Hello and welcome to Watcher's New Post, where an Abyss Watcher is placed in the Remnant universe. Lets just get right in. The character looks like every other watcher you fight in the boss area.

I in fact still do not own RWBY of Dark Souls. I just like them.

Millenia has passed since the kingdom of Lothric has eroded to little more than pebbles. And while the cycles of re-linking the fire have finally been broken by one brave unkindled and his treasured firekeeper, the fingers of the Abyss still take a brittle hold on the lands, however weak they are. But perhaps it is only resting, to attain higher power.

Farron's undead legion was formed, inspired by the legends of an Abyss Walker, and partook wolf's blood. Mercilessly the Abyss was stomped out by the Watcher's, not even great kingdoms were safe from destruction if it were to be exposed. But the Watchers' exposure to the dark Abyss would never be cast off, until they were reduced to hollows who could not even recognise their ownselves, let alone their pact. And thus their blood was spilled in endless, futile combat until an unkindled undead put them to rest.

A single Watcher had returned from his duty, to investigate the possible presence of the abyss within a land far to the north of Lothric, but was bested by a band of travelers. When he had awoken, he saw that young saplings from his path had already grown into trees of legendary height and thickness. When he returned to the Legion's meeting at the great swamp, what remained was the laying Watchers, dead and unmoving, while the young shrubs had started to cover the walls of the stone expanse, he left a single bloodied swordgrass at the entrance. Now the Watcher merely traveled the lands in search of even a trace of the abyss.

For a time there was nothing, the lands around him changed and new kingdoms were built from the union of humanity. However while traveling in a forest region, he finally felt a tug towards the path ahead. Quickening his pace to a run, he could finally hear the sounds of combat into the path not too long after. He could see a person in the air, within a storm. As well as two young teens suffering her wrath, but neither was the one her was after. Only after the sight of the girl in the red dress was the Farron great sword pulled from his back, along with its twin dagger, that was held in his left.

He came from behind, and leaped though the air to impale the girl on his blade, but she had disappeared further on, closer to the other tree. She scowled at the interruption. The Watcher had crouched low, and extended his great sword to his side, and fell forward before entering a dash of great distance toward the girl in the red dress. She had rolled to the side, out of the blade's reach, but as the Watcher sunk his anchor (dagger) into the ground, he spun towards her and repeated the same dash, only to be met with the same result.

Cinder had not expected an interruption, and as she stepped to the right again, she wondered exactly who this person could be, another agent of Ozpin? A guardian of the girl? She would have to ask her lord about this. The Farron had stopped his dash short, so he could roll back towards her and follow up with an overhead slice with the great sword, easily dodged with a backstep, before jumping backwards. Two of the other three turned to her, communicating together, before they disengaged and disappeared. The tug that the Watcher had felt turned to another direction, and as quick as he could, bolted over into the brush, leaving Amber behind.

"Hey! Wait for me!" He heard, it soon faded to silence. He passed over the brush, and past the trees as he rushed to find the girl in the dress.

Cinder and her cohorts, were in a panick. Emerald asked who that person was she was fighting with. And Mercury complained 'We had her' before beng talked down by his boss. But soon a silence filled for them, that was quickly replaced with loud rustling and soon, the thud of boots falling on floor. Farron barreled out of a bush swung his blade in a slash, attempting to hit all three of them.

"What!?" Came Mercury.

"How did he find us!?" Frantically asked. Emerald, confused and worried about this strange person.

Cinder simply growled lowly once more at the chaser, there was no way that anyone could find them after Emerald's illusion, and she herself saw the maiden's face contort in confusion. But she felt as if she could not escape this mystery, as she was nearly hit with a two-handed swing from it's blade. The Watcher staggered as he felt someone stab in in the back, turning to face them, he swung his great sword upwards, towards Emerald, before putting his left foot forward and stabbed with his Farron dagger, which had been just out of range. Emerald reeled from the strength when she was hit with the great sword and was sent flying, till she met the trunk of a tree.

The Watcher was challenged when the silver kid put his hands up and moved for a kick. He was about to swing his sword in a spinning motion, but was stabbed by two blades in the back, and was staggered to his knees. Cinder was about to finish him, but was interrupted when a large hook of a scythe fell into the grass between them.

"Emerald! Mercury! Rendevous at the point" She ordered. She then turned into specs of dust, and dispersed.

When the Watcher turned to her cohorts, they had already disappered. And so did the tug within him. He pulled himself up off the floor, and took a glance at the man in front of him.

"So, you know the girl, the one in the hood?" Came a gravel voice. To which a shake of the head was his only reply.

Only then did the red eyes come to him, but without the tug, he would not attack.

"Whats-ah...whats your name?" He asked. But recieved only silence as the Watcher returned the great sword to the sheathe on his back.

The man sighed. The Watcher then walked deeper into the forest, intent with searching the rest of the for even a simple trace of the abyss, leaving to return to the path.

While stalking for a trace of the girl in the red dress, or her cohorts, He was interrupted by a young woman.

"Excuse me!" She called, moving a tree branch from her way. Causing the Watcher to turn around, slowly.

"I didn't get to thank you for saving me, if you hadn't come, I fear I woul'd have been killed by them." She bowed to the Watcher, who shortly turned around to travel deeper into the forest.

Thank you for reading. Tell me if you liked.

Bye bye!