So sorry it took so long to get here guys bit i'm back! and to make it up to you i'm going to work on the sequal starting tonight, it will be much better then the this one and longer, now lets get this show on the road!
Alvin and Brittany stood with both anger, sadness, and shock. For their children had just been kidnaped, Brittany started to lie on the floor crying her eyes out, how would we ever find them she thought.
Suddenly, Alvin noticed a small leaf with words on it, a letter. He showed Brittany.
Brittany; Did Charlene leave this?
Alvin; I'll read it,
The letter said
To Alvin and Brittany
If you want to see your Brats again then abandone Brittany and go to Charlene,meet us at the stump were you found Marty and Merry in excacly 1 hour. Do it or we skin them alive.
Charlene and Uncle Harry.
Brittany; Alvin? who's uncle Harry?
Alvin; I don't know Brits, but i just cant abandon you for someone i don't love, oh man what are we gonna do?
Brittany; You have to Alvin!
Alvin had a suprise look on his face.
Alvin; What!? But Brittany!
Brittany; I don't want you to do it either Alvin, I love you more then anything, but i also love our children,...
Brittany started crying again.
Alvin joined in on the cry,
1 hour later at the stump.
Alvin; Alright Charlene, i'm here.
There was silence for about 5 seconds...until.
Charlene appeared holding Noah, Michelle and Aj by their necks.
Charlene; I'm so glade you saw things my way honey, now here ya go.
Charlene then threw the kids on the ground and they came running towards their parents with tears in their eyes.
Charlene; Now lets go.
Alvin; Hold it! were's Marty and Merry?
Suddenly a small but fat chipmunk came holding Marty and Merry.
Uncle Harry; Their my kids and there not going anywere!
Alvin; What are you talking about and who are you!?
Uncle Harry; Names uncle Herry. you kidnaped my kids when i set off to find them a new mother! The poor looser i picked for a mate was so weak she couldn't even survive Laber.
Alvin; You left these kids with out any food or projection!?
Uncle Harry; Had to be done. it tought them servival skills!
Alvin; Your sick! you have the be the worst father i have ever seen!
Suddenly uncle Harry pushed Alvin to the ground with his claws out.
Uncle Harry; Say that again and i'll slice your throat in half!
Alvin; Alright...Your the worst Father-
Uncle Harry then sliced Alvins Throat but not bad enough to kill him. Just enough to injure him.
Brittany & Charlene; ALVIN!
Kids; DADDY!
Uncle harry then turned to Marty and Marry and slapped them accross their faces.
Marty; Liar!
Merry; A real Daddy wouldn't leave his own kids to all alone!
Uncle harry was furious. he got ready to smack Marty and Merry until.
Charlene then pushed uncle Harry into the side of the stump, and begain to slap him multiple times.
Uncle Harry; WE HAD A DEAL!
Uncle Harry; WHY I OUTA!
Meanwhile with Alvin and Brittany.
Brittany; Al...Alvin? please wake up!
Alvin; Do...don't worry Brit...i'm
Suddenly all the children came running towards their parents and they started to run.
Uncle Harry saw this and began to give chase.
suddenly Charlene jumped behind Uncle Harrys back and snapped his neck.
As uncle Harry's lifeless corpse fell on the ground. Charlene slowly whispered.
Charlene;...i'm sorry...please forgive me.
Alvin;...your forgivin. just please... stay away from me and my family.
Charlene looked up with tears filling her eye's.
She then ran out of the tree stump into who knows were.
1 year later.
It was Noah's Michelle's. Aj's, Marty and Merrys first birthday, They tunred five, to celebrate they had a pool party using the small river they had as the pool of course, they also swipped a single hot dog from someones picnic basket so they could have a big lunch.
things were normal and perfect for the family, and Brittany had a very special announcment for everyone.
Brittany; Hey can all of you come here for a second?
Everyone did as in instructed.
Alvin; Brittany? Whats this about?
Brittany; Alvin. Kids. Were getting a bigger family!
Alvin; What!?
Alvin then ran up and hugged Brittany.
Alvin; You here that kids!? your getting new brothers or sisters!
Kids; YAY!
And so the Sevile Family got even happier. And what became of Charlene you may ask? She still loves Alvin, but she understands that Alvin has moved on. and as hard as that may be, she finaly understands.
The end
stay tooned for
Life in the forest.