Sunday, December 3

It was Elliot's first weekend back at work since Olivia had gotten shot, and he was expected to be gone up until the middle of next week. Olivia was progressing at a moderate speed towards a full recovery, but she was still nervous about being left alone with the kids. The girls were on speed dial in case it all became too much, but so far she felt like everything was going okay.

In fact the weekend had been going so smoothly that Olivia decided to make a trip to the precinct to have a chat with her Captain about her options, and possibly leaving sex crimes. After packing a diaper bag full enough to last a weekend, she piled up the kids in the car and headed to the 1-6.

"Hey Liv!" Nick greeted her when he seen her heading into the building at the same time as him. "Let me help you," he reached for Mason who was all smiles when he seen his Uncle Nick. "Hey mano! Que pasa?" he kissed his rosy cheeks that were cool from the chilly weather.

"Oh thank you Nick," she picked up Cecilia who was holding her hand and followed him into the elevator.

"Please tell me you're not trying to come back to work already?"

"Well not exactly," she grinned. "I just have a few things to go over with Captain about next year," they stepped off onto their floor and went into the bullpen. As expected, a round of ooohhs and ahhhs filled the room when they walked in with Mason and Cecilia.

"Hey mama," Amanda waved from her chair and Olivia made her way over. Nick had took Mason over to his desk where Munch and Fin had been chatting. "You're looking good."

"Thank you. I'm feeling much better," she said in reference to her arm. "Is Captain busy?"

"Nah," she looked back at his office door that was shut. "I'll help keep an eye on the little ones. You go ahead," she reached for Cecilia, who was more than happy to hang out with her for a bit.

"It shouldn't be too long. Thanks," she tousled her hair and went to hang her coat up before knocking on his door.

"Come on in," she twisted the knob on the door and walked in, happy to see Cragen's smiling face for the first time in weeks.

"Olivia, it's so good to see you. You know we miss you around here," each time she heard that she felt this getting harder and harder. "What brings you in today?"

"Um, well.." she took a seat across from him at his desk. "I've been doing some thinking, and I think my time at svu is coming to an end."

"Let me want more time with the kids?" he smiled as he sat across from her with both of his hands clasped in front of him.

"Hit the nail right on the head."

"I knew this was coming but it doesn't make it any easier to let you go," he stood and came around to sit in the seat next to her. "You talk to Elliot about this?"

"Not totally in depth but we did talk about it after fighting about it," she rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. "Well, it wasn't a fight, more of a misunderstanding. I wasn't completely honest with him about wanting to leave, but now we're on the same page indefinitely."

"But now.."

"Now he's being so supportive and just wants me to do what I want to do."

"Stabler turned out not to be so bad, did he?" Olivia looked back at Mason and Cecilia who were busy being loved by their extended family.

"No- not at all."

Wednesday, December 6

Elliot had been gone for five whole days, trying to get back in the swing of things at work. He didn't love the fact that Olivia had gotten injured, but he loved being able to spend the last 6 weeks with her and the kids. He was grateful his job had been flexible, and let him do work from home while someone subbed in for him. But now that he was back, he took the time away to look for the perfect ring to propose to Olivia with.

Now as he sat in the car outside of their town home he toyed with the blood red box that held the engagement ring inside. He opened it to take a look at the ring one last time before sticking it in his coat pocket and heading inside.

It was just past 9 and he knew for sure the kids had been down for bed. He entered the house and hurried upstairs to see Olivia. She was already in bed watching the television, and turned the moment she heard his feet hit the top of the stairs. He threw his bags to the ground along with his coat and went to jump in bed when he seen her, causing her to laugh. Elliot snuggled between her legs and rested on his forearms, kissing her softly. He moved down and laid his head on her shoulder. Olivia straddled her legs around his and enveloped him in her arms, while she kissed and ran her hands through his hair.

"I missed you," he said and looked up to place a kiss to her jawline.

"I missed you too," she held him a little bit tighter. The action alone set him off that something was wrong with her.

"Everything okay?"

"First, let me make you some dinner," she patted for him to move and got up, grabbing a hold of his hand to follow her downstairs.

He watched her as she took a plate out of the oven and warmed a plate for him in the microwave. She stood in only an oversized NYPD shirt with her back turned to him. She grabbed him a beer from the fridge and set his plate on the island where he sat.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong baby?" he took a bite from the plate of steak and potatoes.

"I went to the precinct this weekend and spoke to Cragen," she moved to sit in the stool next to him.

"About leaving?"

"Yes.." she toyed with the necklace she wore. "I think I'm going to focus on just working part time for now, and you know maybe go back to school. Captain brought up being a SANE nurse or maybe a counselor. I don't know what I want to do yet, but I just need you to promise you'll be in my corner," he reached over and grabbed ahold of her hand.

"Olivia, you know I will always be in your corner. I think you going back to school is amazing," he pulled her in between his legs where he sat, and rested his hands on her hip. "I don't want you to stay at the 1-6 if it's not making you happy. I'll work and you go to school. The girls will help with the kids-"

"You would really do that?" he grinned widely at her snickering. "What's so funny?" she shoved his shoulder.

"You," when she tried turning away he grabbed her again and pulled her body flush against him. "When will you realize you're not alone anymore? We're your family."

"I love you," her muddy brown eyes with small flecks of gold stared back at him. She brought her hand up to the side of his face and grinned widely at him, taking in all of his features.

"And I love you," and he meant it more than ever. "I remember when you first walked into the precinct, and then when captain told me that you were going to be my new partner."

"You hated me," Olivia took her seat next to him again.

"I didn't hate you. You were just so new and had no idea what you were going into. It's tough getting a rookie," he pulled her stool closer to him until the edge of her seat was touching his. "But I'm glad I got you," he said sweetly as his hand rested near the apex of her thighs.

"Sweet save at the end there," she winked and stole a steamed carrot from his plate. "But I guess you're right. We do make a pretty good team- and cute kids."

"How much longer til we try for another one of those?"

"You would think a man with 7 kids would learn to settle down," she joked. Inside it made her feel all warm and fuzzy- just happy that they were able to have both Cecilia and Mason soon after. Olivia hadn't expected in her wildest dreams to be with Elliot, and then once she was, a kid was the furthest thing from her mind. He had lived his life. He went and did the whole American dream thing and got married, had kids, Elliot did it all. But to hear that he wanted to do it all over again- and with her..she didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing it.

"One more wouldn't hurt," he grinned as he dug into his food.

"Let us at least get these two out of diapers before we even think about that," she stood and kissed the corner of his mouth, before going to clean the few dishes still in the sink.

Sunday, December 24

It's the day before Christmas, of course how could he forget? Christmas Eve would no longer just be another holiday full of family traditions and preparing for the big holiday. Now it would be the day Elliot and Olivia's life changed forever. New memories would be made that they would both be able to hold close.

Today he was going to propose. There wasn't any doubts in his mind that this was the right time for them to take the next step. He wasn't expecting wedding bells by the end of next year, but he needed Olivia to know that he wanted her in his life for the rest of time. It had been on his mind since the beginning of the year and now he couldn't believe the time had finally come.

Elliot spent the past 3 weeks planning this and going back and forth on what to do. At first he wanted to make this proposal an entire event with all of their closest friends and family surrounding them. But then he realized that that just wasn't Olivia or him. Everything between them was always easy going and he knew Olivia would appreciate a more intimate gesture more than a grand one.

He tried his best to act as normal as possible this entire week as he planned carefully behind her back with the help of Casey and the kids. Elliot knew he got incredibly lucky that this Christmas was theirs, and having all of the kids around didn't look suspicious at all. He made sure to cross all of his t's and dot all of his i's before tonight.

It was just past midnight and all of the kids had been asleep, making pallets in Eli's room and downstairs in the living room. The house was quiet with only the background noise of the tv as Olivia sat on the floor of their bedroom wrapping gifts. She had worked hard to hide them all, deciding she would surprise them in the morning with a tree full of presents on Christmas day.

"What is this for?" Elliot had emerged from the closet and tossed a hoodie of his her way.

"I think it's only right that we make another late night trip like last year," he stood in his red plaid pajama bottoms that matched the thermal onesie she wore.

"You didn't buy a house did you?" she complied and pulled the hoodie over her head.

"You won't know until we get there," he was playing coy and tossed her a scarf and beanie before tugging her downstairs.

He blindfolded her again and drove barely ten minutes before they reached their destination.

"And we are here," he took a deep breath before walking to the other side of the car and guiding her into the building. He made sure she was in the perfect spot before untying her blindfold and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Elliot.." was all the she could muster up the strength to say. They stood in the same Italian restaurant he had brought her to on their first date, except this time it looked completely different. With the help of the owner, George, he was granted the rest of the night here with only him Olivia and a small wait staff that was kind enough to spend their Christmas Eve here. The small restaurant had been covered in white string lights all over, and tea lights. There was a table right in the center of the dining room that was obviously set just for them.

"Let's have a seat," he led her to the circle table that was covered in a black fabric tablecloth, and had a small candle lit centerpiece.

"I can't believe you did all of this. This is beautiful," Olivia sat next to him at the table with her chin in the palm of her hand as she looked around at the work he had done. "Just when I think I've got you figured out, you go and surprise me all over again."

"There's plenty more to come but for now, I just want you to enjoy yourself," a member of the wait staff was kind enough to bring them a bottle of wine, and bread to enjoy while their meal was being prepared.

They talked quietly between each other about nothing too heavy as they sipped on their wine, and indulged in their food that they enjoyed over a year ago. Her laugh filled the room when he cracked his corny jokes, she smiled so widely that the small dimples in her chin appeared. Sitting alone in this restaurant in only their pajamas beat anything else he had planned. After they finished dinner they sat for a moment completely stuffed and trying to make room for dessert. Elliot knew this was as good a time as ever to make his move and finally ask the question he's been dying to ask.

"So," he began to talk. "Do you have any idea why I decided to add so many lights to this place?" Elliot took the few seconds that she looked up and around at all the lights to fish the ring box from his pocket. When she turned to look back at him he already had the box open in front of her. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as the tears formed in an instant.

"I wanted to show you just how much of a light you have been in my life since we started this new journey together," he continued and moved his chair back to get on one knee. "I want to spend every morning waking up next to you. I want long days in the park with the kids. I want sticky hot fourth of July weekends at the beach, and cold winters playing in the snow. I want every beautiful pure and fearless part of you, but I also want those insanely stubborn and hardheaded parts too," he paused after finding himself getting choked up. "Olivia Benson, what I'm trying to say is that I want- no I need you in my life. That pact we made years ago, partners for life, I want to take the next step with that. I love you madly, Liv. Will you please marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she said over and over as she cried and her face became soaked with tears. It was all so unexpected, truly. She had no idea that this was his plans before the end of this year. They had discussed marriage in the future, but she thought maybe another year would pass until then.

The moment he slid that ring on her finger, she suddenly felt whole. The pear shaped star studded ring fit her left ring finger perfectly. The silver band shined and the sparkle of the diamond bounced off the reflection of the lights. Olivia jumped into his arms, causing him to fall to the ground and elicit laughter. She kissed him repeatedly, taking the sides of his head in her hands. She laughed when she pulled away and seen the shit eating grin on his face. For once she had never been more happy to see it.

"I love you- god do I love you," she cried happily.

"I love you too," he sat up and kissed her lovingly before helping her up and standing himself. "You've made me the happiest man in the world," he grabbed ahold of her left hand and flipped it over to take a look at her ring finger.

"Oh baby," she wrapped both arms around his neck and he pulled her close by the waist. "You have no idea how much I've looked forward to this day," she nuzzled her nose against his and stole a kiss. "When did you even have the time to plan all of this?"

"Those trips to D.C have turned out to be very helpful," he pulled her chair back out for her.

"This ring is beautiful honey. Thank you for making this one of the best nights of my life," she took her seat next to him and grabbed ahold of his hand.

"You deserve this and so much more," he kissed away the few tears that were left behind. "You think we can eat some dessert before we go home and the real celebration happens?" he winked and she threw a piece of bread at him.

"What makes you think you'll be so lucky to get laid tonight?" she rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Maybe because of the way you've been eyeing me like a piece of meat all night," he leaned back in his chair, wearing an impish smile.

"Oh shut up!" she shrieked.

"So I'm guessing that means I'm right?"

"Absolutely," she beamed.

"You know you're going to have to let me sleep eventually?" Olivia laughed lightly as she laid in bed with Elliot spooning her. It was just past 6 in the morning and they hadn't slept at all. He had just finished making love to her just like this, holding her close as he worked her gently. He was attentive to her needs tonight, wanting nothing more than to feel her coming around him. She was like a drug that his body would never get enough of.

"Sadly," his hand sprawled on her abdomen as he held her, and face nuzzled into her hair. He picked up her left hand to take a look at the stone that adorned her ring finger now. "I still can't believe you're going to be my wife."

"If we're being honest I can't either, but I can't wait," she rolled over and laid her head on his chest. "This might sound crazy and out of the blue, but god I'm so happy I brought my ass back here from Oregon," they both shared a laugh. "I guess all the fighting and yelling was worth it huh?" she looked up at him and planted a kiss to his stubble covered chin.

"Hell yeah it was," he brushed her hair back with his hand and kissed her softly. "The girls I think are more excited about this than we are."

"They knew about the proposal?"

"Although all the ideas were mine, executing them would've been a disaster without them-" they both looked over at the monitor that sat on the nightstand when they heard the voice of Cecilia coming through.

"I'll get her," reluctantly Olivia rolled out of bed and grabbed her robe from the back of the door. Elliot changed the sheets while she checked on her and threw on his pajama pants. She returned almost ten minutes later with Cecilia on her hip and a bottle of milk in her hand.

"I think someone had a bad dream," she moved towards the bed and in record time Cecilia crawled across the moment she seen her daddy. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to fight sleep, before grabbing her warm milk and laying across Elliot's chest.

"I hate the bad dreams but I love the snuggles," he kissed her forehead.

"Merry Christmas!" Kathleen and Elizabeth ran into their room without knocking and tumbled into the bed, attacking Olivia. "And happy engagement! Let me see! Let me see!" Elizabeth screamed.

"How do you know I even said yes?" Olivia played coy and hid her hand behind her back.

"Oh please!" Kathleen scoffed and motioned for Olivia to show them her hand.

"It looks even better in person," the girls awed at the ring and gave her hugs. "Olivia Benson is going to be our stepmom. Who would've thought?"

"Presents! Presents! Presents!" Eli appeared and ran into their room, adding to the party happening on the bed. "It's finally Christmas, Livia!"

"Our second Christmas together too," he crawled his way up to her lap and hugged her tightly. "My big boy," she ran her hands through his hair. He was no longer the little toddler running around, but instead a spitting image of his father.

"Eli, Dad and Olivia are getting married!" Elizabeth said.

"Married?" he looked up at his father perplexed.

"Yeah buddy. Do you know what that means?"

"I do, but thought you and Livia already were?" everyone tried their hardest to keep straight faces, but Eli had been just too cute.

"Well, I guess it kind of did seem like that huh?" Olivia added and kissed his forehead. "But now we're going to be official. And you'll all get to be there to help. Does that sound good?"

"I like that!" his face brightened.

"Good! Because we're going to need your help carrying these really important rings," she showed him the engagement ring on her hand.

It wasn't long before Maureen had come into their room with Mason in her arms, and Dickie following behind her. Eli had moved between his dad and Olivia to make room for his little brother. Dickie threw himself on the chaise near the bed, and Maureen had squeezed herself on the already full bed.

"Merry Christmas everyone!"

"Merry Christmas!"

"Let me see the ring!"

"You girls are something else," Olivia shook her head laughing.

"We're just so excited for you guys! You have to let us help you plan. Especially the bachelorette party," she said sly as she looked at her sisters.

"Can we open presents now?" Eli interrupted.

"Yes, of course honey," Olivia helped him down from the bed.

"Last one down is a rotten egg!" Kathleen began her head start towards the stairs before her siblings ran after her. Cecilia hadn't moved one bit from Elliot's arms as she fell back asleep, and Mason had been more focused on ridding Olivia of her robe and getting breakfast.

"Oh boy, you are not trying to wait are you?" Olivia giggled and settled into the pillows to nurse a hungry Mason. Elliot watched her and their baby boy as she fed him in bed like she did every morning. It was a routine he would never be tired of and he knew the day their baby boy was no longer a baby, he would be somber of the routine lost.

"You're serving him liquid gold every morning. What do you expect?" she laughed gingerly and reached for his hand that was resting on his side. She laced her fingers with his and leaned over to kiss him warmly. He looked at her momentarily before leaning in to kiss her again. "Everything okay?" he studied her face that was now contented.

"More than okay. I'm exactly where I want to be," she smiled gently as she looked over at him, meaning each and every word.

It was a new feeling this Christmas. One full of satisfaction, appreciation, and most of all happiness. If someone had told her that from this point on she would never spend another Christmas alone, but instead surrounded by her newfound family, she wouldn't believe them. In the span of only a year she lost her best friend, fell in love with her partner, and had a family of her own. Despite the tragedy of losing her closest friend, Olivia felt like she had finally found exactly who she was meant to be in life. And although there were still a few questions left to answer, she knew without a doubt that being right here with Elliot and their kids was exactly where she was supposed to be.

The End.

I started this story over a year ago, and I can't believe how far it's come. Thanks for sticking with me and supporting my works. I hope to start the sequel soon, but for now I'm going to work on my short story "Dear Mom".

Leave me one last review? Thank you xx.