These two games seemed fairly compatible and I was bored out of my skull, so here you go, if you like it, review. Because really, if I don't get a response, I won't continue it, regardless, enjoy.

I decided to gloss over the buildup because, frankly there are more then a few of these stories that stall themselves out on the start. I'm not going that route, you'll find out the kind of woman Nora is early on and then see the timeline, when Shanxi happens you'll get to watch all the fun.

So truth, if this goes anywhere this is going to be a 'Humanity, FUCK YEAH!' sort of deal, because honestly I look at our current world, our current pop culture influences, and look at Mass Effect while scratching my head in confusion. Did we at some point forget about dedicated gunships, ODST's, Gundams, and mother fucking orbital nuke strikes? Apparently...but none of these characters did.

Enjoy a tale of a humanity who rose from the ashes of their own hubris, who melded flesh to machine, who developed weapons of war that the Reapers could never anticipate nor hope to understand.

Meet the Systems Alliance.

Nora was for lack of better words at an impasse. Christ, she'd been playing everything by ear for the past six months regardless but this...fucking hell she really didn't want to be the woman making the call on this one.

She was a lawyer by trade, plain and simple. A woman with a cause, defend the innocent against the callous bite of an uncaring system while making them all look like idiots in the process as her dearly departed hubby liked to put it. Protect the weak, spite the corrupt, go home to her family at the end of the day, and be done with it all as she passed out on the couch thanks to a bit too much wine and do it all again tomorrow.

That wasn't her calling anymore though. Not by choice mind but it wasn't like the long dead leaders of China and the United States had asked for her permission to baptize the world in nuclear fire. It wasn't like anyone asked Nora if it was all right to be shoved in a fucking cryo-freezer for two hundred years to be used as some sort of guinea pig by a perverted sociopathic megacorporation.

It wasn't like she had asked to have her husband murdered before her eyes and her son kidnapped sending her on a fools errand across the irradiated wastes of Boston and beyond, to fight a boogeyman organization run by her now sixty year old child. Goddamn cryo-freeze...

She hadn't been asked if she could handle any of this. She hadn't been asked if she could cope, if she could bear the cross that had been thrown across her back, but bear it she did because no one else could.

Because in the end, Nora knew she could handle it, everyone else could not, and she accepted the goddamned hero complex since no one else would.

The Brotherhood of Steel. Zealots and idiots.

The Railroad. Blind Idealists.

The Institute. Self interested Machiavellian bastards to the core.

The Minutemen. Heh...well Preston may head the only group who truly had the people's best interest in mind even if he was a bit too anxious to send her out to save random settlements.

Thank God, the merciless horrible fuck he was for her friends. Without them...she didn't think she could survive the Hell on Earth she had been drawn into.

Taking in a deep breath she turned to Piper, her lover and second in command, the woman who somehow managed to worm her way into the jaded widows heart. Removing her glasses Nora pinched the bridge of her nose before shaking her head slowly gaining all those in the rooms attention.

"Am I making a mistake?" Curie hummed in her adorable Curie way, Danse frowned obviously not ok with the likely result of their machinations but kept his peace, Hancock and Macready just exchanged looks while snorting derisively. Preston simply muttered "Your call, General" as Deacon nodded his tired agreement.

Nick, despite his damaged synthetic flesh, managed to convey his disdain for her decision with a scowl while the ever loyal Codsworth simply muttered "Oh ma'am..."

It was Cait who spoke up for the group though, "Listen love, ain't no one go'in to be protest'in that tak'in over the Institute is a bad idea. And the Brotherhood, well, fuck 'em really. You give 'em the chance you promised but don't be surprised when they spit in yer face. Ya can't change the way a zealot thinks, remember what happened at Far Harbor, when we gave those fuck'in crazies the chance to live in peace?"

Nora winced at that, she remembered all right, the radiation worshiping fools hadn't taken but a month to turn on the settlements after she'd made peace between the factions, and it had all ended in blood.

Just like she knew it would.

That was the funny thing really, everyone liked to pretend that killing your fellow man was the hardest thing in the world when in reality it was hilariously easy to end a life.

Hiding the body afterwords? Eh...that could get annoying, unless you had Strong following you around and you offered up the cadaver as a snack.

Lawyer remember, nowhere in the job description does the word 'Nice' pop up.

"Ok...ok I'm making the call now... talked to those you could right?"

The former Brotherhood Paladin and recently revealed to be synth nodded as he glared at his leader, "Many of the scribes and initiates took your offer without careful consideration, they are truly that disenfranchised. Most of the paladins though..."

Nora Shepard was a bad woman, mostly because she didn't care in the slightest that the meat-heads didn't accept her olive branch. She wanted the brains as well as the young and uncorrupted on her side as she rekindled the human race, fools willing to run out on the front lines to face god knows what were easily replaced and Danse knew it.

Ergo the hate-on fueled glare he was spearing her with at the moment.

Once again, lawyer, her ability to give a fuck about his opinion was negligible at best.

Sighing she picked up the radio mic and clicked the button transmitting the open signal across the Commonwealth, "Attention Elder Maxson of the Brotherhood of Steel. I am Nora Shepard, General of the Minutemen, and the new Director of the Institute."

She licked her dry lips as she shot her emerald gaze to her gathered comrades, all of them, despite their feelings on this were giving her their support. She had to do this, for humanity, for the future...for Shaun...

"I have good news, the Institute has managed, through various means I will disclose at the negotiation tables, to gather the genetic codes of most flora and fauna of Pre-War Earth. Through their synthetic research, and the data gathered on the pre-war Garden of Eden Creation Kits we can not only beat back the wastes but reclaim them. All we need to do is work together, for the future...for our children."

Before she could continue a return signal squeaked out in reply causing everyone to wince as the enraged man replied, "HOW DARE YOU! The Institute is an abomination! They have melded flesh and steel in such a manner where humanity is no longer a necessity! You extol a virtue that will eliminate the human race from the equation while replacing our people with abominations and forgeries!"

True, really. Nora wasn't stupid enough to deny that the man had a point, idiot or not.

The problem was she had an insiders perspective, she'd been part of the pre-war world, she'd been a cog in the machine that saw mankind brought low, and well... Maybe humanity needed a forced evolution, sans the cannibalism and green skin.

"Be that as it may, I am now in control and I swear I will use all my new found power to aid the people of Earth, not just the Comm-" She was cut off as the man spat out a near animalistic snarl.

"You fucking WHORE! Do you not see that you have only become part of the problem!? You will be nothing but a footnote in history, a sad pathetic reminder of the past who spread her legs for a bit of power!"

OK, wow. Crude much? Whatever, she was pissed off now, and it didn't do well to piss off an Irish-American lawyer who'd already cut a bloody swath across the Commonwealth, thanks, bye.

"Are you saying you refuse to even consider peace?" Her reply had been cold and dark, her companions all tensing as they sensed what was about to happen.

Curie began crying as Hancock pulled her into a hug, Deacon sighed as he shook his head looking completely unsurprised, Cait cracked open a beer and downed it in one pull.

Lucky bitch, before she could observe more of their reactions Piper stepped up behind her and wrapped her arms around Nora's waist, leaning into her lover she shivered slightly as the ravenette whispered, "I'm with you no matter what Blue..." Nora didn't respond as she waited for the Brotherhood reply.

Maxson didn't disappoint, "There can be no peace! You will burn in the righteous fires of the Brotherhood like all others who oppose us! You-" Nora turned the radio to her command channel as she dropped her head, trying her best not to show any emotion.

Tapping the transmit button she turned to the window to take in the massive Brotherhood airship hanging in the distance as she quietly stated, "All"

It was as climatic as she had expected it to be, the dozen artillery units in her command peppered the Prydwen causing her envelope to erupt in flames instantly. Nora had never managed to figure out if it had used hydrogen of helium to keep it afloat, but she figured it didn't really matter since the entire thing exploded in an instant as its twisted smoking wreckage fell to the airport below it.

The cold, analytical part of her brain, the part that got shit done really, noted that the hanger housing Liberty Prime hadn't been destroyed in the crash, she should send her people to recover it ASAP. Sighing she turned to her friends and companions and noticed all of them, including Hancock had tears running down their cheeks as they stared at her.

If it was for the lives lost, or for her now bloody hands she didn't know, nor did she know if the tears streaking her own face were for her benefit or not.

It didn't matter.

She was the Director now. She had to make the decisions no one else would.

"I want recovery teams sent out as soon as possible, prioritize securing Liberty Prime, manufactories, power armor, and energy weapons...get to it."

Turning she left the Castle's war room and headed to her barracks, she knew Piper was likely following her but ignored her for the time being to if nothing else prevent herself from losing it. Entering her room Nora wiped the tears from her eyes as Dogmeat lifted his mighty head from his paws and panted his doggy delight in seeing his mistress arrive.

"Heyya boy, come 'ere will ya?" The massive German Shepard rushed to Nora's side as she plopped on the foot of the bed, wrapping her arms around the ever loyal dog she mumbled, "What have I done boy?" A weight landed beside her, turning she met Piper's gaze as the younger woman sighed, leaned forward, and kissed her.

Pulling back she caressed Nora's cheek with one hand as she shook her head, "The same thing you always do Blue, what needed to be done."

2288 CE- An alliance between the Railroad, Institute, Minutemen, and the shattered remains of the Brotherhood of Steel is formed. Much to her disdain Nora Shepard is now referred to as 'The Mother' by most denizens of the Commonwealth. Her "Son", the ten year old synth Shaun thinks the moniker is hilarious, if this is due to the original Shaun's tampering or the influence of Nora's own perverted sense of humor remains a point of contention.

2289 CE-Boston is cleansed of all Pre-Mother plagues including Super Mutants and feral ghouls.

2291 CE- Taking a note from Curie's 'Upgrade' the newly re-purposed Institute manages to transfer those afflicted with 'Ghoul'ism' to synth bodies, there are almost no rejections to this treatment.

2294 CE- The newly minted Boston Federation makes contact with New Vegas via hijacked satellite feeds. Talks are headed by a man who simply calls himself 'The Courier'. After several months of discussion the Courier along with his wife Rose of Sharon Cassidy meet up with Mother in the remains of Cleveland and form a pact to combine their differing but equally effective technology to reclaim America. Through economic manipulations and the Courier's insider knowledge the NCR is easily suborned and brought into the fold without a fight.

2295 CE- Nora Shepard and Piper Wright marry both opting to retain their maiden names, Nick Valentine stands in as Piper's best man and Nat Wright as Nora's Maid of Honor.

2299 CE- Realizing that her fledgling alliance could easily fall just as Caesar's Legion had Nora and Piper both undergo the same treatment Kellogg had further prolonging their lives.

2305 CE- The North American Alliance is formed and their new capital is founded in the ruins of Vancouver, both the Courier and Mother move their seats of power to the rebuilding city.

2307 CE- The Lone Wanderer and his wife Sarah Lyons return from their long term mission in the deep south, upon discovering the fate of Elder Maxson and the Brotherhood they make contact with the Alliance.

2308 CE- Through negotiation, threat, and pure will Sarah Lyons reigns in the remains of the Brotherhood and forces them under her heel as she announces her daughter to be the new future Elder. Mother and the Courier both support this decision as they push to reclaim more of the continent.

2310 CE- North America is cleansed and reclaimed, a drive south is stalled due to a massive baby boom. Nat Wright marries Brandon Lyons, son of the Lone Wanderer and Sarah Lyons.

2312 CE- Hannah Lyons is born, Nat and Brandon are terrified that their daughter will end up anything like their extended family.

2315 CE- After years of reverse engineering the 'Zeta' mothership supplied by the Lone Wander leads to the Institute creating their own faster then light vessel.

2316 CE- The moon, now named Luna is surveyed, a strange new element is found in small amounts, tentatively referred to as 'Element Zero'.

2319 CE- Survey mission on Mars discovers remains of an alien base as well as more of this Element Zero. Unlike the Zetans these 'Protheans' seemed to be much more passive in their observations of primal man. Their entire civilization seems to have been killed off abruptly roughly 50,000 years ago, this causes a push for macro scale development of plasma and laser weaponry. Humanity will not deign to endure the Apocalypse twice.

2320 CE- To the shock of many, heroes leading similar coalitions to the Alliance had formed across the globe and make contact as one. Having no desire for another world war Mother and her advisers welcome the new arrivals with open arms, the old title no longer fitting their organization is renamed The Systems Alliance.

2322 CE- During a mundane survey of the outer Oort cloud the planatoid Pluto's moon Charon is found to be an artificial relic covered in ice, preliminary scanning caused the platform to activate. The shed layer of ice destroyed thirteen probes and two scout vessels as it was flung from the device causing the deaths of 109 crewman. Once it's operating system was deciphered the Systems Alliance forces fell back to Earth to regroup. The device was apparently called a 'Mass Relay' and it was a macro version of the smaller drives used in their ships.

Its existence was considered terrifying by nearly everyone.

2323 CE- Asteroids are dragged into Mars orbit as mass robotic mining begins, within six months Humanities first orbital ship dock is built.

2325 CE- The Alliance's first Dreadnought, the Steadfast, is launched. Her maiden voyage is to fly through the Charon Relay and survey the system it arrives in. Upon return the excited crew announces the discovery of an untainted garden world.

2326 CE- Humanity, including their robot brethren and those Super Mutants (now known as meta-humans) who had not undergone the synth transfer perform a mass exodus to the newly founded Terra Nova colony. Free from the constraints of a home world burnt to the ground by their ancestors humanity enters a Renaissance period.

2330 CE- Hannah Lyons begins dating 'Shaun' Shepard.

2332 CE- Systems Alliance forces spread between multiple star systems, expanding as quickly as possible supplemented by the Institute's synths.

2334 CE- Hannah Lyons and 'Shaun' Shepard marry

2335 CE- Hannah Shepard becomes pregnant. The colony of Shanxi activates the dormant Mass Relay leading out of their system.

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'First contact protocols active. Transmitting data...Error..incompatible software...attempting to...DANGER DANGER DANGER-Code Pale Horse In Effect

Extraterrestrial forces opening fire, beginning evasive maneuvers, DANG-'

So if I get any real response to this I'll continue because unlike my Code Geass crossover...this isn't marred with soul wrenching despair... Regardless, I hope you enjoyed and please review, I'll catch you all later!