Chapter 1: Miscalculation
A/N - Not much to say ATM. On with the story! Hope you guys like it!
*I do not own anything related to RWBY/Warframe. All such assets belong to Rooster Teeth and Digital Extremes respectively.*
Orion Arm, Milky Way galaxy
Kingdom of Vale, Remnant
Beacon Academy, Night before the Initiation
As the first-year students of Beacon settled down for the night in the huge hall, Ruby Rose was lying on her cot, thinking. She had come to Beacon two years early and as such, she had next to no friends, aside from her older sister Yang.
Ruby sighed as she turned her body on the cot, trying to fall asleep but to no avail. Finally, she rested her eyes upon the large window on the side of the hall, giving her a clear access point to the night sky of Vale. The girl smiled softly as she looked in amazement at the shining stars that filled the twilight heavens. She would never get tired of seeing something as beautiful as this every night. As Ruby tried to count the stars, a thought crossed her mind.
I wonder if anyone is up there? Looking up at the sky like me right now.
As she continued to gaze at the sky, she saw a shooting star arc from the heavens, which fell towards the horizon. Without delay, Ruby performed the age-old tradition of wishing upon a shooting star, where she wished to have more friends soon in this place. With a new sense of hope within her, she then calmly fell asleep with that one last thought in mind.
I wish everything could be different tomorrow.
She had yet to find any friends, yet the girl remained optimistic about what would come in the next day. Sadly, Ruby didn't realized that the world she lived in was slowly becoming worse as the days rolled by. Whether the danger would came from within or from outside beyond of Remnant.
What Ruby didn't know at the time, was that her wish would become true. Though it would be incorrect to say that it was because she wished upon a shooting star. Yet it would be inaccurate to say that it was a shooting star at all as it was something far more different and powerful than a burning space rock grazing into Remnant's atmosphere.
"Punch it, Ordis!" He yelled as the Landing Craft docked with the waiting Orbiter. "The alarms are already off. It won't be long before the Grineer mobilize their ships."
A cracked hexahedron hologram of the ship's Cephalon quickly popped up. "Right you are Operator! I'll prepare for- imminent destruction- evasive maneuvers!"
The Orbiter fired its main thrusters as it accelerated into the eternal darkness. Meanwhile, dozens of kilometers behind the Tenno vessel, a Grineer Galleon slowly came to life as its crew were stabilizing the systems before its forward-facing weapons were coming online. As the Orbiter fled, the galleon's powerful detonite-propelled cannons fired its first few shots at the spacecraft before it.
The Tenno on board, Aaron, knew from experience that those cannons were no joke. While seemingly primitive compared to the Void ammunition wielded by some of the Tenno's landing crafts, or the plasma and energy weapons that the Corpus possessed, they were still extremely powerful and effective weapons. Not to mention much cheaper to build. All in all, the Grineer's weapon systems were capable of shattering warships like porcelain, where the kinetic energy from each strike could turn even the strongest armour and shields into piecemeal.
He gripped the arm-rest of the Somatic Link harder. "Any time now, Ordis!"
Ordis restrained himself from responding as he was busy calculating the Void Jump, it was an incredibly complex procedure, due to the convoluted and chaotic nature of the Void itself. A single error could disintegrate them, scattering their atoms across the wide expanse of the Void and normal space.
The ship rolled through the ocean of emptiness, dodging the frighteningly accurate streams of detonite-propelled ammunition that were flying at it.
Aaron closed his eyes, praying that the Orbiter could make it through this. Normally the Orbiter was always in the Void, but the fact that he had to extract some power cores from this Grineer ship meant that they needed something a bit bigger to carry them.
"Done!" Ordis cried as the humming built up to a high-pitched whine. "Operator, please prepare for Void Jump." The Tenno sighed with relief, the Orbiter would be fine. He would live through this to—
Any thought he had now vanished in an instant as a powerful "clang" echoed through the vessel. Ordis quickly cried out again. "A hit on port side! Void Jump no longer recommended!"
"JUST DO IT!" Aaron screamed. He was well aware of the risks, but if they stayed a second longer, they would be dead anyways.
There was an infinitesimally small pause and a high whine broke out as a powerful surge of energy propelling the Orbiter into the Void. As a result of the damage on the hull, the Void travel became imperfect and rough, creating an aggregated marriage of the high sheering forces produced by the combination of the lateral acceleration in the Void and the yank of gravity inside the ship.
Because the Zariman suit wasn't designed to withstand the high forces of acceleration, Aaron felt the strain on his body as the g-forces were beginning to pull blood from his head down into his legs. He could only remain conscious for a few seconds before he blacked out.
Aaron got up immediately as the Orbiter bucked again, almost disoriented as blood rushed back into his head.
A distant roaring sound echoing throughout the interior of the ship quickly caught his attention. Activating a holographic screen interface before him, the Tenno took a quick check of the Orbiter's status. What he got stunned him- the vessel was flying into a planet's atmosphere and the entire hull was burning up, its energy shields were inactive. At this altitude, the wind currents were getting extremely turbulent, sending his craft, as well as himself, hurling around like some kind of demented merry-go-round.
"Ordis! ORDIS!" The Tenno yelled out into the dead air of the Orbiter.
Yet no response came to him. The forceful Void jump, along with the damage they sustained must have sent the Cephalon into hard shutdown. And without Ordis, Aaron had no way of controlling the Orbiter. Or, at the very least, no way of saving himself from getting turned into Void-infused pulp planetside.
After all the adventures I've gone on, it would be a pretty sad way to go.
After the faulty Void Jump, both the Orbiter and Landing craft had accidentally transferred out to normal space and headed towards a planet. While the Orbiter certainly was capable of planetary flight, it was not designed for free falling through a planet's atmosphere for minutes on end.
As he continued to berate himself for his stupidity, he fervently looked over the limited controls in his Somatic Link pod. There's nothing on the pod that he need to. He needed something, anything to restart—
By the Void, I'm stupid.
There was a way to save himself and that was by restarting the ship's Cephalon. Of course, the only way to do that was with the AI control panel at the top of the ramp.
Steeling himself, he took a deep breath and disengaged the Pod and somewhat ungraciously flopped to the warm floor of the Orbiter. Despite recovering greatly after spending centuries in his pod within the Reservoir, he still couldn't run nor walk properly for too long. And in the turbulent environment he found himself in, he couldn't do anything more than just crawl.
Foot by foot, he clawed his way out of the Transference Room and up into the Arsenal compartment. The Foundry was chiming with completed orders that he never had time to claim, and the Mod station was quiet. As he stopped to catch his breath, he took a glance at the altimeter on the small, rectangular holo-projection appeared before his eyes. He was only 5 kilometres above the ground at that point.
Numbers and equations quickly flowed through his head. Speed, gravity, distance, acceleration. In a second, he figured that he had about two minutes before he was turned into a Tenno pancake. Grunting with exertion, he continued crawling up the ramp to the Landing Craft and the Cephalon control panel at the top.
With a relatively Olympian effort, he grasped the ramp's surface and pushed himself to his feet. As he arrived at the station, Aaron was faced with a myriad of holographic controls at the spot. Years of managing the Cephalon manually were imprinted into his nerves, and his fingers danced across controls. Vibrant images flashed before him before disappearing.
Finally, the last button popped up, displaying the confirmation he needed to restart the Cephalon. Exhausted, the Tenno felt that he was about to collapse to the floor from the strenuous climbs he had to make. Without further delay, he smacked his palm into it.
There was a loud static sound produced inside the Landing Craft and a clear voice promptly emanated from the intercom.
"Hello! I am Ordis. Ship Cephalon, Caretaker of the Tenno, Series 2 Cephalon of the Oro-"
"Ordis!" Aaron wheezed. "Cut the intro. We have a problem!"
"Oh Operator! You're alive! It's good to see that the Void Jump wo- oh my!"
Ordis must have realized that in a few seconds, they would have slammed into the ground. At that moment, Aaron was grateful that he had fallen to the floor as Ordis proceeded to engage every single thruster on the Orbiter to keep them aloft. In a deceleration that would have killed most, the vessel went from terminal velocity to zero in under 3 seconds.
Thanks to his Void-infused physiology, Aaron survived, though left breathless for the second time in 2 minutes.
"Ordis. Please warn me before you do that again."
If a holographic diamond could look abashed, Ordis probably would have. "I am so sorry, Operator. Ordis was just trying to- kill of the weakling-protect the Operator's well-being."
Aaron sighed in great relief. Now that he wasn't in life threatening circumstances, he pulled himself to his feet and staggered back to the Transference Room for the Somatic Link, welcoming it's comforting embrace. Closing his eyes, he felt his consciousness reach out to connect with the Warframes currently in storage.
However, something was wrong. He couldn't sense the Lotus anymore. Frowning, he directed some of his attention to the ship's external cameras. Looking below, he came upon a strange sight.
The world they were hovering on looked like planet Earth of old, long before the Orokin Mega-Flora turned the planet into a towering garden. "Ordis, where are we?"
He heard the Cephalon's voice in his mind through the Somatic Link. "Unknown, Operator. This- wretched- planet has not been logged on any database. Neither Orokin, Tenno, Grineer nor Corpus. It's a complete unknown."
From the sound of it, that couldn't be good for them. As of now, the Orbiter was flying high above the planet in the orbiter while Aaron was observing, studying the new terrain below. So far, the scanner hadn't yet to detect any life forms. However, the Orbiter wasn't designed as a reconnaissance vehicle. It could do the job well, but the Warframes themselves were capable of gathering data with much efficiency and effectiveness.
Which was why he was going to send one down there.
"Ordis," Aaron called.
The Cephalon's holographic form popped up again. "Yes, Operator?"
"Prepare the Scimitar. We got some recon to do."
Without a word, Ordis disappeared. Aaron could hear the hum beneath his feet as the Scimitar Landing Craft powered up. If there were hostiles on this planet, he would need the Scimitar's Void missiles to provide cover fire. He reached out to the Arsenal and picked out his 'avatar'.
He decided on Excalibur Prime among the Warframes, a rare commodity even among the Tenno. Such Warframes of its kind were reserved for those who were once the first Tenno. For its weapons, he picked a Lanka for long range engagements, a Mara Detron shotgun for close range skirmishes and a venerable Nikana Prime. The weapons were leaning towards the 'shoot first, question later' spectrum of lethality. The Tenno was dealing with an unknown situation here and he would prefer not to draw too much attention from the local inhabitants while gathering data.
Both the weapons and Warframe of his choosing digitized themselves in the Arsenal segment. He placed them onto his Warframe's magnetic holsters before allowing the weapons to disappear into the localized Void Space Bubbles generated over each Frame.
Aaron fully immersed himself into the Transference process and felt his soul and consciousness merged with Excalibur Prime. When he opened his eyes again, he was looking through the Warframe's perspective. He was the Warframe.
The chaotic, menacing and twisted Void Energy flowed through his appendages as he felt the incredible power surged through him. The Tenno had been trained in the way of Madurai, using unrelenting force to destroy a target at its heart. He was ready for anything that would come next as he approached the Landing Craft that was waiting for him.
It was time to meet the neighbours.
A/N - Well this chapter was quite short, but I mostly made it to introduce the main character of Warframe. Next chapter is in the works, and it will be out soon. Can't wait to see you guys there!