My Turn To Drive

Chapter 1 (Rewritten): A Game of Cat and Mice

Author's Note: YES! Much better! Sorry guys, but the original chapter was my first fan fic writing attempt (not counting scripting comics) and I felt that it was absolute garbage. I also noticed in the numbers that the drop off from Chapter one to the rest of the chapters was pretty huge. So while it's basically the same story and the chapter ends the same way, I felt it needed a lot more humor and much better pacing and most importantly, fun. Enjoy.

Harold Housecat was a simple store clerk. He owned a small convenience store near the corner of Elk and Mane in the Downtown District. It was a simple, easy life. He was considered a friend to most in the neighborhood and got along well with all species. It's a great shame then, that this morning's usual, easy routine was interrupted by a bunch of tiny street thugs known as the "Murine Corps". They took it upon themselves to trash his place. Crawling all over the other customers feet and getting into the fermented fruit juice. Harold tried his best to make them leave, but when he threatened to call the cops on them, that's when they decided to attack.

Now, poor Harold is on the run. Speeding his car down Pawpad drive while being pursued by a mean, menacing, mob of mice in tiny cars. It's a good thing for him then, that ZPD's finest, Judy Hopps and ZPD's...not so finest, Nick Wilde were ready. Tailing behind them in pursuit with sirens blaring.

"Now there's something you don't see everyday" Nick observed from his passenger seat.. "Mice chasing a cat!"

"Not now Nick!" Judy shouted from behind the wheel. She then got on the radio to dispatch. "Officer Judy Hopps to ZPD dispatch! We have a code 1101 in progress! We are pursuing a street gang of mice who are chasing down a citizen on PawPad Drive! Requesting assistance! Copy?"

"Copuh Foody! Help if on duh way!"

Judy looked puzzled. "Foody?"

Nick chimed in, "Sounds like Clawhauser's got his mouth stuffed with donuts again."

Meanwhile, Officers McHorn and Pennington are in their squad car and received a call from Clawhauser.

"Thiff is difpatch cawwing caw 54! Com in! Offah."

McHorn wasn't pleased. He got on the radio. "Clawhauser?"


"Chew, swallow, then talk!"

Clawhauser quickly gulped down his apple fritter and proceeded to talk again. "Sorry, Car 54. Car 4416 is in need of assistance with a pursuit. Copy?"

"Copy!" Replied McHorn and he then got the radio to Judy and Nick. "Car 54 to Car 4416. We are here to assist."

"Copy!" Judy replied. "Please try to set up a road block ahead of the pursuit. Glue strips advisable. Copy?"

"Copy that!" McHorn stated and he hung up. He then looked over at his partner Pennington. "Soooo ummm... you talked to your folks about us yet?

Pennington kept her eyes on the road while driving and talked nervously. " Not yet! I'm really nervous about this!"

McHorn was a bit upset. "I don't get what the big deal is? I'm a rhino, you're an elephant. Who cares?"

"They care!" Francine shouted. "They're very traditional and want me to have children. Look, can we talk about this some other time? And PLEASE don't tell anyone about us being...y'know."

"Fine!" McHorn huffed and their ride to the road block was met with awkward silence.

Harold Housecat was swerving all over the road with the mice in hot pursuit. One of the mice shouted "We'll teach him to try and protect his business!" The mouse then jumped out his his car and grabbed onto Mr. Housecat, putting him into a huge panic. He ended up driving onto the sidewalk dodging pedestrians left and right and running over the hoof of a giraffe walking by.

Back at ZPD headquarters, Chief Bogo was watching the chaos happen on a news feed from his office. "This is a disaster." he said to himself. "And the third such rodent attack in two weeks!"

Clawhauser came into Bogo's office. "Chief? Research says they may have something."

"Good!" Bogo claimed. "I'll check it out at once!"

Bogo went down to the lab area and met with the head of research. A German shepherd named Hans with an incredibly stereotyped accent to match. Hans greeted Bogo with a smile. "Greetings, mein gud chief! Ve may have a new trap to help you wit your rrrrodent problem!"

"This better be good." Bogo huffed.

"No problems Herr chief!" Our boys at the lab have been kind enough to give me you say?...Prototype! Yes." He then uncovered a cloth set on the table to reveal a plastic prototype of his mouse trap.

"It ees a bit of a...whats ees dat word?...A 'Rude Goldfish' machine! Watch carefully!"

"I'm watching." Bogo replied.

"Just turn ze crank which snaps ze plank und kicks the marble right down ze chute. Now watch it roll und hit ze bowl which knocks ze ball in ze rub-a-dub-tub which flips the man into ze pan und...vait a minute?! ZISS IS A BOARD GAME!"


Meanwhile, Nick and Judy are still on the chase and figuring out how to get Harold off the sidewalk. Nick hangs himself out the window with a fishing net. "Get in close!" he shouts to Judy.

Judy gets the car up to the sidewalk and Nick swings at a mouse on a motorcycle, but he's too fast for the fox. Defeated, he gets back in the car.

"Did you catch one?!" Judy asked impatiently.

"Sorry! No dice...errr...mice." He then feels his smart phone buzz. He opens it and flicks his finger a few times. "But I did just catch a Charmouser!"

Judy scorned Nick. "You KNOW there's no playing 'Pokemammal GO' while on duty!"

Harold managed to finally get off the sidewalk, but still had a ton of mice in hot pursuit, nearly causing accidents in their wake.

"This is an absolute mess!" Judy told Nick. With a devilish grin, Nick replied "well Carrots, you could say it's a 'CATastrophe'."

Judy rolled her eyes at the awful pun Nick made. "UGH! Will you stop?!"

"Sorry Fluff." Nick replied and they got back to watching the carnage in front of them as they were chasing the mice.

Judy thought out loud. "I wonder why there are so persistent? Do they not see the cops trailing them?! Are they blind?!"

"At least three of them, I'm betting." Nick answered.

Judy was getting upset and gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"And you should see how they run!" Nick joked and then sang a little. "See how they run!"

Judy was getting really upset. "Enough already!" she shouted to Nick.

Nick couldn't help but add another. "What's the matter Carrots? Are my mice puns too...'cheesy'?"

Judy had enough. She looked over at Nick to yell at him only to see his face covered in horror as he stared ahead. "RABBIT! LOOK OUT!" Nick screamed.

Judy turned her head in time just to see the cargo undercarriage of the semi truck they were about to smash into at full speed.