Just Dance

Author's Note: This is a female Sasuke x Naruto story. Her name will be Suki and Sasuke was born female in this AU. If either of those things bother you, you might want to turn back now. This idea was given to me by one of my most loyal Suki x Naruto reviewers. The idea is simple. Instead of being ninjas, most of the Naruto cast is somehow involved in the music industry. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and all reviews are appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit off of any of my stories.

Chapter Notation: I like some pop and country, but I figure that Suki would generally avoid the genres like the plague. No offense intended to anyone that loves those genres. I'll try to add as many types of music, as I can later on. Oh and there is some swearing & suggestive commentary. But this is rating M, so I think you can all handle it. ^^.

Chapter One

"She's so going to kill you, Kakashi. You know Suki will do anything but pop and country." Suigetsu warns the band's agent.

Chidori was one of the hottest bands out there right now. It had four members. Suigetsu was the drummer. Jugo was the guitarist. Karin was a singer. Suki was the lead singer. They had dabbled in most music genres. If you had to classify them, rock or even punk might be the most accurate description.

"What am I going to kill him for?" Suki as she saunters in and eyes Kakashi suspiciously.

"Kakashi wants us to perform with Rasengan at the Music Awards." Karin says.

"Rasengan? But they are a pop group." The brunette says.

"I say we do it. We are constantly battling them for the number one spot on the charts. It'd be a big hit." Jugo offers.

"Their good. I can't deny they have talent. But their music is purely dance music." Suki mutters.

It was true. Rasengan was an extremely talented group, particularly their lead singer. Naruto Uzumaki had an amazing range. Somehow he could make dance songs sound…meaningful than they actually were. Their songs were all catchy, but generally they were just about feeling good. Suki preferred her music to have more meaning.

"Chidori has done dance music as well." Kakashi points out.

"We usually put at least two or three dance songs on each record, but it's not our trademark." Suki counters.

"Exactly. This is just one song performance at the show. Purely about giving the fans a good time." Kakashi says.

Suki still wasn't a fan of pop. She sighs. There was no denying that Chidori and Rasengan fans often overlapped. Which Suki found odd considering how different the groups were. The fans would certainly eat it up. Well at least it wasn't country. Yuck.

"It's just one song?" She asks.

"Just one song." Kakashi confirms.

"Tell her the best part." Suigetsu says with a smirk.

"Kakashi, what did you do?" Suki growls and suddenly she just knew that she was going to want to strangle their silver haired agent soon.

"Well it's a duet. It could be construed as…romantic in nature, particularly with some of the dance moves." He says nervously and he ducks.

"No way in Hell. Do you hear me Kakashi? I'm NOT going to get dry humped for three or four minutes at the award show, while singing some slutty lyrics!" She snarls at him and tries to smack him, but Kakashi had already dodged.

Kakashi gulps and backs away from the very furious singer. He knew this was going to happen. But honestly, it really was for the good of the band. Still, Suki was glorious in her fury and he wasn't planning on dying today.

"I know you wouldn't do that. Don't worry, the dance moves aren't just an excuse for a cheap grope." He assures her.

"Sappy love song or slutty?" She demands.

"Neither. Though I would say it leans more erotic in nature. Combative erotic." He says.

"Combative erotic? Is that a thing?" Suigetsu asks.

"It is for this song." Kakashi says with a smile.

It was an intriguing description. Kakashi was usually accurate in how he described a song. She did wonder what could trigger such a label from him. The man had a high bar for what he considered to be eroticism. It was a rare day when she didn't see him with one of Jirayia's adult novels in his hand.

"It was written by Jirayia, wasn't it?" She asks.

"Perceptive as always. Yes. He's not only an amazing author and band manager, but he also writes songs occasionally." The masked man admits.

"He is a legend in the music industry. A Sannin." Jugo points out.

The Sannin were famous throughout the world. Even after the band broke up decades ago, the individual members were still icons in the music industry. Tsunade had produced some of the most romantic ballots that Suki had ever heard. Orochimaru had a natural talent for the darker side of music. And Jirayia, well…his songs were very sensual to put it mildly.

Being allowed to sing a Sannin's song, was the dream of many musicians. It was the musician's version of going to the Olympics. Almost no one could do real justice to a Sannin song.

"That's fighting dirty. You know that I can't turn down singing a Sannin song." She mutters.

"I know. Which is why I have booked us a recording studio for this afternoon to meet with Rasengan for practice." He says cheerfully.

"Damn you got suckered!" Suigetsu says and Suki shoots him her best Deathglare.

If looks could kill, he would be dead. Forget about six feet under, he would be six thousand feet under. The youngest Uchiha had honed her Deathglare to perfection. Suigetsu wisely decides to shut up.

"Well this should be interesting." Karin says.

Meanwhile Jirayia heads off to visit Naruto. He knew the kid was going to be over the moon with this one. The white haired man suspected his Godson had a crush on Chidori's lead singer.

They had never actually met, as far as Jirayia knew. But he had seen the way that Naruto's eyes lit up when one of Chidori's songs came on the radio and the way they'd follow her when they made an appearance on tv.

He couldn't blame Naruto. Suki was certainly stunning. But she was also a highly private individual. Almost nothing was known about her personal life and it looked like she intended to keep it that way. Maybe Naruto was just attracted to her because he viewed her as so unobtainable.

"Well perhaps not completely unobtainable." He smiles to himself as he remembered the conversation he had with Kakashi earlier.

"Well I have to admit, it would certainly make a big splash. Your group is very gifted. I wouldn't mind them using my song." Jirayia had told Kakashi.

"Thank you. Suki will be stubborn at first. She's never been that fond of pop. But I think for Rasengan and to sing your song, she'll make an exception." The silver haired man replied.

"Why Rasengan specifically?" He inquired.

"She's never come out and said it, but I know that she does respect Naruto as a vocalist." Kakashi told him.

"Well that's always good." He says.

"So I'll talk to them. I expect we'll be able to meet you for rehearsal in the studio this afternoon." His friend said.

"Excellent. I'll let the band know. We are going to rock the musical world with this one. It'll be just like old times. I wonder if I can get Tsunade to attend." He mused.

"Possibly. You know how much she adores Naruto." He said and the two men hung up.

"Hey, kid! I'm here and I have big news." Jirayia says as he rings the doorbell.

A few seconds later, Naruto opened the door. He grins when he sees the "Pervy Sage" and lets him in. He had been watching tv in the living room, so Naruto had been close to the door when it rang.

"What's the big news?" He asks.

"I talked to Kakashi. He thinks he can get Chidori to agree to perform with you guys at the Music Awards. Hopefully, we can start rehearsing this afternoon." He says.

"Wow! Really? That's amazing! How'd you do it? I don't think I've ever heard them sing a pop song before." He observes.

"Well we haven't done it yet. But you know, no one can resist singing one of my songs." He says smugly.

"Yeah, that's true. This is great!" Naruto beams.

Naruto couldn't believe the Pervy Sage had managed it. Chidori rarely teamed up with other bands or singers for duets. Leave it to Jirayia to pull off a miracle.

He couldn't lie. Naruto was really excited to meet Suki Uchiha. She had such a gorgeous voice. It could do everything from heartbreakingly sad, to furious, to sassy, to seductive, and the whole nine yards. You had to respect a vocalist that didn't just stick to one or two areas and was willing to push the envelope. Most people developed a trademark sound and that was it, these days.

"Well I just wanted to let you know. I still have to tell Gaara, Sakura, and Hinata about this." He says with a smile.

"Yeah. Of course! This is going to be so awesome!" Naruto says.

Later that day, Suki heads to the recording studio. The youngest Uchiha was a perfectionist. So she normally showed up early for recordings to make sure everything was set up the way she liked it. The brunette fully expected to be the first one there. So she was surprised when she wasn't.

Blue. His eyes were really blue. Bluer than the ocean. That was the first thing she thought when she saw Rasengan's lead singer up close.

Of course, she knew he had blue eyes before this. She'd seen him on tv and at a few other award shows, though they hadn't actually talked. But seeing them up close, well the effect was nothing short of stunning.

"Hey. Guess I'm not the only one who is here early." He says and offers her a warm smile.

"Guess not. Naruto, right?" She asks.

Suki pretends that she wasn't sure. The last thing she needed was for him to think that she was some sort of fan girl. She admired his vocal abilities and he was definitely attractive. But that was all, it wasn't like she had his poster on her wall. Suki Uchiha did not fan girl, ever.

"Yeah and you're Suki?" He asks and tries not to shiver.

There was something about the way she said his name. It sounded so exotic. The way she accented each syllable in that velvety voice of hers. Every word she said almost felt like a silken caress to his ears. Naruto decided to ignore the fact that words didn't have a texture because the description seemed so accurate in this case.

"Mhm." She says and Naruto noticed a lull in the conversation, neither seemed to know what to say.

"This is kinda a first for you, isn't it?" Naruto asks good naturedly.

"What do you mean?" The Uchiha woman replies and cocks her head to the side adorably in confusion.

"Well I don't think I've ever really heard you sing a love song before. You've done sad songs, angry songs, dance songs, inspirational, and even holiday songs, but…not love songs." He answers.

"You seem to have followed my career pretty closely for someone who wasn't sure what my name was." She states in amusement.

Suki decides to take advantage of his flustered state to get a better look at him. He was fairly tall, she guessed around six feet, maybe 6'2. His hair was spiky and golden in color. His eyes were definitely his best feature, she noted again. Naruto had sun kissed skin and it was the dead of winter. So she supposed his tan was likely natural.

"Well…I know your face and your band, but I kinda suck at names." Naruto says.

Suki figured they were about the same age. He definitely had the body of an athletic 20 something. Broad shoulders and well defined biceps could be seen. He was wearing a black t shirt and orange pants.

Orange was not a color she usually liked, but it suited him somehow. Maybe it was the fact the orange pants hugged his ass rather nicely, that was making her more…receptive towards the loud color than normal. He had a great ass. Naruto must go to the gym fairly regularly, she decided.

"You are a horrible liar. But you're right, I haven't done love songs before." She concedes.

"Is there a reason for that? Like do you have a jealous boyfriend or something?" The blonde dares himself to ask.

She merely shakes her head no. Suki heads to check out the settings on the studio equipment. The other singer seemed to know her way around the boards, judging by the look of concentration on her face.

"That's good. So why do you avoid them then?" He asks, feeling oddly emboldened at her answer.

"Who says I'm avoiding them?" The ruby eyed woman counters.

"Chidori's been around for three years. The odds of your not singing a love song in all that time, are almost zero…unless you are purposely avoiding them." Naruto answers.

"Well there goes that dumb blonde stereotype." She muses.

"Hey!" He protests.

"Relax, it was a compliment." Suki assures him.

"A backhanded one." He grumbles.

"Of course. I wouldn't want you to get a bigger head. Your ego already gets enough stroking from your fan club without my help, I'm sure." She says with a sly smile.

"Hey, you can stroke as much as you want! Stroke away." He says and then mentally winces, that came out wrong.

His brain decided it came out very right though and provided him with some rather…erotic images of what else she could stroke. The blonde supposed it was only natural. Suki was beautiful. He knew the term Gothic Goddess had been applied to her a lot and for good reason. She definitely wasn't a Goth, but she had that whole Dark Beauty thing down.

"I'm sure your girlfriend would be thrilled to hear that." Suki says.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" Naruto asks in confusion.

"The dancer in your group. The blue haired one." She replies and honestly, the woman's name escaped her at the moment.

"Hinata? You think that I'm with Hinata?" Naruto asks.

"The press seems to think so. She is beautiful and you are from the same band." Suki says and shrugs.

"Hinata is great and everything but, she's like a sister to me. We grew up on the same block." Naruto says.

Suki nods. She glances at the clock. The brunette didn't want to seem too interested in his personal life. She liked to keep things professional with her fellow musicians and she didn't want him to think that she was hitting on him.

"But seriously, why do you avoid love songs like the plague?" The blonde insists.

"I prefer to sing about what I know." She answers evasively and then it clicked.

"I prefer to sing about what I know." Suki was saying that she didn't sing love songs because she had never been in love. He blinks and tries to process that. It was incredibly…sad.

"You've never been in love?" He asks.

"You just met me about twenty minutes ago. Don't you think that question is a bit personal to ask someone you barely know?" Suki effectively "blocks" that topic.

Naruto she had a point. But there was something about her that made him want to know these things. He blamed it on her voice and those eyes of hers.

Suki's eyes had always fascinated him. Most of the time they were obsidian black. Her face was generally neutral. You couldn't tell what she was feeling if she wasn't singing. But her eyes said it all.

Sometimes, usually when she was on stage, they would turn ruby red. At first he thought they were contacts that she wore to performances, but apparently they just naturally changed color. She had said so in an interview once.

"Suki, thank you for being with us today." The interviewer had said.

"Thank you for having me." She replied and Naruto noticed she hadn't said she was happy to be there, like most people would have.

"Some of your fans are rather concerned for your health. There is a rumor going around that you have an illness that is causing your eyes to turn red at times." The interviewer continued in a concern voice.

"That rumor is inaccurate. My eyes naturally change color. There's nothing medically wrong with them. It's a genetic mutation, but a harmless one. I thank my fans for their concern and support, but I am perfectly healthy." She answered.

"Oh excellent. Now there have been some rumors that you are dating Suigetsu. Is that true?" She asked.

"It's not. If you're intention was to interview me about my love life, I will leave right now." Suki told her and the interviewer wisely changed the subject, getting an interview with Suki was nearly unheard of and having her walk off in the middle of it would have been the ultimate humiliation.

Naruto admired her ability to lead the press around by the balls. It was impressive and a little scary. He'd never seen anyone else that could scare them into submission like that.

"Well we are going to be singing together. That's really personal." The blonde argues.

"True. Looks like our band mates are finally dragging their lazy asses in." She muses as Karin, Jugo, Sakura, Gaara, and Hinata head inside the room.

"There you are!" Naruto cries out at the other members of Rasengan.

"Sorry, Naruto. We got stuck in traffic." Hinata explains.

"Ah yeah. Traffic can really be a pain." Naruto agrees.

"Just warning you guys right now, Suki probably has already set everything up. She's like obsessive about how she likes the studio set up." Suigetsu warns them.

Gaara heads over to the board and checks. Hmm, she might be obsessive. But he didn't mind how she had set it up. He makes a few minor tweaks.

"I'd reduce the volume by 10% during the chorus." Gaara says and adjusts it, to prove his point.

This prompts the two "technies" to get into a discussion about the merits of this setting over that. Naruto blinks. He honestly couldn't follow half of that. After awhile, the red head and brunette seemed to have agreed on some sort of compromise.

"That does sound better. But 15% might be ideal." She counters and changes the setting, Gaara nods in agreement at the new setting.

Naruto took advantage of this time to continue observing his Gothic Goddess. She had midnight black hair that reached a few inches passed her shoulders with two long bangs elegantly framing the sides of her face. Her hair had a slightly feral, spiky texture to it. Suki had ivory cream colored skin, that proudly displayed her Japanese heritage. Her eyes were currently their natural obsidian color.

Suki's fashion sense had always been different than most female singers. She was decidedly "modest" compared to most of her peers. At the moment she was wearing a white long sleeved shirt and dark blue silk pants. While it was definitely not revealing, there was something about the way the fabric sensually caressed her curves, that Naruto found far more erotic than the more skimpy outfits most other singers were wearing. He supposed the imagination could be a wonderful tool at times.

"Where is Kakashi? Wasn't he supposed to be here?" A pink haired woman asks.

"Kakashi is always late. It's a good idea to tell him that you need him at least 3 hours before you do, if you want him to show up on time." Karin explains.

"I heard that." Kakashi says cheerfully as he walks in through the door, with Jirayia.

Suki makes a quiet sound that almost sounded like a snort. Naruto got the impression she was amused by the silver haired man's antics. According to Karin, who was actually his distant cousin, all members of Chidori were used to this sort of thing from their agent.

"Anyway, we were "late" today because we wanted to give you all some time to get to know each other." Kakashi says and nods.

"You were late today because you probably stopped to hit on some random woman." Suigetsu says.

"Well that to. One should always make time for beautiful women." Jirayia says with a grin, coming to his friend's defense.

Suki shakes her head. It was a miracle they ever managed to get anything done. Still, late or not, the masked man was amazing at his job. So the band members of Chidori had learned to deal with his eccentricities.

"Suki, Naruto come over here." Jirayia instructs them and they do.

"You two are going to require the most work. If you look uncomfortable with each other, it ruins the entire effect of the song." Kakashi warns them.

"You could fix that, by choosing a song that isn't combatively erotic." She says, mockingly.

"No. No. This is definitely the song that will have everyone talking about it for months. It's my best work yet!" Jirayia insists.

"So what do you want us to do?" Naruto asks.

"Well I guess we'll start with the basics. Naruto try holding her and making it look realistic. There's a mirror over there, so you can look at your facial expressions and see what works." Kakashi offers.

They stand in front of an eight foot tall mirror, with Suki in the front. Naruto places his harms around her waist. The Uchiha idly noted that Naruto's body was like a furnace. He was standing a few inches behind her, but he radiated heat. It was like being cocooned in an electric blanket.

Roses and sandalwood. That's what she smelled like, Naruto noted. She was also petite, other than her curves. For some reason, that excited him. His arms easily spanned her tiny waist and he looks in the mirror.

"We look good together." She murmurs.

Aesthetically, it was a very pleasing visual. Her fair skin and dark hair against his handsome tan, bright blue eyes, and sunny blonde hair. Naruto was a lot bigger than her, which somehow just made the visual seem even more Yin and Yang like. They were opposites in every way from a looks perspective, but blended really well together, she noted.

"Yeah." He agrees and couldn't resist burying his face into the crook of her neck, to inhale more of her scent.

"Chemistry is definitely there." Kakashi whispers to Jirayia, not wanting to be overheard.

"Kid is probably going to get smacked soon." The older white haired man observes.

Suki squirms at this gesture. Her neck had always been sensitive and she realized this could get embarrassing soon. She wiggles out of Naruto's hold and mourns the loss of his body heat. (It was after all winter and a bit chilly in the room from Kakashi and Jirayia's arrival.)

"Hey, remember there are kids at the Awards Show. You can't just start fucking on the dance floor!" Suigetsu says cheekily.

Gaara smacks his forehead. He had just met the violet eyed man, but the red head got the impression that such…commentary was part of the other man's "charm." And he was about to get his ass handed to him for it.

"Is he always such a pervert?" Naruto asks.

"Yes!" Suki, Karin, and Jugo all reply in unison.

"Why do you have to say pervert like it's a bad thing?" Jirayia inquires and heavy sighs are heard from everyone but Jirayia, Kakashi, and Suigetsu.

"Anyway, I think that we can all agree that it looked very natural. That was some damn good acting. I almost thought that you were going to throw her up against a wall and ravish her, Naruto. Very nice touch with the neck thing." Kakashi says.

"I am surrounded by idiots." Suki says and smacks her forehead in frustration.

"Oh believe me, I know the feeling." Gaara tells her.

"Kakashi! I can't believe you just said that! That was very unprofessional!" Sakura chides him.

"If there's one thing you learn about Kakashi, it is that he is the most unprofessional, professional that you will ever meet." Karin says.

"Yeah…I noticed that." The pink haired woman agrees.

Karin shakes her head. One thing was for sure, she definitely wasn't going to be bored anytime soon. The three perverts, musical collaboration, and the sexual tension amongst the lead singers was bound to lead to a very interesting awards show.

"Oh hey, Suki. We stopped by your place and picked up your mail like you asked." Suigetsu says and hands her a few letters.

"Thanks." Suki says, glancing at them.

Naruto noticed while she was reading the last one, her face went incredibly pale. She looked torn between anger and fear.

"Suki, what's wrong?" He asks.

"It's nothing." She says and tries to throw the letter in the trash, but Naruto was too quick.

Suki winces. Shit! How was she going to explain this one? Naruto definitely looked like the type who would try to play the Knight in Shining Armor. Yeah, this wasn't going to end well.

She didn't want the blonde to get involved in this. Naruto was way too nice to have to deal with something like this. But she could see by the look in his eyes, that he had seen enough. He wasn't going to drop this without an explanation. Damn it!