They gazed at the figure on the side of the hill.
It was a rag-tag group of adolescents, dressed in summer clothes with orange t-shirts labeled in black with the words Camp Halfblood.
They would be mistaken for normal campers at a normal camp, if not for the fact that they held bronze weapons and some of them were half-goat.
The figure laying unconscious in the tall grass underneath the pine tree was hard to see. For all they knew, it could be a horrible monster. But they question was: why wasn't the dragon guarding the pine tree attacking?
That's when a man who was half-horse and a man in a Hawaiian shirt ran/sauntered up.
"Where?" The horse-man asked. The leader of the group pointed, glaring venomously.
"There." She replied. The horse-man trotted over and kneeled, frowning. A few moments later, he looked up.
"Get Will Solace."
"What?" The leader of the children asked, confused. The horse-man looked back at the figure.
"She's hurt. We need a healer... Go!" As the border-patrol ran off, the man in the Hawaiian shirt kneeled next to the horse-man. "What do you think, Dionysus? Will we be able to use nectar and ambrosia on her?"
"Hmmm... She's not a demigod, but she has power like nothing on this planet. An unlocked soul... It should be safe, or as safe as it would be for any of these delinquents."
"And, is she safe to bring into the camp?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"... It should be fine. It's just a bit eyebrow-raising, don't you think? First Water-Boy's brat vanishes, and now this? Something's off, Chiron."
"Indeed... Look." Chiron gestured. "That's a wound that was meant to be fatal, shot from head on. And her heel..."
"I haven't seen injuries like this since-"
"Achilles, at his demise. I know... Look, at her weapons." Chiron lifted a large bronze shield and a spear. "She is definitely a warrior. But-" Chiron let out a cry of surprise as the red/gold spear changed into a rifle. "Not like any on the face of this Earth!"
"Chiron! Mr. D!" A boy with a bow, quiver, and medical kit ran up with the border-patrol behind him. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"Can you help her, Will?" Chiron gestured to the figure in the grass. Will kneeled, eyes widening.
"She's alive?!"
"... I'll see what I can do." The boy gently scooped the figure up. The border-patrol's eyes widened.
"A girl?" Someone asked. Then, they noticed the arrows protruding from her chest and heel. "What?! What happened to her?!"
"If she lives..." Chiron looked down at her warily. "She'll tell us."
"Great." Mr. D scoffed. "Just what we needed. Another brat."
Two emerald-green eyes fluttered open, a small noise of pain and discomfort emanating from their owner. She looked up to see blonde hair and blue eyes, dazed.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
"My name is Will Solace. I'm a healer. Can you tell me your name?"
"Pyrrha, you're safe. You're going to be alright. Get some rest."
"Okay..." The green eyes closed. Will brushed her red hair out of her face, looking up as Chiron watched from the doorway.
"I think she's going to be alright... What is she? Seventeen?"
"I believe so..."
"No word from Mr. D? Or Percy?"
"... No."
"This isn't good, Chiron."
"No. No, it is not."
Pyrrha opened her eyes again, looking up to see Will and Chiron.
"W-where am I?"
"It is alright." Chiron began. "You are safe, now. We managed to heal your wounds." A hand was extended, Will helping Pyrrha sit up. "What is the last thing you remember, Ms..?"
"Nikos." Pyrrha replied. "My name is Pyrrha Nikos." Her green eyes suddenly widened. "Ruby!"
"Ms. Nikos?" Chiron asked, worried. "What is it?" Pyrrha raised a hand to the side of her head.
"I-I was fighting that woman, Cinder Fall, and she..." Pyrrha looked down at her bandaged heel, then her chest. "And Ruby was there... How long have I been out?! I-I can still help her! She doesn't stand a chance! I-!"
"I'm sorry, Ms. Nikos." Chiron shook his head. "You have been out for a little over three days." Pyrrha's wide green eyes slowly teared up. "Perhaps your friend survived, after all?"
"... Only if she ran." Pyrrha looked down, closing her eyes. "She's so determined to become a Huntress... She would never have run away."
"A Huntress?" Will asked. "Like, one of Artemis' followers?" Pyrrha raised an eyebrow.
"Who is Artemis?" Pyrrha's green eyes widened. "Wait, you've never heard of Huntsmen and Huntresses?" Chiron frowned.
"What are they?"
"We are the defenders of the world. We are warriors trained for years to combat the Creatures of Grimm and people who would like nothing more than to throw Remnant into chaos."
"Creatures of Grimm?" Will asked. "And what's Remnant?" All color drained from Pyrrha's face. "Pyrrha?"
"Y-you don't know the name of the planet?" She asked. "Or about the Grimm?"
"Planet?" Chiron asked. Then, his eyes widened. "Di immortals... Ms. Nikos, are you saying-?"
"I'm on another planet." Pyrrha stared at Will and Chiron, stunned. "This can't be happening! I have to be on Remnant! My friends need me! My world needs me! A madwoman has the Fall Maiden's powers, Ozpin is most likely dead, and Ruby stood against Cinder Fall and the Grimm Dragon alone! I have to get back!"
"Calm down, please." Chiron pleaded. The girl took a deep, shaky breath. "Ms. Nikos, we will do everything we can to help you, but first: explanations. We will explain our world, then you will explain yours. Is that alright?"
"Good. Now..."
A great furnace roared in the darkness, two enormous hands assembling pieces tiny compared to them.
When the pieces were together, a hand was waved over them, and golden light fused the pieces.
The giant form in the darkness shrunk down to human size, then extended a hand.
A pale hand accepted it, a teenage girl being pulled to her feet.
She had bright orange hair and bright, innocent green eyes over a sea of freckles. She wore old-fashioned blouse with short feminine overalls, as well as a black and green collar with a matching pair of stockings. In her hair was a baby-pink bow, and on her back was a thin, silver backpack.
"Well, then..." A large man covered in soot with dark hair and a beard pushed his goggles onto his forehead, brushing his apron off. "How are you feeling?"
The girl looked down at herself, then back at the man.
"I'm feeling fine." The girl beamed. "Thank you for asking... Sal-u-tations! My name is Penny Polendina!" The girl held her hand out, and the man shook it.
"Vulcan... And kid, no need to act like a human around me. I'm the one who put ya back together, after all."
"Oh..." Penny's eyes widened. "I was destroyed." Vulcan nodded, then held something out.
A flash-drive.
"Download this. It'll explain everything." He stated. Penny nodded and took the flash-drive, closing her eyes and focusing as she clenched her fist, every green thing on her body glowing.
Penny opened her eyes, and they were wide as she handed the drive back to Vulcan.
"I see... You are a god?"
"And, your half-mortal children are heroes who battle monsters?"
"And you brought me here to assist in preventing the battle between the Greek and Roman demigods due to the gods' personalities clashing so that they may work together against the growing darkness?"
"Yep... And, I couldn't let such an excellent piece of technology go to waste."
"I am thankful!" Penny bowed her head, smiling. Vulcan grinned, then grew serious.
"Listen, Juno has brought someone else from your world to Earth. I was only able to get you here because Jupiter didn't consider you a sentient life form... I need you to go to Camp Jupiter, wait for Percy Jackson to arrive, then help him on his quest. If you succeed, you'll find the other person from Remnant, and when all of this is said and done, you'll have the option of returning to Remnant. Deal?" Vulcan held his hand out, and Penny shook it, smiling brightly.
With that, Vulcan snapped, and Penny dissolved into sparks.
Green sparks rose from the ground at an ancient, burnt-out mansion. They condensed, forming a fairly confused Penny.
She kneeled on the ground, looking around in confusion, then gasped and stumbled away at the sight of two spires rising from a pool.
'They will not cause you harm.' A voice whispered in Penny's central processor, making her optics widen. Penny turned and found herself face-to-face with a seven-foot tall, chocolate-red wolf with eyes as silver as mist. Soon, the little android was surrounded by wolves. 'I am Lupa, little pup.'
"My name is Penny Polendina." The girl replied sheepishly, then gestured. "What are those things?"
'You will not need to worry.' If a wolf could smile, Lupa was. 'Our saving Grace will see to it... The Mist shrouds us from their sight, for now.'
"Okay..." Penny stayed perfectly still as Lupa looked her over, then looked her in the eyes.
'You have suffered many hardships, and you have trained and programmed to be a weapon.' Lupa mused, then looked at Penny seriously. 'But you are not. Your soul is that of a warrior, not a sword... You will do well in Rome.'
"Please, train me."
'Let us begin!'
Two teenagers in armor stood outside of a door, weapons drawn.
Their eyes widened as green sparks rose from the earth and condensed, forming Penny.
They raised their weapons, then lowered them as the image of a flaming hammer appeared over her head.
The sign of Vulcan.
"Sal-u-tations!" Penny waved, smiling brightly. "My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
"Uh... Hazel?" The male guard turned to his companion. "How are we going to explain this to Reyna?"
"... Not it!"
"Sorry, Frank!" The girl laughed, punching his arm. "Sacrifices must be made! Let's go."
The two suddenly looked around, the girl having vanished from sight. That's when she popped up behind them, smiling brightly.
"Where are we going?!"
"AH!" Hazel and Frank backed away. Hazel stared at the girl. "We need to get a bell for you!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It begins! Now, the people at Camp Halfblood know the truth about Pyrrha, but Penny is just a strange girl to Camp Jupiter! Pyrrha has no idea as to what is going on, but Penny's been filled in! What craziness will ensue? What changes will be made? Will Penny and Pyrrha ever see Remnant or their friends, again? I own nothing! Please read, review, check out my other stories, etc. Thanks!
AN: See chapter titles for POV.