I didn't know how I got here. No, that's a lie. I knew exactly how I ended up in this position. My rebellion has caused nothing but grief for everyone involved and now there were gunshots filling the house, men shouting in both anger and pain. All happening because of me and my rash decisions. I had fallen in love with the forbidden, betraying my family and my heart. Now, it was too late, I couldn't stop the turn of events from happening. A war was started, the end closing in on us all, and I didn't know which side I wanted to win. My mind automatically thought back to the day it all started…

Love Thy Enemy

I awoke to find the house eerily quiet. I couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of the maids cleaning or their usual chatter as they moved through the different rooms. No annoying hum of the vacuum outside my bedroom door or sprays of different cleaning products being used. My mother wasn't snapping her fingers at everyone in her path or complaining that I wasn't out of bed yet. It was a peeve of hers when I came to the breakfast table either after everyone else had eaten or ungroomed. I frequently got a lecture about leaving my room without dressing for the day first. Why should I not be comfortable to walk around in my pajama's in my own home? I had to give it to her though, there were men walking in and out of the house all day. Through the front door, to my father's office, and back out again. One after the other, they came and went. Most times they simply ignored my presence if I happened to cross paths with them, avoiding eye contact at all costs. I suspected it was what my father demanded rather than their disinterest that kept them from greeting me or glancing my way. Preparing for the awaiting argument, I slipped on a light robe and left my room with disheveled hair, my slippers slapping against the floor under my feet like hands clapping as I shuffled into the hall and down the wide staircase. Entering the dining room, I saw Papa sitting at the breakfast table, an event that hardly occurred. He usually ate early and was out of the house or holed up in his office before I even woke. It explained the unusual silence that seemed to echo throughout the house. I smiled at him indulgently, kissing his cheek before sitting in the seat to his left.

"Good morning, Papa."

"Mia dolce ragazza." He chuckled, patting my cheek.

My mother watched us from the opposite end of the table with a gloomy expression. Something must be weighing on her mind; normally she observed us with a look of boredom. It wasn't that she was envious of my relationship with my father, rather, she was simply disinterested. As long as she was given her allowance, she couldn't care less of his doings; my brother and I included. I had always been close with my father, his Piccola Principessa. My brother often teased me because of it, but never in front of our father. He only did that once when we were young after I ran tattling to my father on some sort of mischief Jasper had been involved with and received a slap across the face, never repeating the offence again. As if he had heard my thoughts, Jasper entered the room with his customary arrogant stride, grinning brightly at Papa and I.

"Good morning, Papa and Mama; Monello."

I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh lightly, and grabbed the serving spoon to fill my plate with my favorite eggs. Scrambled with cheese, bacon, and green onions. It was also a favorite of my Papa's and whenever he was home to eat breakfast with us the staff made sure it was on the table.

"Gasparo, I'm surprised to see you this morning." My father grunted.

"You were just complaining about how I wasn't around enough so I thought I would join you today."

"That's my boy." My father chuckled happily, slapping my brother on the back who was now sitting in the chair across from me.

"Besides, I know today is the big day." My brother added, throwing a wink in my direction.

"What's today?" I asked curiously, raising a brow at my brother for not already telling me.

We both knew he was a terrible secret keeper, seeking me out to tell me whatever news he had to share.

"Isabella, your Papa has some exciting news." My father smiled, once again chuckling under his breath.

I returned his smile, never able to deny myself the gifts he readily bestowed upon me. My mother, previously sitting ignored but for the brief greeting my brother gave, cleared her throat, causing the three of us to glance in her direction. Jasper and I had been raised by several nannies' our whole life, knowing if we ever needed anything, that we should go to them or our father. She was our mother by name only. There was no warmth in her eyes when she looked at us, no arms to hold us when we cried.

"I don't know if this is the best time, Carlo." Her eyes suddenly anxious as they flickered between my father and I.

"I will say when the time is right!" My father's voice boomed.

She swallowed hard, eyes shifting to the toast on the plate before her, and fell silent.

My brother and I looked at one another, both of us thinking the same thing. Our mother never argued with our father or challenged his decisions. The one time I witnessed her doing as such was when she accused him of loving his goomah, which resulted in her being knocked around a bit before he left the house for two solid weeks. Jasper and I were taken care of by our current nanny at the time, but our mother was left with no money and her car taken away. She was trapped in the house, no friends willing to risk my father's wrath to help her. After that, she hardly even glanced in my father's direction. When I was twelve, Jasper told me they didn't love one another and only married because their fathers had arranged it. I scoffed back then, insisting they must love each other or Jasper and I wouldn't be here. It wasn't till I was old enough to know how babies were made that I truly understood the truth of his words. I never asked my father or mother about it, knowing Jasper would be beaten for speaking of such things to me. I was not only a girl; I was my father's principessa. I was to be kept innocent. My poor father had no idea how corrupt my best friend was and in turn, me. The beloved Rosalie. He thought she walked on water. Her father was one of his capo's and our families were close. Her mother was just as vapid as mine and we became as close as sisters. Not only did we spend the summers together, but we were sent to the same private all-girls school. The first year there, we were assigned in different rooms till I called my father, crying my heart out, and he shelled out a huge donation so that Rose and I would always share a room for the rest of our time there.

"You remember Jacob Nero, don't you?" He asked, still giving me his blinding smile.

I scrunched my face at hearing the name. Jacob was a self-righteous pig. He was Jaspers age so I was never forced to be in his presence much, but when I was he gave me the creeps. There was something off about the way he stared at me, like he held some big secret he refused to share with the rest of us.

"Unfortunately." I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my toast.

"Hey! Show some respect. He comes from a good family." My father ordered, shaking a finger at me.

"Papa, he is a chauvinist! I can't stand to be in the same room as him." I sniffed.

"You had better change your attitude, and do it quickly." He spoke in a low voice and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why, are you throwing a party?" I pouted, batting my eyes just enough to sooth his irritation.

That was the only time I usually needed to interact with the members of the Nero family. It was required I put on a good front for my father when he held a get together.

"We certainly are!" His smile returning, boisterous once more.

My stomach tightened, instincts telling me something was off, that I wouldn't like what he had to say next. His eyes shifted, telling me there was a hidden agenda.

My brother sat back and folded his arms across his chest. He no longer looked amused, but actually seemed concerned. I should have known then that something drastic was about to happen. Jasper liked to tease and poke fun at my expense, even though he was my confidant. The only time he seemed worried over my wellbeing was when he thought I was being disrespected or harmed by someone outside of the family.

"You are twenty-one years old, Isabella. This shouldn't come as a complete shock, but just the same, you will be uniting two very powerful families, making your Papa proud."

"What are you talking about?" Chancing another look at Jasper who avoided my eyes by staring at his plate of now cold food.

He wouldn't meet my eyes, making it obvious that he knew what was going on and had kept it from me. We may annoy one another, act like we couldn't care less about each other, but we had a vow to never keep secrets from the other. My brother has broken this silent contract of ours. The one man I thought I could always count on to have my back and best interest at heart has betrayed me.

"In two months' time, you and Jacob will be married, combining our families." He clapped his hands together once, a satisfied grin on his face.

He watched me with expectation, waiting for me to throw my arms around his neck and thank him profusely.

I did the exact opposite.

"I will never marry Jacob!" I exclaimed.

There was a deafening silence as my family members stared at me in shock, I had never contradicted my father before, till my father finally found his voice.

"Watch your tone, Isabella." Narrowing his eyes at me. "The contracts have been signed by myself and his father. It is a done deal. You will be marrying Jacob Nero and be gracious toward him."

"I'll spit in his damn face the next time I see him!" I snarled back, glaring at my father defiantly.

"Watch your mouth." His voice threateningly low.

"Fuck you and the Nero family!" Ignoring the sounds of warning going off inside my head.

My brother jumped from his seat with apprehension, paling as he glanced between my father and I. He wanted to jump in front of me, protect me from any potential danger. Unfortunately, the danger present was our own father. Before I could utter another word against him or even blink, his hand connected with my cheek. My head snapped to the side by the excessive force, the entire left side of my face flaring up in pain. I didn't need a mirror to know it was bright red and would probably bruise before the day was over. My whole life, my father had never raised his hands to me, tears automatically welling in my eyes from both pain and humiliation.

"I do not like abusing you, don't make me do it again." His voice cold, unforgiving.

His chair scraped across the tiled floor, shoes clicking as he strode out of the room without another word or backward glance. I was expected to consent and be silent. To marry a man I detested against my will, simply for the benefit it would give my father; I was nothing more than a business arrangement to him. I was a pawn, an object he collected for his own use and gain.

Jasper rushed to my side, wrapping his arms around me, allowing the tears I couldn't hold back to soak his shirt.

"I've got you poco onee."

"You knew." I accused wetly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, smoothing my hair back.

"You're sorry?" I gasped, pulling myself out of his arms. "You knew what our father was planning, yet you kept it from me! You broke our promise to one another, our promise to never keep secrets!"

"Don't blame your brother." My mother's bored voice spoke out. "No one goes against your father in this house, you know that as well as I do."

"You." I sneered. "Congratulations, Mother. Soon enough I will be out of your hair and as miserable as you are!"

"Don't be dramatic, Isabella."

"How can you allow this?"

She may not have a maternal bone in her body, but why would she want me to go through the same ordeals as her?

"Your father and I had an arranged marriage." She shrugged. "It isn't the worst thing that could happen to you."

"Look how well that has worked out for you! You two can barely tolerate the other! He has whores all over the city! Of course, he's nothing more than a pay check to you, right? As long as he isn't sticking it to you, why would you care?"

"Isabella." My brother warned lowly.

"I won't marry him! Even father can't make me." I vowed, getting out of the chair and running from the room.

"Bella, it won't be all that bad." Rose tried to reassure me, even though her face gave way that her feelings contradicted her words.

"Then you marry, Jacob." I growled.

"No thanks." She snickered. "I have my eyes set on your brother, you know that."

I rolled my eyes and shoved my face further into my pillow. Rose has been in love with my brother since she was five and has never hidden the fact from me. She's biding her time, waiting for her father and mine to come to the same conclusion she already has and agree that she and Jasper were a perfect match. I've caught my brother glance in her direction more often than not, but he kept his distance, hardly ever speaking to her. He would stutter like a fool whenever he was obligated to, usually at events where the men who worked for my father attended with their families. I had a feeling Jasper and Rosalie would be married in the near future, but that didn't mean I was going to be, no matter what my father demands. I just needed to come up with a plan, find a way out of the horrible situation I was in.

"Too bad you're a cherry blossom." Rose mumbled, picking at her nails.

"What?" I asked, lifting my head to look at her curiously.

"Why do you think you were chosen for Jake? The Nero family is just as powerful as yours and nothing less than virginal would be chosen for William Nero's son." She scoffed.

"So if I was no longer a virgin, the wedding would be called off?"


"Rose, you are brilliant!"

"I wasn't making a suggestion!"

"Still, I would never have thought of that on my own."

"I know you better than that and I know exactly what you are thinking right now. Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, biting her bottom lip nervously.

"What other option do I have? This is the only thing that might work."

"What if it doesn't and Jacob beats you on your wedding night? What will happen to you when your father finds out? Look at the bruise he left on your face from just voicing your opinion!"

"I have to try. I don't care who beats me, I won't be tied to a man I can't stand for the rest of my life. Look at my mother; she's a vacant body of flesh and bone, miserable with her lot in life. Do you want me to end up just like her? Jake and I have hardly ever spoken to one another, but when we have it has never been pleasant. I don't know why he is even agreeing to this mockery of marriage; he's never even pretended to be interested in me."

"He's in the same predicament as you, I'm sure. Doing his father's bidding, marrying you for the benefit of the Cigno and Nero families. There's been talk of another family gaining power, more than either your father or Billy have alone."

She kept talking, saying names that meant nothing to me. I didn't care who held what power, I didn't care that my father's empire was being threatened. I was already formulating a plan and I would be setting it in motion as soon as possible.

"If you are going to go through with any of the ideas running through your head, don't you dare say I gave you the idea!" She groaned, realizing her words were falling on deaf ears.

"You know I wouldn't."

After she left I refused to leave my room. My mother didn't even bother checking on me, sending a maid up to ask if I would be joining her for dinner. I ignored the knocks and my name being called, making determined decisions with each minute that passed. I knew what I was going to do, everyone else be damned. Even if my soul and self-worth went up in flames, I'd do what I had to. I wouldn't be my father's puppet. I wouldn't end up like my mother.

I heard when my brother came home without my father, the soft knock on my bedroom door when he came upstairs. I ignored him, denying him his chance of asking for my forgiveness. I would never forgive him for teaming up with my father, for making me feel so worthless. He was my brother, supposed to be my champion. I now found myself alone, I had no one but Rose.

As soon as I heard his bedroom door close, I threw my covers off. I was dressed in a pair of tight shorts, my ass almost hanging out of them, and a clingy low cut shirt. My outfit left little to the imagination, understated heels making my legs look longer than they actually were. Walking out of my room and down the stairs was the easy part, I just needed to make it past the guard that stood watch every night.

Sucking in a deep breath, I ran straight out the front door, pushed past the guard who tried to grab me, only missing me from the pure shock of someone running out of the house.

"Ms. Cigno!" I heard him calling after me, his feet finally moving and giving chase

I ran and kept running till I reached my car. I didn't take the time to look behind me, to see how close he was, and threw the door open, slamming it shut and starting the car at the same time. Putting it into drive, I finally looked out the window and saw my mother was only feet away, the guard and my brother even closer. I sped off just as Jasper's fist hit, cracking the driver's side window. I may have just sacrificed not just the guard's job, but his life. If his life meant escaping a marriage with Jacob Nero, then I would have to make it worth the sacrifice. I wouldn't let his life end in vain.

An hour later, I was downtown and neon lights blinded me as I passed bar after bar. Even though I was being reckless, trying to pretend I wasn't beginning to question my decision, I avoided all the darker buildings. Refusing to stop at the seedier looking places where bikers haunted. A few blocks further, the scenery changed, sidewalks were cleaner, the street lights brighter. I finally stopped at a building that had a line wrapped around it, velvet ropes cutting off people who argued with a bouncer. They were dressed in expensive clothing, even if they tried to appear hobo chic. This would be as good as the next, I figured. I allowed the valet to take my keys, standing in line with my heart pounding. It felt like hours when in reality only minutes passed and I was now standing before the bouncer, being asked for my I.D. I hadn't thought that far ahead, worried my name would be recognized and either sent away or my father being called. I knew he owned many businesses, mostly clubs, but didn't know which ones. Why hadn't I thought of this before I made my rash choices?

"Look, either give me your I.D. or get lost." The bouncer snarled, shaking the hand he had held out, waiting for me to show him proof I was of age. "There's an eighteen and younger place down the street you can hit up."

"No. No, I'm twenty-one."

He looked at me doubtfully, but stayed silent as I rummaged through my purse, looking for my license.

He didn't care who I was, flashing a light over the dates and handed it back without comment.

"Enjoy your night." He winked, eyes leering over my scantily clad body.

"Thanks." I frowned.

I was desperate, but I wouldn't damage my self-esteem even further by sleeping with a man whose face was pockmarked. If I had to do this, he would at least be attractive, I justified my conscience. It didn't make me feel any better and I was regretting my plan, debating on just returning home and apologizing to my brother, beg him not to tell our father. Then I thought of Jake, his huge hands groping my body. I shivered in disgust, unable to stop the sneer from forming on my lips. With determination, I went to the bar and ordered a drink.

Mia dolce ragazza – My sweet girl

Monello- Brat

Piccola Principessa – Little Princess

poco onee – Little one

Just a quick note: I have recently been diagnosed with being in the accelerated stage of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and there is a strong possibility of needing a bone marrow transplant in a few months. The updates will not be on a schedule, nor regular or in a timely manner due to my health and how poorly I have been feeling. I will post a chapter when I have had the time and energy to look it over and feel it ready enough. If there are mistakes, I apologize and if you bring it to my attention I will correct whatever you might find, I do not hold grudges against constructive criticism. I understand if a WIP with no update reliability isn't your thing. I had said I wouldn't post till I had the story written almost entirely but I am hoping that posting the first chapter will encourage me to write more frequently and keep my mind busy. Thank you for taking the time to read.