AN: We have come to the conclusion of our tale. I want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed this story, it means so much to me that you all enjoyed it.
Chapter 10
Diego's eyes opened slowly as the sun made it appearance through the second story window. His entire body ached and he let out a low groan when his muscles protested his movements. Sitting up slowly, hoping to avoid further pain, he was confused to find that he was in his room.
Racking his brain, he tried to recall his last actions with little success. His memories were cloudy. All he could remember was cold and water and...Miguel. He dropped his head in his hands as the memories began to resurface. He may have been able to rescue Luis but he failed Miguel.
With a heavy heart, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, using the bed post to support himself as he climbed to his feet.
"Don't even think about it." Diego's knees wobbled and he dropped back down on the bed as Alejandro's voice carried from a chair by the fireplace.
"You will not be leaving that bed until I allow it. I will tie you there if I have to." Diego winced. Alejandro's voice may not have risen above a normal level but he knew when he was in trouble.
"Father, I'm sorry I left the mission but Zorro was needed." Alejandro shook his head.
"You don't always have to be so self-sacrificing, mi hijo. Zorro may be a legend but you are still just a man." Diego tugged uncomfortably at his earlobe.
"How long was I asleep?" he asked, hoping to change the subject.
"Nearly a week." Diego's eyes bulged.
"A week?"
"Si, and every one of those days you were stricken with fever." Alejandro's eyes misted. "I almost lost you, at the river. You weren't breathing. Please don't ever do that to me again, Diego, my heart simply cannot take it." Guilt welled up inside him. It was never his intention to hurt his father that way.
"I'm sorry," was all he could manage to choke out past the lump in his throat.
"Just promise me you won't do anything so reckless again." Diego doubted he would be able to hold to that promise but he nodded nevertheless.
"Oh, I thought you might want to know, they found Miguel's body two days ago along with the stranger Esparza." Though Diego had expected the outcome it did not make hearing the news any easier. Curling his hand into a fist, he brought it down hard on the soft feather bed. It wasn't fair.
Alejandro wished they was a way to comfort his son but words seem to fail him. He was brought a reprieve when the door to the bedroom swung open to reveal Bernardo. The deaf mute's mouth curved into a massive smile when he saw Diego.
Bernardo launched into a flurry of signs that made Diego smile.
"Si, Bernardo, I will be fine." Bernardo made a few more signs, this time mentioning a senorita. "Moneta?" Diego translated. Bernardo nodded.
"She has come everyday since you had taken ill and sit by your bedside," Alejandro said. Diego felt his cheeks grow red but at the same time his heart skipped a beat, dare he hope that she felt the same?
"Send her up," he said, hating how his voice sounded so scratchy.
Alejandro misinterpreted it and went to fetch him a glass of water but that was probably for the best, if he knew the extent of Diego's feeling for Moneta he would never let up on the subject of grandchildren. Though somehow he didn't think it would faze him so much anymore.
A few seconds later, Moneta stepped through the door.
"Diego, you're awake." Alejandro left the room to give them some privacy, shutting the door behind him.
"I was so worried about you," she said before her face grew serious and Diego realized he was in for another lecture. "I should have never have let you convince me to let you leave the mission. What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed."
"I'm sorry Moneta, it was not my intention." She sighed.
"I know that, but you frightened me, Diego. You frightened everyone. Even Sergeant Garcia is beside himself with worry and he doesn't even know the whole story."
"What did you tell him?" Diego asked.
"That you had taken ill after getting caught in the storm. He didn't question it too closely, he had more pressing issues to deal with." She meant Miguel, he realized.
"But you better not do it again," she reaffirmed. Diego laughed and promised he wouldn't. "I don't know what I would do without you," Moneta said, almost to quiet for him to hear. Again his heart raced.
Testing his boundaries, Diego cupped Moneta's cheek. He took it as a good sign when she leaned into his caress. Moneta giggled.
"Well Diego, do you intend to kiss me or not?" Closing the gap between them he pulled her to his lips. They were just as soft and as sweet as he had imagined.
Running his tongue across her bottom lip, Diego tried to deepen the kiss when a sharp pain shot up his side and he pulled back with a groan.
"It would seem you are not ready for such vigorous activity," Moneta said looking properly tousled.
"It would appear not," Diego said, flopping back onto his pillow. With another quick kiss, Moneta left him to rest but not before promising to visit again. Diego still wore a stupid grin on his face when Bernardo came to check on him five minutes later.
The funeral for Miguel Roverto was a somber affair. Despite his weakened state Diego insisted on attending, much to the protest of Don Alejandro.
Among the crowd of mourners who had come to pay their respects to Miguel, was Rosa who clung to her son as if she expected him to disappear from her arms. Her face paled when she caught sight of Diego but to his relief she stayed quiet.
Moneta came to stand beside him, taking his arm.
"Poor woman," she said, her eyes never leaving Rosa. "What is she supposed to do now?"
"She still has to rancho," Diego said quietly. "And she has friends. She'll want for nothing." Seeing the somber look on Diego's face Moneta said,
"This is not your fault, Diego. Even El Zorro can't save everyone." Diego glanced around the room for a moment before leading her out of the church into the mid afternoon sun.
"I know that," he said sadly. "But I guess I too am guilty of falling for the myth of Zorro."
They continued to walk beneath the orange trees, giving space to the other mourners as the ceremony concluded.
"So what do you plan to do now?" Moneta asked as the settled on a nearby bench.
"I was thinking of composing a new song for my guitar." Moneta couldn't help but chuckle. "You really play the part of the popinjay well." Diego's face grew somber.
"That is who I am. No one can know any different." Moneta nodded slightly. Diego grew quiet for a moment before his lips curled into a sly smile.
"Though I do believe there is still work for Zorro."