People wanted Vlad and here is him!

"Are you guys sure this will work?" Sam asked.

"No", "Maybe" Danny and Tucker said respectably.

"Anyway, it'll be fun" Tucker said smirking.

"Maybe for you Tuck" Danny grumbled.

The three friends were in the garden of Fenton Works in the middle of an experiment. After learning of Danny's adaptable core Tucker had the theory that for Danny to win more power he had to be attacked by the same thing over and over, Sam and Danny thought that wasn't how cores worked but somehow Tucker convinced them to let him try his theory.

The first time he tested his hypothesis they were in the chemistry lab in the school, he intended to give Danny fire powers but it ended up in almost setting the halfa on fire and getting half the lab covered in ice; since then all experimentation had to be approved by Sam two days before doing anything for safety reasons.

That's why all three of them were outside, far away from any ecto-weapons in the house to avoid any accidents, besides Maddie would ban them for life if they drenched the lab in their search of knowledge. Danny was near the center of the garden while his friends where at one side surrounded by dozens of buckets, courtesy of Sam.

"Relax Danny, this will be tons better than the last time" Tucker said smirking, "besides its harmless"

"I made sure of it" Sam said trying to put Danny at ease.

"Alright" Danny ceded crossing his arms, "but it doesn't mean that I like it"

"Of course" Tucker smirked grabbing a water balloon.

"Ok first testing of water power start!" Tucker yelled throwing the balloon at Danny.

For the next half hour or so Danny was bombarded by water balloons, he knew Tucker means well, but he isn't the one getting hit by water in the face. At first, he tried to dodge some of them but he needed more practice, he could dodge one out of five balloons, it was better than he expected but he still got wrenched in the end.

Tired of the dodging Danny tried to shield himself with his hands when he saw one of the incoming projectiles expecting it to splash in his hand, what he didn't expect was for him to catch the balloon in his hand without breaking it. Sam and Tucker were awed at that, that's why they couldn't dodge when Danny threw the balloon back at Tucker hitting him in the chest.

From then on it started a very long and wet three-way balloon war. At seeing Danny fighting back Sam decided to grab some buckets and use the nearby tree as shield, Tucker retaliated at Danny throwing more balloons with both hands and Danny redirected some of them back while making his way to the buckets, he could only snatch two before being pelted by his friends.

Two hours later, the sun was setting and Jazz decided to see what her brother and friends were doing that took so long, she crossed the door to the garden and was met with a war zone. Everything was drenched, Danny had made a low wall of ice to protect himself and his half full bucket, Tucker didn't have a cover but he had the more munitions, Sam had the tree, she was without balloons but she had the hose, the most powerful weapon in their war.

Besides the wet everything it was hard to not notice the mud everywhere, the walls of the house resembled one of those painting made of color splashes but with all the colors replaced with earth brown. Danny's whole back was full of mud, same with Tucker's front. Sam was the only one clean, she had the hose she could clean herself; she was too powerful.

"Uh… what's going on?" Jazz asked.

"Uh… training?" Tucker responded with a question making Danny and Sam laugh, they haven't been training since Danny declared the water war. They were having too much fun to care.

"Right…" Jazz said unconvinced, "It's getting dark, I though you guys wanted to get home before night"

"You are right" Sam said while watching the darkening sky, "do you think I can borrow a towel?"

"Sure! We have some in the bathroom" Jazz said leading Sam inside.

"So, I guess the experiment was a failure" Danny said to tucker once the girls were inside.

"Yup" Tucker said unbothered.

"Do you want a towel too?" Danny offered.

"Nah, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yup" Tucker nodded.

"Even if your clothes are half mud now?" Danny asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I see your point" Tucker admitted.

"I can give you a change of clothes" Danny offered.

"It's better than having to face my mom with these" Tucker said pointing at the current state of his wear.

After getting dried Sam left wearing the darker old clothes of Jazz she could find, Tucker also left with some of Danny's clothes but not before promising that he will be back for another round. He wasn't going to admit defeat that easily, "Do it for science Danny!" He yelled while going out.

"I'm not sure I want to know" Jazz commented.

"Don't worry, Sam forbid him to do anything with fire or electricity" Danny tried to assure her.

"Alright, just make sure there isn't any acid in whatever you are doing" Jazz said worried.

"Oh! Great idea. I have to tell Sam to add it to the list" Danny said while looking for his phone.

That night, after getting a good shower, Danny was in his way to Athens. Just yesterday Glacius gave the ok for Danny to use his ghost ice, he wanted to start right away in using ice and electricity at the same time, but Pandora wanted for him to get better at using each element before attempting it, things could get explosive if something went wrong. Danny reluctantly agreed but made her promise it wouldn't take long.

Danny was just a few minutes away from Athens when he heard the sound of missiles coming from behind. He dodged the first, blasted the second and took the third in the chest, lucky for him there were some floating rocks with vegetation, landing with the force of a missile in hard ground always hurt.

"Hello whelp" The mechanical voice of the specter responsible for the attack sounded from behind him.

"Skulker" Danny groaned, "don't you usually attack me in Amity?"

"Yes, ghost child, but I've noticed your travels into this territory and I, Skulker! The greatest hunter of the Ghost Zone saw a perfect place for an ambush!" The ghost replied, obviously proud of his hunting technique.

"Ugh, I have no time for this" Danny said while cursing himself internally. How many of his enemies know about his travels? Will he have to be invisible all the time he's flying now?

Danny had to stop his inner questioning at seeing Skulker form a weapon from his arm, he got a shield ready and charged at the hunter. Skulker didn't expect that and couldn't react to the tackle; Danny, taking advantage of the surprise, froze Skulker's suit and let him in the island, hopefully that will stop the hunter enough for him to reach Athens undisturbed.


Skulker was not stupid, like his girlfriend often reminded him. He couldn't be a hunter that stalks his prey for months, makes traps almost out of nowhere and constructs his own exoskeleton if he were stupid. Skulker was very stubborn, once he saw a worthy prey, he would not let it go and wouldn't admit defeat easily.

The first time he saw a halfa, he though they would be an easy but rare prey, it wasn't until various painful defeats at the hands of Plasmius that he started to reconsider his thoughts of them being easy. He had tried to upgrade his exoskeleton, though it was never enough.

At the end it wasn't a surprise that when Plasmius approached him with a business deal in which he could get all the upgrades he wanted in exchange of information, he accepted. Skulker may had lost a prey that day but he got so much better equipment to go after others preys that he couldn't complain.

So, when he found out about the new halfa he was ecstatic, at last there was the rare prey that he could hunt. The halfa was young and appeared to not have mastered much of ghost powers, he didn't count in him having the help of human teenagers and a purple back gorilla.

From then on it became one of the largest hunts he ever had and it was fantastic, he finally had a worthy prey and he had no plans of letting him go. In the last months he reached the conclusion that if he ever catches the ghost child, he would boast about it and then let him go, he concluded that the trill of the hunt was a hundred times better than having a trophy getting dust in his wall.

This last month of the hunt was a true mystery, the ghost child keeps getting into the Zone and went to somewhere Skulker didn't know yet. But with this latest stunt he would finally know, yes he was trapped in ice but after so many times of it he got an upgrade, some parts of his suit would vibrate and it would break the ice.

After getting free of his icy prison, Skulker followed the halfa at enough distance to not be noticed, it wouldn't be good if the whelp knew he was being followed. After some minutes of flying Skulker saw the ghost child enter one of the more dangerous realms know to ghosts, Athens.

Skulker once tried to get in there to hunt the mythological beasts that reside in it but he was literally kicked out by a huge woman with four arms and pink fire hair. Later he found out that she was Pandora and there were rumors that she could trap you in her box forever if you were to make an enemy of her. Skulker was not stupid, he knew when a challenge was too big for him.

With how dangerous that realm was, Skulker had no idea why the ghost child would go there and he has no intention of follow him inside. Though he supposed this was new information about the whelp he would have to give to Plasmius, if he found out he knew and told nothing he would get beat up and no upgrades for a while.

With that thought in mind Skulker made his way towards Vlad's house. After going trough the portal hidden behind the giant football, Skulker always rolls his eyes at that, rich people and their habit of extravagant; he went invisible and intangible and went in his hunt for the older halfa.

The hunt wasn't very long, he found him in one room that looked like an office. Plasmius in his human form was seated in a desk surrounded by paper work, one of the things most ghosts are glad they don't have to deal with anymore.

"Plasmius" Skulker greeted.

"What do you want Skulker? Can't you see I'm very busy right now?" Vlad said annoyed.

"I have new information about the whelp" Skulker said, dismissing the files, paper doesn't run away from you if you stop for a few minutes.

"What is it?" Vlad asked, returning his look to his work.

"Remember that we had seen the whelp go to the Ghost Zone more times lately but nobody had any idea of where he was going" Skulker started.

"Yes, I already know that" Vlad interrupted impatiently.

"Today I have found out where he goes" Skulker boasted proudly.

"And? Where is it? Get to the point Skulker" Vlad said getting more irritated.

"He went to Athens" Skulker said.

"And what would the little badger be doing in Athens?" Vlad asked bringing all his attention to the hunter, he too has heard the rumors of the danger in there.

"I don't know. I have not been welcomed in that realm from some time now" Skulker said.

"I see. Well in any case I think is been some time since my last visit to the Fentons" Vlad said plotting.

"What have the whelp's parents to do with this?" Skulker asked, confused.

"It's the best way to have Daniel at my disposal and unable to fight" Vlad said.

"Well, have fun Plasmius. Now about my payment" Skulker said eager to have his promised tech.

"Yes, yes. Follow me" Vlad said impatiently.

Skulker grinned, sure he didn't know what was the halfa plotting but if it didn't include him, he didn't care. He only gave him the information because he wanted better blasters for his suit, he can't wait to use them against the ghost child.


That Saturday morning Danny was laying in his bed completely asleep, last night, after the fight with Skulker he had reached Athens and got to train his two elements with his mitéra (mom). To say it was hard one would be short, Danny almost didn't make it to his house and literally passed out in his bed.

The two elements weren't very related so it became harder to use them at the same time. After a lot of tries, some with explosive results, Danny could finally merge the ice crystal he made with his electricity. He was overjoyed at his achievement but what made his day better was the proud look Pandora gave him, he didn't remember the last time one of his parents looked at him like that.

Danny hoped that for being Saturday he could be allowed to sleep in, but his dad has other plans.

"Danno!" Jack screamed while entering Danny's room.

"Wha!" Danny jumped awake, ending in the floor besides his bed.

"I have great news!" Jack keep talking at full volume, "Vladdie will come to have lunch with us! Isn't that great? I get to show him all my new inventions and we can talk about ghost!"

"Ugh… great dad… just… let me wake up" Danny mumbled from the floor.

"Sure thing!" Jack said and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Great, just what he needed, the fruitloop in his house. He wasn't sure what he wanted, he hadn't bothered Vlad for a while now, maybe the fruitloop was bored or he had another plot to kill his dad and marry his mom. Which was sure to fail, mom still hated him after the thing in the woods with the animal ghosts.

"Well, better get up and have breakfast now before dad eats all" Danny though, he would need all his energy to fight Vlad. Even if his relationship with his parents was strained right now, he loves them and will not let the crazy up fruitloop do any harm to them.

Once he reached the kitchen, he saw his parents and sister in the table. Jack was still babbling about everything he will do with Vlad, Maddie had a forced smile just to appease her husband, she really didn't want that creep in her home but she couldn't think of a good excuse to refuse his visit.

Jazz was eating waffles and reading a book at the same time, she was going to college next year and she wanted to be prepared. She also didn't want to pay attention at the dread forming in her gut at hearing about Vlad, she didn't want the fruitloop near her brother. She was going to have the Fenton-peeler near just in case.

"Morning" Danny said while serving himself some waffles Maddie left for him.

"Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" Maddie asked.

"Yea" Danny answered sitting in the chair, "so… Vlad is coming in a few hours"

"Yes" Maddie grumbled, "I better make the food right away, dear why don't you go down in the lab to prepare everything for when Vlad comes?" She asked Jack.

"Great idea Mads! This is going to be great!" Jack exclaimed and left hurriedly to the basement.

"Alright, Danny could you give me the whole chicken that's in the freezer please? I'll prepare it for the oven" Maddie said with a plotting look in her face.

"Uh… mom you said we can't use the oven anymore because of ectoplasmic contamination" Jazz said remembering very well that most of the food from there tended to grow teeth and tried to bite them.

"I'm aware of that dear. Hmm… it has to be cooked well… I'll have to put it in the microwave to de-freeze it" Maddie said thoughtful.

"Do I put it in the microwave that gave life to the sausages?" Danny asked, getting a liking of what his mom was plotting.

"That's an excellent idea darling. Will you stay and help me with everything?" Maddie asked smirking.

"Sure! We have to make it perfect for our guest" Danny said giving the same smirk as his mom.

"And I'll go to study to my room. Good luck!" Jazz said after catching what her mom and brother were planning, she has no intention of staying in the kitchen while two Fentons try to make mutated food on purpose.


Vlad masters was in all sense a very busy man. That with maintaining all the companies he basically stole, making sure his control over his ghost minions didn't slips, trying to conquer Maddie, his multiples plans to kill Jack, his new plans to make Daniel accept him and his duties as a mayor keep him with a schedule so full some of his goals aren't given the thought they need.

For the last weeks he had been focusing in the ones including the Fentons but his mayor duties couldn't be left alone, he would have all the town's people on his back if he did. Vlad sometimes thought that even if winning the prank war against Daniel, and the benefits of being mayor give him, the paperwork was pure torture; besides he was the responsible of making this town safe for the people living here, more because of the ghost attacks. He hates it when the dreaded paper work is the direct result of a ghost attack he planned to distract or annoy Daniel.

Because of the high quantity of work, he was surprised when the reports from his minions said that Daniel has been visiting the Ghost Zone a lot more lately. With no idea of what the younger halfa was doing Vlad had set Skulker to gain information and last night he finally did.

It piqued his curiosity of what Daniel was doing in a realm so dangerous as Athens and Vlad would not rest until he knew everything about it, after all one has to know all about his enemies to defeat them.

His friendship with that buffoon of Jack was something very useful in his plans. Daniel couldn't attack him while his parents were there and besides, he would be in the presence of his beloved Maddie. It was perfect.

Reaching the Fenton's household in his limo Vlad made sure his spying bug was charged, it was a very simple devise, it would stay in a hidden place and record every time someone spoke and send the information to his computer. Sadly the battery of this bug wasn't the best and it would operate for two days before it died, he hoped that he could get at least a clue about Daniel new habit.

He ringed the doorbell and braced himself, he had just a few second before the large man known as Jack Fenton swung the door and trapped him in a death hug. He swears if he wasn't half ghost, he would have at least bruised ribs.

"Vladie! You came!" Jack screamed exited.

"Of course, I came you buffoon! I called you, remember?" Vlad said annoyed while Jack dragged him inside.

"Maddie look! Vlad is here!" Jack called to his wife.

"I can see that dear" Maddie said, "welcome Vlad, it's been awhile since your last visit"

"Yes, well, I have been so busy with my mayor duties that I didn't found the time until now" Vlad said, he was surprised that Maddie didn't seem angry at him. Maybe she had forgotten about the think in Colorado.

"Now that you are here V-man I can show you my latest inventions!" Jack said while dragging an annoyed Vlad towards the lab at a speed one couldn't think Jack could move at.


"So, are they in the lab?" Danny asked from the stairs, he didn't want to see Vlad more than he had to.

"Yes Danny. Now come, help me set the table" Maddie said she needed to put the plan in motion before she stopped with the fake welcoming she did.

"Ok mom" Danny agreed. He normally would have complained some, but the prank his mom planned with him was a great motivator.

When everything was ready Danny went upstairs to tell Jazz about diner and "please don't even touch the chicken" prank. Jazz only asked if they had made actual food or she had to call for takeover again, after receiving an "of course we made edible food, you know how hard is to contaminate pasta" Jazz went down with her brother.

Arriving at the kitchen both siblings could see their father babbling about ghosts to a very irritated Vlad and their mother enjoying the show.

"Hey kiddos!" Jack exclaimed when he saw his children arrive.

"Hi dad" Danny said completely ignoring the older halfa.

"Hello Mr. Masters" Jazz greeted.

"Hello Daniel, Jasmine, it's been so long since we saw each other" Vlad greeted back.

"Alright! It's time for lunch!" Maddie said while grabbing the chicken from the oven and putting it in the table.

"Oh, Maddie it looks and smells delicious" Vlad said, "it's almost as perfect as you are"

At that comment Danny and Jazz shared a look and rolled their eyes at how creepy it sounded.

"Oh my, thank you Vlad" Maddie said with a forced smile, "just for that you have the privilege of cutting it"

"My dear I've been honored" Vlad said accepting the knife and fork Maddie gave him.

When Vlad stood to cut the chicken, Danny grabbed his knife and signaled Jazz to do the same. Jazz seeing that her brother and mother were preparing to fight decided to follow them, at least this time she was ready to fight the undead food unlike in Christmas when they were younger.

Just as Vlad stabbed the chicken, the undead food growled and jumped to his face for daring to perturb it. Vlad, surprised at the moving avian corpse, couldn't dodge fast enough for the chicken to attack his face.

"Vladie!" Jack exclaimed at seeing his friend being attacked by the food.

"Don't worry honey I got it" Maddie said.

She had grabbed the broom and proceeded to attack the undead food, unfortunately for Vlad it was still attached to his face.

"Let him go! You ectoplasmic fiend!" Maddie exclaimed while she hit it with the broom.

After some more hits, the chicken released Vlad and tried to escape from the ghost hunter.

"I got it!" Jack exclaimed and fired an ecto-gun he had hidden in his suit, he was considerate enough to wait for the food to leave his friend face to not cause any damage.

It was weird to have food suddenly attack a guest in the Fenton household, but it was ever weirder that Jack Fenton's aim were true. The ectoblast from the ecto-gun was harmless to humans and wasn't very damaging to most ghosts, unfortunately for everybody the chicken wasn't exactly a ghost, more like a reanimated corpse full of ectoplasm.

If one considered all of that, it wouldn't be so surprising when the chicken exploded and spread ecto-goop all around it. Unlucky for Vlad he was the closest of the blast zone, followed by Jack; Maddie and the children had kept out of the way when they saw Jack with the ecto-gun, experience dictated that if one was too close to the target of Jack Fenton it was more probable that one would get ectoplasm in them than Jack hitting the target.

"Oops! Sorry Vladie, but hey! I got the possessed chicken!" Jack said with pride.

"Yes, you did dear" Maddie said kissing her husband cheek, "your aim is improving"

"Yes! Beware ghosts! Jack Fenton is improving!" Jack exclaimed.

"Congratulations Jack" Vlad spat, "but if you didn't notice we are both covered in the rests of that thing"

"You are right Vladie! Come we can use the decontamination bathroom in the lab" Jack exclaimed while dragging Vlad towards the lab once again.

Once the two men were out of sight Danny and Maddie burst out in laughter.

"Did you see when it attacked his face?!" Danny laughed.

"Yes, but the best part was when your father shoot at it. It was one of his best aimed shoots, it made me so proud" Maddie said smiling.

"Totally, though I didn't expect for it to explode in ecto-goop" Danny said.

"Well, it was so full of ectoplasm that this was the most likely result at being shoot" Maddie explained.

"Really? What else could have happened?" Jazz asked curious.

"Well, if my calculations are correct, it could have dodged your fathers shoot and eventually escaped" Maddie said.

"So, if dad's aim wasn't true, we could had had an undead chicken in the city?" Jazz asked.

"An undead spiced chicken" Danny clarified.

"You knew it would rise and you still decided to spend species in it?" Jazz asked disapproving on the waste of good condiments.

"The spices covered the smell of ectoplasm" Danny explained.

"Alright, we already have our fun. Let's get the real food out" Maddie said and directed Jazz to bring out the ravioli and Danny to clean the goop from the floor.

Normally Danny would be reluctant in cleaning anything, not being his favorite chore, but after the prank he and his mom just pulled on Vlad it was worthy. Yes, it was very childish but it was a way to get him back for the mutant ghost in Colorado, apparently his mom didn't forgive him for that stunt he made, hence the prank.

Danny never though he would made undead food on propose, though it was a enlighten experience and he got to bond with his human mom, it has been awhile since he did it.

When Vlad and Jack came back from the lab the non-contaminated food was already on the table. Maddie apologized to Vlad about the food with a "it happens sometimes" and Vlad graciously brushed the issue aside.

The rest of the lunch passed without problems. Vlad tried to flirt with Maddie without success, Jack was oblivious about it and Danny could restrain himself from blasting the fruitloop.

With lunch finished Vlad left saying that he has a lot of work for being the mayor, much to the disappointment of Jack and the relieve of Maddie and the Fenton children. Maddie decided to create new inventions to keep her mind out of Vlad and Jack joined her, always cheerful when he creates inventions with his wife.

"That was weird" Jazz commented once she was alone with Danny.

"What was it?" Danny asked confused.

"Vlad didn't do anything, apart for flirting with mom" Jazz said.

"Ugh, what a creep" Danny said.

"Yes, but it curious. Why did he come to have lunch with our parents and do nothing afterwards?" Jazz asked.

"Who knows with the fruitloop" Danny shrugged, "maybe he wanted to spend time with mom and didn't have a scheme from once"

"Hopefully" Jazz responded.

"Yea, well I'm going to do my homework before going to the Zone" Danny said while going upstairs.

"Alright little bro, be careful in there tonight" Jazz said.

"Sure thing" Danny said.


That night in the Ghost Zone Danny reflected in Vlad's strange behavior. He could barely concentrate in his homework because he was thinking that at any time Vlad would appear in his ghost form and put his plan in motion or to just fight him for the prank. Though Danny suspects that Vlad really believed his mom's explanation.

Shaking his head Danny decided to not think about it anymore. Vlad didn't carry out any evil plan after lunch and the only think stressing him was his own paranoia. The young half ghost just hoped that his parents wouldn't be in the lab when he got back, the Fenton adults had been all day down there, they even had dinner in the lab because of his mom time sensitive experiment going on.

When Athens appeared on his sight Danny couldn't help the exited smile that came to his face. He was going to spend time with his huge pet, play with him and his mitéra and then he will try again to convince her to let him use ice and electricity at the same time.

And like before, he was stopped by an attack from another ghost before he could reach it.

"Hello little badger" Vlad in his ghost form greeted Danny after blasting him in the back.

"What do you want Plasmius?" Danny asked getting ready to attack.

"Well I was just passing through and I wondered what are you up to my boy" Vlad said with fake innocence.

"Nothing and I'm not your boy Plasmius" Danny said angrily.

"I know for some sources that is not nothing. So, are you going to tell me yourself or I'll have to force you?" Vlad asked.

Danny responded by blasting the older halfa making him crash in a rocky island. Vlad got up annoyed and flew to fight Danny. The only reason of why he attempted to interrogate Daniel was because his spying bug was destroyed by the ecto-chicken exploding.

"It'll be by force then" Vlad said smirking while charging his ectoblasts.

The two halfas fought, ectoblasts hit their target and missed, punches and kicks were thrown but it became clear that neither of them was winning.

Vlad made a sword of ectoplasm to defect the ectoblasts, he knew the young halfa couldn't make ecto-structures and decided to show off to demonstrate Daniel why having him as a mentor would be better for him.

What Vlad didn't expect was Daniel forming two ice swords in a matter of seconds and attack him with them. Plasmius deflected the attacks as best as he could, he was surprised by the level of skill the teenager had with the swords.

Without either of the halfas noticing, their fight had moved near the entrance of Athens, from where Pandora could hear them. She had noticed that her son was later than usual and went to the entrance in worry that something happened to him.

When she heard the sounds of a fight she went outside to investigate, she didn't expect her son fighting the older halfa. Pandora was proud of Danny holding his own against a more experienced fighter, but she mostly felt fury at Plasmius for daring to attack her son, with that emotions she joined the fight with a war cry.

"Aarrgghhh!" Pandora screamed while sending an ectoblast infused in electricity.

"What the- agh!" Plasmius was interrupted by the electric ectoblast connecting with his gut.

"Mitéra?" Danny said in wonder, his mitéra was a great warrior but he hadn't seen her in a real battle outside of training.

"Hello son. I see you are having fun without me" Pandora greeted him.

"Something like that" Danny responded.

"You think that with the help of your allies you can beat me Daniel?" Vlad taunted, he had recovered from the blast and was ready to fight once again.

"Oh definitely" Danny responded before attacking with Pandora not far behind.

Now with Pandora on his side the fight leaned heavily in Danny's favor. Vlad duplicated himself trying to overwhelm them but even with it he was not match for Pandora. With her dual swords and spear laced with electricity she reduced the five duplicates to their ectoplasm in few movements.

Danny was fairing quite well against two duplicates and the original. He saw how his mitéra had infused electricity on her weapons and decided to try it, to say he didn't love it, it would be a lie. That combination shocked his opponents with electricity and has the added effect of looking very cool, the ice refracted the light of the lightings and made it look like the swords were made of moving multicolor energy.

But even with his upgrade, Danny couldn't dodge the blast the original Plasmius send from behind. The young halfa crashed on a floating rock, not big enough to be an island, and before he could stand up Plasmius grabbed him by the neck holding the young half ghost still.

"Now will you stop this nonsense or I have to beat the answers out of you?" Vlad asked angrily, he was getting tired of Daniel resistance.

Before Danny could respond, Vlad felt the point of something sharp being pressed against his back. He tensed and didn't move, for a brief moment he wondered if he had underestimated her too much after defeating five of his clones.

"Get your hands away from my son or I swear I will impale you" Pandora said angrily, nobody threated her son in her presence and get away with it.

Vlad did so, he didn't want to find out if halfas survived being impaled or not. Once the spear was not directed at him anymore Vlad was brave enough to speak.

"What do you mean son? I know the boy's parents and none of them are you" Vlad said curious about her wording.

"You are aware that we ghosts adopt child ghosts forming paternal bonds, don't you Plasmius?" Pandora asked sarcastically.

"Of course, I'm aware. What I don't get is why someone like you would adopt Daniel" Vlad said.

"Someone like me? What are you talking about Plasmius?" Pandora fumed.

"For what I know you don't go to the living realm at all. How will you protect your son if you are not part of half of his life? Furthermore, of all the ghosts capable of adopting him I am the better choice for I can be with him in all the realms" Vlad explained smugly.

Before Pandora could respond to the vile halfa, Danny stood in front of her.

"Don't you dare to say those things to my mitéra. I don't care if she is not in the living realm, she had taught me how to better defend myself, the history and culture of the Ghost Zone and has made me part of her family without asking for anything in return, unlike you crazy up fruitloop. Now. Go. Away!" Danny screamed the last words.

The scream transformed into a wail and in his anger, Danny didn't realize he was infusing it with electricity. The visible sound waves were laced with arcs of lighting, the effect made it look like a web of energy that trapped and pushed everything in its way.

Vlad, at being hit with the electric wail at point range was simultaneously shocked and pushed far away. The electric shock was powerful enough to knock him out for a few minutes, unfortunately for him there wasn't a floating rock or island to stop his momentum. In fifteen minutes or so Vlad would wake up floating through the Zone and very sore, fuming he would teleport towards his mansion in Amity, this new information will be accounted in his future plans.

After stopping his wail Danny felt his fatigue increase, he swayed a little but recovered his footing with the help of Pandora.

"Ha! That'll teach him" Danny smiled tiredly at Pandora.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure it did" Pandora said amused, "now would you tell me how you learned to infuse electricity?"

"Uhh… I watched you do it and I guess I copied it" Danny said while rubbing the back of his head.

"That's a way of learning it, I guess. But are you alright? You look exhausted dear" Pandora asked concerned.

"I'm fine, just a little tired" Danny said between a yawn, "happens every time I use the wail"

"I see, come we can talk inside" Pandora said guiding him towards Athens with a pensive expression.

Danny followed Pandora to the palace, yawning every once in a while. Once they reached the palace Pandora lead him towards her study, in there they sat in a comfortable sofa.

"Are you ok mom? You seem worried" Danny asked.

"I'm alright son. I'm just thinking about what Plasmius said" Pandora explained.

"Don't listen to what that fruitloop said mom! He was trying to manipulate you like he does with everybody!" Danny exclaimed.

"Don't worry about that son. It doesn't matter what anyone says, nothing will persuade me of letting you go" Pandora said while hugging Danny.

"But something he said is true. I can't spend time with you if I don't leave my lair"

"I don't care if you never go to the living realm. I can come here every time I want to see you" Danny said.

"Yes, but it's not fair that you would be the one to move around and the rest do nothing" Pandora explained, "so I decided to do something about it"

"What is it?" Danny asked.

"Well I'll have to visit you in your city once in a while" Pandora smiled.

"Really? That will be awesome! I can present you to my friends and my sister, and I can show you the nasty burger and my school…" Danny kept rambling in excitement to have his ghost mom in his town.

Pandora just smiled at her son, happy to see him so excited at her future visit. Listening to his rambling Pandora was making plans to make her visits as peaceful as possible, also it would be worthy to see that happy expression again if she invited his friends and sister to Athens some time.

Well there it is, finished with a hint of the theme of the next chap

Also, idk if u guys noticed but I made a new cover for this story, if someone wants to see it bigger u can go to my art Tumblr or my Deviantart, the links are on my profile.

See ya next time!