Disclaimer: I do not own Queen JK's characters, only the plot of this story and Laurie.

Warning: M Rated content.

"Good, because I certainly want you to be my boyfriend. Now get over here. You seem to have left something on your lips. Let me lick that off for you."

Who knew Hermione Granger could be so hot… and horny? And that she was all of that, for me.

Just as I could feel her lips once again, we heard the front door open.

"Hermione. Draco. Are you guys back yet?"

"Laurie." Hermione and I answered simultaneously. Lucky for us, Hermione had left her bedroom door shut. We didn't have to worry about her walking in on us. Though we did have something else to worry about.

"Hermione, I don't think we should tell Laurie about us yet. She's going through some really tough things right now, and I don't want to... to seem like the happy couple in front of her."

"Hmm… I understand. Though, she's pretty good at sniffing out stuff like this. So if we're hiding it from her, we should probably also hide it from everyone else for the time being." Hermione broke off our contact.


"Good, so we're searching for a book from my store that I forgot in my room."

"Wha-" She pushed me towards her bookshelf. Only Hermione Granger would have a bookshelf in her room when she owns a bookstore right around the corner.

"Laurie! We're in here. In my bedroom."

We heard footsteps rush towards us with increasing volume. The door opened to reveal a slightly frazzled Laurie. Her face was lined with a hint of worry as she stood by door, lightly leaning on the handle.

"The bookstore was closed. And so was the café. And I thought you guys weren't home. I… I got a little worried."

"We were just searching for a few books I misplaced earlier this week. I can't seem to find a copy of 'The Giant List of Uses of Dragon Dung - Volume III'."

Wait, there's three books for that? More importantly, why is Hermione reading that? What did I get myself into?

"I think I last saw it by the refrigerator earlier today. It's that big blue one, right?"

"Oh, Thank You so much Laurie. I thought I had lost that one. It's not the cheapest of books and the new volume was a special order by a regular patron. The book provides some of the most amazing…" I let the conversation trail out as the girls walked out to the kitchen. That was one conversation I did not want or need to be a part of.

I entered Hermione's store and almost immediately I was ambushed by a pair of small hands that wrapped around my neck, pulling me down into a deep, but relatively short kiss.

"What took you so long?"

"There was this customer that just wouldn't leave. She just sat there with her cup of coffee while chatting away on her mobile phone."

"Couldn't you just kick her out?"

"Hermione, I don't own a bookstore. I can't tell her to just fuck off. When a customer walks in, we serve them what they want and then we let them sit in the booth for as long as they want."

"Well then, you can get down there and get to work then. I am in desperate need of your services." She whispered in my ear in a soft, sultry voice. Her hand gently rubbed over the crotch of my jeans, and then slowly moved up and unbuttoned her own.

I gave her a little smirk and took over from her, unzipping her jeans and pulling them down with her panties as I kneel down in front of her. My eyes were level with her neatly shaved dripping center. She took her hands and ran them through my hair as she does so very frequently. She loves my hair, a fact she expressed in words and otherwise the first time we spent the night together.

"Draco, please…"

I stick my tongue out and give her pussy a quick lick, eliciting a deep moan from my lover. How long has she been waiting for me? How long has she been fantasizing about this very moment?


Unable to hold myself back anymore, I start licking her pussy with much more fervor. As more of her juices poured out, its sweet intoxicating smell filled my nostrils, leaving me in an aromatic trance of cunnilingus.

"I'm… c-closer…"

She gripped my hair even tighter, using it as a means to hold herself up. An action that signaled she was very close to her first orgasm of the day. Though it most certainly will not be her last.

Her orgasm left her quivering as she attempted to stand, her legs collapsing as I moved my hands to her thighs, holding her up. I was grateful that she always put up silencing spells before I reach. Her moans filled the room, the small bookstore causing the sound to appear louder than it actually is.

It took her a good minute to come down from her sexual high, all while I continued to lick slit with the same intensity, drawing out her orgasm to the fullest. Finally, after she was back on earth, standing on her own two feet, I got up from my position.

"Ohh… I've been waiting for that all day…"

"Oh, you're not done yet, Granger." I have a habit of calling her Granger while having sex. It ran off the tongue much easier than Hermione. "We're only just beginning."

I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, pulling them down to reveal my 9-inch long, erect and almost painfully hard penis.

"I will never tire of watching this part." She murmured as her eyes were fixated my organ down below. I stepped out of my bunched up jeans and kick them back, causing my member to bounce up and down. Her eyes bobbled with my my member, keenly fixated on it.

Both of us were still fully clothed on the upper half of our body, a fact we both agreed should be rectified immediately.

I pull off her blue t-shirt to reveal a light pink lacy bra. I reached behind her to unhook it, but she suddenly shook her head, causing her curls to fly every which way, some hitting my face. I looked down at her questioningly and she brought her right hand up to her chest and unhooked it from the front. I smiled at her as thanks while she removed the garment and threw it behind her, landing by the front door.

She had breasts that were frankly… smaller than average. But that didn't make them any less beautiful. The barely B-cups added to her female charm, whether she herself recognizes it or not. Besides, I was never interested in a woman's tits as much as I was interested in her ass. And believe me, Hermione Granger had one hell of an ass.

Even then, I still loved her breasts, and they deserve to be loved as I love treating them. So I grabbed her left breast and gave it a light squeeze while I leaned in to connect my mouth with her right. Instead, I was stopped by a small hand.

"Granger, your tits need some good loving. Let me have at them." I whined.

"Nope, not until you take off that."


"Draco, I've been waiting for your body as much as you have for mine. And it's cruel that you choose to cover yourself up like that when I'm over here standing completely naked." She's so hot when she's angry and naked. And to be honest, I'm only just barely paying attention to her.

After ogling her naked body for another few seconds, I slowly pull off my shirt.

"Happy?" She gives me a wide smile.

I only let her have a second before I lean in once again, devouring her right nipple in my mouth. My tongue starts playing with the hardened nub, causing her to moan in that 'Oh, so sexy' dick hardening fashion. Instead of returning my other hand to her left breast, I slipped it around her waist, hoisting her up into my arms. She crossed her legs around my back and her arms around my neck. I quickly walked over to a wall because I know how she would kill me if I fuck her up against a bookshelf. She's still the know-it-all bookworm bookstore owner, Hermione Granger, even if she is a lioness in bed.

As I finally reached the wall, her hand reached down and gripped my hard member, slowly directing it to molten core. I felt the heat radiate from her pussy just as she paused near the entrance. I gave her a swift kiss on her lips as she nodded. As it had been only a week since we started dating, I still couldn't thrust in with as much force as I wanted to. My dick was probably bigger than almost all of the people she had fucked so far, so she was still getting used to it.

I gently eased it into her as I let her adjust to my size and then slowly increased my pace. She gave a light nod, motioning for me to go faster.

"Oh… Draco, that feels so good."

Her nails gripped my back as one of my hand grabbed her voluptuous ass. I gave it a little shake and then gave it a light slap.

"Oh." I smiled at the little noises she made during sex. She always surprised me on how much more she could captivate me. She already had me wanting her in my bed at every possible moment in the day.

"Draco… g-go faster…"

"This isn't fast enough for you?"

"No… faster." She wore a pout like a little girl. I didn't know whether to find it incredibly hot or down right adorable.

"Oh, you'll see how fast I can go." I picked up the pace and watched as her breasts bounced up and down just under my nose. It's a sight every man should want to see, but nobody but me should get the chance to.

Her moans increased in volume as she closed in on her second climax. I started spanking both her ass cheeks, speeding up her journey to her climax. I held myself back until her orgasm started, her walls closing around my dick and clamping down on it. Her nails raked my back as she came around me.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. With one last thrust I unloaded myself inside her. I used one hand to hold her up and the other to prop the two of us up against the wall. Several minutes had passed before either of us moved from our position. I let her down in front of me, letting my dick slip out of her as she got down and leaned against the wall behind her.


"Yes Granger…"

"Is that it?" This woman. I opened my eyes and brought them down to find her staring up at me with a mischievous glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips. That was my patented smirk, how dare she steal it from me. With renewed determination, I answered her with my most seductive smile to date.

"Of course it isn't, Granger. You still have a lot more orgasms due today."

"Oh goody."

It was a while before we finished having sex. Laurie decided to stay over at Janet and Emily's for the night, a second attempt after a trial session a few days ago had been quite successful. And we had both closed off our respective stores early. So we had the entire apartment to ourselves. Of course, this being Hermione's apartment, we made sure to lock ourselves in Hermione's bedroom. And also set up some easily believable excuse. But so far, we haven't had to use it.

After we fucked against the wall, Hermione spent the last two hours having sex with me in every way we could. She spent the time against her desk at the store, on the floor with me on top of her, on her knees giving me a blowjob, on her bed below me, on top of me on her bed and in my most favorite position of them all, doggy-style.

All of that led to the situation we are in right now, lying on her bed resting naked as we recovered from our exhaustion.

"I honestly can't believe you let us have sex in your bookstore. Being who you are, I thought you were strictly against that sort of thing."

"I know. I disappointed in myself. I can't believe I let my hormones get the best of me like some sexually charged teenager." I started to laugh. She swat my shoulder with a pout on her face.


"Serves you right."

"For what? Not stopping you?"


"Really. You're physically assaulting me because I agreed with you and gave you what you wanted exactly when you wanted it."



"So… You still want to be my boyfriend."

"Are you kidding? Of course I do. A little physical abuse is a tiny price to pay to have amazing sex with such a beautiful woman." Hermione's cheeks blushed a deep red.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes." I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Also, back when we were apparating to your bedroom, you forgot your bra by the front door.

Her reaction was instantaneous. She sat up immediately and got out of the bed to search for her missing undergarment and confirm that I was lying. I watched her perfect ass as she leaned over and searched every corner of her bedroom until she realized that I was not lying after all. As she reached for wand to disapparate to the store, I grabbed her hand.

"Hermione, you're naked."

"Oh." She stopped in her tracks. That gave enough time to pull her in for a kiss and drive the thought of her bra out of her mind. It was another hour before she finally had the chance to visit the store and pick up her missing undergarment.

This story is M Rated and you have also been warned as such at the start of this chapter, so don't complain. I've always had an intention to write at least one lemon scene for this story and so Ta-dah! Here it is.

This is the first lemon that I have published. Please review and let me know how it is.

Also, I was typing part of this at the end of office today, so imagine how it must of felt as people walked by behind me. :P

Anyways, let me know how it was through a review. I'm always waiting to read those. Even if it is a criticism.

Thanks again for reading.

P.S. This is the largest chapter of this story to date.

EDIT: A few corrections. Didn't realize I left a sentence open ended there. Sorry. Please review and let me know how you felt.