item Shop in Wall Market. I'll probably be back in a few. Will you guys be okay hanging around here? Barret might drop by so tell him Tifa went out for a bit."
"Wall Market?!" Zack exclaimed. "Are you really going alone?!"
Tifa ran her fingers through her hair. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl Zack, I can take care of myself."
What was the problem with Tifa going on her own to Wall Market? His eyes darted back and forth between Zack and Tifa wondering whether Harry missed something. Judging by Zack's tone sounded as though Wall Market had been the equivalent of Knockturn Alley back home, lips pressed together and hesitated as his mouth moved on his own.
"I'll go."
Heads whirled sharply Harry shifted awkwardly seeing the incredulous gleaming within their hues. "It's a delivery, right? I'll go straight there and come back; it isn't that, far right? I should be fine, plus we'll be able to pay back for the meal."
"It… might be okay," Tifa started slowly, hesitating. "Are you sure you want to Harry? You may want someone to go with you in case a monster show's up."
Sirius stepped forward. "I'll go with him –"
"But weren't you going to help with Cloud?" Zack pressed. "You said you might be able to!"
"And I plan on keeping my word. Unless you want Harry to go off on his own and get attacked by Merlin knows what might be around?" Sirius snapped, sharply. The ex-SOLDIER flinched visibly shame crossing his face suddenly the ground appeared very interesting his godfather's eyes turned to him exasperated. "You're a good kid, Harry. You really sure you want to go and do this?"
"I'll be fine." Harry nodded. "I'm quick. Tifa did say all I have to go and drop off the letter, right? Easy."
Sirius's gaze lingered before sighing. "This is totally against my better judgement, but I'll let you do this just be careful. Any sign of danger I want you to get out of there as soon as possible; no detours or anything. Got it?"
"Got it," Harry said. It had been scary to see the man act so parental given little time they spent together, nodding at Tifa and Zack. "I'll be back, promise. I'm sure that this won't take long."
"Okay." Tifa did not seem comfortable. "You go through the park and take the path to the Wall Market head straight to the Item shop and come back. Don't talk to anyone – there are tonnes of sketchy people there. You'll be able to see the Item shop by the red sign also don't forget to keep an eye out for any monsters. They usually don't pop out around Wall Market. Never hurts to be safe."
Harry resisted the urge to bristle she meant well and was trying to ensure his safety this world proved to be a strange one, common sense and realm of normalcy were chucked out of the window straight into the fire, doing the delivery permitted Harry to gain a better scope of Midgar learning more about the world that Sirius and him were brought to. There were tons of questions which pilled in his mind no answers were given thus exploring had been their only option for the meantime. Too many things occurred leaving him bewildered, thrown at the state of the world around him.
That had not been the only reason Harry thought about straying a quick glance to Sirius.
Obviously, his own feelings towards Sirius were mixed. Even the reassurance from the woman about him and his dad so far, the man showed a type of warmth that a father could give. It was not unpleasant incidentally how many truths were real and which ones were fabrication? The doubt stirred deep within his heart.
It had been strange but placing his trust in the man felt right.
"I can't deter you from this can I?" Zack pressed.
Harry pinned a stare. "I'm fast and this is easier. You can look after Cloud while Sirius does his thing and Tifa can look after the bar."
"It's really no problem. I've gone to Wall Market and back tons of times, nothing's happened." Tifa spoke. "In fact, I'll go with you."
"And what if a bunch of people show up?" Harry inquired. "I don't think many people would take kindly to someone else behind the counter cooking meals."
That stumped Tifa. "I can close up for a few minutes."
"Guys. Let me do this!" Harry needed to do this. "Trust in me, Please"
Once reaching Wall Market Harry instantly understood Zack and Tifa's concern. The place oozed with sketchiness the limelight's dimed slightly, the greasy and downtrodden nothing about the area felt safe or welcoming, unlike Seventh Heaven, the place felt like the liveliness of people were steadily being drained. People were covered in rags barely could be called clothing huddled together in groups murmuring amongst themselves, item shop entered his vision and scurried over.
The distance between Seventh Heaven and Wall Market barely took time, finding the playground and the path littered with worn down scrapes, metals and trash. It was a struggle to comprehend how people could live in such a state. Zack's words implied the rigged system against the people resulting in what was before him.
Harry fell on his ass perhaps paying attention to the road rather than drift in his own thoughts would have been a better idea. Taking a moment shaking off the bewilderment and rubbed his side. "Ah, s-sorry," He apologized glancing up. The figure standing before him had been a pair of men draped in blue uniforms, the redhead goggles resting on is head and another taller man wearing shades. At first glance he assumed they were office workers but then noticed how casual and loose the redhead's uniform had been; no tie, the unbuttoned shirt and the coattails of his jacket hovering.
Their eyes turned on him almost dismissively showing no flicker of emotion. He got up off the ground keeping his eyes on them, warily crept up his spine. Were these the type of people that Tifa warned him about? Preparing to run before anything happened, Harry had been no fool in believing he'd be able to take them on.
Then the redhead bent down to his level and locking eyes lingering briefly before cracking the silliest grin Harry had ever seen reaching an arm out and planed a hand on his head ruffling.
"We've got the same eyes, kiddo." The redhead said, nonchalantly and then turned sharply. "C'mon Rude let's go grab some lunch I'm starving."
The shades-wearing man, Rude murmured, before giving a slight nod to Harry the two chatted animated in the distance fading away.
"What the hell was that about?" Harry murmured, there was no time for that entering the Item Shop. The place was just as dreary like the outside slightly more cleaned up, he peered around searching for someone, anyone in the place, clearing his throat. "Hello? Is there anyone here?"
Nothing. No sound at all.
Once again nothing. No one came. His eyes slide back and forth waiting at the counter hoping that someone would appear, or a sign. The lights were on the outside and there had been no close sign around, or visible. Waiting was his only option, glancing at the various items that sat on the shelves. Standing around felt a bit awkward with no one around and various merchandise within reach the last thing that Harry wanted was for someone to misunderstand the situation. Leaving the letter openly felt a bit irresponsible Tifa entrusted him with delivering the letter choosing to sit on the stool patiently waiting for the owner to return, the various stock piqued his interest and felt the urge to perk around ultimately stamping the desire out.
Time passed by slowly Harry nearly fell asleep by the time he realized what happened the side of his face fell in his palm, snapping to attention hearing a foot tapping inside his eardrums gazing into a stern gaze from an elderly man. His sheepish smile alone earned him the chance in explaining himself and handed him the letter, Shopkeep that's what everyone called him, held no desire to share his real name. Reading the letter.
"Thanks. You can tell Tifa that I'll be starting on her order immediately might take some time, the materials needed are going to be custom made," Shopkeep mused lowly. "I'll notify her when it's complete."
"Couldn't I and go find the materials for the order?" Harry offered. "That would cut down time wouldn't it?"
Shopkeep barked a laugh. "You find the materials? Nah, kid, you wouldn't. Can't get here in Midgar. The Security here won't hesitate to shoot a bullet right through yer skull the moment they find out about it," His head shook. "Best to be leaving that to me. Don't want you getting mixed up in all this – not that I'm any better. Guess I believe they actually have a chance," He mused. "One of these days SHINRA's gonna pay for everything they've done for better or worse. Eh, you're tired of hearing an old man prattle on about boring adult stuff I'll thank you with this for the delivery. Not much but figure you could use it."
Harry felt confused by his words and tried to protest. "That's not necessary. I just delivered a letter that's all."
"None sense," Shopkeeper dismissed waving his hand. "Yer gonna need it sooner or later. 'Especially down here in the slums so here take this."
A green orb placed into his palm. Harry thought that the man had been joking giving him an incredulous stare a strange tingle ran up his arm coming from the orb.
"What… what this?"
The Shopkeep grinned. "A Lightning materia. You'll know how to use it, I have no doubt about that. Now hurry back to Tifa probably worried about you and tell'er that her order will be done in a few months give or take."
"I –"
"Go now shoo!" The man's hand waved.
"… Thanks," Harry waved, stuffing the materia in his pocket and said his goodbye running out the door. Maybe Zack knew what a materia was?
He'd ask them later.
Why was his luck so bad?
Harry believed that his bad luck ended and thought things were beginning to look up, unfortunately, life enjoy making him suffer. On the path back to the bar his eyes caught on a strange decolourization thinking to be some sort of animal or person stuck, a demonic house bounced around nearly crushing him.
'A house. I'm getting attack by a house?!'
Out of all the strangest things Harry experienced never would he conceived the idea of a house attacking, sitting idly puffs of white smoke shot towards him stumbling out of the way escaping and watched the white smoke started to rust the metal. His face paled at the damage pondering what might have happened if Harry'd been the one caught in the smoke frankly not a theory he wanted to rest out, the roof plopped open revealing several bombs flying towards him with amazing speed. The first one was to dodge but the next four were vicious tripping over as creating explosions behind him jolting off the ground into the air, kicking his legs wildly trying to keep on his feet, arms flung forward curling into a ball position for protection.
The last bomb made a direct hit in the exact spot where Harry landed. The explosion's whiplashed smacked against his body the fire burned around his robe setting them aflame, remembering his childhood, Harry tossed off the robe and started rolling putting out the flames that might have caught on.
The house did not seem willing to let it end here.
'I'm going to die,' Harry thought, grimacing. 'I'm going to get killed by a house.'
His eyes shut tightly preparing for the barrage of attacks. Nothing came. No pain, no screams of agony. nothing. The pressure of his teeth biting on his bottom lip stifling his cries became unnecessary cautiously his eyes opened to the visage of blue, eyelids widen and seeing the two men from early standing in front. It took a moment as the redhead cracked a grin with a thumb's up sign.
"Looks like you could use a hand, kid," said the redhead in a jovial tone. "Looks like we arrived right on time."
Harry shook his head gapping slightly. "You're the guys I ran into!"
"Yo," The redhead smiled. "Let's save the pleasantries for later and take care of this thing. You got a weapon or materia?"
"Ah well…" Harry pulled out the green orb. "That is what I have. It's a Lightning Materia."
The redhead pointed his rod at the shades man. "Rude! Give the kid a weapon, would you?"
"Hm," The man, Rude grunted holding a black bag pulling out what appeared to be a metal rod from inside, there were cylinders at the top and bottom separating by orbs at each end. His hand flicked slightly tossing the pole.
Harry hesitated to catch the weapon nearly dropping the staff. "Erm… thanks?"
"That's a Bo-Staff. Good for magic and physical attacks," Redhead said. "Put the Lightning Materia inside one of the open slots; you'll be able to cast the spell 'Thunder' during battle. Go on give it a try!" His hand gestured. "Concentration on what you associate thunder with and then let the spell rip!"
"Associate?" That had been puzzling what did people associate Thunder with? Confusion furrowed on his features turning toward the monster, fingers wrapped around the weapon feeling the cold metal against his skin, focusing on the thought of the materia inside. 'Lightning… Thunder… Storms. Noise. Power.' Winds started to whirl around him as a flash of light started to envelop his body power rippled inside with a green light slashed before a giant bolt of light crashed onto to the monster. The earth beneath shook violently as the monster bounced with agony with static all over its body.
"That's it!" The redhead grinned. "My turn!" Whipping forward with the rod in hand rushing forward and raised his foot, kicking the monster before slashing his weapon. "RUDE!"
Rude grunted cracking his fists lunging forward and punched the House-monster with an uppercut. "Hm."
"Certain monsters have weaknesses whether physical or elemental. Monsters like these, Hell-Houses hold neutral weaknesses which means we have to collectively use our abilities to take it down," The redhead added, tossing the rod into his palm and shifted his stance. "Let me show you how we do things around here. Limit Break time!"
Harry blinked. 'Limit Break?'
A ferocious red-orange light shined around the redhead with a fierce smile crossed his face kicking off his heels and rushed forwards, the rod lit up revealing electrical shock running up the weapon. "Electrostatic Storm!" Each slash created a small orb of electricity that hung around Hell-House growing bigger and bigger the orbs appeared connecting together before exploding into a giant electrical implosion followed with the sound of glass shattering, Hell-House stumbled back and forth collapsing onto the ground fading away. "And that's a fight!" Redhead cracked a grin and snickered lowly. "How'd you like that?"
"H-How did you…?"
Redhead hummed. "Oh, that? It's a limit break; everyone has one, kid. Materia just helps awaken the ability to use it. Think of Limit Breaks as your special move you can do once."
"Special move?" Harry questioned trying to comprehend what the man was saying. "So, like an ultimate spell?" The fact they could use magic had been shocking wisely choosing to keep his mouth shut until talking with Sirius about his findings.
"Guess that's one way of thinking it," The redhead answered. "Got a handle on that materia and Bo Staff?"
Harry blinked. "Oh, erm I think so? Did you want the Bo Staff back?"
"Nah, We ended up getting that for free; was a prize at the diner for most you can eat." The redhead grinned widely rubbing his stomach. "Considering it on us kid. You don't mind do you Rude?"
Rude shook his head. "Better for you to protect yourself."
"See? Rude doesn't mind."
He felt rather bad taking the weapon from them especially without paying for it, but having a weapon proved to protect himself in this place given that neither Sirius or himself used their magic yet. There had been no telling how their magic would react or what they'd do, with the materia in his hand maybe some answers could be found. "Thank you," Harry said, nodding.
The redhead waved. "No problem kid might want to head back home now. Monster's might pop out soon and Rude and I can't play babysitter all day."
"What? It's true! Sides, we got a job to do!"
Rude remained expressionless.
"See? I knew you'd see things my way," The redhead grinned. "Sorry kid but Rude and I gotta ditch duty calls. See ya!"
The two dashed off with Rude giving a short nod strolling off into the distance hearing their chatter echoing until their voices no longer reached his ear. Once out of sight Harry began to make his way back to the Seventh Heaven Sirius needed to know about this.
Chapter 3 end.
And that's chapter three! Hope this had been worth the wait, took a while for this chapter to be satisfactory; introducing three characters plus Harry's first fight? From here on out things are going to get interesting!
Yes, Harry's chosen weapon is a Bo-Staff with Lightning materia! Care to guess or suggest what Sirius's weapon may be?
Look forward to the next chapter! Please leave constructive criticism in your reviews!