king's row overwatch: crime force

jack morrison / detective: 76

the lead detective of the king's row crime force known as King's Row Overwatch

jesse mccree / detective mccree

the assistant detective to jack, the watson to his sherlock.

lena oxton / chief tracer

the second-in-command of the overwatch police force

sheriff winston

the sheriff of the king's row overwatch crime force

mei-ling zhou / dr. zhou

a scientist who moved from japan to make weapons for the police force because of worsening crime

angela ziegler / dr. mercy

the head nurse for the overwatch crime force

the overwatch SWAT division

reinhardt wilhelm / commander wilhelm

the head commander of the king's row overwatch SWAT division

hana song / captain

the second in command of the SWAT division, drives a large battle mech


a battle mech built by captain, the SWATS secret weapon

hammond / wrecking ball

a hamster and an old friend of sheriff winston' who is another major soldier for the SWAT, more so a demolition and tech expert.

ana amari

an ex-sniper who left the team, and trudges through a depression after her daughters death

reaper's mafia (blackwatch mafia)

gabriel reyes / the reaper

the godfather of the mafia, the most dangerous criminal in king's row

amelie lecroix / widowmaker

a talented sniper, the second in command and the wife of reaper

jamison fawkes / junkrat

one of reapers crazed junker bodyguards, and his demolition expert

mako rutledge / roadhog

the other crazed bodyguard, and reaper's weapons expert

olivia colomar / sombra

a talented hacker who reaper picked up, used for hacking banks and other things to get more money and items

satya vaswani / symmetra

a corrupt scientist who builds defense systems for reaper

akande ogundimu / doomfist

a former criminal who was recruited out of a fighing ring, does not talk yet harbors dark secrets

torbjorn's gang

torbjorn lindholm

the owner of the Molten Core strip club, and the leader of an underground crime cartel

brigitte lindholm

torbjorn's daughter and technology wiz (does not appear in first few torbjorn's gang chapters)

aleksandra zaryanova / zarya

torbjorn's second in command powerhouse


a machine built by brigitte, his most trusted defense mechanism

criminals of the city

genji shimada

a man who knows everything about the cities crime, the criminals and locations, known as "The Watcher" as he knows everything that goes on like the back of his hand


an omnic built by torbjorn who betrayed him and became a legendary criminal with unfathomable powers. he has no remorse and wants humanity to transcend past their disgusting actions

lucio correia dos santos

a street thief who finds himself awkwardly allying with the detectives when a case shakes the city

moira o'deorain

known as "moira the powerful", she is a former scientist who became a street psychic with powers to ruin people or build people. uses her powers for personal gain

other characters

phara amari

a former overwatch member who loses her battle against depression

hanzo shimada

a legendary crime fighter who becomes a recluse after an incident with his brother