Sorry for taking so long to update, its been one thing after another and I was finding it hard to get back into this story.

I will finish this story. I promise. This chapter seems a little rough to me but hopefully my writing will improve as I go.

Thank you once again to Sherry for helping me make this chapter readable. I would be lost without you.


This morning I start my usual daily routine, consisting of fifty sit-ups and twenty push-ups. After finishing my daily regimen I shower and dress. I eat breakfast then spend most of the morning cleaning - my already spotless house - so it's ready for Isabella's arrival tomorrow.

Today is going to be a good day. I feel content, happy even. Today, I will deal with Laurent, and tomorrow I'll see Isabella.

It feels a little weird traveling to the cabin during the day. I'm usually a creature of the night. I've always felt safer in the dark: after all, secrets are easier to keep when it's dark. In the light of day, you have no way of controlling what people see. Killing in broad daylight is risky. People tend to wander through the woods during the day, hiking, bird watching, or whatnot. At least at night they don't venture too far into the thick of the forest.

To be honest, I've taken a lot of risks lately. That's something I'm going to have to change, especially if I want to keep Isabella protected.

Laurent isn't the first target I've left overnight, but maybe he should be the last. Unnecessary risks can get you caught; now that I have Isabella in my life, getting caught is the last thing I want to happen.

The sight that greets me at the cabin makes me smile. I guess Laurent has been awake for a few hours. From the looks of his tear-stained cheeks and the pale hue of his dark skin, I would surmise to say he didn't appreciate the overnight companion I'd left for him.

Victoria's bloody head lay on the floor in front of him, her dead eyes staring directly at him. He must have knocked it off during the night.

He watches me with fear evident in his eyes as I grab a new pair of overalls and step into them. "Good morning, Laurent." I smile, zipping myself up then make my way over to Victoria's head on the floor. "She was a tough cookie." I grab the fiery mane, picking her head up, and hold it up for him to see. "This lady here had balls." He gags on his tape and closes his eyes. "Oh, come on, Laurent. Man up." I grab a chair, dragging it over in front of him, and take a seat. I carefully place Victoria's head on my lap, and then my hand subconsciously strokes through her hair.

His eyes open and flick between myself and the head sitting on my lap,. He watches my hand as it slowly caresses Victoria's bright red hair. I feel amused by his expression of my actions. Aro really scraped the bottom of the "bad guy" barrel when hiring him.

I lean forward and remove the duct tape I had covering his mouth. "Who is Aro's police informant?"

He shakes his head. "I… I don't know." Tears start to stream down his face. This is going to be disappointing.

"You know something." He continues to shake his head and I sigh. "I was hoping you wouldn't test my patients today." I stand and place Victoria's head back onto his lap. "Here. Maybe Victoria can convince you to talk while I prepare myself." I walk towards the table that is displaying my tools and consider my array of options.

What to choose.

Picking up my favorite scalpel I spin around to face him. "You know, when I was eighteen I spent a full week researching different forms of torture techniques." His eyes widen and I smile wide. "Some were easy and to be honest, a little boring, although others were rather crude." I lift up the scalpel for him to see before putting it back down and picking up something I'd never used before. "My favorite type of tools are from the Medieval times. You know with all those witchcraft accusations, they had to come up with a creative way of torture." I raise my chosen instrument. "This here is called the 'pear of anguish, or choke-pear.' This little beauty is inserted into the body and I use the key to open up the pears leaves. Doesn't sound very gruesome, does it?"

Laurent stares at me as if I'm mad. "Please… I don't know anything. I'm just a low man. I'm not important enough to be told anything of value." I know he is telling the truth. Laurent has already proven his weakness. Aro would never allow him to know anything of importance, so keeping him alive is pointless. I can't let him leave here alive, and to be honest, I don't want to. He's just as guilty as Victoria was.

"I believe you, Laurent but you see…" I walk towards him and take a seat in my chair from earlier, holding the 'pear' still in my hand. "If you don't have anything of significance to tell me, then I have no use of you." I show him my chosen tool. "This little device goes into one of your orifices. Now, I'm not too keen on dropping your pants and asking you to bend over, so I am going to go with the mouth." Before he can say another word I insert the 'pear' into Laurents' mouth. "Here's what will happen… Now that the pear is in your mouth I will turn the key and that rotates the central screw, which spreads the leaves." I smile devilishly and turn the key twice. "I'm thinking if I turn the key enough times your jaw will dislodge and eventually break." I turn the key again and Laurent gags. "It's a crude instrument, yet highly effective."

I start to hum as I continue to turn the key. "I have a friend visiting me tomorrow." My thoughts drift to Isabella. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. My plan is to cook her a nice meal and get to know her a little better. I want her to feel special, but I have no idea how to do that. "She's special."

With Isabella on my mind, I twist the screw again and again. I can feel my adrenaline pumping and my monster purring in satisfaction. This may not be as bloody as he would normally like, but he seems to be enjoying himself. I replay Isabella's words.

'My mother always said I was a waste of good space on this Earth.'

Her mother had it wrong; it was people like Laurent and Aro… Even me, who was the 'waste of space on this Earth,' not Isabella. Hopefully I can make her see that.

No… I will make her see that.

I am brought from my thoughts by a loud, cracking sound and a gagged cry. Laurent's jaw is now dislocated and I imagine the pain is excruciating. I look at Laurent's tear-stained face. "This is going to become one of my new favorite toys. Can you imagine the fun I could have when using this on some of my noisier guests?"

I turn the key again and Laurent cries out, turning his head away. "There's no point in fighting it, soon your jaw will shatter completely." I can feel myself growing bored. I need blood. I need to see his life force drain from him. I turn the key, once, twice, three times, listening to his anguished, muffled cries. Then it happens, his mandible completely shatters and his cheeks split open, spilling blood down the front of him. The noise startles me, yet I laugh. "Wow. I had no idea if that would work." I lean over and pull hard at the pear, removing it from his mouth completely. His jaw hangs limply, allowing me to see into his mouth. "Now isn't that something." Just as I am about to move onto the next phase of Laurent's punishment my cell sounds from across the room, alerting me to a text message.

I ignore it and walk over to my tray of instruments when the sound echoes through the room once again. Sighing, I remove my gloves and walk over to my cell.

There was Isabella's name flashing on the screen.

Smiling wide, I open the text messages from Isabella.

Are you free tonight?

Sorry if I'm disturbing you. I just thought we could get together tonight.

I couldn't stop the smile that stretched across my face. Usually, I hated to change plans so late in the day but for Isabella, I was willing to do whatever she needed. Turning to Laurent, I let him in on the new development. "It looks like our time together has come to an abrupt end." Typing my reply to Isabella, I tell her that I will see her tonight at 7pm. After I press 'send' I put my phone down and pick up my trusty scalpel. "Unfortunately this is going to have to be quick my friend. I have lots to do before I see my Isabella tonight; although I usually prefer to take my time, Isabella has to come first." I stand behind him and place my hand on his forehead, tilting his head back. Calmly, ignoring his garbled words, I bring the scalpel to his neck and cut deep. His blood washes over my hand and he tries to pull away from me. I continue to hold him, head tilted back as he bleeds out. It isn't quick but he soon stills and goes limp. I guess compared to most of my guests he got off much easier.

I spent the next hour cleaning up the cabin and bundling Laurent's dead body into the trunk of my car. It was still sort of daylight outside when I left and it reminded me of the promise I made to myself this morning. No more daytime trips to the cabin and no more overnight guests. I need to be more careful for Isabella's sake. She was now my number one priority. I know it seems crazy to change myself so radically for someone I barely know, but I have a feeling about Isabella. She's special. She must be if I am not having a panic attack over the mere fact I changed today's plans so drastically. I couldn't even change the small stuff for my family - no matter how many times they tried to convince me.

I pull into my driveway and turn off the engine. Working on autopilot I dispose of Laurent's body and Victoria's head in the furnace. My thoughts are still on Isabella as watch the flames eat away at Laurent's body.

Isabella has changed me. The changes are minuscule but they are there. It's then that I realize why. I once asked Isabella if I loved her, unsure what name to put to the new feeling she invoked in me, but now I know without a shadow of a doubt. The reason I'm so ready to make these changes in my life, adjustments I wasn't able to do before, is because I love her. Without a doubt, I am in love with Isabella Swan and now, I have to find a way to make her fall in love with me, too.

I wonder if Google can help me with that?


Thanks for reading and I hope you have a killer day.