A/N; This is the last chapter of this fanfic. Thank you to all those who reviewed and commented, I really do appreciate it! Not sure if they'll be a second one but who knows…
Eight months later, John had been having problems at work. His content was dropping and he was struggling with ideas. It was hard to look after Damian, Clara and their pet dog and do all his different jobs on top. He was tired and his only release seemed to be drinking alcohol. Damian had turned one a month ago and had managed to string sentences together and was slowly starting to walk. John was sat in his office, glasses on, a glass of Whiskey next to him as he searched through hundreds of papers, trying to find the one he needed.
Clara had noticed that John had been retreating into himself, often coming home smelling of alcohol. He was restless, rarely slept and she worried about him. As soon as Damian had turned six months, she started working again. A lot of cases had built up and she was doing the best she could. She left Damian and Alan at home with a trusted baby sitter, who also happened to be her neighbour. She was a sweet old lady and she liked to have someone to look after. After coming out from winning a case on a court, she decided to drop by John's office with take out.
She greeted her secretary, who opened the door for her and she went in, only to find him looking kind of frustrated. "Hey, darling." She said softly, "It's lunch time. I'd figure you'd be here so I brought you some food." She raised her bags and showed them to him as she stood in the middle of the room.
John heard the door open, but he didn't look up. He cleared his throat and continued signing papers and drawing new content for each page. He had 263 pages to go, including text. He heard Clara's voice and immediately looked up, a gentle but strained smile on his face, "Thank you, love. I'm not really that hungry but you can sit and eat if you like." He looked back down and carried on drawing, rolling up his shirt sleeves.
She took out one of the containers out of the bag and sat down to eat as she watched him. She didn't believe that for a second. He was just too engrossed in what he was doing to notice that he was even hungry. "How long have you've been working non-stop?" She looked at him with her big brown eyes full of concern as she ate.
John didn't look up at his girlfriend. He sighed and carried on drawing, not able to stop. He didn't even notice the smell of the food, "Uh, since five in the morning, it's just taking me so long…"
This didn't look good, not at all. She kept eating and thinking about how could she approach the situation, she was a lawyer, for crying out loud, she was supposed to be an expert in this. But it seemed that when it was about someone she loved, she really couldn't manage the situation and that frustrated her.
"John." She said sharply, willing him to look at her.
He frowned at the tone of Clara's voice and slowly put his pencil down. He sighed, straightened his posture and stared at Clara, blue eyes shining with red rims around them. "Yes, love?"
"Take a rest." She dug in her bad for one of the containers and thrusted it in his direction. "Eat. I won't leave until you do so and you deserve a bit of rest. Don't argue that, please." She looked at him, pleading with him to do as he was told for once, at least.
John stared at Clara, watching her brown inflated eyes pleading with him. He sighed and nodded slowly, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes as he moved his chair closer to his girlfriend, "I'm sorry," he apologised for not eating and dug in, only then realising he was hungry.
She rubbed his shoulder and started eating once again. He was a grown man but sometimes he just couldn't care for himself. "Don't think about your job, just eat and relax a bit, okay?" She smiled at him and dug in.
John smiled fondly at Clara and once he was half way through, his muscles seemed to relax and he didn't reach for his Whiskey. He swallowed and reached over, touching Clara's hand.
She stopped eating once he touched her hand and she moved it so she was grabbing his. Clara smiled at him in adoration, her eyes wrinkling a bit in the corners. "What?" She asked him softly as her thumb traced circles on the back of his hand.
John hesitated at first but then raised Clara's hand to his mouth, kissing it softy as he looked up at her, "I'm sorry I haven't touched you in months, I've just been so busy here and I really hope you don't think I'm cheating because I can show you CCTV of my office if it ever crossed your mind."
Clara chuckled and caressed his cheek. He looked more worn out than ever, as if his age had suddenly caught up with him. "I do miss you in that way but I've been busy as well, let's not forget that. I trust you, John, I don't need some footage of you bent over a desk for hours on end. I love you and just because we haven't had sex, doesn't mean I will suddenly stop loving you. "
He nodded and kissed the palm of Clara's hand that was caressing his face, "I'm sorry, Clara. I know, I know, you're thirty and I've just turned sixty. There's thirty years between us..." He swallowed and moved away from her, rubbing his red eyes again, "I love you too, Clara Oswald. But I'd understand if you left me. I mean I'm here all the time, I'm getting older and I haven't had sex with you in months. I just feel bad, that's all."
She sighed and looked down at his hands. She never made it a point to see how far apart in life they were. She was just starting while he was in what she assumed was the golden age already. "I would never leave you. I'm not that kind of person. I believe in talking things through and you know it. Sure, Damian and I miss you but you need to do your thing. You could do with a bit of time management, though."
John sighed and moved away carefully, chewing his lip in thought, "I miss you and Damian too. I know I could try and manage my time but it's hard, you know?" He sighed and looked down at his multiple drawings, hands clenched in his hair.
"I need an assistant but I don't trust anyone to do my work and complete it correctly. I need to provide for you and Damian."
"That's bullshit, John." She placed her container down and took two soda cans out of the bag and offered him one. "You can place an ad for an assistant with at least two years of experience in whatever you want, that is able to draw and audition them, see if you like anyone. We both know we are perfectly fine. You make a huge salary yearly and you have a lot of money saved in the bank, Damian could probably put his grandchildren through college with all the money you have and I make around £145,000 a year. We are fine. We can survive."
John took the drink and drank it quickly, not realising how thirsty he really was. He put it down and nodded, all of a sudden his eyes filling with tears, "I'm sorry," he whimpered, his head falling down onto his arms, hand at the back of his head as he ran his finders through his thick hair.
She put her container down and went around the desk, she raised his head from his arms and just hugged him. "Don't be sorry. You're just worrying about Damian and me, that's what makes you a good man." She threaded her fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head.
"You just need to take a vacation, maybe even by yourself so you can centre yourself again, get new ideas and devise a plan. I think you may need a bit of direction."
John nodded his head, listening to Clara's words as he muttered about having a duty of care for her and Damian. His shoulders relaxed at the feeling of her fingers running through his thick hair and he slowly stood up, turning around to face her, "I don't deserve you," he muttered, glancing to Clara's lips as his blue eyes were welled up with tears.
She smiled up at him and tapped his chest with her finger. "Sorry, mister, but I'm exactly what you deserve." She looked into his red rimmed blue eyes filled with tears and she wanted nothing more than to hug him but she didn't dare just yet.
John sniffed, "I love you," he told Clara calmly and wrapped his arms tight around her, pulling her body close to his. "So much that it hurts." He muttered into Clara's ear, his hands roaming all over her back
"I love you too, babe." She kissed his chest, even though he couldn't feel it because of his shirt as her hands ran up and down his back. It saddened her to notice that he had lost some weight, it was barely noticeable but she knew this body. She should have intervened sooner.
"I just need you to take care of yourself first, please."
John nodded, let go of his girlfriend and sat down to eat and drink. He watched Clara, smiling at everything she said and then he realised he didn't want to be without her, he was so deeply in love with her. "Marry me."
She was in the middle of telling him how she had won the case when he said that all of a sudden. "What?" She said, confused. Did she even hear him correctly? "I...you sure?" She smiled at him, her eyes inflating a little.
John didn't even need to think about it. He nodded slowly, a fond smile on his face, "Marry me..." He repeated, getting up and helping Clara to her feet. He stood on the spot where they met again after six years and kneeled down on one knee.
One of her hands went up to her mouth, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She didn't know what to say, she just stood there, looking down at him as her heart started beating fast. She was shaking a little as well. "I…John, of course I'll marry you."
John looked around for a makeshift ring and opened a packet of hairbo's. He laughed and slipped the ring onto her finger, beaming up at her, "Would have been awkward if you said no," he commented and then stood up, leaning in to kiss his fiancé.
She laughed with him, a few tears slipping from her eyes. She didn't know why she was so emotional since both of them were practically married already. She cupped his face and kissed him tenderly, her heart soaring as she promised to love him for the rest of his life.
No matter how long that may be.