Liger003 ~ Hey, I know that I haven't finished my other stories, but I had to write this. It is not like I am going to quit on them, so don't get mad. K? I will finish all of my stories! So go on and read this! I hope you like it and please review. Oh, and I know bad chapter title, I just couldn't think of anything.

Disclaimer ~ I do not own Inu-Yasha and co. It hurts to think that I don't, so shuddup!

Dragon's Curse

Chapter One ~ Meeting

Kagome walked through the forest, it was so quiet and everything was still. Something that was in the air made her shiver. She rubbed her hands along her arms to give her some warmth. She wore priestess clothes that seemed to be in bad shape. They were dirty and torn.

She felt like she was being watched and that something surrounded her. 'The something may just be nothing.' She told her self. 'Maybe I am only imagining things.' The silence of the forest surrounded her and sent another chill up her spine. She was alone and she didn't like it. The forest was so lonely.

'If only mother and father . . .' No, she couldn't think about that. They were gone. She didn't want to think about it, but in the silence of the forest, there was nothing else to think about. Soon the thirteen year old Kagome sunk to the ground in tears. She leaned back onto the tree and cried herself to sleep.


A smell reached Inu-Yasha's nose, it wasn't a smell he was familiar with, and he didn't like that. Something had come into his territory and he was going to find out who would have the nerve to walk into the great Inu- Yasha's territory.

Inu-Yasha jumped from branch to branch with ease. He followed the strange scent and he became afraid as the smell came closer. If he wasn't wrong, he did vaguely recognize that smell. It smelt like dragon.

He didn't stand a chance against a dragon and he knew it, if it was a dragon, the best that he could do, would be to hide while he watched it destroy his territory. He would do this if it was a dragon, he was only fourteen and he didn't want to die already. He told people and demons alike that he would stand up to anything, and that he wasn't afraid. But in truth he was very afraid of dying, like his parents.

He was lost in thought when he noticed that the smell was right below him. He hid up in the branches as he looked down at a form below him. He could tell that it was sleeping by hearing its breathing and face. It did resemble a dragon. It had leathery wings and a long tail, but something about it was human, too. Its sleeping face and torso all resembled a human. He noted horns and talons, but the face was so human he knew it from the moment he looked, it was a half breed, just like him.

He dropped from the tree silently; he had to get a better look at it. It was so strange to see another half breed; he just couldn't pass the opportunity to look at another one like him. He knelt down beside it sleeping figure and got a good look at it. Instantly he decided to stop calling it 'it' and call it a 'she'. It was a girl and she was only about his age. Her wings were a bright orange and at the end of her fingers were claws. Her legs though, were almost all dragon. They bent down and her feet were long, but he could tell she only walked on the tips. He knew that when she stood up, her knees would go back and her feet would lift her, so she wouldn't be tall, but she definitely wouldn't be short. Her legs were meant for a crouching position it looked like, not so much as walking upright, but with her human side, chances are she would walk upright.

He now looked up to her face. She was pretty with raven black hair and she seemed so peaceful. There was something wrong, though. Her face was wet from, most likely, tears and she wore the outfit of a priestess, but a demon couldn't be a priestess, so why was she wearing the clothes? He didn't have time to think it over because she moved and seemed to be starting to wake up, so he jumped high into the tree and disappeared from her sight if she did wake up.


Kagome slowly came back to the real world from dream land. She didn't want to wake up, but she knew that she had to. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched. She stood up; wiped her face, and started to work out a few kinks from sleeping in such a weird position. She first noticed how much better she felt. She must have just been over worked; she had been walking for days straight.

Just then her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten in a while either. She started to go onto a hunt for food, but stopped when she heard a rustle of leaves above her. She looked skyward and was relieved when she saw that there was nothing. Must have just been the wind going through the leaves. As much as she wanted to believe that, though, she knew that it wasn't true.

She once again went on her way, but her dragon senses kept alerting her that something was following her, no matter how hard she was trying to ignore them. She walked faster, but kept watch behind her, not with her eyes, but with her ears. She heard it's every move and was figuring out where it was. Left, right, to her left and then right, right again. She listened to the jumps until she knew exactly where it was, right behind her. She turned and lunged at the tree branches.


Inu-Yasha was shocked to see the dragon girl leap up to him. He instinctively covered his face with his hands and felt the impact of her body against his. He fell to the ground and felt a sharp pain in his back when he hit the ground. He tried to stand up, but as soon as he did, he was thrown to his back; she had hit him square in the back with her tail.

He looked up at the enraged half demon above him; her eyes glowed with hate and fear. He was afraid, she was strong and he knew that he didn't stand a chance against that raw dragon power. He gulped as he thought about what he should say.

"Feh." Okay, maybe not the smartest thing to say to a demon that looked like she was ticked enough to kill him when he was down.


Kagome looked down at the boy below her. He had silvery hair and wore a red kimono. His eyes glowed with an amber color and he had dog ears at the top of his head. His hands were clawed and he wore no shoes. He was actually pretty cute, but she shook her head, for al she knew, he could want to hurt her.

"Why were you following me?" She questioned.

"Feh, why would you care?" He looked up into her eyes; he could tell that she wouldn't back down. "You were in my territory."

He stopped there as if that explained everything. "Why didn't you just ask me to leave if you didn't want me around?" She asked him as he propped himself to his elbows.

"Feh." He answered. "You're part dragon."

That hit Kagome hard. "I haven't always been . . ." She whispered. "But, what does that have to do with anything?"

What she said made Inu-Yasha want to ask what she meant that she hadn't always been part dragon, but instead he answered her question. "Feh. Dragon's are strong. I didn't want to pick a fight that I couldn't win. Apparently, though, you didn't get the dragon strength jeans."

Her eyebrow twitched. "What!? Are you saying that I am weak?"

"You're not close to strong."

"WHY YOU! I just kicked your butt! So if I am weak, what would you be?" She yelled at him.

"Feh. I let you win. I don't like to hit girls." Inu-Yasha was lying, he knew that, but it was getting her pretty riled up. Not only did it make her put her guard down, it was kinda fun. "What were you crying about?"

"I was not crying." She told him, but her face gave it away that she had been.

"Yes, you were. I can smell the sadness all over you." He told her with a lot of strength in his voice for someone who had just been defeated. He obviously wasn't asking for an answer, he was telling her to give him one, and something in his eyes told her that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Fine, dog boy. This could take a while."

End of Chapter One

Liger003 ~ Hey, hope you liked it. If you did, review. If you didn't, review, but tell me what I need to fix, okay? Well, I'll be back in a little while with a finished chapter, see ya then!