Title. Give Me Up
Part. prelude
Part title. Behind the Door
Authour. sushisama )
Warnings. Mentions of het(shudders) relationships. Will be between Riku and Sora eventually.
Disclaimer. Kingdom Hearts and any of its characters are copyrighted to
Squaresoft and Disney.
Notes. AU Kingdom Hearts fic.
Yaya. I felt like doing a
medieval like fic. Damn Amtgard. It taints me, it really does. But, yes, anyway. In this fic, Riku is the youngest son of a dying king. The eldest is Ansem. Yes, Ansem is Riku's brother. Because I felt like it. Go me.
It may be awhile before any real yaoi starts, but, as always, it's well
worth the wait. Squee.
thoughts [ ] = dreams ( ) = flashbacks
dried himself off after a wonderful dip in the palace's built-in hot
springs. Whoever had chosen to put the
castle over such hot waters was wise indeed.
The castle had its relaxing baths, it was never cold during their
winters(which could get pretty cold), and was just very comfortable to lie in
The castle was in the middle
of a body of islands, all part of the country named the Destiny Islands. It was a little-known kingdom that had had
no squabbles with any other land. Not
like anyone wanted them, anyway. On the
outside, they had little to nothing for crops and manufactured goods, but they
were very well trained military-wise, the kingdom always led by very highly
talented leaders.
Their current king lay dying
in his bed, his two sons the only hope for the island. The crown was to go to his eldest, the
prince Ansem. To his youngest, Midori,
went the army.
But taking over for the army
was the last thing on Midori's mind as he toweled himself off. He tussled his silvery locks with a fluffy
towel, before letting his hair fall along the length of his back, his mind full
of thoughts for his future. The future
he would have, away from this island.
Midori had a hatred for the
island since birth. He felt his worst
fear on the isle: being caged. He could
only move so much before he came against some sort of barrier.
Every morning and ever night,
the first and last thought in his head were curses to his family name. Because he was royalty, he was their prince:
he had a duty to them. To be there to
lead them through times of war(as few as it was) was his god-given right. A right he never wanted. One he'd give up gladly.
Midori did mean to leave. He wanted nothing else to do with Destiny
Islands nor with his crown. He wanted
to explore other worlds, and would be soon doing as such. He had his little ship ready to sail for
that very night.
The young adult had yet to
mention it to his father that he wanted to leave. He had the same willingness as the king, as the elder very well
knew, and would make sure that he would not be allowed to leave the castle
without close surveillance. So telling
him was out.
He had spoken to his two main
advisors on the subject quite often.
The Defense advisor, Goofy, had everything under control, as well as his
magical counterpart, Donald. He felt
strangely confident in leaving the two to the jobs, though outwardly the two
seemed like a pair of idiots.
He had only one thing left to
collect: his betrothed, the woman he loved above all else. Kairi.
When he first met her was when his father had told him of his engagement
to the red-headed child. He assumed he
would hate her because it was an arranged marriage, but he found that it was
not all that hard to love her.
What always confused him,
though, was that he was to be wed, though it was not so for his brother.
He shrugged the question off
as he quickly dressed, hurrying down the halls, to the spiral stairs, to his
room. He stayed in the hot springs for
a good two hours every day after the sunset.
But he was so excited that he couldn't even go an hour before jumping
He couldn't wait to tell Kairi
the good news.
Midori had only one more
corner to turn to his chambers, leading him past Kairi's room, where he
stopped, hearing soft murmurs and voices.
He raised his eyebrow, feeling a strange, almost ominous feeling coming
from his love's room. He put his ear
against the thick wood, listening to the hushed whispers grow into even louder
pants and moans.
His face paled as he heard
what sounded like his brother's voice whispering his love's name. He tried the door - it was unlocked. Very quietly, he opened the door and stepped
in, only to stop within a few steps of the door, his mouth hanging agape, his
eyes wide with shock.
Kairi was atop of Ansem,
riding him while the older silver-haired young adult clung to her thin
waist. Her head was thrown back in the
passion, her eyes closed, not even noticing Riku. Ansem, on the other hand, turned to see his brother walk in, but
made no move to stop his action.
Instead, he only picked up the pace, bringing Kairi closer. He eyed his brother with his light-blue
eyes, grinning, and seemed to mouth the word 'mine' to his little sibling, just
as Kairi screamed at her climax.
The red-headed girl landed on
top of Ansem's chest, breathing deeply, her eyes still closed. It was when the door closed that she finally
looked up and saw her fiancé in the door way.
"Mi... midori..."
she whispered, her voice still husky.
"It... this isn't..."
Midori said nothing, but just
stared at the two people he had trusted above all else. He felt his world crash around him, on the
one day that was to be the best in his life.
The need to leave the island had never been this strong before.
"I..." the young
prince began, his voice suddenly low and scratched, as if it was parched. He coughed, and began again, "I was
going to tell you... about the ship, it's finished. I'm going to be leaving.
Tonight." His voice
suddenly picked up on a very angry note.
"I guess you won't be coming with me, then."
With that, he turned and left.
Very short, I know, but it is a prelude. There shall be more! With yaoi-i-ness goodness, I promise. ;)
And I must say, you guys make me feel loved. I checked about a week ago, I was on about 12 people's favourite stories list. Checked the other day, I'm on 20, not to mention how many people just put my stories on their favourites. I feel loved. Can I get a w00t, w00t? Hieh.
Anyway, read and review. Not sure if I should continue this one. I have a lot of ideas for it, yesyes, but not sure if people want to read it.