I swear I didn't mean to disappear for so long.
Laxus blinked, once, twice, as the duo hobbled out into the exposed area between him and Lucy and the dragon, which perched atop Kardia Cathedral's former high point. It let out a low rumble signifying a laugh. "Ah yes," it spoke, mouth unmoving, yet the voice echoing out, "A dragon slayer and a little girl." It flexed its blue topaz wings, subtly hinting at their inability to escape, having revealed themselves. "Why should I spare you?" It growled out as his sharp gaze caught them quivering, a silent plea to live on the tips of their tongues.
But they wouldn't give in nor give the dragon the satisfaction of begging for their lives. The pair glared up at the dragon in silence, refusing to respond.
"I said," it growled, eyes viciously squinting at them, "Why shouldn't I take your lives? Answer me, or die. Your choice." They still continued to remain silent. It glowered dangerously at them in their refusal of its proposal. Gajeel had never been the affectionate type, obviously, but right at that moment his fingers intertwined with Levy's and he stood just a little taller in defiance. "You can take our lives, but you'll never take ou-"
The dragon laughed in the form of a growl once more. "Wrong answer." Topaz blue scales reflected the ample light as it stood, muscles bulging under his skin. Kardia Cathedral fell where he planted his claws, shattering and smashing on the ground, the dust cloud that arose making the two mages who stood ever so closely to it go into coughing fits. Lucy's eyes watered as Laxus kept his hand over her mouth so she wouldn't cough and reveal their position. "You could've lived," it yawned, gleaming yellow teeth with blood stains on them glinting in the light, "Had you promised to be my slaves… You knew this, without a doubt, yet you decided to defy me," it now towered over Gajeel and Levy who stared fearfully at it, "So." It paused, flashing something equivalent to a grin. "Any last words?"
The woman so famously known for being quiet, choosing to stay behind and read her books, whose magic revolved around a pen, yet spoke her mind without fear, spat out, "Fuck you." The malicious gleam in her eye, which Lucy had seen very few times glowered hauntingly, and the lightning mage lifted his hand from where it had laid in front of her mouth to her eyes.
The catastrophic blast that followed blinded any that looked upon the scene, disintegrating the two who had embraced in their final moments, Levy resting her head on Gajeel's chest. The dragon blew the final wisps of the breath he had used to destroy the pair, before settling back down on the crumbled ruins of the formerly glorious cathedral. "Humans." It tutted, resigning to a curled up position, tail curled around its rather large body, looking somewhat like a cat.
Lucy luckily hadn't seen the whole scene, but she heard enough and from what smoke drifted from the new crater in the ground she knew. Her heart broke and shattered in a million different ways, feeling as if it had stopped and she was unable to breathe. "She-"
"Look, Lucy, I know this isn't the time, but we really need to go," he mumbled into her ear, trying to keep his voice down as to avoid being discovered by the dragons heightened sense of sound. He placed a hand on her shoulder as he went to teleport them, and felt how she was stiff and in an instant could smell the salty scent of tears. "Blondie, please." He turned her to face him. "Lucy, please. Levy would want you to get out of here, alive." Her body shook at the mention of her now deceased best friend's name, and she collapsed into his arms as she attempted feebly not to cry loudly. Her sobs were muffled into his shoulder as he tried desperately to comfort her.
He, like Gajeel, had never been the affection type. Sometimes Evergreen would cry to him about some new dating failure or how her materialistic 'friends' (who only stuck around for her male team members and her riches) had left her once again, and even then he didn't know what to do. Laxus was always distant, preferring to keep space emotionally and physically from all, until Tenrou had reminded him what was important. Even then, after having time to reconcile with the various members, he never grew too close to anyone apart from his own team. The blond had never shared many intimate moments with females either, never allowing himself to get close to anyone.
But here Lucy was now, crying her heart out into his shoulder and suddenly he realised he didn't have to do anything in particular, just be there. Just let her know someone cared.
Slowly her wailing went to sniffles, and her sniffles to silence as he rubbed soothing circles on her back with a balled up fist, sighing softly into her hair, disheveled and ashen, the ends frizzy and messy. "I'm sorry," she choked out, looking at him with bloodshot brown eyes, voice cracking as she spoke. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden."
Laxus paused, knowing he'd have to choose his words carefully, any of them could set her off into another crying session or a fit of anger so great she'd scream until every dragon that plagued Fiore had come to her screech and blasted them to nothing but particles that would drift afloat in the wind. "You're not," he said slowly, obviously being cautious. "You're not a burden. Nobody would think so." The lightning mage took a deep breath.
"I know so. Lucy, whether or not you believe me, you've never been a burden. Ever. You've stood by your friends through thick and thin- and your spirits. You have a bond with them that nobody has ever seen before and you'd be willing to sacrifice your own life for them." He said finally, feeling rather proud of himself for the nice words he'd managed to say.
"I guess that's my downfall," she muttered, pulling herself away from him, noticing the wet patch she'd left on his shoulder. "I care too much." Lucy sounded so dull, so defeated, Laxus felt a pang of guilt and sadness that he couldn't do anything to alleviate the blonde's depression. He was useless. A burden, just like she thought she was.
"Blondie, if you're a burden, then so am I." She opened her mouth to respond, maybe to argue against him, but he cut her off before she could even begin. "You did all that you could and yet you're convinced you're worthless. I can't do anything to help you, and my concern is well, a burden to you, because you refuse to believe the truth.
Trust me, I've been where you are. I've wanted nothing more than just to throw myself off the deep end, but you're not allowed to do that. Not here. Not now. Not like this. Lucy, please." The male pleaded, and saw her dull gaze get back somewhat of a spark, though it was flickering and dying quickly. "Let's get out of here. Please."
Lucy wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands, smearing ash all over her face, yet she didn't seem to care. She let him pull her closer, transporting them out of Magnolia with a loud crackle in the sky, alerting any dragon in the area where they had formerly been.
Arriving in some small village, with very small houses and a general store of sorts, they slowly tiptoed in, seeing no sign of any struggles or even signs anyone had been here in years. Lucy sighed, walking into one of the small cottages that lined the main road, and Laxus went to explore the area to make sure it was really safe. He didn't get far before he could smell the acrid smell of blood.
3 sorry for disappearing for so long aaah! I hope you enjoy this chapter- i'll try to update soonish (no promises)