The rosy Aurora touched Axel and Roxas's sleeping forms softly as she heralded Sol's arrival, and the beginning of a new day.
Axel's heavy eyelids opened to find Roxas gazing at him and stroking Axel's choppy red spikes. "Good morning, Axel."
"Good morning," Axel yawned. "What day is it today?"
"Today is the the first day of the Nemoralia, meaning it's our birthday today." Roxas replied. "I'm nineteen years old today, and you're twenty."
"Oh, is it?" Axel sat up a bit. "Now that I'm free, I can use my solidus to buy you a gift."
"Why would I need one; I'm lying next to one." Roxas chuckled.
"How poetic," Axel murmured seductively, drawing in closer and kissing behind Roxas's ear. "So, shall I give you myself as your birthday gift?"
"I would like that very much," Roxas agreed, wrapping his arms around Axel.
Axel shifted underneath him and his hands plunged into Roxas's thick spiky hair. He pulled him in for a kiss, savoring the taste of Roxas's lips.
Roxas's hand trailed down Axel's bare chest, brushing over Axel's nipple. Axel's thick muscles contracted a bit from his touch, and pleasure sparked inside him.
Roxas planted his lips in a trail from Axel's lips down to his neck, continuing until he pressed his lips to Axel's perked nipple. He flicked his tongue gently across it, and Axel gripped onto Roxas's bare back. Pleasure writhed in Axel's core as Roxas
licked his skin, swirling his tongue around the nipple while gently pinching the other.
Axel squirmed, his multinium growing stiff. His desire for Roxas's touch grew desperate, and Axel rubbed himself against Roxas's leg.
"Anxious, are you?" Roxas chuckled softly, his voice low.
"It's been so long since we've done this in a real bed; I want the moment to last, but I want you so badly..." Axel admitted.
Blush spread like wildfire across Roxas's cheeks. "I see...then I shall waste no time."
Roxas picked at the knots in Axel's loincloth until they fell away, and he tore the cloth out from underneath him. He wrapped his hand around Axel's length, slowly pumping him.
During the months he had spent training, Roxas's hands had grown as calloused as Axel's. The rough skin on his hands chafed against Axel's sensitive flesh, making his actions a bit painful. As he continued and Axel's length grew slick, the pain lessened.
Axel tilted his head up, furrowing his brows as the pleasure rolled through him. His mouth hung open, letting out unrestrained moans. "Ahh...ahhn..."
Roxas pressed his lips to Axel's neck again, sucking on the skin to leave purple marks behind. Axel clenched his fists, squeezing Roxas in his arms as he came closer to finishing. Roxas sensed this, and he released Axel's length from his hand. Axel let
out a shuddering sigh as the pressure built up inside him vanished slowly.
Roxas reached over the side of the bed, blindly searching for the tiny perfume bottle of olive oil. He felt the handle of the amphora-shaped bottle between his fingers, and he retrieved it slowly so none would spill.
He poured a puddle of oil into the palm of his hand, clenching his fist and coating his fingers with it.
Axel eagerly spread his legs and angled himself so Roxas would have better access. With the other hand resting on Axel's shin, Roxas plunged his first finger into Axel's entrance.
"Nghh!" Axel clenched his teeth and threw his head back. Roxas's finger squirmed inside, pressing against Axel's sweet spot.
Roxas leaned forward, kissing Axel deeply. He slipped his tongue into Axel's mouth, and their tongues collided. He added a bit more oil to his hand, and joined another finger inside Axel.
Axel's fist clasped the sheets, his knuckles turning white. Roxas's tongue explored his mouth, restraining Axel's voice from being heard. Axel moaned heavily into Roxas's mouth, his hot and frantic breathing hissing as it came out.
Roxas added more oil to his third finger and slipped it inside. Axel groaned into Roxas's mouth sharply.
Roxas's motions seemed a bit too unsatisfying for Axel, and he bucked his hips to meet Roxas's fingers. Their lips pulled away from each other again, letting Axel's voice free again.
Roxas blushed rampantly, his face burning. He thrusted his fingers deeper into him, but only for a moment before sliding out with a squelching noise.
Axel reached over for the oil, pouring some into his hand. He wrapped his slippery hand around Roxas's developing erection, spreading the oil around it.
Roxas bared his teeth, scrunching his face. His multinium perked until it stood fully erect, aching for Axel's core. He scooted closer, and Axel spread his legs wider. Gripping Axel's muscular thigh, Roxas slowly squeezed himself inside.
Axel gasped at the thickness sliding into him, and his fingers spread across Roxas's back. Along with his calloused hands, Roxas had also grown quite muscular during training. Axel ran his fingers along each protruding muscle.
Roxas's hips touched Axel's ass, and he let out a sigh. Axel ran his hand over the side of Roxas's face reassuringly. Roxas pulled himself back a bit, then thrusted himself into Axel.
"Keep going..." Axel pleaded softly.
Roxas nodded, continuously thrusting in rhythm. Axel closed his eyes and his head lolled with each thrust.
Roxas's neck craned to kiss him, and Axel's arms coiled around Roxas.
The pleasure in Axel's core built with each thrust, and his breathing labored. Roxas's hand searched for Axel's, finding it and lacing their fingers together.
"Ahh...I'm so close...ngh..." Roxas whispered, his face so close to Axel's that he could feel Axel's panting breaths.
"Me too...hah..." Axel whispered in response, hissing slightly as one particularly strong thrust sent shivers throughout his body.
The bed creaked as Roxas's thrusts became shallower but quicker, and Axel found his voice rising in pitch.
"Ahh...Axel! Nghh!" Roxas groaned, slamming himself into Axel one last time.
"Roxas...ahhh!" Axel threw his head back again, releasing the pent-up pleasure inside.
Roxas clenched Axel's thigh as he rode out his climax, releasing inside Axel. Axel squirmed, still not quite used to the warm slickness dripping out of him.
Roxas slid himself out, his breaths shuddering as he trembled. Axel's chest heaved, and he felt like collapsing back into bed for the rest of the day.
"I love you," Roxas sighed.
"I love you, too." Axel replied.
Briefly, Roxas's lips met Axel's again. "Come on, we need to get ready for the festival."
"Alright...I hope you enjoyed your gift." Axel chuckled.
"Oh, of course I did." Roxas grinned.
As the two strolled through the streets of the city, Axel now understood what Roxas had meant when he assured him people would recognize Axel as a free citizen. Even during the holiday when he could've been a well-dressed slave, he seemed to exhibit a
kind of air that reminded people of his new status.
They followed the procession down to the lake for the festivities, joining with General Eraqus's party on the way.
Axel and Roxas waved to Vanitas in his litter, but he disregarded them and stuck his eyes upon Ventus. Ventus stuck his tongue out playfully, and Vanitas shot him a smirk in return.
The parties arrived at Lake Nemi as Sol just parked atop the apex of the sky. They presented their offerings to Diana, then joined the others in the festivities.
Axel immediately approached the table laden with the Nemoralia feast, his stomach having been empty ever since the morning. He hadn't realized how much energy copulating had taken out of him; he had nearly fallen back asleep afterward.
Roxas stood by as Axel picked out a leg of roast chicken to chew on. He handed Roxas the other leg, along with a goblet of wine. Axel took up another goblet and raised it.
"To life, love, and everything else." Axel toasted.
Roxas nodded, clinking his goblet to Axel's.
Sol soon disappeared underneath the horizon, and soon the forest glowed with the soft light of the lanterns.
"Axel, let's take a boat out to the middle of the lake." Roxas decided, tugging on Axel's sleeve.
"Alright, alright," Axel chuckled, following.
A small wooden rowboat rested on the shore, and Axel pushed it out into the calm lake with Roxas inside. The rowboat floated into the open water, and Axel jumped inside. Each took an oar and paddled out to the center of the lake.
In the middle of the black waters, the two lit their lanterns and lay them on the surface. Around them, the other lanterns drifted and bounced against the side of their boat.
Roxas reached over and grabbed Axel's hands. "I'm so glad I could share my life with you."
"Me too," Axel agreed.
Roxas leaned in, tilting his head, and Axel met him halfway for a kiss.
The warmth Axel feared he would never know had come to him in a far better way than he had expected. He silently vowed he would love Roxas forever, even if Roxas departed this world before Axel. He decided, in Axel's memory, Roxas would be able to live
The two broke apart, their cheeks flushed.
"What do you think our lives will be like now that everything has changed?" Axel wondered.
"Every day will be an adventure, I'm sure." Roxas answered, "But we will be able to overcome anything with each other."
"I fear nothing once again, thanks to you," Axel said, "the emptiness I had once felt has been filled up with your love."
Roxas looked away shyly. "You've become so eloquent, it's quite flattering..."
Axel chuckled lightly. "I learned from the very best."
"You're quite a charmer now, aren't you?" Roxas pushed Axel playfully.
"I like to think I've always been, but if you insist." Axel teased, pushing Roxas in return.
Roxas pushed Axel's shoulders harder, and Axel fell back a bit. The boat rocked, threatening to tip.
They froze, not wanting to capsize. When the boat settled into the waves again, Roxas pounced on Axel and pressed against him.
Axel laughed loudly, wrapping his arms around Roxas tightly.
The lanterns around them gave the impression that they floated off into a dream while floating upon the inky lake.
The rest of the Nemoralia passed almost uneventfully. On the last day, the household joined General Eraqus for a feast to which Ventus and Vanitas hardly attended to join the other in Vanitas's chamber. Once again, Ventus did not return until
the next day.
A few days after the Nemoralia, Roxas met with Lord Xaldin to discuss Roxas's new duties as Lord Xaldin's merchant. Lord Xaldin provided Roxas with a small vessel and crew, along with his first stocked inventory. In only a matter of time, Roxas
would sail west to trade there.
"Are you nervous?" Axel wondered as they strolled through the marketplace.
"A bit," Roxas admitted, "I've never been very far from this area, and now I'm going alone..."
"Have you forgotten something?" Axel asked.
"What?" Roxas inquired.
"You won't be alone, because I'm going with you." Axel replied.
"I can't ask that of you." Roxas shook his head.
"Nonsense, I want to go with you. Besides, what other jobs would I be able to have? At least with this, you're with me. You won't be lonely, and if I have trouble reading, you're here to read something." Axel insisted.
"Thank you so much..." Roxas sighed.
"Of course. Now, I still have that solidus you gave me; I think I should spend it on a little treat for the two of us." Axel decided, striding over to a man selling fresh watermelons. He slapped the coin on the table, which the man exchanged for
a few other coins and a large watermelon.
Axel turned, holding it proudly to Roxas.
"Your first purchase is a watermelon?" Roxas asked.
"What, you do not approve of it? You have no reign over me anymore." Axel joked.
"I know, I know," Roxas laughed, "I'm just a bit surprised."
"I'm hungry." Axel shrugged. "Uh...I just realized I don't have anything to cut this with."
"We'll go hit it against a sharp rock or something down by the pond." Roxas decided, leading him through the woods to the pond where they shared their first sober kiss.
Axel pulled a large stone from the shore, and slammed the watermelon against it. The watermelon cracked, and they pulled it apart to reveal the red flesh inside.
Roxas held his half like a large bowl and scooped out the flesh with his hand.
"Is it good?" Axel asked.
"Yes, it's delicious; I take back what I said about a watermelon being a bad purchase." Roxas replied.
Axel snickered. "I hope so."
The two ate in silence for a while, until Roxas said, "I never really thought about how big our world really is until now."
"Neither have I," Axel agreed, spitting out a few seeds.
"Like I said before, I'm not afraid of what's out there as long as you're next to me." Roxas smiled.
"Neither am I."
At last, the time came for Axel and Roxas to depart their city.
Before even Aurora had risen, the two joined their crew aboard their vessel. Axel took inventory hesitantly, with Roxas by his side to help him with the numbers.
Roxas finished the preparations to leave, and joined his family on the pier.
"Good luck, my son," Ansem said, "you will be a fine merchant, and a knowledgeable traveler."
"Thank you, Father." Roxas nodded. "You have taught me well, and I intend to use my knowledge for a good use."
Roxas turned to Naminé, who embraced her brother. "Goodbye, Roxas; you have been a great brother to me."
"Goodbye Naminé, please take care of yourself." Roxas replied.
Finally he turned to Ventus, who also embraced his brother tightly. "I'm sorry for all the years I was so terrible to you," Ventus said.
"You do not have to apologize, but I forgive you." Roxas assured. "You will be a fine master of the house."
Axel smiled at them a bit shyly behind Roxas, and Ansem looked to him. "You are a fine man, Axel. Please, take care of yourself and my son."
"I shall," Axel agreed.
Naminé hugged Axel quickly, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Farewell, Axel."
Axel glanced at Ventus, and Ventus held out his hand hesitantly. Axel shook it firmly. "Take good care, Ventus."
"You too..." Ventus agreed.
A whistle shrieked from inside the vessel, calling Roxas and Axel to their positions. They dashed up the ramp into the vessel as the last few ties docking them to the pier fell away.
The two waved as their vessel departed, pushing off into the open ocean.
Axel stood at the forecastle deck, staring out into the openness.
Roxas joined him, slipping his hand into Axel's.
"So, this is the beginning of our new journey?" Roxas asked.
"It is." Axel nodded, meeting eyes with him.
He squeezed Roxas's hand as the first rays of Sol's light touched upon them, and their vessel sailed into a new beginning.
- Manus in manu - Hand in hand
- Ab aeterno - From the everlasting
AN: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this fic! I plan to write a few more Kingdom Hearts fics, including a Sora/Riku fic, a Terra/Ventus fic, and maybe a Reader X Organization 13 (Yes, all of them; the protagonist will be gender-neutral) fic. If you liked this fic, there is a possibility I will write a sequel about Ventus in this universe. Again, thank you for all of your support!