A/N: Back with a new chapter for this story~!

Cynder 7: Glad you find it interesting! The update took a while, sorry for the wait!

PeaceAndLove1: The school I used to go to had an anime club too. An explanation to why Rein can learn languages easy will be revealed in a future chapter. And maybe she isn't lying about her last name, maybe she is. You'll have to find out~.


Chapter Three

Make an Effort


"Why didn't you tell me she would be going to my school!?" Fine fumed as she helped her mother prepare dinner.

"We were hoping you would be surprised." Splendor replied.

"Well I am surprised and I'm mad too! She shouldn't even be in high school! She's never gone to school before in her entire life, she should start with elementary school if not kindergarten!"

"Fine, please, your sister never went to school due to her health, but now she's much better and can go to school. And just because she never went to class doesn't mean she never studied. She studied many things when she was away and continued studying even while she had to stay here at home."

"She never looked sick."

"Yes, she never looked sick, but just because she didn't look it doesn't mean she wasn't."

"Hmph, but why my school of all places. Wonder Academy is super difficult to get into!"

"Maybe she wanted to spend time with you."

"Yeah right…" Fine grumbled. Fine and her mother stopped conversing after that.


As the family of four sat down Fine chatted about what alpha classes she got and how excited she was to start them.

"What about your alpha classes, Rein? Did you get any with Fine?" Haze asked.

Rein just continued to silently nibble away on a piece of her steak, not giving an answer. She knew Fine hated having her in her French class so she didn't want Fine to find out that they did have three more classes together.

"Well, Rein?" This time her mother tried.

Rein continued to nibble on her steak piece.

"See? She doesn't even care about her classes, she should just go to a normal school and let someone else who really wants to be in Wonder Academy have her place!" Fine frowned.

"…" Rein got up from her seat and went to her room before returning with her class schedule. She handed it to her father and went back to eating.

Her father read her classes out loud and they were as follows:

Alpha Days (Tuesday – Thursday)

1st Period: Cooking Class with Ms. Sheryl (Rm.115A)

2nd Period: Swimming with Mrs. DeFeene (Gymnasium B – Indoor Pool B)

3rd Period: Gymnastics with Mrs. Bell (Gymnasium A)

4th Period: Study Period in Study Hall with Supervisor Ms. Anima (A Building Study Hall)

5th Period: Astronomy with Mr. Sirius (Rm. 101C)

6th Period: Mythology with Mr. Gyro (Rm. 215D)

Beta Day (Monday)

1st Period: Language Arts with Mr. Hart

2nd Period: Health with Mr. Pierce

3rd Period: French 1 with Madame Francoise

4th Period: Study Period in Study Hall with Supervisor Ms. Payne

5th Period: Science with Mrs. Vellore

6th Period: Mathematics with Mr. Reece

"What!?" Fine screeched. She had two classes and study hall with Rein!?

"You guys can walk together every Tuesday through Friday! You'll be starting off your morning classes together after all!" Splendor smiled.

"No way!" Fine glared at Rein. "I don't want to be seen with a weirdo like her!"

"Fine!" Her father frowned, "Be nicer, she's your twin sister."

"I don't care! You guys have been trying to force me to hang out with her and befriend her since the beginning and I really tried at first, but she doesn't want to make an effort! I shouldn't have to suffer just because she's being unreasonable! If she can be unreasonable then so can I! I refuse to have anything to do with her!" Fine yelled before angrily storming off to her room.


The next morning Fine woke up, got dressed in her uniform, and grabbed her bag. She sighed before finally opening the door and heading downstairs, dreading the fact that her parents would make her walk to school with Rein.

When she got downstairs, however, she was surprised to not see Rein there.

'Whatever, she probably decided to stay home today. Probably sick again or something.' Fine sat down and ate her breakfast. After a few minutes of silence her mother spoke up.

"Rein already left and went to school."

"What?" Fine turned and looked at her mother. "It's only six thirty, school doesn't start until seven thirty and it takes twenty minutes at most to walk to school."

"She woke up at five and left at five thirty." Splendor said.

Fine felt a pang of guilt hit her. It was probably her fault she left so early, but it quickly disappeared with what her mother said next.

"I suppose she didn't want to bother you, honestly, Fine, can't you try and make an effort?"

"Try and make an effort…try and make an effort! It's always me who has to make the damn effort! Why does she never get this stupid lecture from you guys!? She's the one who never makes an effort! She won't even talk to me unless it's to ask that stupid question and when I give her an answer all she does is frown and lock herself in her room! I even felt bad for a minute there, but if you're going to keep taking her side then I have no guilt to spare for her!"

Fine angrily grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and stormed out of the house.

'What a great way to start the morning…' Fine thought sarcastically.


At Wonder Academy Fine went to class, but didn't see Rein anywhere.

"Fine, over here!" A friend of Fine's, Lione, waved.

Fine smiled and went and sat next to her, "Hey Lione!"

"I'm so glad we have a class together!" Lione said.

"Same here!" Fine grinned. The two were middle school friends, but didn't see much of each other over the summer break so the two chatted about what they did. Fine, of course, left out anything and everything having to do with Rein.

"Good morning class!" Ms. Sheryl greeted after the bell rang. "Today I'm going to-"

Ms. Sheryl was cut off when the door abruptly opened. Rein and a panting Toma came through the door.

"S-sorry we're late." Toma apologized.

"Goodness! I know it may be the second day, but you should have been here on time." Ms. Sheryl scolded, "Wonder Academy students are expected to be punctual."

Ms. Sheryl look like she was ready to start scolding them on being punctual and Fine had to stifle a laugh. She felt bad for Toma, but it would be funny to see Rein get scolded for once!

"We…we have…" Toma was still trying to catch his breath.

Rein didn't wait for him to catch his breath and handed Ms. Sheryl a note. She read it then nodded, "I understand, I will let it slide since it was not your guys fault you were late. Please take a seat you two."

Toma and Rein walked to the back of the class and sat next to each other since they were the only two available seats left.

Fine frowned, 'Too bad, I was hoping to see her get reprimanded. It'd only be fair after all the scolding I get from our parents. But if the note worked for both Rein and Toma does that mean…they were together before class started?'

"As I was saying, today I'm going to tell you what you will need for this class. We will provide the ingredients and cooking utensils, but you will have to buy an apron yourselves. Cooking assignments that have to be done at home will, of course, have you paying for your own ingredients. The school store has aprons for sale. If you don't like those then I'm sure you can find one at a nearby store or online." Ms. Sheryl explained.

She then went on to explain how tests and homework would work in this class. Homework would be given once a month and it will be to cook something they had learned during that month without assistance. They are to bring home what they made to school a week after the homework has been assigned.

Tests will be done in groups as they will have to make full course meals. Everyone in the group will get the same grade.

Soon, the bell rang and everyone was dismissed.


Toma and Fine shared their second period together. The teacher wanted them to get used to using the computers in his class so today all they had to do was poke around and use the programs on the computer to get a feel for it. As they did that Fine began talking to Toma.

"So, what were you and Rein doing before class?" Toma jumped at the sudden question.

"We…um…well, I went to talk to my astronomy teacher and Rein was already there when I got there…The three of us started talking and lost track of time so…he told us to come to class together with that note." Toma explained.

"Huh, I didn't know you liked astronomy." Fine said.

"Yeah, well, ehehe…" Toma laughed awkwardly.


Third period came around and everyone was given a standard leotard supplied by the school. However, they were allowed to bring their own if it made them more comfortable.

"I would like to test everyone's strength and flexibility today." Mrs. Bell said.

The students did simple exercises, lifted barbells, and then attempted to do some flips and tricks. Fine did some impressive work and a lot of students were very impressed with her until it was Rein's turn. Rein beat Fine in every aspect and soon the students and teacher flocked to her, but Rein merely averted her eyes from everyone, clearly disliking the attention.

'How!? How could she be better at me in gymnastics!? If she's really been sick then she shouldn't have the energy or strength to do that much!' Fine didn't care much about French, but she always excelled in sports and anything that required strength and flexibility so how could Rein beat her!? Rein, who was always locked away in her room, Rein who never leaves the house. How could she be this good?

Fine was beyond furious with Rein right now and unfortunately for the two of them…they had study hall together next.


Rein told Mr. Hall that she wasn't feeling well and excused herself to the Nurse's Office.

Fine sat down and opened a book pretending to be doing something, but in reality she was just glaring at her open book, still being unable to accept the fact that her sister is better at gymnastics than her.

"Understandable that you'd be glaring at a math book, but like, the pages are going to catch fire at this rate." Truth sat down next to Fine.

"Oh, hey, Truth." Fine sighed.

"Something wrong? I'm happy to listen." Truth said.

"My sister who never did any physical exercise before in her life is somehow better than me in gymnastics!" Fine fumed.

"Yeah I can see how that would make you mad, but you know, the more you think about it the angrier you're gonna get. How about you think about something else? Like what club to join! We'll get kicked out if we don't join something. Here, take a look!" Truth pulled out pamphlets of different clubs.

"Oh right! We have to turn something in by Friday right? But there's so many good clubs! What are you going to pick Truth?"

"Psssh, if I knew what club I was going to be joining I wouldn't have all these pamphlets with me!"

The two spent the rest of their study period looking through pamphlets and discussing what club to join.