In Brotherly Love and Kidnapping, which was set in 2003, we learned that:-

Nigel had been kidnapped and raped at the age of six and suffered psychological problems for a long time after that. His parents died, when he was 12, and his brother, Preston, who is seven years older than him, raised him and eventually sent him to Oxford University. The brother's relationship had become very difficult, which was why Nigel left home and went to the States to work for Sydney. Sydney had become aware, over the years, that the brothers were at odds; although she was convinced they loved each other. Believing that, she secretly devised a plan to get Preston and Nigel to come to Rio with her. Once there she hoped she'd get them to reconcile; which after a short time, they did. Sadly, while they were still in Rio, Nigel was taken prisoner by a sadistic gang, led by Niklas Ferreira. That brute locked Nigel in a cell, where he was beaten, starved and then mentally and sexually abused by Ferreira's sister, Maria. Ferreira's gang turned out to be the same brutes that had kidnapped Nigel as a child! Eventually Nigel was rescued, although having been through such a horrific time, he was totally traumatised. He then returned home to London with Preston and began the long road to recovery. Physically he recovered quite quickly, but the psychological problems, mostly caused by what Maria did, stayed with him. Despite his mental issues, which prevented him from having a full sexual relationship, Sydney fell in love with him. Ferreira and his gang were extradited from Brazil, put on trial in London and sent to prison – for life!

This is the sequel to Brotherly Love and Kidnapping and it tells you what happened between Sydney and Nigel right after the Ferreira trial. Hope you enjoy it!

If necessary, I'll give you a few reminders about the original story; I'll try to do this chapter by chapter.


The rules concerning Nigel's bedroom were made by his mother and meant that neither of her sons was permitted to have females in their bedrooms. Even though Preston believed he should respect his mother's wishes, he made an exception for Sydney; as long as she and Nigel didn't have sex!

Nancy is Nigel's therapist.


When they heard the much awaited verdict, everyone in the back room of the Court hugged each other, particularly Sydney and Nigel, who both shed tears of joy and took quite a while to separate. It was then, as Preston watched the two of them together, that reality struck and he believed that, very soon, he'd be alone again, as Nigel would be going back to America.

Naturally, Preston was delighted that his little brother had found happiness with Sydney; it was just that he knew how much he'd worry about him; not only because he'd soon return to the dangers of relic hunting, but also because he'd, obviously, still suffer nightmares and intimacy problems for some time to come.

On the same day as the trial finished, at round nine in the evening, Sydney asked Preston to meet her privately in the library. This worried him slightly, bearing in mind she made it clear she didn't want Nigel to hear. However, to Preston's utter astonishment, instead of saying any of the terrible things he'd imagined, she asked if he'd take Nigel away on holiday for a couple of weeks!

"Oh! But Sydney…I thought you'd be desperate to have him back in America with you….um…I hope nothing's wrong between you two!" Preston said, looking worried and confused at the same time.

"No…no we're fine….it's just that well….Cate warned me earlier today that the press will be swarming all over this house now the trials finished….and she thinks they'll do the same at Trinity….and even my own home! She believes they'll be desperate to get exclusive stories about Ferreira's gang…and photos of me…but even more so, of Nigel!" Sydney said, feeling quite frustrated by the whole thing.

Preston sat down and looked up at Sydney "he'll be so upset if you leave him behind" he said, scratching his head "he's totally got his heart set on going back to America with you."

"Look Preston….if Nigel goes back there right now…the paparazzi will ruin his chance of starting a normal life again!...They'll keep him prisoner in his own home! You must have noticed how big the trial's become; it's been on TV every day….all over the world! You know there's every chance that the paparazzi will be hanging around and harassing us for ages! You need to get Nigel away from it!"

Looking very concerned, Preston realised that some of that had occurred already, as he'd had to call the police, on a couple of occasions, when photographers had knocked on the front door or pointed cameras at the windows! However, just as Sydney was waiting for Preston's further response, Cate knocked on the door and came in.

"Hey what are you two up to!?...Having a secret affair?" she quipped, looking directly at Sydney, who instantly realised she was joking.

"Certainly not!" Preston replied, feeling quite shocked; until he noticed Cate's amused expression "Oh, I see…very droll…..can I do something for you Cate?"

"Well no, I actually just came in to tell you there're some photographers trying to get over the fence at the end of your garden….I think you'd better call the police, or at least close all the curtains, especially in the downstairs rooms" Cate said, walking over to the huge windows.

"Damn it!….Thank you Cate,...Sydney was just telling me how bad things might get….oh…where's Nigel!?" Preston said, suddenly looking alarmed "I don't want him being upset by them!"

"It's OK, he's upstairs with Mrs Jackson" Cate said, pulling the curtains together "she wants him to have an early night….he had such a bad headache when we got back from court.…and he didn't eat his dinner…..I think she's trying to get him to eat something now."

"Oh good…best he stays upstairs then" Preston said, walking over to the window so that he could peep through a gap at the side of the curtains.

"Too right" Cate said, noticing how tired they both looked "I guess it's been a stressful day for everyone…look Sydney….there must be at least 10 reporters standing by the fence now!"

Sydney rushed over and stood behind Preston "Darn….you were right Cate….actually….just before I came in here I rang the Dean at Trinity and explained that this could happen over there" Sydney said, trying to close the gap in the curtains.

"Oh…so what did he say Sydney?" Preston asked, hoping the delay in Nigel's return wouldn't become a problem.

"Well he said they've already had calls from the press asking about Nigel and me, so um….he asked that both of us stay away for a while longer so the press will have no reason to go there...actually Preston….I wasn't going to tell you that because if Nigel learns that I haven't gone home, he'll want to stay with me and it won't be safe….his face has been on the front page of too many newspapers; he'd be recognised….I'm going to put my hair up, wear brighter make up and check into the Ritz….I'll be OK."

"Oh…I suppose you're right Sydney" Preston said, wondering how he was going to explain things to Nigel without upsetting him.

"Well I can arrange for a couple of Interpol agents to drive you to your hotel Sydney….they'll ensure you're not followed" Cate said, trying to be helpful.

"Oh no….I'm sure I'll be OK…I'm pretty good at that kind of thing….you have to be when you're trying to get away from rival relic hunters" Sydney said, forgetting just how many reporters were actually outside!

"Sydney, never misjudge the paparazzi; they can make thousands of pounds for a single photograph! It would be a lot better to let a couple of my agents whisk you off to the Ritz…good idea to wear a disguise though" Cate said, trying to ensure that her friend took the matter seriously "oh yes…..have you two spoken about taking Nigel out of the country for a couple of weeks?"

"Yes Cate….that's why I'm here actually….but you haven't said what you think about it yet Preston?" Sydney said, hoping he'd see sense.

"Well….of course….it's a good idea" Preston replied, thinking about how he'd go about it "Ah….I know what I'll do….I'll call Gerard….he's a friend of mine who has a private plane; he'll fly us somewhere nice…actually though….I don't think any of us will want to be here with that lot outside, so I think I'll ask Mrs Jackson and Nathan to come too…in fact…you know what…..I'm just going to lock the house up and send all of the staff home on paid leave; otherwise I'm sure they'll get harassed."

Sydney smiled "that's such a great idea Preston….you know you're really lovely to your staff…so thoughtful….in fact you remind me of….well….Nigel!" Sydney said, suddenly realising then that there was a difficult job still to do "I guess I'd better go upstairs and explain everything to Nigel….I just hope he doesn't get too upset about not coming back home with me."

"…thank you….it um….might be better coming from you….I actually better ask the staff to close the curtains now….then I'll call the police….I want those hooligans moved! As soon as that's sorted out I'll ring Gerard; I only spoke to him 2 days ago….he asked about Nigel and enquired if I knew of anyone who needed his services… I know his plane's for hire" Preston said, peeking behind the curtains, as Sydney and Cate left the room.

Sydney was feeling a little apprehensive about telling Nigel the news. However, she knew it would be kinder to do it now, rather than let him get overly excited about America and then springing it on him in the morning! Therefore, with her heart almost in her throat she knocked on his bedroom door.

"Oh hello Sydney…I've been trying to get this one to eat something, perhaps you'll do better" Mrs Jackson said, as she opened the door and turned around to look at Nigel.

"Well I'll try" Sydney replied, as she walked inside and sat on the chair, next to the bed. As soon as the elderly lady left she promptly leapt over to Nigel and kissed him passionately on the lips; causing him to blush scarlet!

"Hey, I thought you were over being embarrassed about kissing me!" she laughed.

"I…oh yes…I am….it's just…well nana….she still thinks of me as a little boy and…you know…she might come back in" he said, trying to hide his red face by smoothing down his hair, as he eyed up the door.

"Oh Nigel" Sydney said, shaking her head and smiling.

"I...I think she's gone downstairs now….so um….I'll have a bit more please!" Nigel said, cocking his head to the side which made him look quite childlike.

Sydney laughed and began to kiss him again; trying not to think about the real reason she was there and succeeding for a while. But then, with no warning at all, Nigel's body suddenly went rigid, which instantly made her think he was about to freak out! Therefore, trying to do the right thing, she gently pulled away and looked at him lovingly "you OK Nige?" she asked, feeling a little worried.

"Oh…oh yes…sorry Syd…I…I thought I heard someone outside" he said, looking over to the door again "I can't hear anyone now though….can you?"

"No Sweetie…I can't" she replied, looking at him sympathetically but noticing he seemed quite sad "hey come on…..I didn't mean to upset you Nige."

"You didn't Syd…'s just….well" Nigel said, shrugging his shoulders "It's just being in here…..and….and….God! It's because I've had to recall all of those disgusting things that that woman did to me!"

"Oh damn….I'm so sorry….I should have realised you'd be feeling a bit sensitive about what was said in the courtroom….and….of course…..I know the rules about this room too" she replied, shifting a little bit further away from him.

"Thanks Syd…thanks for understanding...but…but if only we were somewhere else!" Nigel said, putting his knees up in front of his chest to hide the fact that he'd become very aroused! "I…I mi….might have been alright if we'd been in a nice hotel."

"Well….we're not Sweetie….but regardless of that….I see there's nothing wrong with your machinery!" she said, reassuringly patting him on his knees.

"Oh Syd!" he replied, red-faced yet smiling "I….I need to pee!"

Sydney's eyes widened as Nigel suddenly leapt off the bed and rushed into the bathroom "hey….don't take too long….I need to talk to you" she called out in a slightly raised voice, so that he'd hear her through the closed door.

Feeling mortified, yet in some ways glad that Sydney had noticed his reaction to her, he didn't reply, but simply relieved himself, washed his hands and face and smoothed down his hair. Five minutes later, not wanting to keep the love of his life waiting, he crept out of the bathroom, looking a little sheepish "um…sorry Syd….I had to go…weak bladder, remember?"

"Of course! Feel better now?"

"M…much….um…are you hungry Syd?" Nigel said, lifting the silver cover off the plate that Mrs Jackson had left for him "have a buttered crumpet…they should still be OK…even though they've gone cold."

She thanked him for the savoury treat and took a big bite, which caused the butter to drip down her chin "Darn!" she said, trying to wipe off the butter with the back of her hand.

"Oh let me um" Nigel said, handing her a tissue, but wishing he had the nerve to lick it off!

"Thanks Nige…..hey…you have one as well or I'll tell Mrs Jackson!" she said, watching him as he picked one up and took a big bite.

"Nigel…I have something to tell you….and I don't want you to get upset; just remember I love you and I want you to stay safe, OK?" she said, noticing his face turn white.

"What…what do you mean, stay safe? From what?" he squeaked, completely unnerved by her statement.

Trying to be as tactful as possible, but feeling the need to be totally truthful, she carefully explained about the photographers and other press who were gathering outside and what she, Cate and Preston thought they should do about it.

"But Syd…I could stay at the Ritz with you! It would be the perfect opportunity to…to…you know! I don't want to be away from you anymore….please….if the press find me, I'll cope; I will!" Nigel said, desperately blinking back the tears so that she wouldn't see them.

"I know you'd try Nige….but it's not just about you….I'd feel frustrated and angry if they trapped us in the hotel….they're not just regular pressmen…they're the paparazzi…they stalk people they want to photograph and I wouldn't be able to protect you…there're just too many of them" Sydney said, wondering if, actually it would have been better to have lied about staying in London.

Having then told Nigel she was sorry, she kissed him on the lips and, unsuccessfully, tried to ignore the look of disappointment on his face. Praying to God for a miracle to let her be with Nigel, very soon, she quietly closed the door behind her and went downstairs, feeling rather depressed.

"Everything OK Preston?" she asked, trying to hide her feelings when she met him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh yes fine…well for now anyway….the police have moved those men from the garden but, apparently, they can't stop them from standing in the street…that means we're going to have a problem getting away tomorrow!" Preston said, looking a little worried "um….you know Sydney….it might actually be better if you came with us on holiday, rather than stay in London…it would be less stressful for you and I'm sure Nigel would love you to come."

"Oh….well that's very kind of you Preston….but are you really sure you don't mind?" Sydney asked, feeling her prayer had just been answered and hiding her delight.

"Of course not, it'll be lovely having you around….especially now that the trial's over and we can relax and enjoy ourselves!" Preston replied, wondering why he hadn't thought of inviting her earlier.

"Well actually Preston…that would solve a problem…you see when I explained to Nigel about going on a trip with you, he wasn't at all happy and, just like I thought, he asked if he could stay in London with me" Sydney said, suddenly noticing how hurt Preston looked "oh no no….it's not that he doesn't want to be with you…it's just well….you know how long we've waited for a chance to be a normal couple."

"Oh well….yes….that's true" Preston said, understanding Nigel's need.

"So are you sure that your friend's plane will be big enough for all of us?" Sydney asked, noticing Preston seemed a little happier now.

"Oh yes, I believe it seats ten, quite comfortably.…um...I wonder if Nigel's still awake….maybe we should pop up and tell him you're coming" Preston said, as he began to walk to the door.

"Well I've said goodnight to him but I doubt he'll be asleep… yes….let's put him out of his misery!" Sydney said, believing Nigel would be a lot happier then.

Having quickly run up the stairs, they rather quietly knocked on Nigel's door "Podge….are you asleep?" Preston whispered, poking his head into the room.

"No Preston….what is it!?" Nigel snapped.

"Calm down…..Sydney and I have something nice to tell" Preston replied, obviously realising why his brother was irritable.

Nigel immediately sat up "um….what is it?….Are you going to let me stay with you Syd?" Nigel asked, feeling quite hopeful.

"No…but well…..actually….I'm coming on vacation with that alright misery guts!?" Sydney asked, rushing to the bed and throwing her arms around Nigel.

"Oh Syd…..thank God! I've been tossing and turning here trying to think of a way I could stay with you!" Nigel said, suddenly realising then how ungrateful he must sound to his brother "um sorry Pres….is it um….still OK if I come with you?"

"No! You can stay here alone young man!" Preston joked, pretending to be offended that his brother had chosen Sydney over him. Nigel immediately realised he was joking and retaliated by poking his tongue out at Preston!

Sydney loved seeing the brothers joking with each other as their closeness really shone through during those times. That also made her feel a lot less guilty about being the one who, with all the best intentions in the world, tricked them into going to Rio.

"I'll leave you two to chat about the holiday then; I need my beauty sleep after all we've been through today" Sydney said, walking towards the door "night…see you in the morning."

"Night Syd" Nigel said, blowing her a kiss just before she closed the door behind her.

"Podge you will be careful about what you and Sydney get up to on holiday, won't you? Just remember what Nancy said before she went home tonight… know…about not rushing into things" Preston said, pulling the sheet over his brother.

"Pres…I'm not going to kid myself….I know it won't be plain sailing…but Syd and I desperately want a normal relationship….you understand that don't you?"

"Yes of course I do Podge…..I want that for you too!"

"Then….um….will….will you let us share a bedroom on holiday? Please….I just want to get used to her being there" Nigel said, looking very hopeful.

"Well…I'm not really sure about that Podge" Preston said, looking very seriously at his younger brother.

"Please Preston…nothing will happen… messed up brain hasn't caught up with my body yet" Nigel said, looking rather sad.

"Well I suppose so….as long as Sydney's agreeable….but you have to take things very slowly….no thinking that because it's Sydney all of the demons in your head will disappear….they won't!" Preston said, feeling so sorry for Nigel "I heard Nancy tell you that if you're really not ready to um…make love….and you go ahead could have a panic attack, like before, and be back to square one."

"I remember she said that Pres…but she also said that kissing and cuddling was a good thing….as… long as I'm under no pressure to move things forward…but um…Syd's not pushing me….I just can't bear to be without her anymore."

"I suppose she's all you need now Nigel" Preston said, looking a little hurt.

"Oh no Pres…..that doesn't mean I...I…don't need you! I always will….I'll miss you terribly when I go back to…in….fact I…um…always did really" Nigel said, looking sincerely at his older brother.

"God Podge….you've absolutely no idea how much I'm dreading you leaving" Preston said, feeling such deep affection for Nigel.

"I'll visit you as often as I can Pres….I'm sure Sydney won't mind….in fact….I um… bet she'll miss you too and find any excuse to come back here to see you!" Nigel said, hoping that would cheer him up.

"You'd better….oh my God, what the hell was that!?" Preston shouted, as a huge crashing noise came from outside in the garden and Nigel threw his arms around his head.

"Don't move Podge" Preston said, rushing towards the window "Damn it! It looks like a couple of photographers were trying to move the wooden bench and somehow smashed it into the greenhouse!"

"Th…that was mum's bench!...The beasts!" Nigel squeaked, realising by the sad look on his brother's face that he was aware of that!

"Don't worry Podge….I'm sure that Nathan will be able to repair it….ah…looks like he's in the garden now trying to get rid of those idiots! Um….you stay there; I'd better go and help him….there's probably a lot of broken glass on the ground" Preston said, rushing out the door.

Nigel watched his brother leave and, having pulled the duvet up to his neck, he began to think about how much he loved Sydney and how, in a few weeks' time, he'd be ready to start a new phase of his life with the woman he loved more than life itself!