Chapter 13 - War

Alec was the first to move he lunged at me. Edward dropped my hand and a moment later he had ripped Alec's head from his body also. The guard stood frozen for a moment trying to comprehend how Edward had moved so fast. His eyes locked with mine for a moment before we both turned to the onslaught. Aro dived towards me trying to catch me off guard but I landed a kick right in the middle of his chest sending him flying backwards passed his guard. I lunged at the next closest vampire.

A tall blonde, Heidi. I ripped her arms off she screamed and I used one to knock Demetri to the ground as he lunged towards me. I dropped the arms and grabbed onto Heidi's head twisting until it disconnected with her body. Felix ran at me, my hand shot out grabbing his neck and I threw him to the ground at my feet. I jumped, my feet leaving the ground and I twisted it the air landing behind Felix and when I stood up I brought his severed head with me.

The rest of the Cullen's had joined in with the fight by then. I watched at Emmett and Jasper tore Chelsea apart. I turned to see Edward ripping Caius apart piece by piece. He never looked so fierce and handsome as he does right now. A hand shot out and hit me in the face, I was distracted by the beautiful man before me. I turned to see Demetri, Afron and Corin all attack me at once. Another fist went for my face but I ducked it grabbing the wrist in one hand and twisted it up snapping it from Afron's forearm he roared in pain.

Corin kicked towards my stomach, I caught his foot and twisted it causing him to spin in the air. I dropped him as Dimitri lunged for my neck. I knocked his outstretch hands away with my left and punched him with my right landing the blow on his nose. He fell back. I grabbed Afro's head and pulled it off. Corin got to his feet. I twisted and sent a kick out hitting him straight in the chin. His head flew off with the force. Well that moves new. I mused internally.

Demetri ran for me once again, I jumped and spun in the air my feet landed on his shoulders I bent down and twisted his head in my hands breaking it off. I landed on the ground and looked up to see Jasper, Carlisle and Emmett attacking Aro. Esme, Alice and Rosalie were finishing off both wives and Edward was relieving Marcus from his misery. Everyone else was dead by the hands of my family.

Aro kicked Emmett in the chest sending him backwards. I jumped grabbing Aro around the neck with enough force it brought him to his knees. He looked up to me with wide eyes as I held him there. I heard the girls finish off the wives. "Go start a fire" I told my family. Edward walked over to us his hand wrapped around my waist as we gazed down at a terrified Aro.

"Please don't kill me Isabella. I'll run and I'll never bother you again." He's plea's made me sick. How many vampire's and human's had begged him for mercy when he took their lives?

My eyes narrowed. "You think that you would, almost expose us all, kill innocent vampires because you came up with ridiculous accusations than try to kill my family and my mate and I'd let you live?" I mused. I slowly squeezed my hand letting him feel every movement as I crushed his neck until he no longer had one. Edward picked up his body and head and threw them into the flames our family had ignited.

I sighed as we all stood watching the Volturi turn to ash. Edward pulled me in close his arm wrapped around my waist our chests touched as I looked up towards his beautiful face. "So you love me huh?" He smirked.

I couldn't help but laugh but I still nodded "I do."

His smiled was radiant. "You know I won't let you go ever again right?" his face suddenly serious.

I sighed "Yeah, I figured as much. But the problem is I now have to deal with taking control again."

He shook his head before leaning down and resting his forehead against my own. "No Bella, WE have to deal with the crimes. You are not alone anymore. I will be with you every step of the way." I sighed again but he wasn't having any of it. He lowered his face to mine and kissed me.

When we pulled back, I turned to Cullen's. Carlisle stepped forward his eyes were on me. "Edward is right, Bella. You do not have to do this on your own anymore. We are all a part of this now." Everyone turned to me agreeing with Carlisle's words. I deliberated, this could mean danger for them. But I had just left this morning and look what happened. I wanted to be with Edward to be with all of the Cullen's. We had grown so close and I almost feel normal around them. They're the family I never had.

It was a risk, a huge risk involving them all in my business. I knew they wanted me to truly be one of them, could I do that? Could I accept them into my lives fully and become a member of their coven? I wanted to. I wanted to be one of them, I wanted a family, a home. I wanted Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle and I wanted Edward. My eyes fell on Edward beside me. His eyes were pleading with me. I knew that if I left he would follow, that was clear as day in his eyes. Did I want the rest of the Cullen's to follow also? Of course I did. "Ok, we can do this together than?" I asked them.

My new family smiled at me.

"Together." Edward confirmed.

So that's it guys. I'm going to write a sequel to Isabella The First. We still have so much to learn about Bella and how she was born. Also how the Cullen's go helping Bella rule. More problems and enemies will arise.

Stay tuned. Make sure your following this story, I'll post on here when the first chapter is uploaded.

Until then, have a read of my other Twilight Fanfic called Unbelievable Gifts. I personally enjoy that story more than this one.

Keep reviewing. I want to know what you guys think and also any ideas about what could happen in the sequel would be much appreciated.

Thank you to all of my readers, followers and reviewers. I'm thrilled with all of the support, you guys are the best!

Cya soon.

-Skye (FeminineHeroes)