Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. The authors are in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note #1: It is in this chapter that things will really begin to diverge from the original story, as it was in this chapter that I made the largest blunder in the original story which I now find myself needing to correct. What may you ask was that blunder? Well read and find out :D

xXx Black Blood the Rewrite xXx
xXx Arc 00: Prologue / Ch. 03: Summoning xXx

xXx Einzbern Castle, Germany xXx
xXx Wednesday, October 31st, 1990 xXx
xXx 2400 Local Time xXx

Harry stood in the middle of a large runic array holding a bizarre looking ritual dagger aloft. He glanced momentarily back at his mother, who smiled encouragingly at him, before beginning the incantation. He still wasn't sure why his Grandpa Zel had given him this particular incantation when it was clearly a slightly modified version of the one that was utilized by the Tohsaka family when summoning their servants; still he wasn't exactly about to protest the fact.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg…"

As he began the chant, a soft wind kicked up in the small room emanating from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

"The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill)."

By this point the wind had become much stronger and was causing the hair of Illya and Altrouge to be blown all over the place as they stood in the corner watching.

"Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

- I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate (doom) is in your sword."

Upon stating that portion of the ritual, the runic array began glowing a fierce red color as the magic in the array began reaching a crescendo.

"In accordance with my Will, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of balance -!"

At this point it was as if someone had opened a crate full of dry ice and dropped a bucket of boiling water on top of it inside of the room, as there was a massive amount of fog that billowed out from the middle of the runic array.

From inside of the fog, two lyrical sounding female voices simultaneously spoke out…

"Servant Caster answers…" the first voice stated.

"Servant Rider answers…" the second voice called out.

"I ask of you, are you my Master?" the two voices said simultaneously.

Altrouge groaned, "I thought we all agreed on only one Servant at this point in time?"

The smoke cleared to reveal that the first young woman was wearing a long white dress that clung to her figure as if it were a second skin. In her outstretched hand she was holding a rather ornate looking staff. She had long purple hair and lavender eyes, and upon her head was a rather delicate looking tiara.

The other young girl, was wearing a white fleece shawl over what appeared to be rather ornate white armor. She also had white knee high armored boots. She had long silky pink hair, brown eyes, and upon her head was another tiara.

The two servants were now engaged in appraising each other. Finally, after several moments, the one with pink hair spoke up, "So, how is it that I was summoned by a single master, alongside of the Witch of Betrayal?"

"Er… um excuse me… but… I am the more innocent aspect of the Heroic Spirit commonly referred to as 'The Witch of Betrayal,' so you don't need to fear betrayals from me," the purple haired girl spoke up in a hesitant tone of voice.

"Oh, well that is good then," the pinkette said laughingly. She then rounded on Harry and sashayed her way up to him, "Sooo, tell me, Master, what can your sexy little Rider do for you?"

Altrouge and Caster both groaned at that sexual innuendo. There was a palpable eroticism in the tone of voice Rider had used, too.

"For the love of… He's only ten years old. Can you at least wait another two years before trying to jump him?" Altrouge groaned out.

Zelretch from where he was standing, couldn't help but laugh, asking "You wouldn't happen to be Queen Medb, now would you?"

"Aww… I'm touched, I have a fan…" the now identified Queen Medb said in a husky tone of voice as she eyed Zelretch. She then wrinkled her nose, "No offense, but you are much too geriatric for my tastes."

"Wait! Queen Medb? From the Ulster Cycle? Really? I so enjoyed reading that! It was one of my favorite stories!" Harry stated excitedly as he suddenly glomped onto his new Rider Servant in joy.

This surprised Medb who looked down at the young man who was only a few centimeters shorter than her in height, as she stood at 154 centimeters to his 150 centimeters. "Aww, you're cute!" she cooed.

"Well, on the plus side, these two Servants are small enough, and… underdeveloped enough, that with the robes that Hogwarts Students are expected to wear, and baggier civilian clothes, it would be relatively easy to pass them both off as eleven year olds," Altrouge stated after a few moments contemplation. "Still, we should probably register them with Gringotts and the Ministry as Harry's familiars. That will alleviate some of the headaches that are sure to arise from the situation."

"You can file the papers with Gringotts, and they will in turn file them with the Ministry," Zelretch stated.

"Yes, thank you," Altrouge said.

"Hogwarts? Gringotts? Ministry?" inquired the purple haired woman, who everyone now realized was a younger incarnation of Medea of Colchis.

Medb sighed saying, "Hogwarts was a school in what is today known as Scotland founded by some of my contemporaries. Though it was actually founded about five centuries prior to when my info download is saying the modern day Wizards believe it to be founded."

"And how come you got an info download to inform you about the School and I didn't?" Medea questioned.

"Probably because I was already aware of the existence of the school?" Medb questioned haughtily.

Harry pulled back from his glomp on Queen Medb, so that he could better appraise his two new Servants. As he did so, he noticed something peculiar about his new Caster, "Um… not to be rude, Miss… but are you an Elf or something?"

At this the eyes of everyone in the room began to roam Medea, and they all noticed rather quickly what Harry was referring to. Altrouge groaned as she palmed her face before saying, "Those ears are going to clash rather horribly with Pureblood Wizarding society…"

Medea blushed as she muttered the words "Kánte ta aftiá mou kanonikí" under her breath in what sounded like Greek. As soon as she finished speaking those words though, her ears seemingly reformed themselves into picture perfect human ears.

"I assume you just cast some sort of illusion over your ears?" Zelretch asked curiously.

Medea nodded her head in confirmation of this fact.

"Well… fortunately we won't really need to do anything about either of your hair colors. There is a student currently at Hogwarts who is usually seen with even odder hair colors than what the two of you currently have. I think last week she was sporting spearmint," Zelretch stated humorously.

"Metamorphmagus?" Medea questioned.

"Indeed," Zelretch responded.

"So when are we going shopping for their civilian clothes?" Illya asked innocently.

This caused both Harry and Zelretch to develop sweatdrops. Zelretch waved to everyone as he said, "Excuse me, but I fear I left a bunsen burner on back at my workshop. I had best go and make sure I turn it off. Ciao…" and with that the old man disappeared in a multi-faceted light.

xXx Diagon Alley, England xXx
xXx Sunday, August 18th, 1991 xXx
xXx 0900 Local Time xXx

"The hell?" Medea and Medb both uttered upon stepping foot into Diagon Alley. For Medea it was because she couldn't quite comprehend what she was seeing here. For Medb on the other hand, it was because she was utterly disgusted by what she was seeing.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked with a tone of concern edging his voice.

"I feel like I just got hit by the déjà vu beatstick," Medb complained as she looked back and forth at all the shops in something of a dazed horror.

"I feel much the same," Medea muttered, as she looked around at the shops.

Altrouge smirked, "Yes… well… suffice it to say, but the Wizarding World never really progressed beyond the early to mid 1800's, unlike their Magi Counterparts who managed to progress to the early 1900's, in terms of socio-technological evolution."

"Do they still use wands?" Medb asked.

Medea looked at Medb in absolute horror at this question, "Wands? Please tell me you're kidding?"

"Not in the slightest bit. Back when I am from the magicals pretty much all used wands. Only people skilled in runes didn't really bother with such flimsy foci," Medb explained.

"Yes, well I am sad to say, that they do indeed still use wands," Altrouge admitted. "I happen to have a wand myself, but usually prefer my Magecraft to Spellcraft."

As she was saying that, Altrouge had pointed in the direction of a very specific shop in the alley. This caught the attention of the two servants, and Medea narrowed her eyes, "Oh wow… just how is that family still in business?"

Altrouge smirked, "You'll love this ladies; follow me everyone!" She then led them over to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Upon entering the shop, everyone was treated to the sight of an elderly man suffering what looked to be a minor case of cardiac arrest upon laying eyes on Medea.

"No way… how are you still alive?" Medea questioned the old man.

Having recovered somewhat, the old man stuttered out, "Princess Medea, I had hoped to never lay eyes upon you again…"

Medea frowned at the old man momentarily before saying, "I am the Medea from before Jason cajoled me. Although I do remember those days, I am unable to feel or act upon the emotions that such memories would ordinarily engender in a person. Though I will note that you did not answer my question… how are you alive?"

Ollivander sniffed before replying, "I happen to be one of the last two remaining True Ancestors. Only Arcueid Brunestud and myself remain."

Altrouge smirked before replying, "And if you know what is good for you, you will stay behind these wards I created for you. The others are still hunting for you."

The man sighed in defeat, yes, the bloody hunt for the True Ancestors. Arcueid could get away with being out in the open by virtue of the fact that she is also Archetype-Earth and pretty damn near invincible, but other True Ancestors aren't nearly so lucky. There are only a handful of places in existence where he could go which would hide his presence from the other Dead Apostle Ancestors. Hogwarts, this shop, and some of the more heavily warded Pureblood homes. Other than that, not much else.

"Did you really come here just to mock me?"

"No, we came for wands." Harry said.

Medea sniffed saying "You can have the wands if you want. I don't particularly need them."

Illya and Medb shared a look before Illya reached over and bopped her on the head, much to Altrouge and Harry's amusement.

"Wands are essential to your disguise Dea," Illya chirruped happily.

"OUCH! Okay… geez you are mean…" Medea complained as she rubbed her injured head.

In response Illya simply stuck her tongue out rather immaturely at the Heroic Spirit.

"Oh, real mature," Medea said as she rolled her eyes at the young girl.

And so the process of choosing wands, or in Medea's case a wand blank as she really didn't need a finished wand, began in earnest.

Medb ended up with a wand crafted from Yew wood with a dragon heartstring for its core. Illyasviel's wand was made of Red Oak with a core made from a braid of her own hairs. Harry's wand however, ended up being especially peculiar.

"Curious," Ollivander stated. He was about to continue that statement when he was cut off.

Altrouge rolled her eyes saying "I am half expecting you to start some long winded spiel about that wand being the brother wand of the one used by Voldemort. And while that is indeed a curious bit of trivia, it is also largely a pointless bit of trivia as well."

Ollivander blinked and looked up at her in confusion before asking "Whatever do you mean that it is pointless?"

"I snapped Voldemort's wand on the night I retrieved Harry from the home of his biological parents," Altrouge stated.

"You do realize that now Harry won't have the protection granted by sibling cores?" Ollivander inquired.

Altrouge shrugged, "Harry please pump Prana into your command seals for just a moment, don't speak however."

Harry sighed and did as asked. He practically lit up the room as he glowed from the light emanating from the tribal designs covering a large percentage of his body. The light was so bright that it was clearly distinguishable despite the clothes over the vast majority of the designs.

"My word…" Ollivander muttered in disbelief, "Just how many does he have?"

"Our best guess is somewhere around 60. We still haven't been able to isolate all of them as they are completely invisible unless he is actively pumping Prana into them," Altrouge explained.

"And these girls," Ollivander said while indicating Medb and Medea, "They are his servants, are they not?"

"Medea you know, but also Queen Medb of Connacht," Harry introduced.

"Fascinating, truly fascinating. I look forward to great things, from all four of you," Ollivander said in a cheerful tone of voice.

And with that Harry and his family left the shop to continue their shopping trip.

An hour or two later found the group in Madame Malkins. Medea and Illya had gone and sequestered themselves on one side of a privacy divider. Meanwhile, Medb was doing her absolute best to try and embarrass Harry as she decided to get fitted for her robes on the boys side of the divider.

That said, when a skinny young blonde boy walked in, Medb quickly decided that she would let her Master do all the talking so that she could determine just how much she had to teach her young Master on courtly procedure. Medea would have done it, but she was a little bit more out of date than Medb was. Plus, Medb's mental download included an update on Pureblood Politics.

Without even waiting to be introduced, the blonde pompously drawled out, "So… which house do you suppose you'll be in?"

Harry frowned before replying "I suppose that depends on the hat..."

"Hat?" The blonde inquired in a confused tone of voice.

"Oh, I guess that means your parents failed to inform you of how the sorting is performed. I suppose I probably shouldn't divulge that info since they obviously wanted it to be a surprise." Harry drawled out.

The blonde's smug expression faltered "Tell me."

Harry smirked, "What are you offering me in exchange for such information?"

Medb smirked upon hearing her Master ask that particular question. She took a quick glance at the blonde and almost burst out laughing at the expression on his face.

The blonde hesitantly asked, "What is it you want?"

"Oh no, that isn't how this works. You make an offer, and if I decide the offer is good enough and agree to it, I tell you the information. Then you make good on the offer. Simple as that," Harry stated haughtily.

"How about the friendship of House Malfoy?" the blonde asked hesitantly.

"Um… no thanks," Harry said in an offhand manner.

"What! Why?"

"Because your dad tried to kill my mum," Harry responded.

"Huh?" the blonde asked in confusion.

"Ask your dad about the Wizengamot session for November 3rd, 1981," Harry responded.

The blonde's eyes suddenly grew as round as saucers. This prompted Harry to laugh saying, "Oh, it seems you already heard about that particular session, then? She's in this shop with us, you know."

Harry's smile grew even wider, "Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am Harry Potter, but I am generally referred to by those outside my family as 'The Eclipse Prince of Black Blood,' it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance; and you are?"

The blonde visibly gulped before saying, "I um… I think I will come back for my robes later…" as soon as he said that he gathered his things and fled at high speeds.

xXx King's Cross Station xXx
xXx Sunday, September 1st, 1991 xXx
xXx 1030 Local Time xXx

"Okay, explain to me again why we came to the Mundane side of the Train Station this morning?" Illya inquired tiredly.

"Gramps said something would happen that we just had to see for ourselves," Altrouge stated.

That was when they heard it, "Packed with Muggles of course! Come on, this way to the Platform."

Almost as if they were all a singular entity, everyone in Harry's group turned and stared incredulously at the dumpy woman who had the brass to defy international law in such a public location as this.

"It is such a shame I couldn't bring Prim with us today. People like that just don't deserve their lives," Altrouge opined.

All of her kids giggled as they had all met Prim and the Wolf liked all of them. Of course, none of them with the possible exception of Harry truly qualified as human, so they weren't really at risk from the Wolf. And Harry was protected by virtue of the prophecy hanging over him. This was largely because Gaia and Alaya were squabbling like old maids on whether to allow Primate Murder to kill Harry or not, which resulted in the Wolf pointedly ignoring both of them in favor of Altrouge.

That was actually largely why humanity still exists, Gaia and Alaya couldn't agree on whether to kill it or leave it be, which resulted in the Wolf ignoring them both in favor of some other powerful individual. The powerful individual currently just happened to be Altrouge.

Altrouge intercepted the woman and her brood as the Potter group followed her, "Hi! Just curious, but are you insane?"

The woman blinked at Altrouge, before declaring in a rather loud voice "Now look here young lady, I will not be spoken to like that by someone who hasn't even finished her Hogwarts Education."

"I think that confirms that you are indeed insane, my, my, look at the crowd that is gathering to stare at us," Harry mocked.

"The fact that she assumes Auntie is a student just because of what she looks like also proves she isn't very smart either. I mean if she were, she would have noticed the eyes right off the bat before insulting your Mum like that," Illya said with a smirk.

It was the little girl who tugged on her mum's arm getting her mother's attention, "Mum; dad showed me a picture of her… that is Altrouge Brunestud… which means…" the girl's eyes focused on Harry.

Harry smiled at her as she clearly figured out the relationship.

"FIEND! MONSTER!" The woman shrieked at Altrouge as she hastily tried to draw her wand and aim it at Altrouge.

"Okay… she just went from insane to completely retarded… no offense to anyone who is legitimately disabled in such a manner," Harry groaned.

Suddenly Caster, and Rider appeared at the woman's side and each grabbed one of her arms proceeding to pin the woman to the ground. Caster also surreptitiously sent a wandless and silent stunner into the woman, knocking her unconscious for the next six minutes.

"Auntie, the Aurors…" Illya stated as she pointed at a group of five individuals making their way towards them.

Altrouge sighed before saying "Give her to me. Harry, I want you to take your 'siblings' and cousin along with this woman's children through the portal to the platform. I have a feeling it might be a while before I am able to escape the presence of the Auror's… not that it would be at all difficult to do so, but I find it is generally easier not to destroy a nation's law enforcement agency if at all possible."

"Okay Mum," Harry responded as he started gathering the other students to him so that he could lead them through to the platform.

"Um… Ma'am… I'm not supposed to be going to Hogwarts this year," the young girl said, though she was clearly upset about not being able to go.

Altrouge sighed before saying "Then you had best come with us. I am sure the Aurors can get in touch with your father."

And with that the two groups went their separate ways.

xXx Harry's Compartment xXx
xXx Sunday, September 1st, 1991 xXx
xXx 1105 Local Time xXx

Harry and the girls had just settled in to enjoy a nice relaxing train ride when their compartment door slid open to reveal one of the redheads from earlier, "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full…"

Harry frowned looking at the decidedly cramped compartment before looking straight at the purple haired girl. She nodded and closed her eyes while muttering the words "Deíte to aórato," She then looked up at the redhead and declared, "The compartment three doors down in the direction of the front of the carriage on the left hand side has no current occupants. There isn't even any luggage in it."

The redhead just stared stupidly at her clearly not having heard or comprehended what she had just said.

"Wow… that is just sad." Illya declared, clearly unnerved at just how easily Medea had managed to effectively lobotomize the redhead. It wasn't just Medea that had the redhead drooling though, he was also staring at Medb as well.

Medea and Medb turning their attention away from Ron seemed to rouse him from his lobotomy and he mumbled an apology before leaving the compartment.

Suddenly the compartment door slammed open and a brunette with a bossy sounding voice asked "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one."

Harry grinned before holding out a hand.

"Oh come on, that is hardly fair, you asked Zel for spoilers," Medea complained.

"A bet is a bet, now pay up ladies," Harry said smugly,

Grumbling the girls in the compartment begrudgingly handed over five Galleons each. Meanwhile the incredibly confused Brunette asked "Um… excuse me?"

"Right, sorry about that, no, we haven't seen the toad. You might ask one of the Prefects for assistance though. Barring that, I am sure one of the Household Brownies will find him and return him to his master," Harry explained to the bushy haired brunette.

"Household Brownies?" the brunette asked in confusion.

"Most Wizards mistakenly call them House Elves and treat them like indentured servants. But they are really fae who exist solely to take care of magical homes, ideally without the owners of the homes being aware of their existence. Clearly they failed in that goal," Medea explained.

"Wait… so Wizard's own slaves?" the brunette asked incredulously while glaring at Medea.

"Did I say that?" Medea asked the other's in the compartment who all shook their heads in the negative.

"You said Wizards treat them as indentured servants, which is little better than slavery. It was in point of fact indentured servitude that led to the enslavement of both the African Colonists as well as the Indigenous People in the Colonies," the brunette countered in an authoritative tone of voice.

All of the occupants of the compartment blinked at that argument before Harry chuckled and said "She's got you there Dea"

Medea had to blush at being caught out like that.

"Even still, they aren't technically enslaved. They can stop doing their jobs at anytime they want and nothing that Wizardkind says to the contrary will make any difference," Illya explained. "They just like what they do for the most part."

"The only drawback to their existence is that they cannot speak ill or blab the secrets of the family whose home they are in charge of taking care of. It's a security measure put in place by the combined efforts of Gaia and Alaya. One of the few times the bints got along on any subject." Medb explained.

The brunette frowned saying "Gaia? As in the Greek Titan of the Earth? But… who is Alaya?"

Harry smiled saying "Ah, you must be a First Generation Magical?"

The brunette blinked before parsing what he just said "Yes, I suppose that would be an accurate statement. The Professor who came to my house to explain everything to me described me as being a Muggleborn though."

Medea clicked her tongue before saying "Are they really still using that terminology after all these centuries? I would have assumed they would have thought something better up by now."

"Wizards… they lack any imagination at all," Medb muttered.

"Not to mention that they are completely and irrevocably inbred to the point that genetic abnormalities are exceedingly commonplace," Illya commented.

"If it weren't for the fact that I know for a fact that Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, and Mordred WERE NOT Wizards despite what the actual Wizards want you to believe, I would write the entirety of British History off as a farce," Harry said disdainfully.

"Wait… what do you mean that Merlin wasn't a Wizard?" the Brunette inquired with her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Ah… forgive me, I think we have failed to properly introduce ourselves to each other. My name is Harry Potter. My friend with the white hair is named Illyasviel von Einzbern. The girl with the long pink hair is named Medb. And the young lady with the purplish-blue ponytail is Medea," Harry introduced the girls and himself.

The brunette opened her mouth to respond before immediately closing it as her eyes rolled up into her head and she crumpled to the floor.

"Harry, I think you broke her," Medb said while chuckling.

xXx Chapter End xXx

Translation Note:
"Kánte ta aftiá mou kanonikí" is Greek for "Make my ears normal"
"Deíte to aórato" is Greek for "See the invisible"