Chapter VI: Demon Days


The night was cold and helplessly dark. The moon was obscured by thick clouds, that still allowed some stars to slip through. On top of the temple in King's Row, climbed Genji as he hoisted himself onto the roof. His eyes met that of a shadow figure sitting down on the roof. He slowly walked towards the figure.

"The detectives visited me today. Brought me the Zypothime," he asked. "Is that so?" the monotone, robotic voice spoke to him. "Looks as if it served it's purpose," the voice replied. Genji shrugged and peered around the sky. "They're going after Reaper now," he said, "who knows if they'll find him."

"Maybe it is your best interest that they don't?" the voice responded. Genji looked at him and tilted his head. "And why is that?' he asked, a cold tone laced in his voice. The figure shrugged. "As evil as the Reaper may be, you are also evil. It is no time until they suspect you as well," the figure replied. Genji scoffed and kicked up his sword. "Like that will happen. They're not as smart as everyone believes," he replied snidely. "Maybe not, but now you've escaped prison once again. You will be on their radar soon," he said. "As if I don't know how to sneak around," Genji said. The figure turned around, still obscured by shadow. "Are you foolish, young Shimada? The time for all of us to be obscured by shadows of doubt will pass soon. The real perpetrator of Phara's death will be revealed soon. Maybe not to the pair of detectives, but to you, maybe?" The figure said. Genji chuckled and pointed his sword at the figure. "Ironic. You comment we all will have our true colors shown, but that we are obscured by shadow. Yet there you are, obscured by shadow, as if I do not know who you are. I understand your colors, so what is your purpose?" Genji fired back.

The figure snickered. "Maybe that is the reason I stay hidden. Of course you know me, but not all of me. I stay hidden here, because my 'true colors' are still hidden. Yours are as well, but you stand out in the open, leading me to believe you are not as stealthy as you believe," the figure spat. "You're misdeeds and wickedness will shed to light. It happens to every one of us," the figure said, hovering above ground. The figure suddenly picked up a piece of stone and shot it towards Genji at incredible speeds, his hand flying forward. Genji lowered his head and cut the stone with his sword before pointing his sword at the shadowed figure. "Soon, we all will fall at the sword, like the stone has just done," he continued, before turning and hovering back to his original spot.

"I do not know the detectives next move, I recommend maybe being more careful," Genji remarked. The figure scoffed and waved him off. "Advice unneeded, however I thank you. I know my next moves from here, however," he responded. Genji scoffed and looked back at him. "What would that be?" he asked, as the figure turned to him once again. "If I told you, I wouldn't be obscured any longer, and my colors would be shown, wouldn't they?" the figure remarked, before falling down from the roof of the building. As Genji approached the ledge where he fell, he looked down and saw nothing. Knowing he had vanished to parts unknown, Genji smirked underneath the mask before leaping off to the next tower over, looking for work to finish up.


"Where would you have left it?" McCree asked, puzzled. He swiped his card to open the door as 76 continued rummaging for his card. "I remember putting it back in my belt, I mean maybe it fell ou-", 76 was saying before he stopped and turned to see Lucio in their room with a woman. McCree and 76 shared confused glances before looking back to Lucio and the woman. The woman was tall, skinny, and pale, wearing a cloak and red hair. "Um, Lucio. How did you get in here?" 76 asked. "I had no where else to turn. She found me and said she could tell us everything. She wouldn't let me leave. I-" Lucio was cut off as he looked over to the woman, who was glaring at him from the corner of her eyes. 76 noticed her long purple nails moving slightly, a gauntlet on her wrist. Lucio's eyes seemed to glint a different color, before stumbling slightly. "I'm trying to help," he said.

76 and McCree glanced nervously at each other, before looking back. "Um, well, uh- who-who are you?" McCree asked. The woman cocked her neck back and tilted her head at the detectives. "You may call me The Powerful," the woman crooned. 76 raised an eyebrow and took a step forward. "Moira? Moira The Powerful," he said, gazing at her. She glanced towards the ground, before returning the gaze, smirking slightly. "That is correct," she stated. "To what do we owe this...pleasure?" 76 asked. Moira sighed and peered around the room, smirking cunningly. "You heard the...thief. I have many things that I could help you with. You are looking for The Reaper, yes?" she asked. 76 looked to Lucio, his face paling slightly, eyes to the floor. 76 furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Moira. "More or less. We want to uncover the conspiracy behind the event. Reaper is potentially involved, we have to find him," 76 explained. Moira hummed as she stalked around the room, gazing at her surroundings. "Hm, well then. Close the blinds, shut off the lights. Let us commence this spiritual hunting," Moira croned, as a smile crept on her face.


The door flew open to Reaper's office. Reaper snapped his head up to look at his bodyguards and his wife, who entered through the door. "What is it?" Reaper growled slightly. "Check this out, love," Widowmaker said, handing him a newspaper. Reaper began reading, his hands starting to shake slightly. Reaper slammed the newspaper down on the desk and rubbed his mask. "So, the church base is done. But he is in custody, which gives us ability to head into those locations," Reaper said, clasping his hands together. "Maybe, howeva' his gang is still out there, we gots to be careful when we go rummagin' around his lil' party places," Junkrat exclaimed, with Roadhog slapping him on the back in agreement. "It's dangerous, but we must," Windowmaker replied. Reaper leaned back in his chair and looked around the room. "Torbjorn has gotten away with attempting to screw me over too many times. He will not get away again," Reaper remarked.

He began filing through the papers of various locations Doomfist had discovered. He landed on one paper, and the smirk underneath his mask grew. He looked up to his wife and his crazed bodyguards. "We will visit this one first. I feel as if my plans could potentially be here,'" he claimed. Widowmaker tilted her head and scanned over the paper. "How can you be so sure?" she asked. Reaper chuckled and waved her off. "Don't worry about how I know, or why I think they will be here. You all must trust me with this," he said. He handed the location paper to Widowmaker, as his bodyguards came to read it. They all grinned, with Widowmaker peering over to her scheming husband. She then read the location, grinning like a madwoman.

Oswalt's Tailor Shop. 808 Ocacia Street.


Torbjorn and Zarya sat in a shared holding cell until their trial date. Torbjorn sat on the ground, his back on the stone wall. Zarya laid on one of the cold, hard beds against the wall. Torbjorn groaned, rubbing his hand across his bearded face. "I swear, when we are out of here, I will stop at nothing to make sure I destroy who I need too. I'm tired of being the underdog. I will rise on top," Torbjorn growled. Zarya groaned, glaring at the ceiling. "We have always been strong and feared. We are not underdogs," Zarya roared. Torbjorn growled and began fuming, his face growing red. "Well, right now half of my gang is incarcerated and we are weakened. Reaper will strike any moment, yet we will be in here, rotting away," he said, voice laced with anger and disappointment.

Suddenly a loud explosion shook the cell as a hole appeared in the wall. Torbjorn and Zarya leapt to their feet, shock webbed on their faces. Two shadows began making their way towards them, as the light began revealing their identities. Bastion began scanning for Torbjorn and Zarya, before identifying them. Then, behind Bastion, was a woman in armor, with her hair tied up in a high ponytail. Her face became illuminated by the moonlight, as she smiled. Torbjorn grinned widely, full of happiness. "Brigitte! You came back for me, for the gang!" Torbjorn exclaimed.

Brigitte winked, smirking. "Of course I did. I was only gone for a short while. I'd always come back for the gang, and you, dad,".