Inspired by the brilliant Nanamaro (Sorry if that's spelled wrong) and her The Spirit Of Animals fanfic!

Chris and Martin's POV

It was around midnight, and everyone was fast asleep.

Chris and Martin were having a strange `dream.`

"Hurry!" A voice called through the inky black that was night.

"I'm trying!" Another voice called.

"We have to hurry! The turtle should be ahead!" The first voice said.

"Sira, wait!" The second called.

"What is it, Rosie?" The first, Sira, asked.

"Shade can't go any further!" The second, Rosie, answered.

"...Human form!" Sira instructed.

Suddenly, five humans appeared.

And the brothers woke up.

Someone was frantically calling for help outside of the Tortuga.

"Guys, wake up!" Martin said as Chris unlocked the Tortuga from Koki's station.

Aviva and Koki woke up, confused.

Five people came into the Tortuga. The youngest's leg was bleeding.

Aviva and Koki helped the injured one over to a hover-chair and started bandaging his leg.

Chris' POV

I examined the group that had entered the Tortuga.

The oldest of the group had white hair, part of it dyed a gold-like color. Her half-light blue half-dark blue eyes seemed to be examining Aviva and Koki as they worked on the youngest. She was taller than Martin, and couldn't have been younger than seventeen.

Another girl had blue eyes and light brown hair. They were about my height, with a blue stripe tattoo spiraled around their left arm. She looked fifteen.

The third member was a female, with bright purple eyes and black hair. Their right leg had a tattoo similar to the fifteen-year-old, only pink.

The fourth was male, with orange eyes and dark brown hair, a strange symbol printed in shades of orange on his right hand. He looked about twelve.

The youngest, male, had bright green eyes and black hair, a symbol similar to the fourth person on his forehead in shades of green.

No One's POV

"What happened?" Martin finally broke the silence.

"We were running from... poachers." The oldest said.

"We tried to save the creatures they caught." The purple-eyed man said.

"Shade got injured as he tried to save one last creature we didn't notice." The oldest continued.

Shade reached into his hoodie pocket, which had seemed to have something in it, and pulled out a rabbit.

"We don't know what species it is. Do you know?" Shade asked.

Koki was about to look it up when the Kratts suddenly burst out.

"American Chinchilla!" They said in unison.

"Chinchilla? I'm pretty sure this is a rabbit." Shade said.

"There's a rabbit breed known as the American Chinchilla," Chris explained.

"Of forty-seven rare species recognized by American Livestock Breeds, in a list of the eleven rarest, they're critically rare." The oldest of the group explained.

"Right!" Koki said, having pulled up information on the American Chinchilla.

Shade looked at his leg before standing up and limping over to the group.

"Well, we should go." The oldest said.

"Shade needs to stay off that leg, or it might get worse," Koki said, Aviva nodding.

"We don't have anywhere to go, though." Shade said, still holding the rabbit.

"You can stay here, in the Tortuga!" Chris said.

"Are you sure?" The oldest asked.

"Of course!" Aviva said.

"...Alright. But, if we're gonna stay here, you should at least know our names." Shade said.

"I'm Shade, this is Sira, Rosie, Yuki, and Chase." Shade said.

"Nice to meet you all," Martin said, smiling.

Again, a huge thank you to Nanamaro for the story inspiration!