This is going to be a very short series, only a four-shot: one chapter for each of the big four ships. I've always loved soulmate AU's, so this one was fun to write. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own fairytail, and I don't really own this AU either. It belongs to non-gavin on tumblr, so s/o to them.
She lived in a world of black and white.
In fact, most of them did.
The only exception was when you and your soulmate, as Lucy's mother had called it, touched each other in any way. Then suddenly, everything would be in screaming color.
Lucy knew only one person who had met their soulmate already, or two she supposed. Erza, one of her best friends, had met her soulmate at a young age when she moved in next door to him. They were still together today, 15 years later.
Some people met their soulmates early, like Erza, but others could take years, sometimes even decades before meeting theirs.
Lucy looked outside, dull colors still on the other side of her window.
Inside of her window.
Blacks, whites, and several different shades of gray were all she could see.
She glanced at the leaves rustling against the light breeze, and tried to remember what color they really were. Her mother had told her a long, long time ago, so trying to think of the name only frustrated her. So she looked away, trying to ignore the nostalgic pains in her chest yelling at her to figure out what the color was.
But it had been so long ago.
What time is it?
She glanced at her clock, hoping it would satisfy the sudden panic of feeling late.
It did not.
"Shit," She cursed quietly, and quickly threw off her covers, "Shit shit shit." The words repeated over and over, but it didn't make her get ready any faster. Luckily, her school had uniforms so the process of picking out an outfit didn't slow her down, but trying to find her tie did. She usually kept her uniform in a neat pile in a drawer, for things could easily get lost amongst all the neutral colors. It all looked the same.
But yesterday she was tired, and the tie felt too tight around her neck. So she tossed it aside…Where? She paced around her room anxiously, her eyes scouring for any sign of a striped tie.
Found it.
Lucy quickly picked it up and tied it around her collar, and then glanced at the time once more.
She had to suppress a screech.
She grabbed her bag and checked to make sure there was some gum in there to mask the smell of her uncleansed mouth, and then ran out, barely able to slip her shoes on the way. Her hair was a mess, she knew, but she didn't care. There was no way she was getting another lecture from Mr. Clive.
The bus started to approach her stop. She was halfway down the street.
The doors started to open. It seemed so far.
People started to enter. Just a few more strides.
Lucy went flying forward along with her things. Her eyes snapped shut, preparing for the horrible land that was bound to come. She landed hard on her stomach, and couldn't help but groan a little bit.
"I'm so sorry…" She moaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"No, its fine, I wasn't watching where I was-" The masculine voice stopped mid sentence.
"No no, it was all-" Lucy opened her eyes, and froze. Yes, the bus had started to pull away but…
It wasn't black.
It wasn't gray.
It wasn't white.
"So that's green," Lucy murmured, staring in amazement at the retreating vehicle.
"Woah." The man replied, and he shifted. Suddenly, everything was the same dull colors. Lucy whipped around to face him, and he stared at her with the same wide eyes. It was then that Lucy was suddenly aware of the sour taste in her mouth and awful state of her hair. She laughed nervously, angling her head just right so that he wouldn't get a sniff of her words.
"You, uh, want some gum?" She popped a piece in her mouth and quickly started chewing.
"No, I want to touch you again."
Lucy's face turned beet red, and she happily swung her foot right through his face.
"Pervert!" She screeched.
The world around her burst with color again, but only for a moment before he fell to the ground from the sheer force of the blow.
She remembered the situation.
And her face turned to a tomato in embarrassment.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry I kinda forgot-"
"I never thought my soulmate would be such a weirdo," He rubbed his face and sat up, grinning at her with the sharpest teeth she had ever seen.
Is that natural?
Ignoring the fact that he had just called her weird, she smiled back at him.
"I'm Lucy, by the way."
"Natsu." He replied.
She ran her fingers through her hair, a nervous habit. It used to be a lot easier when it was at her shoulders, but now her hair reached down to her waist, more and more length that she hand to comb her fingers through.
She wanted to touch him again, but how does she go about asking? Does she ask bluntly like he did, or does she come up with some scenario where in the end she would trip and fall or have to touch him once more.
Luckily, she didn't have to do either.
"Alright, just a warning Luigi, I'm going to touch you again. Please, please don't kick me. It kind of hurt." He grinned at her. She rolled her eyes, but didn't really mind his comment. She just couldn't wait to see the color again.
"It's Lucy," She grumbled, not really paying attention to what she was saying. All she could do was stare as his hand came closer and closer…
She picked up her own and lifted it, so that they were just inches away from each other.
Their eyes had been locked on one another when color entered the world again. She was so used to blacks and grays, but the darkness of his eyes were so satisfying to her, she couldn't explain. So of course, she was a bit disappointed at first when a light, warm strand of hair drifted in front of those eyes. But the longer she stared, she found that the color of his hair was so beautiful. Without conscious thought, her gaze drifting up to the soft tufts upon his head. Pink. Yes, that's what the color was, she was almost positive. This was the one her mother had described so vividly, so well to her.
Slowly, Lucy started to look places other than him, as hard as it was. The trees. The grass. The sky, the road, the endless flowers. Even things that were neutral colored seemed so vibrant to her.
They were both so focused on everything, they didn't noticed that their fingers were laced together.
"I don't know about you," Natsu sighed, staring into Lucy's eyes once more, "But I'm never letting go." Lucy glanced at him, and she felt like melting with the way he was staring at her. His eyes were so sharp and sexy and intimidating, yet so warm and kind. She squeezed his hand tighter.
"Okay," She breathed.
But then her breath caught in her throat.
"Shit shit shit shit shit! I'm so dead," She quickly stood up, and the world became dull once more. Maybe Mr. Clive will take it easy on me because I met my soulmate?! "I-I really really have to go. Here, I'll give you my phone number." She quickly dug through her bag for a piece of paper and a pen, then scribbled her number in hardly eligible handwriting. Lucy threw her bag over her shoulder, and shoved the piece of paper in his hand. There was another flash of color, but she ignored it.
"It was really, really nice to meet you Natsu. Maybe we could meet up for coffee or dinner or something," She didn't even look at him as she shoved the last of her things in her bag, and ran off.
He stared at her as she ran off, rolling the piece of paper she gave him in between his thumb and index finger. She was wearing a Magnolia High School uniform, so he understood that she had to be at least a year younger than him. Not that he minded. She was perfect.
He chuckled, the memory of all of that color and that weirdo's beautiful eyes filling him with a sweet bliss.
The world may have been full of dull colors at that moment, but with her on his mind, his heart was bursting with bright fireworks.