Hey everyone
So after a year and a half, it is done! I am so sorry of the long wait, I had a bit of a writer's block that I couldn't shake off and of course, life happens. But after all this time, it's here. Thank you all for your love and support for this story. you have no idea how much it means to me. So...Please enjoy.
Just a Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the world they come from. Just the idea of the story
Everyone was at a lost as they watch the eruptodon continue to eat at the rock surrounding the volcano. The rumble shook the trees down and smoke started to cover the sky.
"This is bad! This is bad!" Fishlegs shivers in fear.
"What should we do?" Ali asks as she and Sleuther flew closer to the queen.
Mala shook her head without uttering a word. This dragon is her island's great protector, but now it's destroying another island. What should she do? As a queen, she should make the right judgment. But...what is it?
"Hey guys!"
Everyone looks up to see Dagur, Snotlout and the twins fly in to meet them.
"What are you doing here?" Heather asks them.
"What about the army?" Fishlegs asks too.
"Turn tail and ran," Dagur comments. "Seems without a commander; the hunters are just cowards."
"Wait! Viggo isn't leading them?" Stoick asks.
"Nor Ryker," Dagur continues. "They weren't on any of the ships."
"So they must be somewhere on the island then," Mala concluded.
"Speaking of which, how goes it with the dragon?" Dagur asks while looking up at the eruptodon still eating away the rock.
"I'm going to guess...not good," Ruffnut said.
"Horrible even," her brother adds.
"It's no use," Ali said, "he won't listen, and he won't stop eating. There's nothing we can do."
"Then allow me to remedy the situation."
Everyone turned to see Viggo with a number of hunters ready with their arrows.
"You!" Mala growled as everyone is waiting to fire.
"Ah, Queen Mala, haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet," he said with a wicked smile. "Do you like the show your dragon is performing? A beautiful creature on its rightful habitat."
"Rightful habitat? It's destroying our home!" Fishlegs points out. As he said that, the island rumbles again, knocking down a few stones from the mountain.
"Why are you here Viggo?" Heather asks firmly, "you would dare to step on an endangered island."
"Oh yes I would, for my prized possessions to be returned," Viggo replies.
"But I thought he already had the dragon eye?" Tuffnut asks his sister.
"Oh yeah," she agrees. "Didn't we give it up to you in returned for the dragon you killed?!"
"Wait, What?" Mala asks shocked.
"We're explain later," Heather assurs.
"Yes," he said. "But now I would like the rest of the eye back." He held out his hand in order for someone to give him back the lenses. "Now hand them over, and we'll be on our way."
"Not even if Valhalla freezes over," Stoick growls.
"Look around you mate, we're a little busy," Gobber said pointing the hook at the dragon.
"Then I shall offer a deal," Viggo said. "Give me the lenses, and I'll take the eruptodon off your hands."
"No!" Mala quickly said firm.
"You might want to reconsider," Viggo said, "it's only a matter of time before the island disappears in hot molten lava. I'm a patient man, and I can just stay here and burn with the lot of you. But are you all willing to throw your lives away?"
As he said that comment, all the men that were with him turn tail and ran back to their boats.
But the riders gave him glares of both frustration and anger, realizing that there is no winning solution. They can't risk this dragon going into Viggo's hands, but they also can't lose their home.
A bit away, Hiccup, Toothless and Astrid sneak through the woods to the spot where the action is. They hid themselves near a tree that has fallen so they can sit and listen in.
"Tick, tock," Viggo smirks, "time is not leisure for you."
Astrid and Hiccup lean up to see the eruptodon eating the mountain with haste. They also look up at the smoke appearing at the top of the mountain, signaling that volcano may erupt at any minute.
"This is bad," Astrid whispers to Hiccup.
"Yeah," he said sinking down on the side of the trunk, "and it's practically my fault."
"No," she quickly said as she grabs his hand. "Viggo is responsible, not you. You can still turn this around."
"How can I?" He said while rubbing his head. "My mind is still a wreck."
"Give it time," she said in a soft voice. She then leans over the log to see the situation. "Though, time isn't exactly on our side."
"Viggo is becoming desperate now," Hiccup comment, "He doesn't even care of his own life as long as he has that eye."
"Maybe I shouldn't have brought it here," Astrid said feeling a little regret. "If it brought all this-"
"No Astrid," Hiccup said looking at her. "This isn't your fault. It's mine. You wouldn't even have to risk your life to save me-"
"I will never regret that Hiccup," She replies cupping his cheek with her hand. "You mean a lot to me, to everyone. I would fly to the edge of the world if it meant saving you."
"And I would do that for you too," he smiles. "Astrid you- agh!" He clutches his head, feeling the thumping again. In his head were flashbacks of what he did as a hunter, and hated every one of them.
"Hiccup!" Astrid gasps worried. "Are you-"
"I'm fine," he answers while leaning back. "My head just hurts a bit. Everything is trying to come back to me. But it's pounding harder than a gronckle on rocks."
Then, his eyes light up as he looks over at the giant dragon. "Wait? Gronckles? That might be it."
"You thought of something?" Astrid asks.
"Maybe," he replies. "But conveying the plan front of Viggo will be tough. He knows how to plan ahead."
"Maybe," Astrid said in a soft voice. "But you'll have us."
Toothless nods in agreement. They both smile at Hiccup's soft expression as he is thankful to have friends like them. All of them look at the scene again, with all of them worried and scared at what to do.
Hiccup looks at Astrid, seeing how beat-up and bruised she is. It pains him to see her like this, and it hurts his heart to know that he did that to her.
But...it might be the way to get in, and remedy the entire situation. He closes his eyes before turning to Astrid.
"Astrid...do you trust me?" He asks firm.
She nods as he leans to whisper into her and Toothless's ear.
"So what is it going to be?" Viggo asks with intent in his voice.
"The answer is obviously no!" Heather yells.
"I agree," Mala said. "I would rather die than to see the great protector fall into your hands."
"But I want to live!" Ruffnut complains.
"And we can't let the great protector destroy this island and all its dragons," Ali adds.
"Yeah!" Snotlout agrees. "Give him those stupid lenses already!"
"We can't," Stoick said. "We'll find a way to stop the volcano. If we give in to this madman, then everything will be for naught."
"So you're risking the safety of your island and yourselves in a pointless battle to prevent me from victory?" Viggo said while keeping a cool demeanor. "What foolishness. To risks your lives away like that-."
"Then why don't we make things easier!"
Everyone turned to see a horrid sight. Hiccup came out of the woods, holding Astrid tightly with her wrist to her back, and a dagger to her neck. He carefully brushes his bangs so everyone can't fully see his eyes.
"Astrid!" Heather yells in fright.
"Oh no!" Fishlegs whimpers.
"Guys!" Astrid calls out, "don't-"
"Shut up!" Hiccup growled as he takes her with him to stand beside Viggo.
"Well done Hiccup," he said with a cruel smile. "You're more vile then any hunter in the region."
"I'll take it as a compliment," Hiccup replies. "So let's rephrase the deal? Hand us the lenses, and we let miss viper go."
"Viper?" Astrid yells in offense.
"And what of the eruptodon?" Viggo asks.
"Let them have it," Hiccup said. "It's not like they can stop a hungry dragon. It'll give us time to get away."
Viggo nods as he held out his hand again. "So for the last time...the lenses please."
Heather held the lenses tightly as she growls. She doesn't want to give in to such a despicable man, but knows she has no choice now. Her friend's life is in danger.
Maybe if she talks to Hiccup, he could let her go. "Hiccup, don't do this. Please remember, we're your friends."
"So what," he comments, "none of that matters now. So do what we say, or else!"
As he shouts, the blade of the dagger crept closer to Astrid's neck.
"Ah," Astrid gasps as her eyes shot towards her captor. "Hiccup! Please! Let me go!"
"Son," Stoick pleas with a scared face. "You don't need to do this."
"It's the only way now," Hiccup said pushing his face closer to Astrid. "Now hand over the lenses, or she'll have less of a pretty face."
"Remember guys, Hiccup can't actually kill her," Ali said sharply.
"Wanna bet?" Hiccup said as he flips the dagger towards Astrid's arm, and cutting it slightly to show blood.
"Ah!" Astrid winces as Hiccup moves the weapon back towards her neck.
"The lenses! NOW!" He orders which seemed to impress Viggo.
Heather growls as she dismounts her dragon. She gives Viggo a hateful face as she regretfully hands over her dragon lenses.
"Thank you," he said as he puts them in his other hand.
"Now let Astrid go!" She commends Hiccup.
"Not until everything is set," he said, holding Astrid closer to him.
Viggo proceeds to put the eye lenses back into the dragon eye, only to realize a few were still missing. "Where are the rest?!"
"What rest?" Heather said. "I gave you all the lenses I had."
"Don't toy with me!" He roars with force. He quickly grabs his sword and points it at Heather.
"Hey! Leave my sister alone!" Dagur yells as shattermaster gets ready to fire. Windshear also became angry, heating up the fire in her mouth.
"Don't!" Stoick orders. "You may hurt them!"
"But if we don't do something-" Dagur began to argue.
"We still can't risk it," Stoick said turning to Dagur.
Hiccup forces Astrid to step back as they watch Viggo stalk closer to her, aiming to kill.
"Where are they?!" He yells.
"I don't have them," Heather growls as she gets up onto her elbows.
"Then someone around here must have them," he said as he points his sword near her chest. "Whoever has my lenses, step forth! Otherwise she and the other one dies!"
Dagur growls on top of his dragon as everyone else looked at each other, not sure what to do.
Another rumble came as the Eruptidon seem to get close to hitting lava. In fact, the sky was quickly covered in thick black smug.
"Close enough," Hiccup comments as he throws the dagger away from Astrid, and they both duck, "NOW TOOTHLESS!"
Everyone turns to see Toothless jump over them from behind a bush and fires a plasma blast at Viggo. It hit him right on the back, making him fall over, and letting go of his sword and the dragon eye. Heather quickly got up and ran back to her dragon in fright.
"Get the eye!" Hiccup shouts as Astrid's instantly ran for it. She grabbed it as she ran towards the top of the volcano.
"What?!" Viggo calls out as he sees Hiccup standing up with Toothless by his side. "You!"
Hiccup growls as he shows his anger through his forest green eyes.
"Son?" Stoick said in shock.
Everyone looked at Hiccup bewildered, wondering if this is their friend or not.
"Is it really you Hiccup?" Fishlegs asks.
"It better be," Snotlout said.
Viggo growled before he dashes off after Astrid. Hiccup quickly turns to the others before getting on Toothless.
"There's no time for that now," he said. "You have to stop the dragon before it destroys the edge."
"Yeah, but how?!" Snotlout asks in confusion and frustration.
"The dragon needs to eat, right? So give it what it wants." With that, Toothless pushes off the ground and flies towards the top of the volcano.
"What was that about?" Ruffnut asks totally confused.
"Is he helping us...or not?" Tuffnut asks.
"Give it what it wants?" Fishlegs pounders. But then, the gears clicked on his head to what Hiccup meant.
"That's it! Hiccup! You're a genius!" Fishlegs cheers.
"He is?" Snotlout asks.
"The eruptodon wants to eat lava," Fishlegs quickly explains. "So let's give it some lava to feed on."
He singles Meatlug to fly closer to the big dragon.
"Now girl!" He commands as the gronckle opens its mouth to dump some lava down to the rocks. The eruptodon took a small notice, but went back to eating the mountain.
"It's not enough!" Ali cries as the rumbles seem to get worse.
"I'll help!" Dagur shouts as he singles Shattermaster to do the same.
"Get in there Grump!" Gobber ordered as all three dragons spew hot lava from their mouths. The Eruptidon took notice of the larger pile of lava and took a bite into it.
"It's working!" Heather cheers.
"But not for long," Ali said. "Those dragons can't make that much lava."
"No," Fishlegs said with a smile, "but maybe if we add a few gronckles." With that, he roared to the sky, along with Meatlug. Soon, gronckles started to fly down to see what is happening. They got the gest and started to shoot lava from their mouths, making a lava path away from the volcano.
"I think it's working," Ruffnut said with glee.
"They are working together in destruction to save us from destruction!" Tuffnut yells.
"Then let's lead it back to our island!" Mala said as she and Ali board Sleuther. They along with Fishlegs, Dagur, Gobber and their dragons, help lead the eruptodon away from the volcano and back towards the sea.
"What should we do?" Heather asks Stoick.
"We find where Hiccup and Astrid is," he said as he mounts Skullcrusher. "And hope everything is alright."
Astrid ran as fast as her legs could carry her up the side of the volcano. She held the dragon eye tight in her hands as she looks back to see Viggo charging behind her. She had no idea he could be this fast, but then again, he hasn't been in a fight at all tonight. But still, she had to push herself farther. It was the best way to get Viggo away from the eruptodon, and maybe the best chance to end it all.
The rumbles made her loose balance a couple of times, but she always got back up and ran. The heat was making her sweat so hard, it almost covered her eyes.
She huffed and puffed all the way up, till she made it to her destination. She was at the top of the volcano. Just on the other side of the wide rim was hot molten lava, holding steady for now.
She took a moment to catch her breath in this hot air, relived that she made it.
"Hold it right there!"
Astrid turned around to see Viggo, ready with his sword in his hand.
"Don't even think about it!" Astrid said as she holds the dragon eye just over the rim and above the lava. "You do anything, and I'll drop it."
"Oh, Astrid," he said as he puts his sword back in his sheath and steps forward. "Why does have to be like this? If you would have just kept your promise, this wouldn't have happened."
"You broke yours by killing that dragon!" Astrid shouts angry.
"On the contrary," Viggo said. "You just ask for the dragon, not pacifically whether it's alive or not."
Astrid grunts as she takes a step back, pushing out the dragon eye further to the lava.
"What you did is despicable," she growls.
"Harsh Astrid," Viggo said, "but I appreciate the criticism."
As he said that, he quickly lower his body to the floor and picked up some ash. He then threw it right into Astrid's face, making her go blind and cough. Viggo took the opportunity to lunge at her, making her fall to the side and letting go of the dragon eye. It rolled away towards the middle of the rim. Viggo saw this and went to grab it, only to be stopped by Astrid grabbing his leg and making him fall to the ground. Clearly angry, Viggo uses his other leg to kick Astrid in the face.
"Ah!" She reacts, but her resolution is giving her the strength to not let go.
But Viggo still has all of his strength, and used it to turn himself around and kicked her harder. With that one, her body had no choice but to react and to let go.
Viggo then scrambles to his feet to grab the eye.
Viggo looked up just in time to see a plasma blast heading towards him. He jumped out the way just in time before it made its mark. Then, he saw the black silhouette of the night fury fly between him and the dragon eye. It showed its shinny green eyes as it bares it's sharp teeth at him.
On top, the rider dismounts and collects the dragon eye.
"Hiccup," Viggo growls.
Hiccup looks at Viggo with an angry glare. "Give me one good reason not to let Toothless fire at you."
Toothless snarls as purple light starts to shine through its mouth.
"Don't say that old boy," Viggo said as he regains his gentleman persona, "not after all we've been through."
"You used me!" Hiccup yells with Toothless roaring in agreement.
"Not at all," Viggo said. "I just helped you open your eyes to what you can do. What you could accomplish."
"By hurting my friends?! By hurting my family?!"
"By being everything you could be. Think about it. When you were with us, you had free reign to command an army without any hesitation. To create anything without morals getting in the way. You became the you that didn't let anything stand in your way."
"What I became wasn't human at all!" Hiccup yells in anger. "You turned me into a monster!"
"Did I?" Viggo asks with a smirk. "Ultimately, it was you who gave in. You were responsible for turning out like that and wanted to kill every dragon. And it seems that you enjoyed it too. So can you completely say that I am solely responsible?"
"Hiccup," Astrid coughed from the ground as she looked up at him. "Don't listen to him."
"Personally, I thought you were better then," Viggo said. "It was nice to have conversations with someone of equal intelligence. And the way we were planning each and every trap. How did it feel to be the smartest man? The better man?"
"Whatever I was...that's not who I want to be!" Hiccup shouts with conviction. "I know who I am! I am a leader to the greatest team in the Archipelago. I'm a dragon rider!"
"You were also a man of no weakness," Viggo said. "But not anymore."
With one quick movement, he bend back to grab Astrid by the braid.
"Ah!" She yells as Viggo pulls her up and then places his sword to her neck.
"Astrid!" Hiccup yells in both anger and fright.
"Hiccup!" She chokes in fear.
"Simple deal really," Viggo said with a vile smile.
"The dragon eye for Astrid," Hiccup concludes.
"It sounds harsher when you say it, but yes," Viggo said. "Who would've thought after you supposedly broken through the dragon's gaze, you're still as brutal as ever."
Hiccup twists the eye in his hands, thinking of what to do. He then felt his head hurting again, he groans at the discomfort.
"In fact, we can sweeten the deal," Viggo proposes. "If you come with me, I promise that the hunters will never touch this island again."
"That's a load of dragon dung!" Astrid calls out.
"But it's the only way Hiccup can keep you safe for the time being," Viggo leans in to her, creeping her out. "The hunters will leave you alone to enjoy your life. And he can use his skills for a greater purpose. More than you lot can offer him. Or he can stay here, on this crumbling rock, surrounded by idiots and jarheads. And it will be a never ending war between us, only he will not have you to comfort him."
He then inches the blade closer to her, making his point clear.
"So what will it be Hiccup?" Viggo asks him. "Are you really going to throw the future of your friend over that?!"
Hiccup looked down at the eye, and then back at Astrid shaking her head.
With a determined look, he places his hand in front of Toothless, ordering him to stand down. He then walks towards Viggo with the dragon eye in hand. Astrid continues to shake her head, worried that Hiccup will go with this mad man to protect her. She was becoming fearful that she'll loose him again.
"Wow Viggo," he said before stopping an inch away from Viggo and Astrid. "I guess when you put it that way...No I'm NOT!"
With all his might, Hiccup throws the eye over Viggo, and towards the lava.
"No!" Viggo cries out as he lets goes of Astrid and races to grab it. Only to be too late as the eye flew into the mouth of the volcano and Viggo just missing it at the edge.
Hiccup and Toothless quickly made their way to Astrid. Hiccup instantly hugged her with his dragon guarding her with his wings.
Viggo looks back and snarls at Hiccup, not realizing that he is standing at the edge of the rim. And it was quickly collapsing under his feet.
By the time he realizes this, it was too late. Before he had a chance to move, the edge crumbles and falls into the volcano, him along with it.
"Hiccup!" He cries out as he falls to the lava.
Hiccup quickly let's go of Astrid and ran to check the edge. But as he peers over, there was nothing but lava. No eye...no Viggo...nothing.
Hiccup turned around to see Astrid leaning on Toothless's body.
Hiccup makes his way over to her and crouches next to her. "Astrid," he said as he wipes the ash from her face. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," she said weakly. "Are you?"
"Yeah," he said, leaning back on his knees. "Viggo...Viggo's gone. It...It should've have ended like this."
"But...it's over now...right?" Astrid asks worried.
"Yeah," Hiccup said unsure, "defiantly."
Astrid smiles as leans over to hug Hiccup. Though a little shaken, he hugs her back.
"I'm so sorry about the arm," he apologizes.
"Don't worry about it," Astrid said as she leans back to see his eyes. "You had to make it convincing. And besides, scars heal. I was more scared of losing you again."
"Don't worry," he said holding her hands. "I'm not going anywhere."
She smiles as he smiles, finally having a peaceful moment together. It felt like an entirety since they had a moment like this, and they're making the most of it.
"Astrid! Hiccup!"
The two of them could hear Stoick's worried voice in the air.
"Can you bud?" Hiccup asks Toothless to signal where they are. The dragon nods and shoots into the sky. The purple blast sends shockwaves through the sky, and breaking the smug line.
Within a few seconds, most of the dragon riders came to see the happy couple.
"Is everyone alright?" Hiccup asks standing up.
"We're fine!" Stoick said, sounding relieve to see his son again.
"Are you?" Heather asks him.
"As alright as I can get," Hiccup answers as he lifts Astrid up and has her lean to him.
"So are you...good again?" Tuffnut asks him. "Or are you just pretending to be good?"
"Yes Tuffnut!" Astrid called out. "He's good."
"Oh good," his sister said.
"Um guys..." Snotlout said looking down. "Where's Viggo?"
"Jumped into the volcano, along with the dragon eye," Astrid answers for Hiccup.
"Is he really gone?" Heather asks.
"We're pretty sure," Astrid said.
Stoick looks at the volcano's top, seeing the scene of the lava bubbles slowly stopping. He could also see no traces of Viggo, and he sighs in relief of the sight.
"Well it seems that the volcano is steady now," he said. "So maybe we can continue this on the ground."
"Sure," Hiccup said as he and Astrid carefully board Toothless. The dragon immediately took off and left the volcano with the rest of the dragons.
With a heavy heart, Hiccup looked back towards the sight, wondering if Viggo is really gone...and why he feels sad...
The riders made it back to the base, where they can see the hunter boats flee from their shores. But the riders can ignore the hunters for now; the two beaten Vikings were their biggest concern. As they land, Hiccup and Astrid collapse off of Toothless and took in deep breathes as they hit the wooden floor.
"Hiccup!" Stoick shouts as he flew off of his dragon and to Hiccup's side. He helped him get to his knees while the twins helped Astrid.
"I'm...I'm alright dad," Hiccup comments before getting a big hug from his father.
"Oh son," Stoick said tearfully. "I thought I lost you."
Hiccup smiles as he returns the hug, finally feeling the loving comfort he missed for a long time.
Astrid smiles as she looked at the two of them. It was almost a prideful feeling to reunite a family back together. But she was happy that Hiccup was back home.
Everyone looked up to see Fishlegs, Dagur, Gobber, Mala and Ali return with the swarm of gronckles coming towards them.
"How did it go," Heather asks as her brother jumps off of his gronckle.
"We got the big boy back to his island," Dagur said with a smile.
"And because of the last debacle, the village was prepared for the volcano there," Fishlegs explains. "So no building burned down, or defender got hurt."
"That's good," Heather said relieved.
"How's our boy?" Gobber asks curiously.
Heather smiles as she moved out of the way, showing the touching scene behind her.
"So...he's alright?" Dagur asks.
Heather smiles and nods.
That made Fishlegs squeal in happiness, Gobber trying to push back the tears, and Dagur hoping up and down like an excited puppy. Even Mala and Ali started to have tears in their eyes.
Stoick and Hiccup broke their hug to see the tears in each other's eyes. And it also gave Astrid the opening to join in to. She wrapped Hiccup in her arms, never wanting to let go.
"Sooooo...Are you sure your...you?" Snotlout asks crossing his arms.
"Yes," Hiccup said looking up towards his friends. "I'm me again." To show a bit of proof, he petss Toothless in the way it made the dragon smile.
"Oh good!" Snotlout said in relief as he bends down and starts crying.
Hiccup and Astrid could help but smile at the scene.
"Ohh, I'm so happy Hiccup!" Fishlegs cheers before he runs towards them and hug them both.
Stoick wisely got out of the way before the riders ran to hug Hiccup. Even Dagur got in on the action, joining one giant group hug that nearly crushed Astrid and Hiccup.
When it broke up, Hiccup looked up and had tears in his eyes. "Thank you...all of you. You didn't give up on me."
"Snotlout almost did," Tuffnut thumbs.
"Hey!" Snotlout shouts in anger before hashing the twins. "I did not! Don't make up stories like…Arg! Get back here you idiots!"
Hiccup shook his head and smiles. Some things will never change around here.
"Hiccup..." Mala said stepping forward.
"Queen Mala," Hiccup said scared. He quickly remembers what he did to her and her island. Regret filled him quickly as he bows to her. "I am so sorry for everything. I...I..."
His voice halt as a gentle hand touched his head. He looked to see Mala kneeling down to his face. "I know what you did wasn't entirely your fault. I will not blame you for the actions you took. You suffered enough at the hands of the hunters."
"Thank you," he said as he brings himself to his knees. "But there has to be something I can do to make up for what I've done."
"Let's just say this," Mala said standing up. "If we need any assistance, you will come and help us, no hesitation."
Hiccup quickly nods before another headache rolled in. But it wasn't as painful as the others. Maybe now his head is getting used to it. But the small flashbacks were still painful to remember.
"How do you feel?" Ali asks as she kneels down towards Hiccup and feeling his head with her hand.
"Better...I guess," Hiccup said unsure. "But my head's pounding like crazy."
"Hmmm," she replies as she removes her hand. She carefully looks into his eyes, nearly creepy him out. "It does seem you're back to normal. But your body and mind is just need time to re-adjust. So I heavily suggest taking the time to relax, and help settle back."
"We can totally help with that," Ruffnut said after getting a beating form Snotlout.
"And we can help with making sure this place is safe," Dagur said with his sister smiling.
"Dagur," Hiccup said with a smile. "I have no idea how you got wrap up in this. But, thank you."
"No problem little brother," he replies, owning a helping hand up. Hiccup took it, only to be yanked up into a crushing bear hug.
"Dagur...can't...breathe..." Hiccup said gasping for air.
Astrid smiles as she watches the scene with Toothless's head leaning on her shoulder. Finally, it's over. Hiccup is home, and the war was won.
It was a rough couple of hours after the traumatic event. The edge was a wreck, and damaged was everywhere. Luckily, the volcano was settled down, and stopped smoking up the sky. Ryker's body was found, and was given a proper Viking funeral. Most disliked the idea of giving him a sendoff to Vahalla, but Hiccup insisted of being the better man, and to give him one. The riders even have one to Viggo. Though not able to find anything of his, they made one for him with a hunter's sail and dragon proof chains. While Hiccup was too weak to say the prayer, Stoick stepped up and said it before everyone lite the boats. As for the changewing that was killed, Mala said that her tribe had their own ceremony. So she and Ali took the dragon before heading home.
Morning broke before anyone knew it. Sure, everyone was tired, but they had a lot of work to do. The only ones that were excused were Astrid and Hiccup, for obvious reasons. And while Astrid had an easier time to relax and heal, Hiccup didn't have it so lucky.
Being depressed was too kind a word for Hiccup. When he was finally alone in his room, he broke down and cried. Not for the joy of finally being free, but in the mere sorrow of what he has been doing for past few months. All the dragons he had hurt or killed, all the pain he caused his friends, it was almost unbearable to live after that. He curled up in a ball as he finally let the tears flow down across his cheeks. He broke down, not wanting to get back up ever again.
After what felt like hours, something wet and warm gently touched his head. Hiccup sharply looked up to see a black blob in front of him, with big green eyes. Though it was hard to see through the water in his eyes, Hiccup could tell who it is.
"Hey Bud," he said weak and gentle as he reaches up to him.
Toothless kneels down to meet him, and rubs his head to Hiccup's body.
As Hiccup touched Toothless's head, he felt a small scar on the side of the head...then remembered how it got there.
"Oh Toothless," he said, breaking down again. "I'm so...so sorry I did that to you…"
Hiccup continued crying on top of the dragon's head, the tears cooling down the warm scales. Toothless coos as helps Hiccup to his feet, and then smiles like the old friend Hiccup knew, somehow telling him that he does not blame Hiccup for the scar. He was just so happy to have his best friend back.
It was amazingly how easily dragons can forgive a person. Then again, Toothless was always a special case.
Hiccup softly smiles, and pats Toothless's head in appreciation. "Thanks."
Toothless purrs as he and Hiccup felt the strong bond they still have.
A few minutes later, Toothless helped Hiccup in making a nice, hot bath. Hiccup wanted to get rid of any indication of the hunter he was. So he was quick to toss out any of the hunter gear, including the armor and weapon holders. He put the dragon skull and teeth in a separate spot, so he can deal with them properly. But looking at himself in a shield, he hates to admire the new physic of his body. But he wanted every reminder gone to bring him some form of closer.
So after a good couple of dunks in the tub, and scrubbing his hair and skin till they were pink, and every blood stain and black ink was gone. When he thinks he's done, Toothless tosses him a clear sheet to use as a towel.
He cleared any steam off his shield to find his own reflection staring at him again. Finally, he felt like himself again.
After getting on his old green tunic, brown pants, and brown vest, he was ready to do his final task. He grabbed the dragon items he had, while Toothless gathered all his old hunter gear. Together, they walk down behind the base, away from the others.
Once they reaches to the sea side on the other side of the island, Hiccup proceeds to bury the dragon bones, and silently apologizes to them and any other dragons he has hurt or killed throughout this traumatic experience.
Finally, Hiccup signals Toothless to fire at his old hunter gear. The stuff didn't catch at first, but after a few blasts from Toothless, the clothes caught fast. Though the leather took its time, it eventually melts with the rest of the clothes. Soon, the small flame became a bonfire.
Hiccup smiles as he leans on a rock with Toothless by his side. Finally, he could relax. Though, the danger of the hunters still seems to sneak their way into his conscious. He knows that there are ways they can come back, but without Viggo, who will lead them now?
And...what of Viggo? Is he truly gone? Hiccup didn't see any body, so it could be possible that he died in that volcano. So...why is Hiccup still feeling uneasy about this? Maybe he's still suffering the side effects of the hypnosis. But still...
His ears perk up at the sound of wings coming towards him. He looked up to see Stormfly, back in good health, and with a rider on top of her.
Hiccup struggles to stand up, as Astrid dismounts her dragon. His eyes wide as he sees Astrid walking towards him. It was obvious that she took a bath too as her skin was clean, her hair a bit damp, and she had some clean clothes on.
She smiles as she goes to him, "hey," she said sweetly.
"Hey," he said back.
Before he could speak again, he felt her arms around his body, holding him close to her.
"I am so happy you're back," she whispers as tears fell down her cheeks.
Hiccup smiles as he hugs her back. Words could not really express how he feels right now.
The moment was almost ruined as Toothless's head pushes in between them. They giggle as they pay his head. They then sat down to watch the bonfire and the beautiful clear sky.
"Astrid..." Hiccup starts. "I'm...I'm sorry for what I-"
He was interrupted when Astrid puts her finger on his lips. "Shhhh, Hiccup," she whispers. "I don't blame you for what happened between in when you were under that spell."
"No," he said pulling away. "But I do blame myself. I...I remember a lot now with what I did, especially to you and the others. That scar, those words, I still don't want to believe I said those things. But I did. And I am so sorry."
Astrid shifts over, closer to Hiccup. "Hiccup... I can't even begin to imagine what this must be like for you. But, you're home now. You're among friends and family. And we all don't blame you. Viggo was the one that forced you to look at the changewing. In a way...it was our fault for not getting to you in time. So...I'm sorry that we failed you."
"Astrid, don't say that," he said holding her hand. "I'm the one that gave you that injury; I'm the one that said those hurtful things. There's no one else to blame but me."
"But you weren't yourself," Astrid assured. "That was someone else using your body and voice. I know you would never do anything like that. So, please stop blaming yourself."
"You know that's not really helping," Hiccup said looking at the fire slowly melting what's inside it.
"Just give it time." Astrid said. "And you know we're here if you need us."
Hiccup finally smiles as he leans closer to her. "Hey, thanks for rescuing me, and never giving up on me."
Astrid giggles as she leans closer to him. "Call it my stubborn nature, but...I just...I was just...I really care about you. And I... I didn't want to lose you...and..."
Hiccup smiles, he has never seen this nervous, almost girly side to Astrid. Beneath her hardcore warrior stance, she was still human inside.
"I know." He said leaning closer to her. "I couldn't imagine a life without you too."
They both giggle, letting a stupid moment like this rise into a corny love moment. Then, they looked each other's eyes, lost in the moment of serenity. They leaned closer to each other, and touched lips. For one minute, the world seemed to pause, nothing outside mattered except for this moment. They were lost in each other's company, and felt so right.
Toothless and Stormfly smiles as they watch their riders in peace and love. Hopeful for the future of their riders.
For the next number of days, everything starts to set back to normal. Heather and Dagur have left to go and search for their father, and Mala and Ali have returned to their island. However, Stoick refuses to leave. He and Gobber stayed on the edge to help with repairs, and giving Hiccup and Astrid more time to recover. Though it wasn't so easy.
Hiccup kept having nightmares for a while, mostly about the time he was a hunter. It was only the comfort of Toothless close to him, or Astrid that helped him sleep soundly. She even helped him as he tries to blacksmith again. But instead of making weapons and traps, he was making defenses for the edge, and armor for dragons. Though his mind took charge as he remade his flame sword. But, he secretly swore never to use it to attack, instead he would use it to help dragons everywhere. Gobber also showed up to help out too. Even giving the dragon lenses he hid from Viggo. That gave Hiccup the idea of maybe making a dragon eye of his own, and use it to help dragons.
Astrid would also spend some time training again. She would try to boost her fighting abilities to defend everything she cares about. Especially Hiccup. She would not lose him again.
The rest of the dragon riders had their hands full too. Thanks to Hiccup's memory, he showed them where a lot of the hunter camps were, and what their defenses are. Together with the A-team, they took the bases, rescue the dragons, and disrupted the hunter's operation. They even went to the cave where Hiccup was held in, and destroyed it. That put a huge dent to the hunters' amour, one the riders hope is there for good while.
After a few weeks, everything seems as right as rain. Hiccup stopped having nightmares and was deemed fit to fly again. Hiccup pets Toothless before they took to the sky. Astrid and Stormfly join him in a moonlight flight.
Hiccup smiles wide as he holds his arms to the wind. Oh, how he missed the feeling of being free. And while he still can't forgot or forgive what he's done, he knows that he can't hold on to the past. If he did, he would get past it all.
But, a new day will begin, and a new chance of life will too. He knows that the hunters will not give up like that. They'll do whatever it takes to hunt down every dragon. So, he'll work harder than ever to take them down. And to keep the peace in the world.
He felt a hand on his head. He looks up to see Astrid smiling above him. He smiles as they both lean in to kiss.
They then flew with the other dragon riders, ready for their next adventure.
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