Hermione stared at shock at the Capulet girl who had ordered her safe journey home. Yes she would be home, safe and sound and there she would mend her broken heart. Hermione smiled bitterly her bangs soon hiding her eyes for she refused to look at The Capulet girl, for how could she forget last night...

"Romeo is Romeo alright?" Anger at the girls audicity for daring to refer to her bethrothed so casually was replaced with shock. The girl grabbed her, "Is Romeo alright?" She frantically asked, coming to her senses Hermione closed her eyes. "Stop it!" This had to be one of the girls tricks, to try to win her over, so her beloved could be led farther astray. "I heard their was an accident at Gradisca. This girl was good, but no she would not feel sympathy for her. This woman was only using her bethrothed! "Lord Romeo is my bethrothed."Yes that was true, Lord Romeo was to be her husband not the Capulet girl's! Lord Romeo WAS SUPPOSED TO LOVE HER! NOT JULIET. But the girl persisted. "Tell Me Hermione-San please. Eventually she began to wonder if it was all an act like the grand duke said. Reluctantly she told her. "The prince did receive word he is fine."She caught the girls' attention, she would not like her in the eye though. This girl was lying acting "But I wanted to see so for myself so..." She glanced towards the girl and she could see it was not a lie. The girl had a passion and love for her bethrothed even greater than hers as she cried in relief.

How could she forgot the worry, the desperation in her voice, had Romeo really been seduced or was what she had seen true love. Her head ached and her heart hurted, any second longer here and she knew she would break down in a most unladylike manner. She wanted to ram get away from here.

"Lady Juliet are you sure that's wise." She heard a male's voice ask. It was the blonde one's voice the one that proposed for her death. She looked at Juliet. The girl was about to open her mouth, but suddenly fainted and the ground suddenly shook. The plates began to fall, silver wear flew, she screamed. "Juliet." She heard the one eyed one call out. Opening her eyes she noticed the girl was breathing heavily, clapping her chest with one hand, her eyes closed it was if she was struggling to stay alive. The earth continued to shake, was the goddess angry, was she punishing the Capulet girl, she didn't know but the earth continued to shake. "Ahhhh. " she continued to scream. Oh goddess I will stay with this girl and aid her to the path of rightousness, just please stop this shaking! The earth quake stopped. The land stood still. The girl instantly woke. The butler instantly calmed down. The young girl was still hysterical, as the red haired maiden came to her, holding her trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry my lady but I deem it will take a while to get home."the butler told her. "Eh! What do you mean, Hermione asked frantically. "Their may be another earthquake." Hermione stared at Juliet's guards who were glaring daggers at her. Had the goddess chosen her to lead them to the right path. One thing was obvious though, she would be staying a while