With no resolve whatsoever to initiate the preparations for the next day, Sebastian hastily (but quietly, for the young master could not be disturbed at such an early hour), made his way to the manor's library. Of course, when Sebastian first arrived at the manor, he had made sure to peruse all of the books, (just to assure himself that he was familiar with the current epoch), but no ramifications arise out of being excessively assiduous, correct?

He picked out a red-leather bound book and started reading, already more than halfway through it. Sebastian's only hope was that the young master would finally be able to settle down and cease his perpetual demands for warm milk or tea. As of lately, the Queen had not supplied them with any new cases, and the young master was simply restless. Sebastian had tried multiple things to get him to rest, but none of them had really worked. Sebastian, being the demonic butler that he was, had faked understanding, assuaging all of the young earl's worries (although inside, he was cursing his existence, his only solace found in the impending doom of his master and the future regale his soul would serve as). Had Sebastian not been a demon and the boy not his meal, then perhaps he could have become fond of the young earl, but such a thing was not possible, considering the voracity building up in him and the young master's exquisite soul.

Having finished more than half of the books in the gargantuan library, Sebastian went to check on his (hopefully) slumbering master. What he found, however, was not a sleeping child, but a petite figure staring outside the bedroom's window. Sebastian sighed, for he knew that the young master would immediately refuse to go back to sleep once asked to do so. That obstinate child.

"Young master? May I inquire as to why you are not in bed right now?" The dark haired boy slowly turned around to look at Sebastian, the dark bags under his eyes clearly visible from Sebastian's position.

"It's not your place to question your master, Sebastian, especially not about such trivial things."

"My apologies, milord. However, I beg to differ. You seem quite exhausted, and yet you cannot sleep, young master. Is that perhaps the result of a bad dream?" Ciel looked at his butler menacingly, but only for a few seconds. After that, he turned around, letting out a forlorn sigh.

"No, it's nothing of that matter. I was just mulling over a letter I had received this afternoon." Sebastian could not recall receiving any sort letter for the young master, so he assumed that one of the other three servants (or maybe Tanaka?) had given it to him while he was out running some errands. Even if that was so, something seemed to be off. Why had the young master kept quiet about the letter until the status quo?

Ciel gingerly extended his hand with the envelope towards his butler, as if Sebastian might tear his arm right out of its socket. Sebastian took the letter, opened the envelope and started to read. After no more than a few seconds, Sebastian regarded his young master, a smirk slowly coming to rest on his face.

"It seems as though you have been dismissed from your position as Queen's Guard Dog, young master. My, however will you be able to complete your revenge now?" Ciel glared at Sebastian, clearly not pleased with his remark. Taunting his master had become one of Sebastian's pastimes, although the same thing could not be said for Ciel.

"We both know that my revenge was complete long ago, demon. So tell me: why did you not devour my soul?" Sebastian's smirk turned into a virulent smile, his fang-like teeth clearly visible from miles away. Ciel's glare only intensified, his eyes ready to blast a hole through the wall.

"I am genuinely surprised to find that you did not figure this out until now, young master," Sebastian said, earning a snarl from his master. Sebastian, clearly amused at how easily his master had taken the bait, continued with a tone that many would classify as daunting (the young master not being part of the majority, of course). "If I would've done so, then your soul would not have become one of the finest to ever graze the Earth. Although I am a bit disappointed. I would have expected you to be more reluctant to give up your life, especially to the likes of me," Sebastian said, dauntingly. He waited for a reaction in his master, but none came. How very disheartening.

"Reluctant, you say. I was not reluctant when I made the contract with you, and I shall not be reluctant now either. Just hurry up and get it over with." Perennially adamant, Ciel carried himself high, but Sebastian hoped for so much more. Where was the despair? The pleading? Nonetheless, his master's soul would still appease the intense hunger he felt, if only for a few decades. His master's figure got closer and closer to him until master and servant were only a few centimeters apart.

"Make it hurt, Sebastian. Carve the pain of my existence into my soul." Sebastian grabbed his master by the shoulders, inevitably forcing the boy to serve as a leaning post for his butler.

"Now, where would be the fun in that? I'd much rather have you wither like a flower; hopeless, alone," Sebastian whispered in his master's face, his eyes glowing a radiant magenta. "And scared." Sebastian could feel his master's slight quivers, which succeeded in coaxing another smirk on his face.

Without hesitation, he smashed his lips against his startled master's, receiving a small gasp for his efforts. He searched for his master's tainted soul, deep down inside his corrupted heart. He could already feel it inside him, penetrating his thoughts, corrupting his nonexistent heart, just by being thereā€¦

But it was only the ghost of his master's soul, no longer reachable. Sebastian stepped away from Ciel, angrily flinging him away. He turned towards the door and stormed out, leaving a shocked Ciel behind.

Why hadn't he consumed my soul? What happened?