I am amazed at the lack of Kumagawa crossover fics. I find him to be an interesting character.

but anyway...

Chapter 1 "What a strange fellow"


Was the only thing he was seeing.

Blood, guts, limbs, heads. The disgusting stench that came from the corpses and the blood was sickening.

He could also see the fire. Everywhere. In the houses, on the field, the people that were being burned alive.

The scream. Deafening screams full of agony, pain, sadness, and hate. It was the only thing he could hear.

His village was destroyed. Everything he loved was lost. His fate was also probably sealed. Because the imperial army found his hiding place.

He was shivering. Whether it was fear, cold, or hate, he didn't know.

He only knew…

Is that he was in trouble.




「What a distant memory…」Said a boy in his seventeenths. He had average stature and brown hair. He was wearing a white, high collar jacket over a tan sweater vest, a pair of black pants and combat boots. He had a short sword strapped to his belt.

「I wonder if those two are already at the capital.」 By those two he refers to his two companions, Sayo, and Ieyasu, who were accompanying him until the 3 got separated after a bandit attack.

He was minding his own business until he heard a scream coming from a road walk.

"EARTH DRAGOOOOOOOON!" They were the scared shrieks from a caravan.

「Oh! An Earth dragon!」The boy exclaimed excited 「Wonder what an overgrown lizard is doing near a road!」He was smiling.

His smile was blank, so like his eyes. They were devoid of any emotion.

"UOOOOOOOHHHH!" He could see the merchants running away from the danger beast that was preying upon them.

「mm…. What should I do?」He wonders if he should save the poor merchants or just continue his way.「I think I should establish myself as the main character of this history doing something heroic and awesome. I could also use the occasion to present myself to the audience! 」He was spouting nonsense, as always.

「Here I go!」He then rushed to the place in question, passing the merchants who were running away from the fearsome beast.

"What the hell?! Go back, kid!" one of them shouted. He didn't pay any mind and kept approaching the dragon.

He grabbed the sword on his belt and unsheathed. With his sword in hand, he jumped towards the danger beast.

He dodged the incoming blow doing a backward somersault and tumbled in the dragon's extended claw.

「It's over! ULTIMATE NORMAL YET POWERFUL SLASH!」He slashed the dragon's face in one neat cut.

He landed while the creature at his back was falling, spouting blood from his mortal injury.

The merchants were impressed and awed at the display of ability that the brown haired kid showed. "A-Amazing." one of them said.

"That was amazing, young boy!" "You actually defeated a danger beast single-handed!" The pair of merchants approached the warrior that was standing in front of them.

「Hello there, unimportant characters! That? It was nothing!」The boy said excitedly.

…Unimportant characters?

「My name is Tatsumi, by the way! Going to the capital to make it big and round!」He continued his introductory speech.

The merchants noticed it and asked: "So you want to make it big in the capital?"

「Being successful in the capital is this country boy loser's dream!」he said happily.

The merchants locked eyes. They were troubled. It was better to tell him what the empire was.

"The imperial…is not the dreamy place you think. It's lively but there are a lot of monsters more vicious than this earth dragon."

「Is people, right?」

He knew?!

"I-If you know, why are you going there?" they were again surprised.

「Because I'm supposed to meet certain people there. Also, there are monsters everywhere. Best to go to a place where you are certain that monsters lurk on everyday basis!」he exclaimed dramatically.

His reasoning was…interesting.

「By the way, can you be bros and take me to the capital? Pretty please?」




He was at the entrance. Whether he saw, people were roaming the streets. It was lively alright.

It was completely different from the villages he visited. They were nice, quiet and peaceful.

There were a lot of people moving, many business and restaurants open and merchants with their posts on the street. Summary: Shit ton of people.

Which means it will be difficult to find two plain looking guys like Sayo and Ieyasu. He sighed. Maybe they are already enlisted in the army and were waiting for him on the barracks.

「Well here I go! To enlists and gain money to make my fantastic dreams true!」He said excitedly.

*in the barracks*

"You are an applicant too?" Said an uninterested man with bags under his eyes, the ones that showed how many fucks he gave to the actual task. "Then fill this form and bring it back to me."

Tatsumi was looking at the form blandly, his smile never leaving his face. 「Does this means that I start as a foot soldier?」

He looked at Tatsumi like he was stupid. Sometimes he is "That's obvious, right? The also are sent to remote regions."

「Welp. Nobody cares.」He scrunched the paper and threw it to the man's face「Have you seen a brown-haired dude with a bandana on his forehead and a girl with long black hair and an accessory in the form of a flower on her head?」

"The fuck?!" he was angry because the paper went into his right eye "NO! and I don't give a fuck about it!"

「This show how useless you are and why are you stuck here doing grunt job and listening to me.」Tatsumi sighed and raised his arms in negativity.

The next thing he knew is that he was being thrown out.

"If you are here to waste my time and the others, I suggest you go fuck yourself, you fucking brat!"

「So much abuse of the F word.」he lamented. 「Bummer. Where would Sayo and Ieyasu be?」

"Hey there!" As he was sitting on the floor, thinking about where two ordinary guys could be, he heard a singsong voice coming from his back. As he looked up, he saw a magnificent sight.

A big pair of boobs were being gazed from underneath.

"You seem troubled, young lad. Should this onee-san give you a hand?"

He saw a young woman with short blonde hair with two long bangs that framed the sides of her head and golden eyes. The woman was wearing a revealing outfit with a scarf around her neck. Her figure was something that many women would kill for have it.

「Nice! So this is the capital!」He exclaimed, giving a thumbs up.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Then her face lit up and he could swear that a light bulb appeared above her head "Lad, You must be one of those coming to the capital from the country seeking adventure, right?"

「Wow, so is that obvious.」He wasn't surprised about this. 「By the way, nice tits.」He said the last part hurriedly.


「I mean, could you help a defenseless boy in times of disgraces?」He tilted his head innocently.

"Of course, in exchange for something…" She said, winking at him seductively.

「I don't prostitute myself. But if it's with you, maybe I could think about it.」Tatsumi had a hand on his chin.

"What! No! I was asking if you could treat me to a meal!" She was taken aback by the boy's proposition.

「Oh…well, what are we waiting for?」Tatsumi quickly stood up in a robotic fashion, which startled the blonde beauty 「Lead the way!」




They were in a nearby bar. The smell of alcohol and delicious food was entering his nostrils…

But he had more important things to think about…

「Wow, you eat and drink like a pig.」Tatsumi said, his smile never leaving his face, even if he is rude.

"You hurt me!" The woman said, while biting a piece of meat.

「I was praising you. Anyway, what is a lady like you doing in a place like this?」he decided to start a conversation.

"Curious? Sorry but this onee san has some secrets that shall not be revealed." She winked at him.

「Damn. by the way, what do you mean by giving me a hand?」

"You want to get into the army, right?" So she heard me?

「Well, kind of secondary objective but knowledge always is welcome!」

"What is your primary objective?" She asked. It was common that country bumpkins' first objective was joining the army.

「Find these two guys.」Tatsumi showed her a picture of Ieyasu and Sayo. 「Have you seen them?」

The woman saw the pictures and her face blackened. "T-These two? Are your family?"

「They are my best friends! The only ones. We embarked on this adventure to gain enough money to buy their village and be free of the democracy, imperialism, and exorbitant taxes. Joining the army was the fast way we knew, but if that doesn't work, there are always alternatives.」He picked the change on the woman's face and asked 「By the way, are you OK?」

"Yes!" she replied. She knew those two. They were the ones who went to the Harvards' manor. It's possible that they are already…She decided to shake those thoughts. "If it's about joining the army, I know a fast way to be captain in no time."

「Really?」He asked, hopefully.

"Yeah. Basically, it's all about connections and cash."

「Of course. Like every country of Latinoamerica.」

"Latinoamerica? Is that an empire?"

「Kind of. Anyway, forget about Latinoamerica. Who do I need to bribe to be captain?」

"Eh?" She was astonished at his antics. "Ah…I got a contact in the army. If you show him money, he will enlist you in his division. If you accomplish enough, the empire will ascend you to captain." But she was already accustomed.

「Love this country.」As he said that, he put a bag filled with gold coins.

"Wow, definitely enough. You've got quite a bit" she whistled.

「Killing danger beasts and completing side quest reward your efforts.」he replied normally.

"So you are strong…"

「And you a very good swindler!」He exclaimed happily.


「This country bumpkin knows swindlers at first sight!」As he said that he put the bag on the hand of the lady.


「I'm giving it to you.」

She was surprised. She tried to rob his money, only to get caught and on top of that, being given money "Why? I just tried to con you."

「Because I had a nice talk with you and you look like a good person. Also, showing me your boobs made my day!」He stood up and bowed 「Thank you very much!」

She had a troubled smile on her face.

「See you around!」Tatsumi exited the bar, everyone looking at his way. Everyone knew about the swindler. They were surprised that he was the first one that didn't fell for it. Also confused on why he gave her his money.

"…what a strange fellow" The blonde muttered, looking at the door that just closed.




「Oh no! I just noticed that I just gave all of my money to the beautiful lady.」Tatsumi was regretting giving all of his money to the lady. He was stupid, after all.

It was night and it was cold. He was contemplating if he should beg to sleep in someone's barn or just sleep on the floor.

He was wandering looking for a good place to rest. He heard some footsteps coming from his back.

"Oh! There is a country bumpkin walking around with a sword!" said generic thug number 1

"Give us that. Of course, that's an order." Generic thug number 2 erupted in a vulgar laugh.

「…」he looked at them blankly.

*five minutes later*

「This is the fifth time that this happens. This place is like a dungeon full of generic slimes. Wonder if I will meet a boss soon?」

He then decided that he didn't care and sat on the floor.

「Sleep time!」He ponders where Ieyasu and Sayo would be. If this place if filled with people like that, it's quite possibly that they already encountered one of them. 「They will be fine…at least, Sayo. Ieyasu's head is emptier than the brain of a supermodel.」He muttered, remembering the time that his brown haired friend was beaten to half-death for peeking at a female imperial squad in bath time.

He was going to sleep until the clacking of a horse and the yelling of a woman awoke him.


In front of him was a young girl who had short chest, shoulder-length blonde hair with what it seems is a fluffy ball on her head and blue eyes.

"Did you come from the country?" She asked him, softly.

「Yeah.」He replied, yawning.

"If you don't have a place to stay, do you want to come to my house." She asked him, giving him a kind smile.

「…」he was looking at the young girl blankly…then.

He started crying rivers. 「R-Really?! You would allow this country boy loser to sleep in your house, without asking for money or compensation?」It was honestly too good.

"Y-Yeah, don't worry." She never saw someone crying so much.

「I accept your offer, you kind mistress!」He kneeled in front of her 「To allow this dirty piece of crap to be in your majesty's presence.」

The miss and the guards sweatdropped at this.

'What a strange fellow…' they thought.




Tatsumi had to give it to her. That fake smile that she showed him was easily on his top ten.

How did he know?

He in on the top when it comes to fake smiles.




He had a flashback of when their journey began…

[Insert flashback label here]

"All right! We'll be on our way, chief!" Ieyasu yelled, saying goodbye to the elder chief.

"Yes… you have been improving since young. Seize the chance to be successful with those skills." The elder man said, proud of the young boys and girl.

"Leave it to us. We'll make the village wealthy." Sayo told the elder chief, confidence and determination present in her voice. "If we do that, we won't have to starve to death."

「We must be really desperate, sending these 2 guys as our only salvation, don't we, pops? I bet they can't even kill a slime without using MP.」

"Hey! If I knew what you were talking about, I would smack you!" Sayo threatened Tatsumi.

"First of all, Tatsumi, I am not your pops. Second, you are going with them. And finally, what the heck is a slime?"

「Ok.」Tatsumi walked to be between Ieyasu and Sayo, who were giving him looks of disbelief. 「What?」

"You were going to stay here?" Sayo asked him.

「Well, now that I know that Ieyasu is going, I have to go to. The miserable fool would die in the first 3 days of living in the capital if I don't go with him.」


"Yeah, he would probably break the rules and get the guillotine." Sayo said, smugly.

"I am here….you know…" Ieyasu was crying. Even he can't take this much abuse.

"Well, you are lively, all right." The elder sweat dropped at the trio's antics. "Well then, Tatsumi."

「What is it?」

"Have this, my last parting gift." He took the strange idol that the elder man had in his hand. It looked like a minotaur. "When the time comes…"

「Sell it, right?」

"NO!" he yelled at the idiot. He sighed "Keep this with you all the times, god will surely save you."

「…I don't really believe in god and such, but I believe in you and the village, pops. Thank very much!」Tatsumi bowed at the elder chief. He was really grateful for letting him stay here all these 6 years.


「Ow, my ear!」Tatsumi yelled.

He smiled at the golden trio…then he screamed.


[End flashback]

「And that's how I got here, Stan. What is your story?」

"I didn't even ask why the hell you were here. And my name is not Stan." The guard beside him was giving him a strange look.

「Should I call you generic guard number 1?」

"Let's go to the next shop!" He heard the voice of Aria, directing at the guards who looked like they were going to have a hernia in their late years.

「Damn…」"Damn…" Tatsumi and let's call him Stan, sighed.

「Her shopping is amazing. the amount is just getting silly.」

"All the girls are like that."

「Really? the one I know just grab the first thing she finds on the morning.」An imagining Sayo was screaming at him on his head that she has nothing to wear.

"Anyway, look up." The guard starts to look to an oversized palace that could be simply 10 times the size of his village.

「Humongous! Is that where the emperor who controls the country is?!」Tatsumi was surprised. It was the first time he saw the castle.

He looked at the guard, who had an uneasy look and was glancing at both sides.

「Something wrong?」

"The story is a little different. There is an emperor but he is a child right now. The one who controls the empire from the shadows is…The minister. He is the ringleader that is rotting this country." He could taste the hate, disgust, and displeasure on his voice. He must really hate this fat motherfucker.

「Does that means that the reason that my village is suffering from heavy taxation is…」

"Yeah. He milks villages from their money and when they can't pay, he makes them slaves and sold them to the best bidder."

「Does that mean that the only way to be free is to kill the fat bastard?」The moment those words left his mouth, he found himself being ushered.

"Don't say that out loud! Heads will be rolling!" The guard admonished him. He sighed and pointed to what it seems are wanted posters.


"It's a group of assassins that are rattling the whole empire. Just as their name implies, they conduct nocturnal attacks on their targets. They mainly target high-ranking or wealthy individuals on the capital." He then looked at him in the eyes. "Prepare yourself just in case."

「Okie dokie!」

"Also" he started sweating "go do something about that." Tatsumi looked at the direction that Stan was pointing and…

He saw an enormous box being carried by those poor guards. He was flabbergasted at the amount of things someone wealthy can buy…

「What an interesting training!」




Tatsumi was sleeping when his eyes opened in haste.

「This is…」he looked around. 「Bloodlust.」

Interesting, so night raid was already here?

He grabbed his stuff and exited the door. He was curious who trained assassins looked like.

「This is going to be a blast!」

He was running when he arrived at a window…and then, he saw.

Six people were standing in the air…no, wait. Thanks to the reflection of the moon, he saw threads on their feet.

「Night raid…why are they targeting this place? Because they are wealthy?」He ponders on the reasons.

He also thinks if he should just go with Aria or help the guards. As he was going to jump through the window…

A long, black haired girl descended from above. She was wearing high boots and a dark coat. What got his attention was the long katana she had on her hand. It looked different from the rest of swords he had saw.

And an armored man (?) he can't tell the gender. He or she was big and looked strong. He was carrying a spear in his right hand.

「So cool!」He liked the design of the armor.

He then saw blood splattering. 「Huh?」

In a short, swift move, the 3 guards were cut. He didn't saw how it happened because he wasn't paying attention. The entire force of guards was crushed instantly in the half-split second.

It was beautiful. The way the black haired girl moved was like seeing a choreography. There were no wasted movements and the execution was perfect.

He saw the red eyes of the woman, emotionless as… his.

But in a different manner.

"What are these people, monsters?!" Generic guard number #34 screamed, terrified. He was running when something that looked like a laser penetrated his skull, killing him.

He looked up to see a twin tailed, pink haired girl holding a pistol, looking the body of the guard with disappointment.

「Holey Moley…」Well, with the guards already dead, he didn't have any other choice.

To Aria then!




「There you are!」Tatsumi yelled when he found Aria and Generic guard number#35


"You came in the right moment! We'll run to the warehouse and wait for the guards to come." The shouted at him "You stop them in the meantime!" He ordered him.

「Shy, aren't we?」He replied in fake shock.「putting all the responsibility on me!」

He then turned to the black haired woman that was behind him. Her red eyes boring into his blank, green eyes. He took his sword out and readied his stance.

「Hey there! Is there no chance for us to talk about this?」He said.

It seems that she paid no attention to his words and lunged towards him.

「It never works.」He sighed, dejected. Before he could note it, she had a foot on his shoulder. 「Uhn?」

"Not a target" he could hear her voice mutter. The girl caught up with Aria and the guard, killing the latter in the blink of an eye. Aria fell sit on the ground, looking up to the assassin's eyes.

「Mmm…I can't let you do that!」He slashed air, as the assassin easily evaded his swing.

"You are not a target. There is no need to kill you." She said in a monotonous voice.

「You are planning to kill this girl?」Tatsumi cocked his head, still smiling.

"Uh Uh" the girl simply nodded. "I will kill you if you get in the way."

「Good to know!」He prepared his sword.

"I see…" The black haired girl muttered "Then I will eliminate."

Tatsumi widened his eyes.

Tatsumi thought that her killing intent was no joke. She was a pro, alright.

'This girl is not someone I can't currently beat with my skills…unless I use my 'special' ability. '

But he was curious. He already noticed that the noble girl smells fishy, but to get a hit on by assassins?

He blocked the incoming slash from the girl. This was going to be fun!

He slashed at her, only to be evaded by a somersault. He was kicked in the right arm, losing his balance. 「Oh no!」

The next thing he knew, is that he felt steel penetrating his skin. He looked at the place where his heart is, only to see the katana embed on his flesh.

「Gah!」He spat blood. He could feel how his strength was leaving him. There were strange characters in his hand, maybe on his whole body.

"This is a Teigu, Murasame." He heard the black haired girl explain to him "Once the sword pierces the skin, a poisonous curse spreads in the victim, killing them in seconds."

A poisoned sword that kills in one slash?

「What…a ….cheat….」

Tatsumi's vision blackened.

「Heh…」he suspired 「I am…going…to…die?」His sense of touch vanished. He couldn't feel the cold ground where he was or the pain in his chest anymore.


「I am…sorry. Sayo…Ieyasu….i fai…le…d yo..u.」he couldn't hear anymore.




「Uwoah!」Tatsumi awoke. He could feel drool leaving his mouth. He saw the pool of saliva on the table that he was sleeping.

He found himself in a classroom. Like those were they taught you alchemy and arithmetic.

This was the sight that he saw every time he died. He looked up to where the teacher's podium was.

「She is not here today?」He asked himself. Normally, 'she' would be sitting there, would mock him, and then he would see him off to the real world again.

「…Never knew she could go out.」There was anything he could do then. He walked to the door and opened it. Maybe she would be here by next time.

「Guess next time!」




Akame was watching the body of the young, brown-haired boy laying on the ground. He didn't need to die, but he was on her way. Night raid can't afford failures.

"Akame are you done?" She heard the voice of her companion, Leone. She was in using her Teigu, Lionelle. In this form, her hair enlarges and she gains animalistic traits like lion ears, claws, and a tail. Her strength, reflexes, speed, and regeneration are enhanced.

"No, he got in the way." She signalized the body of the young boy that was laid on the ground. She saw her companion's face lit in recognition. "You knew him?"

"Yeah…I tried to swindle him, but to no avail. Although he gave me money." Leone's traits softened. "He looked like a strange kid, but I didn't feel any malice on him. It's a shame that he died."

"…" Akame turned her back on the body. So did Leone, who went to catch Aria. "I am sorry…" She muttered, apologetically.

「I am not sorry!」She heard the same happy go voice from behind. She turned in haste.

Only to see…

「Oh man, so that sword had poison…what a dirty move.」The brown-haired boy was dusting himself off. Or at least moving as if he was dusting himself off.

"W-What?!" Akame's eyes widened. There was…no single trait of injury. Not even dust. She looked at the floor and her surprise turned to disbelief. The pool of blood that was on the floor disappeared.

She was pretty sure that she slashed flesh. She saw how the curse activated!

「What's with that look? Have you seen a ghost?」The boy tilted his head, asking with a blank smile.

She readied her katana to make a preventive strike.

「Hold on! I don't wanna fight anymore!」The boy frantically moved his arms in negation. 「I learned my lesson!」

"…" She narrowed her eyes at him.

「Don't you have a noble lady to catch? I will escort you!」He then started moving towards the direction Leone went. Akame was in guard.

But she followed him. He said he didn't want to fight anymore and could have killed her in that split second that her guard was down. But not because of that she will trust him immediately.




"Where do you think you are going?" Leone asked the noble lady, whom she was grabbing by her collar.

She felt the presence of her pal, Akame and turned to greet her "Took your sweet time over there?"

"I am sorry…but…" Akame's voice trailed off.

That was weird. Akame always formulates short and blunt answers… She looked uneasy.

「I have seen those boobs somewhere….Oh, I know!」That voice was familiar…

The happy tone and the excited yelling…

「We met again, nice lady!」The brown haired was waving his hand at Leone, who looked at him confused.

She saw his corpse and Akame confirmed that he killed him. Why was he…alive?

She gave Akame an inquisitive look, only to her to evade her. She didn't know what happened. She was also sweatdropping…

"Tatsumi! Help me!"

「Nein! These people want to kill you for a reason. If I deem it good enough…」He positioned his thumb under his chin and made a guillotine sign 「You are dead.」

"What?!" She was getting restless "How could you!"

"Good choice."Leone said. She would find out why the boy was still alive later, they have to deal with this sadistic piece of trash.

She approached the barn and kicked the door open…

「!」Tatsumi's eyes widened, his smile never leaving his face.

"Take a look to the capital's darkness." Leone said.

What he saw was the definition of inhumanity…

The putrid smell of the corpses, the foul stench of blood and the bodies that laid upon his eyes.

There were corpses hanging on the roof, displayed as if they were animals in a butcher shop. The look they have on them was of absolute fear, despair and some of them, unadulterated hate.

To his front, there were people barely alive. He could tell that they were infected by some diseases. He saw them on his journey. Their looks…didn't have any light of living or hope. They were groaning in pain.

"They lure unidentified people who came from the country with sweet words and subject them to their hobby of torture and toy with them until they die." Leone's cold voice was filled with disgust and contempt.

He looked back to the roof because he saw someone familiar…「Sayo…?」Tatsumi whispered, his smile never leaving his face.

"So they were the ones…" Leone muttered.

「The people in the house did this?」Tatsumi asked, his look fixated in Sayo's body. A shadow covered his face.

"That's right. The guards of the house were keeping quiet about it so they were similarly guilty."

"I-It's a lie!" Aria's yelling could be heard "I didn't know there was such a place here. Are you going to believe me, the one who saved you, or these guys, Tatsumi?!" Aria shouted frantically. He was her only ticket to survive.


"Ta…tsu…mi…?" He snapped his head to the source of the voice. He knew that voice. "Tatsumi, right? It's me…I"

「Ieyasu…」His body was covered in sores, he could see that he was barely alive. He couldn't even stand still without lean on the iron bars.

"That girl invited Sayo and me…and after we ate, we lost consciousness and we were here when we awoke…" His face distorted in a hateful glare and his teeth were grinding. "Th..That bitch! She tortured Sayo to death…Sayo…" As he pronounced her name, his voice cracked and he started crying uncontrollably…

He heard Leone gasping from behind, but didn't turn his head.

He then heard the voice of Aria "What's wrong with that…" she said in a low whisper. "YOU'RE JUST WORTHLESS HICKS FROM THE COUNTRY; RIGHT!? THE SAME AS CATTLE! I SHOULD BE FRE-" her voice was cut short…

Because something impaled her face.

Akane and Leone widened their eyes. They didn't feel any movement from any side. As if the thing just appeared. They identified the killing object as…an oversized screw?!

They looked at Tatsumi, who had his hand extended towards Aria, but his head still looking at the guy called Ieyasu.

「I have read that speech and it's variation in many fics, I just wasn't in the mood to hear it again!」He declared.

"…what?" Leone muttered.

"Heheh…That's Tatsumi for you…always spouting nonsense…BLERGH!" He then vomited blood.

「Looks who is spouting now.」

Tatsumi rushed to Ieyasu, crushing the iron bars with his bare hands, surprising, again, Leone and Akame. He took Ieyasu and was carrying him bridal style (No yaoi in this fic, sorry.).

「This is…」He recognized this disease…

"It's the last state of Luboria…" He heard Akame's voice "The mistress here enjoyed putting people on drugs and writing how they were doing on a diary…He can't be saved anymore."

「…」Tatsumi was looking at Ieyasu, with a blank smile.

His smile unnerved Akame. It didn't look like he was sad or bothered by his friend's death. In fact, when she killed him, his smile never left his face.

"You know…Sayo didn't submit to that fucking bitch, even to the very end. It was so cool…" Ieyasu had a sad smile on his face. "So for my death, this Ieyasu-sama here will keep it real."

He tightened his fist, showing a confident and proud smile to Tatsumi, who smiled back at him.

「You are not going to die, you idiot.」


「Look at your hand.」

Ieyasu thought that he was playing a goodbye prank on him, he was Tatsumi and he was weird…only to find that his hand was clean.

"What?!" Leone exclaimed, flabbergasted. Akame unconsciously gasped. When…when did he do 'that'?

Ieyasu looked at his body, to find it fully clothed…

'Like when we departed from the village!' Ieyasu exclaimed on his mind.

"What the?!" he quickly stood up.

Some instants ago, breathing needed extra effort. His hands were filled with sores and he was vomiting blood…


He was fine. He was feeling excellent. It was as if those 2 hellish days never happened.


"Sayo…" He looked at the body of his best friend. She didn't deserve that. No one deserved that.

「Now that you are fine, help me putting Sayo's body down.」The voice of his other best friend snapped him of his thoughts.

"We are going to bury her?" He asked Tatsumi, who still had his blank smile, but that didn't unnerve him anymore.

He knew that Tatsumi was eccentric and crazy but a good person. His smile may hide another buried feelings but seeing him playing around always cheered them up.

「Nope.」He heard him spout.


「Let I show you a magic trick!」




Outside the barn, Akame and Leone had their jaws dropped.

They saw how the brown-haired kid with the bandana was on the verge of death just a minute ago. He was alive only because of his willpower…

But when they blinked…he was fine.

Scratch that, he was in perfect condition. They noticed that even he had a hard time to believe that.

It seems that the other Brown haired boy, apparently called Tatsumi, healed him.

"Do you think he has a Teigu?" Leone asked her partner.

"I…I don't know," Akame replied, hesitantly. "If he has a Teigu, he never used it in our fight…"

"Akame…are you scared?" Leone teased her companion. She was smirking.

She gave Leone a death glare for even implying something silly like that. She had her pride.

But there also the alien feeling that the brown haired boy gave her. Or it was just the blank smile that never left his face?

"It seems that they are putting the body of their other friend in the ground…" Leone said.

"Are they gonna bury her?"

"Better not, we do not have that kind of time. I am gonna tell them-" She was cut short because of a shriek that came from the barn.

"HOLY FUCK!" Their heads snapped at the scream of Ieyasu. "SAYO!"

They rushed to the two boys…

Only to find…

"What…" Akame started

"The fuck?!" Leone finished.

Ieyasu was crying like there was no tomorrow on his friend's chest.

「You are staining my coat with your snot.」He was admonishing him, his freaking smile still there.

The 'body' of their friend Sayo…

Minutes ago, she was hanging on the roof, she was a bloody mess and she was naked…also, one of her legs was missing.

"Tatsumi, what did you do?!"


「A magician never reveals his secrets…or maybe I will tell you later.」Tatsumi was carrying their friends 'body'. 「Lets just get out of here. If Sayo wakes up, it could trigger some kind of traumatic memory or something. I don't really know that much about psychology」

"Hold on!" They directed their looks to the blonde, who just yelled.

「What is it?」

"W-W-What do you have on your back?" Akame was now actually scared.

「What? Oh silly, this is just my friend.」He signaled with his head a sleeping Sayo.

"But she was dead! We all saw her corpse!" Leone shouted, checking one, two and three times if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

The Sayo that Tatsumi had on his back was fully clothed, her skin was clean and she had her two legs. They could hear her breathing, corresponding to the one of a sleeping person.

None of this made any fucking sense!

「How troubling. Even if I explained to you what I did, it would take time, time that we don't have.」He tilted his head while he answered.

He passed the two gaping girls and went outside.

"Wait!" Ieyasu ran behind him.

Akame and Leone followed suit. They were going to find out who the hell was this guy.

And Leone had other plans on mind concerning him.

「By the way, Sisters, do you have a place to rest?」




"So they are finally back…" Bulat said…

"It'd be bad if we don't retreat soon…" Lubbock said…

"You are late! What were you doing!" Mein yelled, angry at her partners' irresponsibility.

「Not so loud! We have people sleeping here!」An unknown voice said.

"What? Who the hell are you?!" Bulat and Schele prepared their weapons and Mine aimed at the source of the yell.

「Can't you see? I am the main protagonist of this history! It doesn't matter that the title has Akames's name on it!」A brown haired boy screamed from below.

'What?' they thought.

"Calm down Mein, he is with us." They heard Leone's voice coming from behind.

"Leone?" Lubbock asked. "what did it take you so long?"

"Who are they?" Mine signaled Tatsumi who was carrying Sayo and the other boy who was hiding behind him, Ieyasu.

「Don't worry, Ieyasu, look at their faces, they look completely harmless!」He directed his look at the armored man and the woman with the giant scissors…「Well…most of them.」

"Presentations are for later," Akame said. "For now, let's go back to the base."

「Yeah, dudes. Lets go!」Tastumi exclaimed excitedly.

"WAIT!" They heard Mine's shout. "Where the hell do you think you are going?!"

「Oh man. By your hairstyle, angry yelling and the complete flatness of your chest, I am guessing that you are a type A tsundere.」Tatsumi concluded.

Leone, Lubbock, and Ieyasu covered their mouths to avoid a full blown laugh.

Akame, Schele, and Bulat had their eyes wide and their jaw dropped.

"What…the fuck did you say?" Mine growled at the newcomer.

「Don't worry! I think that flat is justice.」He looked at Mine's thunderstruck face.「FLAT IS JUSTICE!」he shouted.

"That's it!" She activated Pumpkin "YOU ARE DEAD!" he aimed at the smiling bastard's head.

「You will never take me alive!」Tatsumi dodged the incoming blast to his head and started jumping with Sayo on his back.

'What a strange fellow' The other members of night raid thought in unison.

I wonder if I did it right. Your criticism is my way to get better. don't hold back. If you spot grammar mistakes, please tell me.

See you later! and eat your vegetables!