Disclaimer. All characters and general content belong to Togashi Yoshihiro, although I do claim ownership for my OC, Rin, and all other noncanon locations(which there will be a lot of), fights and characters I may end up creating. This fanfiction will be rated M for violence, gore and many other explicit scenes I will more than likely produce from my deranged mind.
You have been warned.
This fanfiction will take place after Greed Island arc, through Chimera Ant arc and then rest is my own creation. I might end up going OOC with certain characters due to lack of information of their pasts and personalities. I have also dropped the idea of using Feitan's original form of speech, as it would make it increasingly hard for me to 'move' him.
Please review to let me know your opinions c:
Chapter one
Prologue: Square One
There was only a single flickering lightbulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The cable connecting the bulb and the ceiling was thin and battered, making it easy for the frosty breeze to sway the thin glass bauble. Eerie shadows created by the dim, blinking light provided the perfect canvas for the masterpiece on the floor below. It was painted a mesmerizing shade of red, covering the whole length and breadth of the floor, stretching onto the white concrete walls in irregular, artistic splatters. In the middle of the floor lay a deeper, thicker pool of red, fragments of white and the head of Abengane. His mouth was slightly ajar with a thin ribbon of blood trickling down his chin and his eyes were open wide in horror, staring eternally into nothingness. The room was uncannily silent, the only sound belonging to the quiet, moaning wind, which blew inside through the broken windows. Yet, though it was silent in the room, it was far from empty. Three figures stood in the doorway, taking in the scene before them, seemingly apathetic. The only thing betraying their disinterest, was the heavy, suffocating aura of palpable anger, which rolled off of them in waves.
"I guess this explains why we couldn't get in touch with him."
"Shut it, Shalnark." An angry growl came.
Shalnark sent his partner an apologetic smile, although it didn't reach his eyes – for quite obvious reasons. The situation was far from joyous, so he refrained from further comments as they would just aggravate his comrade further, which in return would most likely end in several unwanted bruises. Phinks could be rather volatile when angered and right now, he was furious.
Their third companion had been silent until now, grouching over the puddle of blood and seemingly spaced out while his finger played with the thick, velvety liquid pooled at his feet. His eyes crinkled slightly from a smile hidden by the bandana he donned over his mouth, he then let out a small huff as he stood and faced the other men in the room, while flicking his finger clean from the fluid. They regarded each other quietly and then, as if coming to the same conclusion, they begun making their way out of the room, seeing that there was nothing left for them in that blood-soaked cubicle.
They walked in relative silence for quite some time, passing identical, cheap looking hovels made of clay, sand and in better cases wood. The area was practically a slum for the homeless and criminals. There was no electricity here and water was scarce, since the only source was a single, miserable well in the middle of the so called town. It also lacked a proper, functioning sewage system, which resulted in many unsavory odors. The place was absolutely rancid.
"This place is a lot emptier than the last time we were here." Shalnark commented while scanning the surroundings, barely finding any signs of life. The whole place appeared to be deserted or more likely, savagely killed.
"Our contact was probably not the only one who met his end." A quiet, cold murmur was heard, following Shalnark's line of thought.
"Tch." Phinks let out an angry sigh. "Now we are back to square one. Some good that prediction was." He ground out.
Shalnark, ever the positive one, piped up. "It's a pity we lost this one, but he isn't the only nen-exorcist around. There isn't many of them, but I'm sure we could manage to locate one, who would be.. willing to help us." He said cheerfully, a flash of malice passing through his eyes.
Phinx quirked and eyebrow. "So where to? Got any leads?"
However Shalnark didn't have an answer for him right off the bat and remained silent, thinking. They fell into a quiet walk once more, slowly reaching the edge of the empty town. After passing the last pathetic excuse for a house, they entered an endless, desert-like wasteland that reached as far as their eyes could see. Desert-like for a reason – the sand crunching under their feet was morbidly black, as if it were ash. At first sight even life seemed to be impossible in this deathly land, but if you knew where to look, you could find most wondrous flora and fauna. Nonetheless, it was a huge contrast compared to the other side of the city, which was bordered by a larger-than-life mountain dressed in lush, green pine trees.
"You got something, Fei?" Phinks asked, when he noticed the other had stopped. Shalnark also came to a halt and turned to look at Feitan questioningly.
"Savant." Feitan said mutedly, face expressionless.
Phinks just stared at his comrade blankly. That word told him next to nothing, so he turned to Shalnark, expecting a similar reaction. His expression, however, was contemplative.
"Enlighten me Shal, cause I'm not following."
"Not surpising, your brain is as useful as a sack o-" His sentence was cut off as a rock flew at his face and he was forced to dodge. He sent a goofy smile to a now miffed Phinx, who's eye twitched slightly.
"Continue." He dared the blonde, as he flicked another rock up in the air and caught it effortlessly.
"Hahaha." He laughed, innocently and returned to the precious topic. "Anyway. Savant." He flicked out his phone and opened the browser. "There's actually very little information on her."
Phinks raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, it's a woman. In any case, she's eluded the public eye as well as we have, there's nearly no records on her, making her exceedingly difficult to find."
"So who is she? Why would she be of any use to us?" Phinks asked, growing annoyed since he wasn't getting the point.
"She's an information gatherer, thief." Feitan said, corners of his mouth curled slightly upwards at the sight of his dense comrade.
"It's as Feitan said. Rumor has it, that she pretty much knows everything of everything, and what she doesn't know, she will find out." Shalnark cited, tapping on his phone. "But as I said before, there's next to no information on her. The only facts people have agreed on about her, are that she's a female with white hair." He chuckled. "Some claim her to be an old, bumbling hag, whilst others say it's a child. They don't even know her name, thus the alias, Savant."
"And how are we supposed to find such an elusive person? There's nothing to go about." Phinks rambled irritably while running his hand through his hair.
"She was spotted in Swaldani City. Couple of Hunters were talking about 'acquiring' her." Feitan hinted, smiling cruelly.
"Well then," Phinks smirked, turning towards the direction of the aforementioned city, "guess we better go and 'acquire' her first then."
To be continued.