And now, we're getting to the final chapter of this story! Anyway, enjoy!
Lincoln and his sisters watched from the kitchen as Clyde just stood in shock, watching Leni cuddling close to the teenage boy, wearing a blue polo shirt with khakis, next to her.
"B-boyfriend? B-but the note I gave you... you said I was your boyfriend!" Clyde said, clearly in shock.
"Wait, when did I ever say that to you?" Leni raised an eyebrow.
"You said so plenty of times!" Clyde said.
"Oh, well, I was thinking of George here when I was talking to you. Did you think I was talking about you?" Leni asked.
"B-b-b-b-" Clyde said in shock.
George sighed as he turned to the kid. "Look kid, I'm sure you mean well, and I appreciate you looking at a cutie like Leni..." Leni giggled a bit. "But I'm afraid she's been taken see? Any feelings she initiated with ya, it was all mutual, see?"
"B-but what about all the mentions of cuddling and how I look ni- what about all that?" Clyde asked in shock.
"Well, you went through all that trouble with that note, and I figured you wanted to have someone to hang around for the day, so I figured I would take you up on the offer. I said I would be yours, but you didn't say your what."
Clyde's mouth dropped in shock. "But how come I've never seen HIM before?"
"Well, Leni and I became a thing the other day, see? She said she would tell her siblings, but either she told one and forgot the rest, or it slipped her mind entirely." George shrugged. "With that said, I thank you for keeping her company, but let's face it, you and her were never a thing."
"I'm sorry if I mistook your intentions, Clyde. It's just... me and George have always been a thing. And he's a cute boy!" Leni smiled, holding his hand. "But I'm positive you'll find another girl... I'm just not the one you're looking for."
"...oh..." Clyde said, looking down. "I get it. All right. I'm sorry for wasting my time, Leni."
"Great, now that we got all that settled... say, Leni, want to make a visit to my house? I have a few pet rabbits that I keep around that I want you to meet, see?" George said, leading Leni out the door.
"I LOVE BUNNY RABBITS!" Leni gasped in excitement as the two walked off together. Clyde could only look out the window in hopeless despair.
All the sisters, plus Lincoln sighed in heavy relief as Lori said, "Oh, that feels so good..."
Lincoln sighed as he looked towards all his sisters. "Thanks, girls. I thought this love bit would never end."
"Anytime, bro. I'm just glad this episode is over..." Luna sighed in relief as she started to go upstairs. "Excuse me, I need to go tune up. I've got another song that I want to practice!"
Most of the sisters nodded as Lori picked up Lily and followed Luna upstairs, along with some of the other sisters. Soon, all that was left was Lincoln, Lynn, Lucy and Lola. Lincoln nodded as he was about to approach Clyde... before Lola put a hand on his shoulder. Lincoln turned as he saw the princess twin shaking her head. "I think Clyde needs to be left alone right now."
"But..." Lincoln paused... as he sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right. I don't want to make things worse. I'll wait until he's done moping."
With that, Lincoln started to run upstairs as Lola and Lucy kept watch. Lynn, still wearing the dress from before, carefully stood behind as she was clearly relieved nobody else noticed the dress on Lynn (or if they did, it wasn't a topical discussion). The crown wearing girl nodded as she turned to Lynn. "All right, all clear!"
"What do I even say?" Lynn whispered.
"Just go with the flow. That's what I do." Lola smirked as she and Lucy pushed Lynn out, making Lynn yelp.
Lynn looked a bit awkward as she started to approach Clyde, who was still looking out the window. Lynn smiled nervously as she said, "Hey, Clyde."
"Hm? Oh, hi Lynn." Clyde said, turning towards her and looking back towards the window... before his eyes went wide and turned towards Lynn as he was examining her. Lynn stood nervously. "Uh, is there any particular reason you're wearing a dress?"
"Well... see... there's this boy I was... trying to impress, but..." Lynn sighed. "But I never got the opportunity to show it off to him... you see, I had a bit of a crush on the guy, but he had a crush on another girl that never saw him eye to eye... I knew it was never going to be a thing with the guy and he did figure it out eventually... but then he fell for another girl, this one I thought was single, and I started feeling bad for myself and... I thought if I changed my looks, he would have noticed me."
"Well, I'm certainly noticing you now, and I won't deny you're good in that dress..." Clyde said, making Lynn blush. "But I'm sure the guy would have liked you for who you were... I'm sure there are a lot of people that would love to have a girl who loves sports and one who plays them as well. Believe it or not, Lynn, you don't need a fancy dress to show it off. Just show the guy your true self. I mean, I prefer the real you more than a set up version of yourself."
"You do? Oh, thank God!" Lynn sighed in relief. "I was afraid I'd have to give up my favorite sports for the rest of my life!"
"Now, why on Earth would you want to do that?" Clyde laughed... then sighed as he looked over. "Anyway, Lynn, I'm sure you'll get that guy you like..."
Lynn paused as she looked at Clyde and sat down next to him. "Listen, Clyde, I know break-ups are pretty hard right now... and I'm sorry about Leni. I wasn't there for most of your time with her, but from what I heard, you must have really liked her."
Clyde sighed. "I just don't get it... I'm a good person to hang with, I know the right words to say... and yet I can never hold a steady girlfriend to save my life..."
"Hey, now, I'm sure that's not true." Lynn smiled. "I know things are down right now, but as soon as you face the music, I'm sure the right girl will come to you..."
"Face the music..." Clyde paused as he looked down. "That's a new one..."
At that moment, a small melancholy tune played up from upstairs as Luna's voice was heard singing a little bit. One of the slow rock tunes before it goes fast. Clyde paused as he looked up at the night sky. "You know, Lynn... maybe I've been looking towards the wrong Loud sister..."
"What do you mean?" Lynn asked, turning to Clyde.
"Well, while Lori and Leni were beautiful in their own ways... they don't compare to a certain sister... and not only has she been really nice, she's also pretty spontaneous." Clyde smiled as Lynn raised an eyebrow as her lips started to form into a smile. Lola and Lucy watched from the corner, looking giddy with excitement. "She can pull something when you least expect it, but it's fine, because it's all in what she does. You're right, Lynn. I should face the music! And I believe that I am in love!"
"Oh, Clyde!" Lynn gasped in excitement as she held out her arms.
"...with Luna Loud!" Clyde jumped up in excitement.
Lynn was still holding her arms out as she stared in shock, the huge smile still on her face. "...what?"
"I mean, listen to that music up there! It can only be matched with the beauty of Luna! And I think I know how to approach her!" Clyde smiled. "Thanks, Lynn! I needed that advice! And be sure to take mine! Just remember, that guy you like... I'm sure he'll like you if you're just yourself! You'll see!"
With that, Clyde started running upstairs, presumably to listen to Luna's music. Lynn's smile dropped as Lola and Lucy came over, both of them wincing. Lola gulped as she said, "Lynn... I am so... so... sorry."
Lynn paused... as she smiled. "You know what? I'm not even mad. Besides, Luna wouldn't even go out with Clyde! Her boy-crush on Mick Swagger is much more bigger than that."
"You're not upset, then?" Lucy asked.
"Nah... besides, if Clyde's going down the order of Loud sisters to crush on when he realizes Luna's already been taken... Luan's the only one before me... and I'm pretty sure that THAT won't last long either." Lynn smirked. "And once that's over... we are officially dating!"
"Good to see you've got some life goals..." Lola smiled as she said, "Well, our work here is done..."
Before Lucy and Lola could leave, Lynn grabbed both girls as she said, "Not so fast... first you're going to bring back ALL of my sports gear... and I do mean ALL... from the attic! Consider this karma for all the torture you put me through!"
Lola and Lucy yelped, looking at Lynn's angry eyes... before Lynn started laughing. "Just kidding... but seriously, I want my sports stuff back, I have baseball practice this week, and I want to find my lucky mitt."
"All right, all right..." Lola frowned as Lynn carried the two younger than her girls upstairs. "Geez, give her a makeover and suddenly she's the boss..."
"Yeah, but when Clyde and Lynn start going out... I'm pretty sure she'll start mellowing down." Lucy said as the three girls started going upstairs, ending another day in the life of the Loud House.
Orange Ratchet Story
"That's All, Folks!"
An Orange-Ratchet Production
All right, finally done with this story! What did you guys think of this story? Believe it or not, this would have been my idea of an episode of 'what if Clyde got the harsh truth that Lori would never be interested in him... and he fell for the next Loud girl in line?' Well, I figured I would try my own version of that, and while I'm sure there WILL probably be an episode focusing on THIS particular subject, I wanted to try my own approach on it. Hope you guys like the story overall, and while I am more on the Clyde x Lynn side of things, it was still pretty enjoyable, and I thought the ending I did would be more perfect to approach... I didn't just want to end it on Clyde and Lynn getting together, it would have been too easy... so I figured this approach was better! By the way, if you haven't figured it out by now, the name of Leni's boyfriend and his reference to pet rabbits would make more sense if you've read 'Of Mice And Men'. That's all for now! Anyway, thank you all for reading the story, and have a wonderful day!