
His obsidian eyes stared intensely at what was in front of him. He wanted it. He wanted it so bad but he couldn't take it, could he? It was against the rules. A crime. The punishment for taking such a sweet thing away and keeping it for himself… He could only imagine what sort of suffering he'd be put through.

His tongue flicked out to moisten his dry lips while he stared. He could barely refrain himself while having something so delicious sitting right in front of him… It was asking to be taken. To be brought to his lips so he could ravish it at any given moment.

He exhaled through his nose as his finger twitched in anticipation. Nobody would notice if he slipped away while taking what he currently desired most. What he was craving so deeply that his knuckles were turning white as he clenched his fist trying to stop himself from pouncing on it.

A soft whine escaped him and he huffed before looking around the room. No one was here to stop him. His greedy fingers could take what they so desperately wanted without anyone hindering them. A devilish smirk revealed his pointed canines as he crept closer to what he was longing for. So tantalisingly close yet such a far distant to claim it.

The tips of his fingers grazed along the wrapping before it was swiped from his grasp and he let out a low growl before looking at the culprit of taking what was rightfully his. His gaze darkened upon seeing a blonde holding the vanilla cupcake that he was after with a teasing smile playing on her lips.

"Sorry Natsu," Lucy baited and then licked the white icing that was coating her index finger. The pink haired male watched as she tainted what was rightfully his before a wicked smile replaced his frown.

"That's a big mistake, Luce," Natsu threatened as he lifted himself off his chair and stalked around the bench the separated the two. Her dark brown eyes shined in the sunlight that filtered through the window and her smirk grew wider.

She brought the cupcake closer to her lips and winked at him before taking a bite of the sweet dessert. They held eye contact as she took pleasure in devouring the small cake in front of him before she was tackled to the wooden floor. Their bodies becoming a tangled mess as Natsu pushed her down.

He quickly dominated the surprised blonde, straddling her hips and peering down at her wide-eyed gaze as he now held the cupcake in his hands. Her arms were pinned above her head with his free hand and a blush dusted her cheeks.

"N-Natsu! Get off of me," she murmured and struggled beneath him. He only grinned down at her before bringing the bitten cupcake close to her face.

"Hey Lucy," He began as his eyes sparkles with mischief, "Did you really enjoy this?" Natsu asked and shook the small cake in front of her. He was out for revenge and the poor girl beneath him could only choke on her words; she was too flustered to think.

"If you did then I think you would like some more," He chuckled before pushing the frosting covered sweet into her face and smearing it all over. She screamed as he only laughed and continued till it covered her entirely like foundation.

"Natsu," Lucy whined and squirmed beneath him, trying to get free so she could strangle that pink haired idiot. He laughed at her feeble attempts before leaning down close to her. He observed her cupcake covered face and smirked while she yelled.

"Lucy," He whispered and stopped the profanities she shouted, "You do know that I wanted that cupcake too?" She let out a surprised noise as she felt his lips against hers. He could feel the softness of hers even if they were layered in frosting and he gently sucked her bottom lip. He could taste its sweetness but he decided that Lucy was so much sweeter. The way her body felt beneath his and how she tangled her fingers through his pinks locks when he released his grip.

Yes, she was indeed better than the cupcake and most definitely what he had been longing for the most after all.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! All reviews are welcome and most definitely wanted so don't be shy~

As to my readers of my fanfic Black & White I would like to apologise for the delay in updates as I am finishing school and my laptop broke. I have only just gotten it back today so I hope you can forgive me!

Thank you~