Disclaimer: NOT MINE! The song is called when the hunter gets captured by the game. It's from the soundtrack to Batman Forever. Incedently, it also does not belong to me!!!

((Every day brings change

And love puts on a new face

Sudden things rearrange

And this whole world seems like

A new place.))

Cold winds whipped around the dull gray towers of a castle situated in the middle of the Western Lands. The Lord and master of the castle and its lands stood on one stony ledge, gazing into the distance, long silver hair flying out behind like a banner. Pale, aristocratic features, marked only by crimson slashes on his cheek, and crescent upon his brow, betrayed no expression beyond a general air of boredom. In reality, this powerful dog youkai was deeply troubled by the turn his mind and emotions had taken lately. It was a proven fact that humans were useless vermin with no redeeming graces.

If so, then why was one particular human always hovering upon the edges of his mind? Every thought eventually led to.Her. Even her scent was sweat and clean, smelling of Sakura and rain. Upon her was no taint of bitterness, only of sadness. The lord's eyes tightened slightly, a small glare bestowed on the lands below him. He had to find a way to rid her from his mind.

But how? How to rid ones mind of an intruder that was supposed to be below even recognition? As his train of thought continued, small signs of agitation began appearing. Long claw tipped fingers began drumming on parapet walls; the long silky white tail unwrapped from its shoulder perch and whipped the air. This.girl.why does she haunt me so? She is human, unworthy of recognition. I must stop this at once. One hand twitched, pulverizing a loose stone to powder. That's it! To get her out of my mind, I will simply take her. A time as my slave, to do as I wish will soon satisfy whatever seems to have gotten into me. At least she is not repulsive to the senses, as other mortals tend to be. A solution to his problem found, the demon Lord Sesshoumaru turned into his castle, summoning his toady, to make plans. (a/n: lol, yes, pun intended there. Jaken is a toad type thing, and a toady is a type of suck up to important people. ^^ I couldn't help it!)

((Secretly I've been tailing you

Like a fox, that preys on a rabbit.

I had to get inside you

I have to learn your ways and habits.))

Her heart pounding, Kagome leaned against the strength of the tree she was hiding behind. Ahead, in a clearing, stood Inuyasha, whom she had been trying to find. Unfortunately Kikiyo was there as well. And she was kissing Inuyasha. Her Inuyasha. He didn't appear to be complaining either. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt her heart break in two pieces. She had always heard heartbreak hurt, but did it have to hurt this much? She felt that she would be split in halves by the pain in her chest. As Inuyasha brought up one clawed hand to caress Kikiyo's face, she ran. Ran as fast and far as she could. She couldn't be near them any more; it was too hard to bear.

As she ran, she laughed bitterly to herself. She had wondered where Inuyasha had been wandering off too at night, so she had followed, curious. Well, now she knew. While professing his love for her, Kagome, by day, he would fuck his former love, Kikiyo, by night. Two faced son of a bitch!

By the time she made it back to the camp her hurt and pain had been shunted aside, making way for a new emotion. Anger. It froze her heart, chilled the pain in her chest to something bearable, and cleared her mind of anguish. She knew now what she would do. The only thing she could. Leave. Oh, not the past entirely. She still had her responsibilities to the Shikon no Tama. As a miko and the one who shattered it in the first place, she had to be the one to collect it and put it together once more. And she would. But without Inuyasha. Watching the others toss and mutter in their sleep, she felt a vague regret at not staying with them. But it was the only way.

As quietly as she could, she gathered what she needed, and repacking her pack, so that it would be light enough for her to carry. No more schoolbooks, or supplies from home, she only carried the bare essentials. Food, an extra blanket, fire kit, rope, first aid supplies, and some cooking utensils. By the time she was done, tears no longer fell from her eyes. They were frozen, like the rest of her emotions. With one last kiss goodbye to Shipou's head, she left the camp for good.

At a steady trot she made her way through the forest, running along streambeds where possible, in case Inuyasha tried to come find her. While she traveled, she formulated a plan to get her revenge, and thanked her lucky stars for being in such good shape. Two years of travel in the past gave her a lean fit frame, and she could carry on at this pace all day if she had to.

How can I get to Inuyasha the most? Hmmm.he's very possessive about the things he owns, like that sword, Tetsusaiga. Even me. Anytime anyone EVER expressed interest in me, he would fight them off. Now I know that was just because I was his Tama detector. He had Kikiyo, after all. Perhaps.if I could find a male.a strong one.and convince him.? Argh! She shook her head, frowning, jumping over a fallen log. I don't know. Maybe do something with the sword? I'll have to think about this. So deep in thought was she, she never noticed a dark form silently following.


For the past few weeks Sesshoumaru had followed the small ragtag group of humans and demons led by his half brother Inuyasha. Keeping his youkai damped down, so as not to attract the attention of the miko who was his prey, he watched. Watched as his fool brother chose and marked the dead priestess as his mate, watched as by day his told Kagome of his love for her, and only her. Watched as one night, by the light of the full moon, Kagome chanced upon the two, and had finally left the safety of the group.

By now, he knew enough of her ways and habits that he could catch her off guard for an ambush. When next she relaxed in the warmth of a hot spring, he would strike.

((Ooooh you were the catch that I was after

But I looked up and I was in your arms

And I knew that I was captured.

What's this whole world coming to?

Things just ain't the same

Anytime the hunter, gets captured by the game.

I had laid such a tender trap

Hoping you might fall in to it

But love hit me with a sudden slap

One kiss, and then I knew it.))

With a sigh of relief Kagome sank into the hot water up to her chin, and closed her eyes. The past week and half had been exhausting. When she was sure that she had thrown off any possible pursuit of Inuyasha, she had taken to more used causeways and started searching for the jewel shards again. The first she had found so far had been imbedded inside a wolverine youkai that had been plaguing a village. When she had arrived, the villagers had mistaken her for a youkai exterminator. Most likely for the clothing she had worn. Two years of trekking through forests and fording rivers had taught her something; school uniforms just couldn't cut it. She had eventually adopted a form of dress similar to Sango's. Black form fitting pants and high-necked top, black leather calf high boots, and a deep violet sash with leg/arm guards of the same dark purple. The sash held a short sword that she had made Inuyasha teach her to use, and a bandolier held her quiver and bow.

When the people of the village had seen her, they had begged her to help them. Since she had been there to collect the jewel shard, she had complied. Surprisingly, the demon was easier to slay then she had thought, and she had readily dispatched it, taking the shard from its neck. In thanks, the villagers had given her a place to stay for the night, food, and some money to help her as she traveled.

While she soaked, she mused, deep in thought. I never thought I had improved so much. She snorted softly, the water around her mouth ruffling gently. That's probably because he always made me stay away from the fight, only allowing me to shoot from a distance. I knew my aim and my powers had greatly improved, but it seems as if my strength and speed has as well. That can only help me in my endeavor though, so that's good.

While she soaked, she let her senses roam around the area, still attentive to her surroundings. It wouldn't do to be caught unawares by a demon, or a band of thieves. Miroku had been bad enough, but he had never meant any harm, unlike others. With a shiver, she realized that she was being watched by a demon. Outwardly, her appearance hadn't changed. She looked as if she were still relaxing, oblivious to the world. Inwardly, she was exploring the power she had felt nearby.

Huh, it's weak. Not a powerful demon then. Keeping her eyes closed, she mentally reviewed the placement of her weapons.

Let's see.dagger and sword right behind me, slightly to the right. Bow, strung, with the quiver of arrows; further back with my clothes so the steam and water won't ruin the string. All right then, sword and dagger it is. Now to wait. Slowly, she stretched her arms out of the water, looking as if she were merely relieving an ache. Her eyes slitted open slightly, keeping a watch for a possible attack. She purposely kept relaxed, and waited.


From his position in a tree near the spring, Sesshoumaru waited until the human appeared to be relaxing, her defenses down. He tensed on his branch, preparing to spring while below, the girl was stretching. Soon, soon he would be able to rid his mind of these thoughts of her. Like a spring suddenly released from pressure, his legs uncoiled and hurled him forward.

Below, Kagome heard the rustle that heralded the attack. With a lunge, she was out of the pool and crouched, both sword and dagger glowing with her aura and waiting. Cinnamon eyes widened as she finally saw who it was that was attacking her.


He growled softly, frustrated that she had anticipated his attack, and flexed his claws. He started to advance on her, keeping one eye on her pitiful excuses for weapons. He knew she could use them, for he had witnessed her defeat of wolverine demon, but it had only been a lesser demon, not one of her power. She didn't stand a chance against him.

Kagome was worried, though dared not show that. She knew he was strong, very strong, and only a miracle would save her. Meanwhile, he finally addressed her.

"Priestess, if you have any wish to live, you had better put down whatever pathetic excuse you have for weapons, and come quietly. If you do, I can guaranty that you won't be hurt.much." His cool silky voice was confident in the belief that she would follow his orders and come quietly. He was astounded when instead of cowering in fear; she merely looked straight back at him, a slight sneer curving the rose of her lips. She made no move to put down her weapons. They were at a stalemate for the moment; Sesshoumaru shocked into momentary stillness, and Kagome desperately trying to think of a plan. He doesn't want to hurt me, that means he probably wants me for something.to get dog-boys sword perhaps? That's it! She could get her revenge on Inuyasha, and he could have his sword, in one! She just had to convince Sesshoumaru to work with her.

Further thought processes were halted, however, by the demon lord's sudden movement. Caught off guard, Kagome found herself ensnared in the arm and tail of Sesshoumaru. Pressed against his chest, she could feel the growl that vibrated it. His one arm that wrapped around her dug into her bare side, claws nicking against her skin and drawing droplets of blood. She gasped at the sudden, slight pain, her slim arms rising to push against his chest when his mouth came down upon her. Soft lips pressed against hers, warm tongue dipping in to pillage her mouth left open by her gasp. His fangs nipped softly at her lips, leaving tiny wounds that were licked clean by his tongue. Kagome had stilled her efforts to escape, dazed by his ministrations to her mouth. Brain activity kicked in suddenly, and she remembered who this was, and her own plan. Her powers flared and concentrated through her hands, which still rested against Sesshoumaru's chest. Aided by her power, she shoved him away, stooping to come up with her dropped sword. She pointed it in his direction, furious at her inattentiveness, and traitorous body. Damn, he's a good kisser. Argh! Must concentrate here, girl. Lets get him to help you take the Tetsusaiga, not you! Though that would be nice.where the heck did that thought come from?!?

"Hey, I don't know what you're about, Sesshoumaru, but before you go off half-cocked, listen to me. I may have a proposition for you. For something I'm sure you would want far more then some random mortal girl." She paused, making sure she had his attention, and he wasn't going to attack again. "What is it you have desired above all else for the past two years?"

"Foolish wench, do you presume to dictate to me what it is that I want?"

"The Tetsusaiga?"

Golden eyes narrowed and glaring, Sesshoumaru didn't respond to her correct answer, but merely nodded stiffly. One delicate brow arched, voice sarcastic. "And your proposition?"

"Well, I want revenge against Inuyasha, and Kikiyo. I think we can help each other out here. I'll help you get the sword, if you help me. I'm stronger now, but I can't defeat him now, not yet." Her voice lowered, almost a soft growl as she continued. "I don't want him, but humiliated so bad that to him, death would be a mercy. So, do you think we can work this out?" She stood slowly, sword still ready in case he should try for her again.

Startlement was the only thing that Sesshoumaru could feel at the moment. His brothers friend with whom he had traveled with for over two years, wanted him humiliated unto death? And would help him get the sword? Well, she was not at all what she seemed. He was intrigued. Maybe she has something here.Perhaps this will be enough to get her out of my mind.and if not, well, there is always after. Thus decided, he allowed a small nod of his head to signal his acquiescence to her idea.

"As you say. I do want the Tetsusaiga. Very well, I will agree to your idea. My half brother never did deserve that sword. Or you.

((Ooooh my plans didn't work out, like I thought

'Cause I had laid my trap for you

But it seems that I got caught in it.

What's this whole world coming to?

Things just ain't the same

Anytime the hunter, gets captured by the game

Ohh yeah, yeah oh yeah, hey yeah.))

A/n: See what can happen when the Internet isn't working and you're listening to a good sword? OI! I may just go crazy. Anyways, this is only the beginning, folks! It will definitely be a Kagome/Sesshoumaru pairing, otherwise the rest will be cannon. Just a note on Kagome's OOC'ness- She is 2 years older, and a better fighter with more confidence then she had in the series. Where she may have cried and been depressed earlier, now she will try to get Inuyasha back on her own terms. Personally, I like this side of Kagome better. She is still basically the same person but with a better attitude. Eventually she and Fluffy will meet the gang again, but I haven't really gotten that far in my mind. Please, do respond to this with your thoughts! Good, bad? I'll even except flames if they offer constructive criticism! Oh, please check out my other stuff, too! ^_^ ~*~Gryphnwng~*~