Author's note (To avoid confusion)

Hello, dear readers! Before reading the fanfic here are a few things to know to avoid confusion. (I know it might be irritating as it sounds but it can't be helped I went through a lot to recreate this universe [-_-] ) Well you can read it even after you start reading as it is kind of a dictionary from which you can get meanings of anything you don't understand. And if there is something which it doesn't contain then you can ask in the reviews or so. I'll include it. *Thumbs up!*

(My meanings and the info and wiki MAY DIFFER A LOT. As I am a writer of some integrity, I cannot just replicate someone else's work without adding something of my own. I have exploited the 'may'(s) & 'much'(s) in the wiki...hahahahaha!...ahem...pardon)

1} Talse Uzer Universe (The universe in which the Tower of God story is set in. It's one of the central stories so it can be expected of it that it could have been caused by major events of the outside world and may cause many major differences in the far away future.) – "The world which comprises of several tales as its centre and these tales persist as unchangeable records" In other words, in Talse Uzer, the past cannot change and the future is set already. The past becomes permanently fixed (The same as the real world) which in turn restricts the future events (That's pessimistic though...hmph!)

These stories do not have much connection to each other.

It is named 'Talse Uzer' after the great Axis 'Tailse User' who scripted the major events happening now. (Yeah, you guessed right. According to me, the story 'Tower of God' occurs after the original 'Tailse User Story'. As there can't be two invincible swords in a single War field.)

The Universe is divided in Five Parts – The Red Wall, The Blue Wall, The Grey Wall, The Amber Wall, The Central Wall. Which are further divided in 5 Airspace territories each.

The Council of Gods is in the Central Wall as well as the Holy Temple of 'The King of Salvation'

2} Axis (sing.) Axes (plu.) – The so-called Gods of this story. They have abilities rivalling that of Gods according to the author(SIU).

They can write records that cannot be declined and changed until and unless a stronger Axis interferes.

Axis aren't born. They awaken as Axis. Anyone in the Talse Uzer Universe has chance of awakening that power, everyone is equally worthy.

According to Tailse User- "Axis are awakened not to play the role of chaos... their role is to carry out the will of God to create peace by the real God's decree"

They usually are addressed as 'Kings' and 'Queens' by normal humans or Axes which are weaker than them, with a sobriquet of their ability in the end. For Example Tailse User was called 'The King of Infinity' . The current strongest Axis, Rajak Reverno is addressed as 'The Controller King'. There are also a few positions which cannot be called otherwise even if the addressor is stronger, like the Duke who leads all the people, whether the Duke is an Axis or not it is a must to address him as 'Lord' or 'Sire'. Even Rajak Reverno can't call him in any dishonourable way or by his name.

They can use their abilities to the max in their own Axis field. On the other hand their abilities become numb in someone else's field, depending upon how effective and powerful the opponent's field is.

The high level Axes like -'S' rank or above have a special weapon which amplifies whatever capability they have, it is called their 'Axceed weapon'. When faced with a high level Axis with an Axceed weapon, even a higher rank Axis will have a lot of trouble as long as he doesn't have a defender with him or he himself isn't a defender. And if both the people engaged in the fight are the same level Axis and both have an Axceed weapon, the one with more control and tactics will win.

An Axis can gets an Axceed weapon at the 'Holy Temple of The Salvation King' in the middle of the Talse Uzer Universe.

The 'Axis' are classified in many positions but the four which are the majority fighting positions based on their awakened abilities. Namely- 'Striker', 'Defender', 'Phantom Controllers' and 'Observer'.

Strikers are the offensive type Axis. The Defenders are the defensive type. The Phantom controllers are those who can control phantoms or other kind of 'non-living' objects. The Observers are the supportive kind of Axis

3} The Reverno siblings (Entirely by me)- During the time when ' The Conqueror King' returned after his long disappearance, Tailse User stood up against him and established a unified and peaceful system of governance but he wasn't alone, there were five warriors who supported him, from all over the Rosemadder's universe (That's what I assume this universe was called then. Rose+ , lol), Rajak- 'The Controller King' from the 5th Airspace territory of the Blue wall, Rishva – 'The queen of Pain' from the 2nd Airspace Territory of the Red Wall, Roven – 'The King of Beasts' from the 4th Airspace territory of the Grey wall, Rima –' The Moulder Queen' from the 3rd Airspace territory of the Amber wall and Raka –'The King of Bonds' from the 1st Airspace Territory of the central wall. Later on Lord Rosemadder (The man who was the head of Red Wall also the one who became the first Lord or head of the central council) gave them the title of 'Reverno' and their current names, they are named after the early five kings of this universe's medieval age. They came to be called the 'Reverno siblings' even though they are actually NOT.

My Characters-

Lord Edolifus Corege – ************NOT YET************* (Inactive)

Rajak Reverno – The current strongest Axis. 'All rounder' (Inactive)

Rishva Reverno – The second strongest Axis. 'Striker'

Rovan Reverno –The Third strongest Axis. 'Defender, Phantom Controller'

Rima Reverno – The Fourth most strongest Axis 'Observer' (Inactive)

Raka Reverno –The sixth most strongest Axis 'Observer'

Rafisa –****************NOT YET******************* (inactive)