"No I won't let you go Nigel.…you need to understand you can't just keep damaging people's property and ruining their lives without suffering the consequences….I intend to give you the thrashing you deserve!" Mr Wykes yelled, holding Nigel's arm around his back and bending him over a sink.

"Let him go right now!" a man's voice suddenly called out from inside one of the cubicles!

"What….who…who's that!?" Mr Wykes call out, as he'd previously believed the men's room was unoccupied.

The door suddenly flew open "I'm your worst enemy….so you'd better let him go right this second!" a very angry Derek Lloyd shouted.

"Oh my God….Derek!...I didn't think you could come!" Nigel shrieked, as he managed to pull himself away from the irate man.

"I didn't either" Derek said, as he grabbed hold of Mr Wykes around his neck "but there was a big breakthrough in the case we were working on….so Cate let me take the next flight to London…..she says hi by the way…..I'm sorry I actually missed the wedding Kiddo…..but on the other hand it seems like good timing on my part to have arrived when I did!...Do you want to press charges against this guy?"

"No Derek….he's an old friend of the family….so I'd rather just let him go" Nigel said, realising by the confused look on Mr Wykes' face, he'd genuinely believed what his daughter had said. "Look Sir…I really don't know why Millie told you we were dating…or that I'd asked her to marry me…..because it's not true… fact I doubt if I'd even recognise her now….it's been twenty odd years since we played together."

"Preston denied it too Nigel….but Millie was absolutely adamant that you and she were in love….she even told me that she visited you at Oxford University….and that she stayed there with you many times."

"She didn't Sir…I'm sorry."

"But you must have been together!.…I actually saw her walk through your front gates several times!" Mr Wykes said, shaking his head from side to side as he tried to think why his daughter would have done that if she wasn't meeting him.

"Sir there's a side gate that you can't see from your house….she probably just walked straight through the front gate and out of the side one….I promise you….I never met her after I started prep school….when I was five….I passed her in the street a few times…yes….and I said hello…..but that's all…look...I'm really sorry that Millie left you on your own…but truly….I had nothing to do with it….now….I really must use the loo!" Nigel said, rushing into a cubicle, while Derek took it upon himself to escort the older man out of the building.

Having returned to the bathroom, about five minutes later, Derek noticed Nigel was looking a little pale and shaky; although, as always, he denied he was feeling unwell.

"I think you need a stiff drink buddy" Derek said, putting his arm around Nigel's back.

"Maybe I'll have one in a minute….but um….thanks again for helping me…I don't know what I'd have done without you!...I did um….try to remember the self-defence moves you taught me…but I just couldn't."

"Kiddo….you're just not a fighter...but hey….even if you were….that guy seemed amazingly strong for someone of his age" Derek said, realising Nigel was slightly embarrassed.

"He was a bit….but you're right...I do hate fighting…..I suppose Mr Wykes simply couldn't hold back his anger when he came face to face with me….the man who supposedly ruined his and his daughter's life!…But it's just totally bizarre what she told him" Nigel said, feeling quite confused as they started to make their way to the ballroom.

"Yeah it certainly is Kiddo!"

Having entered the ballroom they immediately walked over to the head table, where Nigel crept back to his seat hoping nobody would notice his crumpled suit.

Derek, of course, having not seen Sydney until that very moment, stood in front of her for a second with his mouth agape!

"Jeez look stunning!" he said, stretching his arms out to give her a hug and thinking how lucky Nigel was!

"Oh my goodness….Derek!...How lovely to see you!" she replied, as she looked round for Nigel.

"Sweetie look….Derek's here….hey why are you looking so pale?" Sydney said, as she turned around and noticed that Nigel had lost that lovely glow he'd had on his face earlier.

Not wanting to spoil the wonderful day, however, Nigel decided not to tell her what happened; although before he could even put on a fake smile, Derek jumped in and told her instead!

"Oh God Sweetie….that's just dreadful."

"It was Syd….it was….but I'm fine now….and…and….what Millie said is a total fabrication…I swear!"

"Hey….I know it's not true Nige….don't worry about that….but I wonder what possessed his daughter to tell him those things….anyway…I think you'd better tell Preston.…he's the one who invited him to the wedding" Sydney said, wondering why the angry man had been asked to come in the first place.

However, just at that moment Preston came rushing over as he'd noticed the late arrival "Derek…how nice to see you…this is a surprise" he said, with a huge smile on his face, as he shook the agent's hand.

After a quick explanation about how he'd manged to get away from work, Derek persuaded Nigel to tell his brother what happened; although really didn't want to.

"Oh my goodness Podge…..are you alright? I'm so sorry….I'm afraid I felt obliged to invite him…you see I'd asked the Phillips' and Bakers' who live either side of him….but you'll probably recall mother and father were friends with all three families…so um…what else could I do…um really" Preston said, giving Nigel a quick look over to see if he had any bruises.

"Yes I remember that Pres…b…but why didn't you tell me that Mr Wykes had made those false allegations…it was a bit of a shock?" Nigel said, hoping his brother had a good explanation.

"Actually Podge….it happened just after you'd gone to America…and um….well…if you remember….you and I weren't exactly on speaking terms….he was pretty angry…but I told him none of it was true…..and that you were friends with Amanda….I actually thought he'd forgotten all about it as he's not mentioned it since….and you'll recall he didn't try to confront you with it when you came home from Brazil….darn it!...I wish I hadn't invited him!….I'm so sorry I spoilt your special day Podge….Sydney."

"Oh…um….don't worry about it Pres…I'm OK" Nigel said, accepting a hug from his brother and then moving closer to Sydney.

"Are you sure Sweetie…you just look so pale?" she said, feeling quite concerned "you know we only need to cut the cake….then….if you like…we can make a run for it soon after that."

"I'm fine…really…I am….he wasn't going to kill me…he was just going to…um…..whack my….my…b…behind!" Nigel said, recalling that's more or less what he'd threatened to do.

"Well I'm glad he didn't hurt you Podge….but I still think you should do as Sydney suggested….look I'll announce that you're going to cut the cake….then once the kitchen staff have sliced it up….you can have a couple of bites and go home…..don't worry….it'll be OK…the guests don't really expect you to stay much longer anyway!" Preston said, walking back to the table to make the announcement.

Once that was done everyone gathered around the amazing three tier cake, which had turquoise roses and tiny white hearts around the sides and a cute bride and groom on top. Still feeling rather shaky, Nigel stood behind Sydney with his arms reaching around her waist, as that position enabled them to both hold the ornate knife and cut the cake together.

As soon as that was done and the guests had toasted the newlyweds, the cake was placed on a trolley by a rather cute little waitress, who then started pushing it towards the kitchen.

"I'm starving Syd…do you think there's any food left?" Derek asked, as he got up and started to follow the waitress.

"Oh I expect there'll be something in the kitchen for you Derek" Sydney said, as she laughed and watched him eyeing up the waitress!

Fifteen minutes later the cake was brought back to the ballroom, having been carefully sliced up and placed on large silver plates. Naturally the first two slices were given to the bride and groom and then the waiters ensured everyone else had some, along with yet more champagne.

Having returned from the kitchen with a tray full of food, Derek could hardly wait to get his teeth into the cold chicken and salad that the attractive waitress had given him; along with an extra-large slice of cake and a card with her telephone number on it!

However, realising that the happy couple would be leaving soon; Derek placed his tray on their table and began to tuck in "this is good food guys….and this place looks amazing!...Um look Sydney….Nigel….I really want to wish you two the best of luck for the future.….you really deserve to be happy" Derek said, feeling uncharacteristically emotional as he hugged them both.

"Thanks Derek…and don't forget…'re welcome to visit us any time."

After a further few minutes of chatting with Derek, the newlyweds finished their cake, waved goodbye to everyone and got into the Rolls Royce. Having then ensured that the privacy window between the front and back seat was closed, Nigel looked lovingly into his beautiful wife's eyes "Oh Syd" he said, pulling her close to him "that was an incredible day….and you look so beautiful….shame about the little blip….but I think it's over and done with now."

"Gosh yes….it really was fantastic….but look….as long as you're alright…the blip doesn't matter" Sydney replied, snuggling up to him.

"No it really doesn't...all that matters today is you and me…..I love you Mrs Bailey."

"Love you too Mr Bailey."

When they reached the house, Nigel picked Sydney up and carried her over the threshold, which he found rather difficult; although he was determined to do it!

"Sweetie you didn't hurt your back did you?" Sydney asked, noticing Nigel looked a little pained.

"No not really….sorry I only managed to get five steps through the door though" he said, laughing at himself "um…..let's go to bed!"

"Nigel! Have you no control?" she said, laughing rather loudly as she began to run "Ha! Last one in the bed's a rotten tomato!"

"That'll be you then Syd!" Nigel said, running as fast as he could towards the stairs.

That evening the newlyweds did what comes natural to a bride and groom and the following morning, still feeling very excited, they began to pack for their honeymoon.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going Sweetie…you've hardly said a word about it!" Sydney said, pretending to be upset.

"Ok I'll tell you….you'll guess anyway once we get to the airport….so um….how does a week in the Maldives….and then a week in India sound?" Nigel asked, looking at his beautiful wife and hoping she'd smile.

"That sounds wonderful!…I love it! I've heard that the Maldives are stunningly beautiful islands….and that they're very peaceful too….so it'll be really relaxing…we'll get plenty of sleep….although I might wake up long enough to have a cuddle or two with you!" she said, looking directly into Nigel's eyes "by the way Sweetie….sorry if I'm being a little paranoid but well….you never told me what those other guests whispered in your ear yesterday…you know….when we were greeting them at the ballroom door."

"Oh…it….it was nothing….don't worry about it" he replied, turning his back to her and pretending to look for something.

"Nige….it must have been something because you were upset…well for a couple of seconds anyway" Sydney said, walking around so that she could see his face "Sweetie….please tell me what they said."

"Um….well….you already know what Mr Wykes said."

"Yes but what about the others?"

"Oh it was nothing much" he said, turning away again.


"Oh….damn it….they just said I was too young to get married…that's all."

"You mean they thought I was too old for you!" Sydney said; looking slightly upset.

"Well….alright…but you're not!"

"Anything else you want to tell me?


"Nige…I can tell you're hiding something."

"I wish you would leave it Syd."

"They don't like me because I'm American….that's it…isn't it?"

"Well…alright…it is.

"And!?...Come on Nige tell me."

"Oh Syd….look….a couple of mum's friends said they think you should give up work to look after me….I'm sorry….they're just old fashioned snobs….everyone else just loved you!" Nigel said, taking her into his arms "please try to forget about it….we need to finish packing….our flights at seven tonight and I want to spend a little time with Preston before we leave….I'm sure you're just as intrigued as I am to know how he and Darcy are getting along."

"I am….but I already know that Darcy thinks he's wonderful….she's even staying in London while we're on our honeymoon so that she can see more of him….dad and Jenny are still flying home tomorrow though...they have to as they're moving house in two'll be great having them living so close by" Sydney said, still feeling slightly niggled by what those people had said.

"I'm glad they're moving closer to us Syd….but I wish Preston would buy somewhere close to us too….I'll miss him.

"I know Sweetie….but you never know…he might if he and Darcy end up together!"

"Hey….I wonder if he'll um….you know….sleep with Darcy here…… bearing in mind how strict he was…at first….about me having you in my bedroom!"

"Knowing Preston he'll take her to a hotel…at first…but then after a little while he'll realise how silly he's being" Sydney said, remembering how quickly Preston gave in to things if it meant life would be easier.

"I like Darcy a lot Syd….and I want Preston to be as happy as we are" Nigel said, as he put a couple of shirts into his case "I won't give him a hard time no matter what…the fact of the matter is he was just protecting me when he made me follow mum's rules….but he's never been as naive about women as I was."

"Oh Sweetie…nobody was as naive as you were….but you're still just as cute and adorable as you always were…that's not changed!" Sydney said, as she watched Nigel blush.

"Get on with the packing woman!" he replied, pretending to be annoyed.

Later that morning they had that chat with Preston, who revealed very little about his relationship with Darcy. Sydney could see, however, that he was totally besotted by her!

Their honeymoon went totally to plan; Nigel having ensured that every part of it was perfect by booking five star hotels and first class flights. The problem was, they were enjoying themselves so much, when it came time to go home, they wished they could stay a bit longer. However, they knew couldn't, as they'd soon have to go back to work. That being the case, they reluctantly packed up their things and flew back to London.

Having arrived at the house, early one Saturday morning, Preston gave them both a big hug, asked the cook for some tea and biscuits, and then led them into the living room "Sit down Podge…Sydney….I have something to show you…but you're not going to like it…I'm afraid."

"What is it Pres? What's wrong?" Nigel asked, feeling a little nervous.

"I'm sorry but um…unfortunately…those bloody paparazzi have been at it again! They were hiding in Trafalgar Square while you were posing for your wedding photos….and they um…darn well took some as well" Preston said, realising it would be best to tell them now before someone else did "Um…the stories they've printed aren't very nice either Podge."

"Oh damn it….why did they have to say things like that Pres?" Nigel said, having read a couple of the headlines which stated he was far from over the ordeal he'd been through in Brazil and implied he was mentally and physically unfit to be a good husband!"

"I expect this is revenge…you know….for escaping their clutches after the trial" Sydney said, as she and Nigel looked angrily at the papers "but Sweetie…. it's your turn to forget about how cruel people can be now."

"Yes Podge…try to ignore it….we all know you're healthy….and that you're going to be a wonderful husband" Preston said, looking at Sydney desperately.

"He is a wonderful husband! The best in the world!" she said, kissing Nigel on the lips and then looking at the papers again "Oh darn it….they've published photos of us stood next to Mr Wykes!"

"What….No!...oh my God….I wish there was something we could do about it Pres….but I guess there isn't"

"Podge you could sue them….but it would be in the courts for years….so you'd suffer even more then…it's just not worth it!"

"Um…alright Pres…I know you're right" Nigel said, trying not to fret "so um….has Paul brought the proper wedding photos around yet?"

"Actually he has….they're in your bedroom…he's put them in some beautiful albums so it'll be easier for you to choose the ones you want…of course….you can have them all if you like" Preston said, as the phone suddenly rang "hello…yes this is Preston Bailey."

Noticing Preston suddenly looked rather surprised and then slightly perturbed, Nigel moved a little closer to him "what's the matter Pres…who is it?" he whispered, believing then that his brother might be receiving bad news. Preston didn't reply but continued to speak to the caller.

"Um…well yes he is….um….alright….but don't you dare upset him!" Preston said, holding the phone in front of him "Podge….it's for you….it's um…Millie Wykes."

Nigel froze for a second "wh…what does she want?" he whispered, taking hold of the phone.

Preston shrugged his shoulders and gave Nigel a bemused look.

About fifteen minutes later Nigel finished the call and looked at Sydney "she um…saw the photos of her dad in the newspapers and well….decided to call him to see if she could work things out between them" Nigel said, realising both Sydney and Preston were desperate to know what was said " cut a long story short….they had a long talk and the reason she lied to her dad was because she was in a relationship with….with a woman called Jade…she was just too scared to tell him the truth back then….he's a bit of a homophobe you see….anyway…..she's been living and studying in Nottingham for the past few years and she's um….now got degrees in business administration, IT, history and a couple of other things as well."

"Oh…goodness that all makes sense now…..she seems to be a very clever girl though Nige" Sydney said, feeling far more understanding about Millie now that she'd heard the facts.

"Yes I think she is…but she's um….also a bit unhappy….she's um…just split up with Jade…which is quite hard for her….they'd um….been living together for a long time you see...anyway now she's thinking about coming back to London to work….she said she might try living with her dad again…and start a new life."

"Oh…not what I expected" Preston said, looking most surprised "so I assume her father's accepting she's gay now?"

"She didn't actually say…but apparently he begged her to come home….even after she told him why she left home…so guess he must be….anyway I'm glad we got to the bottom of that."

"Me too Nige" Sydney said, pulling Nigel's hand…."right then…..shall we go and look at Paul's photos?…I hope they're better than the ones in the papers!"

"Gosh….me too!" Nigel said, as they left the room.

The photos turned out to be absolutely stunning and even though there were three albums, containing 100 pictures in each, they kept them all except 10.

Over the next few days Sydney and Nigel decided they weren't going to bother leaving the house, as they'd had a thrilling and amazing time in India and needed to rest. However, having spent some time reading, looking at honeymoon photos and chatting about what they did in the Maldives and India, it suddenly dawned on Nigel that they'd not made any serious plans for the future. With that in mind he took Sydney by the hand and led her into the garden "I loved this house when I was little Syd….mum and dad used to play with Preston and me on the lawn over there" Nigel said, feeling quite nostalgic as he looked across at a neatly cut, grassy area, a few feet away "I'd um….like to buy us a house with a garden like this…although I wouldn't want our house to be as big as this one.….maybe just five or six bedrooms…you know….so that family and friends can stay in comfort…..hopefully though….not too far from the college…I hate all that driving too and from work".

"Oh my goodness Nige….I'd like that too" Sydney said, as she tried to imagine what that would be like.

"I think you'll need a gym….and a pool as well.…then you'll be able to work out any time you like….and well…I can as well…I really need to practice some of the things that Derek taught me….I wasn't even able to fight off old Mr Wykes….never mind any rival relic hunters!" Nigel said, feeling a bit silly and wondering when Sydney would want to start hunting again.

"Actually Sweetie I've hardly thought about relic hunting at all recently….thinking about you and what our life will be like together has been far more important…of course we'll go at some point….but I'm not desperate to hunt right now!" Sydney said, surprising even herself.

"Oh…OK then um….well we'll just um….play it by ear then" Nigel said, not sure what to make of that, but deciding not to worry; especially as he knew that Preston got anxious about him when he went relic hunting with Sydney.

Three days before they were due to return to America, Sydney received a rather irate call from Dean Bernson, who complained that the temp they'd left in charge of Ancient Studies had suddenly decided to go travelling and had left a pile of unfinished reports behind her.

Obviously Sydney apologised and explained that they'd interviewed dozens of people for the role and that she'd been the best.

However, having screamed that as soon as they got back he wanted their first priority to be finding a new assistant, he slammed the phone down, showing a side of his character Sydney had rarely witnessed before.

"I guess you could hear what the Dean said Nige…..he shouted loud enough!…Darn it….he could have waited until our leave was over to tell me that...what does he think I can do from here!" Sydney said, dreading what they'd find when they returned to work "oh well….at least he didn't ask us to fly back immediately!"

"Syd….we did everything we could to find someone to replace Karen….but nobody seemed right….that temp had excellent qualifications and references….that's why we chose her!….I think the Dean was just feeling stressed….I'm sure he'll be calmer by the time we get back though…now come and sit down and have some tea."

"Ah…is there some tea in the pot for me Podge….I'm parched" Preston said, suddenly appearing through the French doors and sitting next to his brother "I've um….just been talking to Mr Wykes….he um….apologised for being so rough with you and for spoiling your wedding day."

"Oh…that's nice of him" Nigel replied, with slight sarcasm in his voice.

"Well actually Podge….because Millie's now told him the whole truth….he felt he had to say he was sorry….I um….didn't mention she'd already explained everything to us though…..he's so overjoyed to have her back…..but very embarrassed about what he did to you."

"Oh um…well….I suppose I shouldn't be too upset with him…I'm um….glad Millie's home…..and I'm glad she's been honest with him…..he'll have no choice but to accept her exactly as she is now….or he'll lose her forever" Nigel said, handing a cup of tea to his brother.

"Well…yes I think you're right Podge."

The next few days just flew by and after a rather tearful goodbye, Sydney and Nigel returned to Trinity. Naturally they felt a little wary about what they might find, but much to their joy they received a wonderful welcome from their colleagues; as well as the Dean. He, of course, apologised for being so rude on the phone and insisted they take a good couple of days to settle back in before starting their search for a new assistant.

Over the next couple of weeks Sydney and Nigel interviewed several applicants for the post of office assistant, some of whom they thought would be a real asset to the department. However, nobody who they offered the position to accepted it, which was pretty upsetting and meant they still had to rely on temps.

One morning, about six weeks after they returned to America, Nigel arrived at the office alone, as Sydney was feeling unwell. The fact was, she'd been ill for a few days and had reluctantly taken Nigel's advice to see a doctor.

Much to everyone's surprise, Sydney took a whole two weeks off work, which worried Nigel a lot, as he'd rarely seen her unwell and by then she'd seen the doctor twice! The fact was, apart from getting her injections and malaria pills for when she went relic hunting; she almost never went to the doctors. Naturally Nigel, being the very caring husband that he was, wanted to know exactly what the doctor had said, and what he could do to help. However, Sydney simply told him it was a stomach bug and that he shouldn't worry at all. Nevertheless, after the second week of watching Sydney constantly throw up, he insisted she get a second opinion, as she appeared to be getting worse.

Realising how upset and worried Nigel was getting, Sydney knew she had to do something to put his mind at rest. Therefore, having asked him to come into the kitchen, she poured out some coffee and looked him in the eye "Sweetie…I know your concerned about my health but well…look….I really didn't want to tell you this just yet.…"

"Oh Syd!….Please don't tell me you've got something life threatening….please….I couldn't bear to lose you!" Nigel said, blinking back the tears.

"No Sweetie….no….you're not going to lose me….I'm fine….really I am….I'm just….well….a little bit pregnant!" she said, waiting to see Nigel's reaction.

"Pr…your…pr…..pregnant!" he squealed, leaping to his feet and pulling her into his arms.

"Oh Sweetie you're pleased….I was so nervous about telling you.….I just didn't think you felt ready to be a daddy yet."

"I'm probably not ready…..but I will be by the time the baby's born….oh Syd…I'm so happy!...I….I just can't believe it….I'm going to be a dad…me….a dad!"

"Yes you Nige!"

"Syd….I'll try to be the best dad I possibly can….I promise…oh my goodness…..I'm just so excited! Oh!...Is it OK to tell Preston? I just can't wait! He'll be so thrilled to be an uncle!"

"Sure….but it's early days.…so I'm not telling many people just yet….oh but I'm coming back to work on Monday….the doctor thinks I'll be OK…although I might have to start a bit later than 8….that is if I'm still throwing up in the morning."

"Are you sure you'll be OK Syd?"

"Yes…of course.…millions of women have babies.…but this obviously means it's more important than ever that we find a permanent assistant…you know at this point I'd even welcome back Claudia!"

"Well I wouldn't go that far….but whether we get a new assistant or not…you're not going to overdo things! You have baby Bailey in there….and he's very fragile" Nigel said, gently holding his hands on Sydney's stomach and looking into her eyes.

"Oh Sweetie….I love it when you get all protective….Hey!...Just a minute….who said it was a he?" Sydney asked, laughing at Nigel, who was still holding her stomach.

"Ha ha….I guess nobody did…but to be quite honest….I don't care if it's a boy or girl….just as long as it's healthy!….Anyway Syd….I'm going to phone Preston now….everyone's going to be so happy" he said, picking up his phone.

He spent about an hour speaking to his 'family', all of whom were overjoyed to hear about the baby. However, just before he put the phone down Preston came back on and gave him some news.

"Hey what's wrong Sweetie?" Sydney asked, as he hung up the phone "you were merrily chatting away and then you suddenly looked so sad….is everyone OK?"

"Oh….oh yes….it's not them….it's um…Mr Wykes…he um….passed away….and um….Millie's been very upset" Nigel said, sitting next to Sydney and resting his head in his hands "Preston said she's blaming herself for his death…she seems to think that all the worrying he did while she was away caused him to have a heart attack."

"Oh that's so sad and probably not the case at all…I guess nobody's going to convince her otherwise right now though….so….when's the funeral? I suppose Preston will want you to be there."

"Oh actually Syd….it was yesterday…..Preston went…..but he said he didn't want to burden me with it when it happened….he thought you were ill you see….I um….have Millie's number though…so I'll ring her in a couple of days to express my condolences" Nigel said, thinking it was going to be hard to know what to say to her, as he really didn't know her that well.

"Actually I think Preston was right not to tell you...soooo….is everyone happy about the baby?" Sydney asked, pulling Nigel close.

"Thrilled to bits Syd….thrilled to bits" Nigel replied, suddenly feeling a little better "you look really happy about the baby Syd….but you um….never seemed overly keen before!... Um not that long ago Relic hunting seemed to be your priority."

"I know Nige….but you're my priority now….and you deserve to have a son or daughter….I think being around the twins and triplets actually brought out my maternal feelings….hey but nobody's more surprised than me!"

Nigel smiled at her "that's quite amazing Syd."

"Oh but Sweetie if you're thinking we can never go relic hunting again…you're wrong…we can…well….as long as Jim Bird comes with us…and nothing's been leaked about the relic…obviously we won't go if there're any risks involved…or if its possible rival that relic hunters will be on our trail" Sydney said, noticing Nigel looked slightly worried.

"N…no Syd….we mustn't take any risks….the very thought of our child having to grow up without parents…like….like I did…is horrible!" Nigel said, with a sad expression on his face.

"Oh we won't Sweetie…we won't" Sydney said, kissing Nigel on the lips.

"So…so who will you leave the baby with if we get offered a safe hunt?" Nigel asked, hoping she wouldn't consider a teenage babysitter, like a lot of families did.

"Well dad and Jenny…of course…..they only live a few miles away now, so I'm sure they'd love to have their grandchild over…we won't be going that often though…maybe a couple of times a year….I'll be a good mother Nige, I promise….and I've no doubt at all that you'll be a wonderful dad" Sydney said, realising that even though Nigel was quite elated with the news, he couldn't quite see how they'd manage it all.

About a week later, just as Nigel had started to feel more at ease with Sydney being pregnant, he remembered he still had to make that awkward call to Millie. Therefore, he went into the living room and nervously picked up the phone "Hi Millie….it's um….Nigel….just calling to see how you are….sorry to hear about your dad."

"Oh hi Nigel…I'm alright thanks….just sorting out dad's things….I need to sell the house you see."

"That's um good…so will you buy another house…or just invest the proceeds?"

"Probably buy another house…I'm actually considering moving back up north though….the houses up there are a lot cheaper than in London….I'll be able to buy a house without a mortgage and have some savings as well" Millie said, still feeling a little embarrassed about the trouble she'd caused to him.

"Well that seems like a good idea….have you got a buyer for your house yet?"

"Not yet…I've only just put it on the market….getting it ready for sale though is an absolute nightmare….the estate agents have all said it needs a good spring clean…..and a lot of repairs done before they'll be able to show it….the trouble is I desperately need to find a temporary job until it's sold… didn't leave much money you see…he only had his pension…the problem is….sorting out of dad's affairs and working on the house is taking up all my time….so it's hard to look for paid work" Millie said, wondering if she really should be telling Nigel that.

"Oh…I'm so sorry….that must be difficult for you" Nigel said, suddenly having a brainwave "Um Millie….have you ever thought about moving abroad….say to America?"

"Well yes...I have actually…..when I was with Jade we both wanted to live in the States….but when we looked into it we discovered that we'd need to have a couple of degrees before they'd accept us….that's why we stayed here…you know…to finish university before trying again" Millie said, wondering why he'd asked that.

"Ah but you have your degrees now… so um….what do you think about this….you see the thing is….my wife…um Sydney and I need an office assistant really badly…you may have heard that Syd's expecting a baby" Nigel said, hoping he wasn't rushing into things in his excitement to help.

"Well yes….your brother told me."

"It's um….partially because of that…but we actually need a permanent assistant in the Ancient Studies department anyway.…we've had temp after temp….but they've either been useless, or they've not been able to stay with us for long….we need someone who's available for at least a couple of years so that Syd and I can take time off with the baby when we need to… um….if you take the job you'll be on your own at times…um…running the whole thing….obviously we need somebody who's interested in ancient history and who's hardworking, reliable and efficient…...but um….I'll have to speak to Syd about this before I say anymore…..but you know what….this could be the solution to both of our problems!" Nigel said, hoping Millie would consider it.

"Um…well….that certainly came out of the blue…but it sounds great to me…so you speak to your wife and then if she's happy to consider me for the job…e-mail me with more information… e-mail address is milliewykes .…you know Nigel…you might be right….it could be the fresh start I need.…but I'll still have to sort out the house" Millie said, feeling quite stunned.

"Millie…you know you can always rent it out….um….once it's been spruced up a bit…you could use the rent as extra income….or you could even leave it in the hands of an agent to sell for you….Preston knows plenty of people who could help you with that….or anything else you might need."

"Really…do you think he'd mind?...Although I suppose even if I don't come and work for you I could really do with some help…it's just that I'm unemployed….so I can't afford to pay much up front."

"I'm sure he won't mind at all….in fact….look….if you do decide to come over here…I'll pay for a cleaner and handyman to do the work on the house...that should get you here a bit quicker….let me talk to Sydney….and I'll get back to you, alright?" Nigel said, feeling quite optimistic.

"OK Nigel…thanks for the ideas" Millie said, hoping that when she'd read the job description, it would be something she'd enjoy.

As soon as Nigel got off the phone he immediately went into the kitchen where Sydney was making some coffee "Syd….you know I've just called Millie Wykes…well….." he said, going on to explain what Millie was trying to do at home and what had occurred to him.

"Nige!...My goodness that's a great idea….oh…as long as she's OK with it" Sydney said, trying not to get too excited as Millie, obviously, had a lot to think about and she hadn't yet been told what her duties would be.

"If you e-mail her with the information she needs…right now Syd…she might make a quick decision…she knows how desperate we are….and she could easily leave the house in Preston's hands; even if I pay for the actual work to be done" Nigel said, believing his brother would gladly help Millie if it assisted him and Sydney.

"I think you're right Sweetie…Preston will want to help if he can" Sydney said, walking over to the kitchen counter where she'd left her laptop.

"Yes….he knows plenty of builders and decorators….and, of course, Millie will have to get the work done no matter what."

"Yes…this could really work Sweetie….I'm sure she'll be an asset."

"I think so too….oh… she has good qualifications…so there shouldn't be a problem with her coming to America….that is….if she wants the job" Nigel said, feeling quite hopeful.

"Dean Bernson should be able to sort out the legal paperwork Nige….just like he did for you…..if I recall correctly….she has a business administration degree?" Sydney said, trying to remember what else Millie said.

"Yes that's right…and history….IT…and a couple of other things as well" Nigel said, thinking Millie could potentially be perfect!

Over the next few days Sydney and Nigel spent a lot of time e-mailing and talking to Millie as, having received a full list of her duties and salary, she was very happy to accept the position.

Preston, of course, once the situation had been explained to him, found the best possible builders and a decorator to get Millie's run-down house, in order. His main priorities were, of course, to ensure that Millie had nothing to worry about when she left the UK and that his brother and sister-in-law got the help they needed.

Within a month Millie was ready to join Sydney and Nigel at Trinity College. However, remembering his first flight to America, when he took up the position of Sydney's TA, Nigel booked her a first class airline ticket, ensuring she arrived in good spirits, just as he did when he arrived; albeit he was as nervous as hell!

Over the next couple of months Millie settled in very well at the college and soon found herself an amazing apartment and a new girlfriend.

Sydney and Nigel were totally delighted with her and after only five months, having cleared it with the Dean, they gave her a substantial pay increase, to show her how valued she was.

Having not been relic hunting at all, and realising how amazing Millie was, Sydney and Nigel found themselves with time on their hands. Deciding not to waste it, they began looking for their dream home which, just as they'd hoped, they found within walking distance of Trinity. That, of course, was something that Sydney really needed now she was pregnant, as going to the gym was not an option; but walking certainly was.

As soon as they moved into the house, however, they employed a lovely maid call Rose, who was about 50, had a broad Scottish accent and could seemingly turn her hand to just about anything, including cooking, sewing and first aid!

Rose loved the fact that Sydney was expecting, as she adored children, although sadly, just six months previously, her only son had tragically died at the age of 24. Because of this, Rose made a big fuss over Nigel and ensured that Sydney, who she also loved, attended the doctor for her check-ups and took the recommended vitamins.

During one of her visits to the surgery, Sydney got chatting to a nurse called Barbara; who was particularly helpful and friendly. Being aware that this was Sydney's first baby, Barbara advised her to keep a packed suitcase by her bed containing everything she would need for the first couple of days after giving birth. Thinking that was a great idea, Sydney did just that, but then she went one step further and placed complete set of clothes for both her and Nigel on top. That, of course, gave her peace of mind; as she knew they could be ready in minutes should they literally have to rush to the hospital!

By the time Sydney was due to go on maternity leave, the Ancient Studies Department was so well organised she knew there was nothing to worry about. Therefore, feeling very relaxed, considering the size of her abdomen, Sydney decided to spend some time designing the nursery. She'd never done that kind of thing before, but recalled that Nigel had designed his own bedroom when he was a boy; so she just had to give it a go!

Having been told they were expecting a boy, Sydney drew the nursery with yellow walls and white paintwork. Then, just to give it some colour, she added a pale blue carpet, along with some bright blue curtains; with Thomas the Tank Engine on. She kept her laptop by her side as she sketched, which enabled her to actually purchase the items on line that she'd drawn. Every now and again, however, she decided to buy something her design didn't have; such as a complete set of Winnie the Pooh story books! By the end of the day she'd not only finished the design, but she'd bought a really nice cot and wardrobe, an amazing changing station and an extremely sturdy Moses basket. For the finishing touches, she couldn't resist a dozen or so cuddly toys, a very sweet musical mobile to go over the cot, and a comfortable rocking chair for herself.

Obviously, as this baby was going to be born into a very wealthy family, Nigel insisted they have a professionally fitted baby monitoring system. Naturally, because of the horrific experiences he'd been through as a child, he wanted to ensure that his son could be seen and heard at all times, from the living room, kitchen and the master bedroom. He also insisted that all of the downstairs windows should be fitted with alarms, to make absolutely certain the baby was safe.

Feeling the need to be with Sydney, Nigel attended all of her prenatal appointments and made the brave decision that he'd be there at the birth as well. Sydney, however, was against it, not because she didn't want him there, but because she believed that, if there was a lot of blood, he might pass out and cause problems for the obstetrician and nurses!

On 11th May, at 2.30 a.m. Sydney suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and became quite nauseous and hot. Initially she believed that she must have eaten something that had gone off, the day before, at Nigel's birthday party. However, despite the fact that the baby wasn't due for another couple of weeks, at about 3.20 a.m. the pain became so intense she had to wake Nigel up!

"Sweetie….I….I think I need to go to the hospital…..I'm pretty sure I'm having contractions!" Sydney said, taking several deep breaths as she spoke.

"Oh my God Syd…he's not due yet!" Nigel squealed, leaping out of bed and running around to the other side to help her to her feet.

"We need to go now!" she yelled, as the pain suddenly got worse "don't try and dress….just pick up the case and our clothes and get me into the car!….Quick Nige….you can dress when we're there!"

As soon as they were both in the car, Sydney phoned her obstetrician, desperately hoping that he'd be at home and would get to the hospital in time to deliver their son. Luckily he was in and despite the ungodly hour, he promised he'd leave for the hospital immediately.

Bearing in mind how early it was, the roads were pretty clear. However, much to Nigel's horror, a traffic policeman suddenly appeared from nowhere and stopped him for speeding! Of course, within seconds he realised why the young man was doing that and without further delay, he escorted them to the hospital.

Luckily Sydney's obstetrician arrived a mere ten minutes after they did and instantly realised she was about to give birth "Sydney you've got nothing to worry about…I know he's a little early….but he should be fine…….let's get you to the delivery room!" he said, very calmly; walking by the side of the gurney and noticing Nigel rushing towards them putting on his shirt.

"I need to be with you Syd….please don't send me away" he said, looking at his wife pleadingly, as he tried to do up his buttons.

"Alright!" she screamed, unable to deal with an argument right then, as she was in such pain.

Having reached the delivery room, Nigel immediately squeezed her hand and kissed her face "I'm here Syd….I love you so much" he said with tears in his eyes.

Amazingly, although he felt a little queasy when he was told the baby's head was out, he didn't faint and he was able to see his beautiful son the moment he was put into Sydney's arms "Oh Syd….he's so tiny….but I guess 5 pounds 13 ounces is alright….oh and look at all that hair" Nigel said, as he suddenly started to feel a little strange.

"Yes he's absolutely gorgeous….although he didn't feel tiny when he was trying to get out! Actually Sweetie….he is quite small….but you heard the nurse say he's got a strong heartbeat and a good pair of lungs" Sydney replied, hugging her son and smiling at Nigel.

"I…I think I'd better go and get a glass of water…I'm feeling a bit…bit" Nigel said, as he passed out in the chair. Everyone, including Sydney, couldn't help but laugh as a nurse put some smelling salts under his nose to bring him around.

"You OK now Sweetie….do you feel well enough to hold your son?" Sydney asked; handing him over to Nigel.

"Oh Syd I can hardly believe it" he said, allowing his tears to fall down his face as he cuddled his son "so um….….have you thought anymore about what to call him? I know we've discussed naming him after our dads a few times?"

"Well yes I have actually….what do you say to Jonathan Randal Bailey?" Sydney asked, as Nigel rocked his son in his arms.

"Oh wow… know I love it Syd….but I thought you preferred Randal Jonathan."

"No….not really….Jonathan Randal sounds so much better and….well…dad will get over it….eventually" Sydney said, with a devilish grin on her face.

"Syd….I really have to call Preston…he'll be so happy and he'll want to come and see him" Nigel said, handing the baby back to her and taking out his cell phone. Having spoken to his brother for about ten minutes, he put the phone in his pocket and looked at Sydney, who was already breast feeding Jonathan "oh….th….that's wonderful Syd….you're a natural!...Um…..Preston's tied up with something for the rest of the week.…but he's desperate to see Jonathan….anyway he's going to let me know when he's booked a flight….oh…almost forgot….he's bringing Darcy with him….I think they've really hit it off!"

"That's great!….Can you ask Rose to get a couple of the guest rooms ready for them Sweetie? The large one with the double bed and perhaps the twin one next door….I imagine Preston and Darcy will be sharing by now….but if Rose makes up two rooms they can sleep wherever they like…..Oh and you might want to ask her just to give the nursery a quick check too…..we weren't expecting this one for a week or so" Sydney said, as Jonathan snuggled up to her.

"Don't worry about a thing Syd…it won't take Rose long to do that…she's amazing!"

Five days later, as Sydney was feeling reasonably well and Jonathan was gaining weight, Sydney was given permission to take the baby home with her. The doctors, however, insisted she should take things easy and allow Nigel and Rose to help her. Of course, she realised that Nigel wouldn't have it any other way, but she also knew she was telling a white lie when she agreed to take it easy!

Nigel was overjoyed when he was told that Sydney could come home, although bearing in mind how well he knew his wife, and how stubborn she was, he wasn't sure it was the right thing to do, just yet! With that in mind, he arrived at the hospital an hour earlier than necessary, as he hoped to persuade a nurse to warn Sydney, once again, not to overdo things! However, as luck would have it, he managed to find Sydney's obstetrician, who not only warned her about that, but he also reminded her how worried and stressed Nigel would be if she did!

Sydney realised then that everything the doctors were telling her was not only the best thing for Jonathan; but also for her and Nigel. Therefore, she promised to behave and let an unstressed Nigel bond with the baby.

Once Sydney and Jonathan had been discharged from the hospital, Nigel very carefully started to drive them home in his brand new car "so….do you like the car Syd? I bought it because it's very baby friendly and has tons of room."

"I love it Nige…it's perfect for us….you know I can hardly wait to get Jonathan home so we can start living like a young family should…..I'm looking forward to playing on the lawn with this one….just like you did with your parents."

"Aww that'll be just wonderful Syd….just wonderful."

As soon as they arrived at the house Nigel parked the car, collected Sydney's bags and then led her and the baby up to the front door "Um…anyone in?" Nigel shouted, as he opened the door and looked directly up the stairs; like he was waiting for Rose to reply.

"Surprise!" Preston and Darcy, who'd secretly arrived earlier that day, shouted back

"Come and join the party!" Preston said, taking the bags off Nigel and placing them at the bottom of the stairs.

"How did you manage to keep this a secret Nigel!?" Sydney asked, as she kissed Preston and Darcy.

"I don't know my angel…I honestly thought you'd guess I was hiding something…you usually do!"

"Well usually your face is an open book Sweetie…..but not this time" she said, just as Randal, Jenny, the Dean, Millie and a few of her relic hunter friends came dashing out to greet her "Oh my goodness hi guys! This is amazing!"

Feeling very excited, the guests gathered around Sydney and the baby, wanting to get a good look at the new arrival; who was fast asleep. Naturally, everyone wanted to pick him up and cuddle him, but Sydney worried that he might cry if they did. Therefore, after everyone had had a good look, Rose carefully carried Jonathan up to the nursery and placed him in his cot.

Preston was so delighted to have a little nephew; he even left the party for a while so that he could watch Jonathan sleep. Thinking how much he looked like Nigel, he pulled the baby's little blue blanket up to his tiny chin and placed a cuddly teddy bear under it "you're going to be another little genius like your daddy" he whispered; just as Randal walked into the room.

"He's a great little guy" Randal said, as quietly as possible "he looks like Nigel…but his colouring's more like Sydney's….he's going to be one handsome kid."

"He certainly is…and those two downstairs are going to be wonderful parent's….but um Randal…..I'm rather glad you live so close to them….Nigel needs a man like you around him" Preston said, remembering that not so long ago he felt a bit jealous of Randal and Nigel's affection for each other.

"Nigel's an amazing young man Preston…..Sydney has always needed someone like him.…she just didn't realise it until a couple of years ago…...before that she liked all the wrong guys….but you know what…..from the moment I met Nigel….I knew he was the right man for my daughter" Randal whispered, hoping that didn't seem odd to the Englishman.

"Well I'm glad you got your wish Randal…I've never seen Nigel happier and I'm sure the same goes for Sydney…..I'd um.…better get back to the party now….Nigel will be missing me."

"Yes I guess he will….oh can you tell Sydney I'll be down in a minute" Randal said, sitting down close to the cot.

That night, when the party guests had all gone home, Preston and Darcy sat down in the living room next to Sydney and Nigel. They were obviously very tired from their long flight but Preston also seemed a little on edge.

"Are you OK Pres?" Nigel asked, wondering why he was looking so nervous.

"Y…yes….um...I'm fine….um that was a super party Podge…Rose is a lovely lady and a brilliant cook!"

"She is Pres…..she loves children too….so she's going to be really helpful to Syd."

"Um Podge….I…I have something important to um….tell you….I mean we have" Preston said, taking Darcy by the hand "Um Darcy and I got engaged a couple of weeks ago….and…and we're getting married….in London…on 20th September."

"Wow Preston…congratulations!...You kept that quiet!" Nigel said, jumping up to shake his brother's hand and kiss Darcy "I'm so pleased!...Hey, that's good timing too because Sydney and I have been talking about visiting England around that time… um….we can stay at the house for the wedding and then pop over to my house in the Cotswolds after that."

"Perfect!" Preston said, hugging Darcy quite tightly "I'm so glad that you're pleased….we um…weren't sure if you'd think it was a bit too soon…..but um….obviously I'd like you to be my best man!"

"Obviously!...but um….will I have to make another speech?" Nigel asked, already knowing the answer.

"Too right you will! You um….won't need to organise a Stag party though….I'd prefer it to be just you, me and Nathan having a few drinks at The Ritz…Oh and perhaps I'll see if Derek's able to come too…naturally….we'll invite him to the wedding…as well as that cute young lady he met at your wedding.…oh and Cate…of course.…..Um….Darcy darling….you've been a little undecided about having a Hen party…..but how do you feel about it now that these two know our news?" Preston asked, as Darcy cuddled up to him.

"Relieved actually darling…..oh but you know what….I think I might like to have one….now that I know you're not upset with us….but I only want a nice girlie evening at the house….you know….with Mrs Jackson, Alice and obviously you Sydney" Darcy said, as Sydney got up and then sat down beside her.

"Well I'll have the baby to look after….so that's the only way I could do it anyway….oh but Darcy…..congratulations!….I'm so delighted for you…..oh you don't have a ring yet?" Sydney said, looking at her friend's hand and wondering why that was.

"No Syd…not now….it's at the jewellers being altered….Preston just surprised me when he asked me to marry him….and well… he just guessed my ring size."

"Well I'll see it when we come to the wedding… I must go to bed…sorry but Jonathan will be getting me up for a feed pretty soon…you coming Nige?" Sydney asked, noticing Nigel jump up enthusiastically; obviously because he was looking forward to having her back in bed with him!

Preston and Darcy's wedding soon came around and it was almost as amazing as Sydney and Nigel's. However, it wasn't just the wedding and their visit to London that Sydney and Nigel enjoyed; they also had great fun at their house in the Cotswolds. The weather was perfect and it was a special time for the young Bailey family, as this was their first holiday together. However, over the next few years they enjoyed many more family vacations in the Cotswolds and all over the world, as well.

Jonathan turned out to be a very happy baby, who rarely cried, except if he was hungry, or wanted to be read to. Naturally, the cute little boy had plenty of toys and books to keep him stimulated and happy, but his favourite toy was the 'magic' bear that the twins had given his father. In fact, since Nigel passed the bear onto his son, Jonathan never went to bed, or anywhere else, without it!

Over the next few years Sydney and Nigel proved to be wonderful parents and, not surprisingly, by the time Jonathan was three years old, he was able to read; just like his dad could at that age. Neither of them was overly strict with their son, but there was one thing that Nigel was very insistent upon, and that was that Jonathan shouldn't go to a boarding school! Luckily, as Sydney knew all about Nigel's horrible treatment at schools like that, in England, she was in total agreement; especially as there were a couple of non-boarding prep schools in the vicinity, who taught particularly gifted children, like their son.

Nigel eventually became a professor and whilst relic hunting was something both he and Sydney still did on occasions, they never took risks anymore as, obviously, they had Jonathan to consider. Their son, however, started to take an interest in relics and ancient history at an early age, as both Sydney and Nigel still authenticated relics and occasionally even brought them home to study.

Having gone through so many terrifying things in the years before he got married, Nigel was, once again, truly happy. He had just about everything a man could ever want, including enough money to last him and his family for the rest of their lives; but more importantly, he had a beautiful loving wife, a wonderful little son and a brother who cared about him in a way that a big brother should.


Well that's it! I want to thank Beatrix for her wonderful reviews, as without those I would have given up on this story a long time ago.

I will still be reading Relic Hunter fanfiction and I'll review each one I read, but I'm not likely to write another one myself (except perhaps a very short one). It made me feel quite sad that so few people liked this story – but I want to thank those who at least gave it a chance!

I assume you've already read "Brotherly Love and Kidnapping" but I hope you'll read (and review) my other stories too:- "Timeline" and "Nigel from the Beginning".