This happens after D-Stabilized, PP never happened and Danny is 14

Disclaimer: I don'town Danny Phantom and probably never will

It was a normal Thursday morning in Amity Park, the sun was shining, birds were singing, people were starting their day, adults preparing for work, kids going to school, ghosts attacking the town... yep a normal morning. At this hours Danny Phantom, the ghostly hero of Amity Park, was chasing the ghost who dares to come out of the Ghost Zone just before school starts, the Box Ghost.

"Come back here!" shouted Danny, he has been in this for half an hour and now had only five minutes to be in school on time.

"I AM THE BOX GHOST, FEAR ME" yelled the Box Ghost, to nothing in particular.

Danny, groaning internally, push himself to fly faster making his legs form a ghostly tail; after getting closer to the ghost, he narrows his eyes, charges an ecto-beam, aims and shoots, getting at the Box Ghost in the back. The ghost crashes in the street, leaving a crater and while he's dizzy, Danny quickly, take out the thermos of his backpack and sucks him in it. Giving a sigh of relive Danny flies to the school; "I hope this time I'm not late" he thought while getting closer to his destiny.

Coming to the school, Danny hides behind some bushes and, summoning a ring of light, transform from ghost to human. The ring slips into two more, one going up and the other down, changing his appearance as they travel through his body, his glowing green eyes to ice blue, white snow hair to raven black, the black hazmat suit with white accents and a flaming DP symbol to a long sleeved white T-shirt with red accents with a red oval in the center and blue jeans, and the white combat boots to red sneakers . Running in to the building, he passes some students in the hallway, meaning class hasn't started yet!

Danny comes to his locker to grab the books he needs for his first class, but someone is already there waiting for him. His friends stand besides his locker, talking to each other; Sam has some books in her arms, and Tucker is doing something in his PDA and talking at the same time. Danny smiles while walking to them, it always lift up his mood when they hang out together.

"Hi guys!" Danny said cheerfully, coming to a stop besides his friends.

"Hi Danny!" they respond at the same time. "Hey Danny, I have your books, so you don't need to waste time opening your locker" Sam tell him.

"Thanks Sam, I ap-" Danny gets interrupted by someone lifting him for the back of his shirt.

"Hey Fen-toad!, you came just in time for you morning beating!" Dash exclaimed, grinning like an idiot while his jocks friends laughs from behind.

"H-hey Dash, do you mind doing this other time? I really want to go to class in time today" Danny said nervously. He's not worried to get hurt, his healing factor is so good that he can heal a broken bone in two days maximum, but it still hurt the same in his human form and even if the pain is lessen in his ghost form he can still feel it.

Just before Dash can say something back, the last bell rings and everybody is rushing to classes. Dash drops Danny and tells him "This isn't over Fen-turd!"

Sam and Tucker helps Danny to get up, and the three of them head to their first class that thankfully they have together. In the way there Sam start to rant about how unfair it was that Danny has to suffer the bullying of Dash and how the school faculty was too corrupted to put a stop to it only because the sport games bring attendance to the school. Danny calms her down by telling her that she's right but they can't do anything about it right now, Sam calms down and gives Danny a smile while they are entering the classroom, making Tucker roll his eyes and mutter "Lovebirds" to his two friends.

The trio goes to their usual seats and wait for class to start. The day goes normal, though Danny has to fight some ecto-pusses and Skulker before lunch. At lunch the three friends go to their spot outside, under a tree and away from gossip ears.

"Hey Danny, how come you were early this morning? Usually we don't see you before the last bell" ask Tucker while getting his extra meaty sandwiches out of his bag, making Sam do a face of disgust.

"Was it a ghost free morning?" ask Sam with her ultra-recyclo vegetarian food in her hands, Danny has no idea what food it's that but he will not question it.

"Nah, it was only the Box Ghost, and thankfully I was already awake and ready to come here when my ghost sense activate. I chase him for about half an hour before I put him in the thermos. Ugh, I swear if he wasn't the most annoying ghost in the Ghost Zone, I would leave him alone but with my luck he probably come to the school just to try scare us, even if he's barely a threat" Danny explain while eating his own lunch.

"True, but remember the last time everybody were not paying him any attention, and he goes and steal Pandora's Box" Sam mention as she pull an apple out of her purple spider-shaped backpack.

"Eww! there were way too many snakes that day" Tucker shivers at the mention of one of his phobias.

"He he, good thing you didn't saw the woman with snakes like hair I found while trying to find Athens" Danny said, waiting for Tucker's reaction.

"Oh man don't tell me stuffs like that!" Tucker exclaim, making a face between disgusted and frightened.

"Wait, Danny did you saw Medusa?" Sam asked showing her interest in anything mythical or gothic.

"Yeah I saw her and a lot of mythical creatures, I think they roam near Athens, though I'm not sure, I didn't stay long after Pandora made the Box Ghost work in her garden" Danny said.

"Why couldn't you stay?" Sam asked.

"Because Mom and Dad were really worried that there was a giant powerful ghost in the town and wanted to make sure that Jazz and me were safe, I just could spend some minutes with Pandora before going home without they suspect anything" Danny explained to his friends. That day he almost didn't make it, but thankfully he reached his house just before his parents. After making sure the kids were safe, the Fenton adults came back to the place where the ghosts fought to take readings and ecto-examples if possible. At dinner that night, Maddie and Jack tried to convince their children that the attack was all Phantom's plan, how they would stop him and all the experiments they plan for him, which made Danny very uncomfortable.

"Yeah that make sense, but is Pandora an ally now or is she neutral about you?" Tucker asked wanting to know if he has to update the ghost files they have.

"Hmmm... I'm suppose we are in good terms, after all I told her where her box was, right?" Danny said not really sure himself. In truth Danny didn't know what to think of Pandora, he know that she can be really scary and aggressive if her box is stolen, but he also know that she can be pacific and relaxed, after all he spend some minutes with her when she calmed down.

"Well if you're in good terms with her, you could go to the Ghost Zone and ask her if she wants to be an ally of you or not. You know most ghost prefer to stay neutral than to have more enemies because of different opinions" Sam suggest.

"Hmm, I think you're right Sam. I could go one night, stay a few hours and then come back before my parents know I've gone" Danny said, making plans in his head for more travels there if Pandora decides to be her ally.

"I suggest you to go on a Friday or Saturday night, that way you could sleep all you want and you'll be leave alone, well except for the ghosts" Tucker said, already making in his PDA a new schedule.

"Thanks Tuck, I'll do that" Danny said smiling at his friends, he's thankful to have such good friends; he's not really sure how he would survive without them.

The three friends continue talking about random stuff, until lunch is over. They went to class, Danny fought some other ghosts, and then it was time for them to go home.

~ Time skip ~

The next day, being a Friday, at night, Danny waits until his parents are sleep to go to the Ghost Zone. He already talked with Sam and Tucker, they promised to take care of the ghosts that come out at night and to call him with the Fenton Phones if the ghost is too strong for them.

Danny, making sure the only sounds in the house are his Dad's snores, transform in his ghost form and leave his room by passing through the walls, going to Jazz's to inform her where is he going. She has gone to his room at night before, to make sure he is sleeping well or to help him with any injury he might have. Coming to her room, Danny shakes lightly her shoulder to wake her up without scaring her.

"Jazz wake up" Danny whispers.

"Hmm...? Danny, what's wrong?" Jazz ask trying to come out of her sleeping state.

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the Ghost Zone and I'll be gone for a few hours" Danny explain.

"Oh okay... *yawn* be safe, little brother" Jazz said going back to sleep.

"I will" Danny said smiling at his sister.

After leaving Jazz room, Danny pass through the floor and into the basement, coming to a stop to look in it, noticing the mess his parents had leave behind, after working for hours in their new project. He makes his way to the Ghost Portal, avoiding the dangerous looking experiments, inserts a password and his DNA, causing the metal doors to slide open revealing the black and green colors of the portal.

Entering the Ghost Zone, Danny feels half of himself being energized and a little relaxed, and his other half being a little unsettling but it doesn't bother him as much as when he first came into the Ghost Zone. He thinks it's probably because his human half wasn't used to the Zone's atmosphere and his ghost half was overjoyed to be there, but coming here from time to time he began to get acclimated to it. After talking with his friends about it they theorized that because of his hybrid status he needs to go to the Ghost Zone sometimes, to have something like a balance between his two halves.

Feeling more awake that a few minutes prior, Danny start his journey to Athens. He flies passing Skulker island under the cloak of invisibility, he's never in the mood to fight him, and making a left turn near the Ghost Writer library, he comes across some pink unicorns with blue flaming manes indicating that he's near his destiny. Flying for a little more he could see the entrance of Athens realm, a huge white Greek temple with golden doors. Danny comes to the doors and knock.

"Who is the one to dares to come to my realm?!" Pandora shouts while opening the doors with two of her arms, the other two holding a flaming spear and a shield. With her body ready to battle, she glares at the possible threat to her box.

"Hi Pandora, it's me Danny Phantom... I helped you find your box last time we saw each other" Danny said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Oh, hello Phantom is good to see you again. Did you need anything?" Pandora ask, her face softened and her body relaxed, now that it was clear that her box was not in danger. Ever since the Box Ghost stole her box, she has been more in guard, after all it's her duty to protect the world from the evils imprisoned there.

"Uh well, I was hoping we could talk, because last time I was here I had to go back to the Living Word before my parents would worry too much, that and the fact that you haven't attacked me or wanted to imprison me or-" Danny's rant is interrupted by Pandora's chuckle.

"It's okay child, we can talk, come in my gardens are a good place for it" Pandora said, amused at how the 'Great One', the great hero Frostbite has described to her about, was so nervous just for talking.

"Oh... okay" Danny said blushing in slight embarrassment for his rambling, like it always happens when his nervous.

Pandora then leads Danny inside her realm, going outside the temple for the other side they find each other in Athens, a large and vastly Greek city inhabited by a grand variety of ghosts, all resembling the people of Greece and a culture long lost. Going through the city they pass near a marketplace were items and food are sold, Danny recognize some fruits and vegetables from the Living Zone but there were some of them that he couldn't put a name on it, "Must be some kind of ghost plant" Danny thought, following Pandora to the palace.

The palace was really impressive, way more wide than the temple; there appeared to be engravings in the massive golden double doors, describing epic battles between humans, gods and mythical creatures. Entering the palace they were in a huge hallway, decorated with white statues and various plants with flowers, there were doors at the sides leading to other places, though Danny didn't know where. Pandora leads Danny trough one of the doors at the end of the hallway, going to the beautiful garden where they talked and ate the last time, and where the Box Ghost fulfilled his punishment. They sit at one of the tables near the blooming brushes, and Pandora order some food from the servants.

"So child, what do you want to talk about?" Pandora ask curious.

"Well last time I was here I couldn't stay too much after you invited me, and well..." Danny says rubbing the back of his neck, thinking on how to tell her what he wants.

"Yes?" Pandora ask smiling at the nervous hero.

"I wanted to know i-if you could be my ally or friend? And it's okay if you don't want to because I have too many enemies or because I'm a halfa, but it would be great to have a ghost friend, cause I don't have many and-" Danny's nervous rant gets interrupted again by Pandora's chucking.

"Child I don't mind being your friend and ally, your enemies will think twice before attacking me or my city, even more after I set loose my rage in that blasted Box Ghost" Pandora said comforting Danny and frowning at the mention of the Box Ghost, Danny thinks she must still be angry at him and with good reason.

"Really? That's great! Oh man, this is amazing! I can't wait to tell Sam, Tucker and Jazz!" Danny said excitedly.

Before they could continue their conversation, the servants appear bringing the food and drinks previously requested. For drink Danny got fruit juice and Pandora wine, to eat they got sandwiches and fresh fruit.

"Alright, now that we are friends, I would like to know more about you young Phantom" Pandora said. Though she knew about the halfa, like every ghost in the Zone, she doesn't know if all the rumors are true.

"Okay, I would like to know more about you too, and you can call me Danny" Danny said grabbing one of the sandwiches. "So what do you want to know?"

"I heard some rumors in the Zone, ghost are saying that you live in a house of ghost hunters, is that true?" Pandora ask sincerely curious as of why a half ghost would do that.

"Of course I live with them, they are my parents and I love them and they love me, well at least half of me. Besides I don't have a liar in here and there is no way in the Infinite Realms that I would live with Plasmius" Danny said crossing his arms at the mention of his archenemy.

"Your parents love only half of you?" Pandora asked with a frown, she knows parents would love all parts of their children. Hearing that only half of his being is loved, it leave her worried for him.

"Hmm... w-well I think so, they sure not love Phantom when they're shooting at me with ecto-weapons. But they do love my human half, even if they're a little oblivious at times or are too self absorbed in ghost hunting" Danny said feeling a little down.

"Really? And no other adult, ghost or human, has shown an interest in your ghost half" Pandora asked even more worried now for her new friend, she knew for what Danny said before that his friends and sister are the only humans that know his hybrid status.

"Only Plasmius, the other half ghost, but he wants to kill my dad, married my mom and have me as his evil apprentice or pawn in his evil schemes" Danny said, frowning at the thought of Vlad.

After Danny stop talking they fell in silence, in which they began to eat and drink, thinking in what to talk next. Danny was angry at Vlad, for wanting to destroy his family and have him as a prize of some kind; he too was a little sad that his parents were so closed minded about ghost being evil, they obsessed so much over their ghost hunting that they wouldn't leave the lab for days in a row, for Danny it makes easier hide his other identity but there were times that he missed them and wanted for them to be more parents that ghost hunters.

Pandora, from what Danny just told her, came to the conclusion that the halfa didn't have anyone to teach him about the Ghost Zone, about ghosts ecto-biology, or anything of the world he's now half of it. He didn't have anyone to care of his ghost half in a fraternal way. She wanted to help her friend and didn't know how, but thinking of their recent conversation, how angry at Plasmius he was, and how sad he seemed at the mention of how his parents don't love all of him, she came to a decision. Nodding to herself, she start speaking.

"Danny do you know what 'adoptionem' is?" Pandora asked.

"Uhh... no, though it's sounds familiar" Danny said.

"Yes, it's means adoption in English, you don't know much about ghost biology, do you?" Pandora asked.

"No... why?" Danny said not really knowing why Pandora was asking him that.

"Because ghosts, being unable to reproduce, adopt young ghosts to form a family or to teach them what they need in the afterlife to survive" Pandora explain.

"Okay... why are you telling me this?" Danny asked, being clueless as to where Pandora was going with the conversation.

"Because, for what you tell me, you don't have anyone, beside your friends, to help you about being a ghost, or in your case a half ghost, and I thought of a solution for your problem" Pandora said.

"Really? What is it?" Danny asked, still being clueless.

"The solution it's me adopting you. I know you still have your human family, but only when you're human. What I'm proposing you it's not abandoning your parents, it's letting me adopt you, so that way I could help you with your powers, teach you about being a ghost and the Zone, and caring for your ghostly needs. Anyway it's your choice, whatever is what you chose, we'll still be friends and allies" Pandora said smiling, waiting patiently for Danny's response.

Danny didn't know what to do, his only experience with someone offering to teach him was with Frostbite and only with his ice powers. For Danny the fruitloop didn't count, he knows that to Vlad he's just some prize to win, mostly to let Jack without a son. He began to think that it would be nice to have an adult ghost to teach him without some catch. At Pandora's mention of taking care of him, an ache in his core make itself know, that feeling of longing for somebody to like him that always came when he's feeling down or lonely. After his first encounter with Spectra, Danny believed that nobody would love a half ghost freak like him, his friends and sister had helped assuring him that they love him no matter what, but he always has doubts about what would other humans or ghosts think.

The ache in his core made it difficult to not accept the offer the second after she asked, but he wanted to be sure that she wanted him for him and not for his reputation of the 'Great One'.

"A-are you sure you want to adopt a half ghost freak like me?" Danny asked quietly, narrowly containing his emotions, the great hope in someone accepting him and the joy it would cause, but as well the big fear in rejection caused by Spectra's words and his self doubts. Looking down he expected her response.

"Of course I want to adopt you Danny, you are a brave child with a kind heart, and Danny" Pandora said standing for her chair and gently grabbing his chin to look him in the eyes "you are not a freak, I don't know who tell you that, but it's not true" Pandora said firmly hoping he'll understand.

Danny was shocked, she not only wanted him for himself but also didn't think of him as a freak. Seeing the sincerity in her eyes and feeling her gentle touch, he couldn't contain his emotions anymore, some tears escaped his eyes before he could respond.

"Well if y-you feel that way, I would like to be your son" Danny said before surprising Pandora in a hug and started to cry tears of joy and relief. He felt a little childish for this but he couldn't stop the flow of emotions coming from him.

Pandora hold her new son in a four armed hug, rubbing circles in his back with one hand and stroking his hair, waiting for him to calm down. She hadn't expected for this reaction from him, it was clear to her now that Danny doesn't receive a lot of fraternal love from his parents and how much he needs it, with that in mind she'll make sure that he never lacks that kind of love from her.

Danny, calming down, let go of the hug "Sorry about that..." he said awkwardly.

"You don't need to be sorry about expressing your feelings, understand?" Pandora said.

"Yes, I understand" Danny said smiling.

After that they began to talk, Danny told Pandora about his friends and sister, how they help him not only in ghost hunting but in the day to day life too, he talked passionately about space and his dream of becoming an astronaut, he mentioned some of the adventures he had as a protector of his city. Pandora told Danny about her origins, that she was created out of the idea of hope that thousand of humans had and the same sentiment of hoping to have a place to go in the afterlife it created Athens, and she being the Ghost of Hope and the queen of Athens make their hope a reality, she mentioned that she knows a lot of ancients ghosts, one of them being Frostbite, and that she'll present him to them some day.

Before they knew, it was time for Danny to return to the Living Zone, saying his farewell to Pandora he promised to return as soon as he could. Watching her new son flying to his home, Pandora began to make plans, she'll make sure that he has his own room in her palace, to inform all citizens of Athens that she adopted Phantom and she had to plan what to teach him; with that in mind she make her way to the palace.

When Danny returned to his bedroom, the glowing numbers in his alarm clock showed that it was past 3 a.m. , yawning he transform to human and goes to bed, thinking over the last few hours. He still couldn't believe that he has a ghostly mother now, it felt a little unreal to him but at the same time it felt like the longing in his core was replaced with happiness.

A/N: Hi everybody! This is my first fanfic :D

You can thank polyrhyme and mjs22mj for convince me into writing

Just a warning, english is not my native language, so if you guys see any gramatical errors please be kind and PM me where you found them so I can correct them

Thanks :) Please Review