Hello everyone! I have returned once more to present you with my latest chapter!
I hope its not too boring and will cast some light on Fleur and Rachel's relationship a little. This chapter also brings a very notable divergence from the canon story that I was honestly a little anxious to write but so far I am happy with the result and I hope you are too.
So let me know what you think in a comment bellow and I hope you enjoy this!
The following day Fleur was still stressed to say the least. She was exceptionally cold to anyone who tried to converse with her, in or out of her classes, and quick to temper if continually bothered. Which was putting Rachel in a bad spot.
"Next time I won't stop you from hexing the poor boy and you'll have to explain to Madam Maxime why you were expelled from the tournament." Rachel ground out in French as she dragged her cousin away from a group of young Hogwarts students who had gathered around Fleur as soon as she left her last class of the day.
"Maybe you should. I'm sick of these little boys thinking they have a right to my body just because they are ensnared by my thrall." Fleur hissed back, her temper still hot after a boy had tried to grab her ass for the third time since their class had started.
"At least if I properly hex them all they will think twice before putting their hands on a woman. Never mind a Veela woman." Fleur ground back as she pulled herself away from her cousin to walk on her own.
"Trust me. If you weren't our schools champion, I'd let you. Hell, I'd probably join in with you. But you can't, thus I can't. So we both have to deal with it." Rachel hissed back as the cousins marched to the library in the hope of some solidarity during the study period before dinner.
Fleur growled lowly under her breath at her cousins claim and started fantasizing about ways to hex the immature boys of the school while missing a small hiss being directed at her from a corner.
"Ms. Delacour. Here you are." A loud boisterous voice called out in English, breaking Fleur of her revenge fueled fantasy. Sighing mentally, Fleur took a subtle breath to calm herself before putting on her best Veela smile and facing the man who had called out to her.
Luckily it was Mr. Bagman coming up to her rather then another student.
"How can I help you monsieur?" She asked politely in his own language, knowing that if she was being sought out by one of the tournaments organizers then her peaceful school days were about to come to an end.
"I have come to relay the news to you that the tournament is back on track." The excitable man announced, making Fleur tense at his rather loud announcement.
"The first task will be in a few days. You will not know when, or where, or what the first task is but from this moment on you are to be prepared for anything." The man explained with childlike enthusiasm.
Fleur swallowed the tightness in her throat as she took this information in as she silently summoned her wand to her hand from its holster on her forearm. So, they were to be blind sided and potentially ambushed at any moment for the tournament's first task. Not very glorious if you asked Fleur but she was expected to work with the information provided to her. For all she knew, facing him would be her first task.
"Thank you Mr. Bagman. I will be on my toes from now on." She ground out slowly as she tried to give him a polite smile. The elder wizard must have been able to see her distrust and hesitation however and a quick glance done to her hands revealed to him that she was in fact armed.
Quickly throwing his arms up in the universal sign of surrender, the man was faster to sputter out more information unknowingly in his attempt to prove that he wasn't a threat.
"Woah, there. Not now. Not in the school. That would be a right mess. Someone will come to collect you when it's time but we're just not telling you when that is." The man sputtered out as Fleur released some of the tension that rolled throughout her body from the minute the man had raised his hands.
So they wouldn't spring their trap in the school itself. That meant the next task would take place outside and if they were going to collect the champions for the event it wouldn't occur spontaneously like an ambush.
Which meant she could relax a little and carry her preparations on her.
"Thank you Monsieur. I shall prepare for the task immediately." Fleur declared with a more genuine smile before pushing her wand back into its holster and turning to her cousin.
"Lets go." She ordered in French as her cousin nodded and the two marched away from the stunned man back towards the carriage.
It was only when they were outside, on the grounds, and completely alone that they spoke.
"What are you thinking?" Rachel asked nonchalantly.
To anyone else, it would seem like Rachel was perfectly at ease, asking her question casually as she would if she were asking about the weather but Fleur knew her better than that.
While Rachel looked and sounded undisturbed by the news of the tournament starting, the way her cousins thrall flirted along hers, searching for a hint of Fleur's own distress, was all the hint Fleur needed to know that she was actually worried for her.
"Woefully unprepared." Fleur admitted with a small smile at her cousin. Rachel caught the smile and all the hidden emotion behind it and offered her own small worried smile before Fleur continued. "My magic is still out of control and I don't know what I am to be preparing for or even when I need to be prepared."
Rachel nodded along with her assessment but said nothing as she broke their moment to stare ahead. Fleur was going to ask her what she thought she could do to prepare when the girl caught a small voice calling out for her.
Stopping to look around the grounds, the Veela found herself just outside the carriage alone with her cousin who had stopped to regard her in confusion.
"Fleur?" Rachel started when Fleur raised a hand to stop her. Looking around carefully, Fleur wondered who had called out to her but found nothing. She was about to write it off as her nerves over the tournament when she saw movement in the grass under the carriage.
Summoning her wand to her hand once more, Fleur motioned for Rachel to step away; who did so as she summoned her own wand. Stalking forward slowly and carefully, Fleur tried to cast a human revealing spell to see if they were alone. When nothing happened she knew they were alone but she could have sworn she had seen something.
"You're getting too paranoid Fleur." Rachel tried to cut the tension with a joke but she was obviously nervous as she still had her wand in her hand.
"Not crazy Miss. Dobby is here but sneaking." A small voice suddenly cut in with its high pitch. Jumping at the sound, Fleur searched for the elf but couldn't see him anywhere, just a rustle of some grass under the carriage.
"Dobby?" Fleur asked as she knelt down towards where she thought his voice had come from and cast a disillusion spell to see if he would materialize. Again, when nothing happened, Fleur wondered how he was staying invisible when she voiced her next question out loud.
"Where are you?" She asked before the elf's head literally appeared out of nowhere.
"Here Miss." The elf said as his head appeared a few inches from Fleur's own, making her jump back in fright and landed in the mud on her butt. Rachel was going to cast a curse when Dobby's hand appeared and with a quick snap she was disarmed within the same second. Swallowing her shout of shock, Fleur stared at the elf's head and hand that was floating in the air as he regarded both Fleur and Rachel with a chuckle.
Both Veela were too stunned to speak before the elf moved closer to Rachel to give her back her wand.
"It's an invisibility cloak Miss." The elf explained as he gave Rachel her wand back and looked around stealthily before disappearing back into the cloak.
"Borrowed from a friend who had a job for Dobby. Must speak with Miss, but can't be seen." The elf's voice sounded from empty air.
"O-Okay." Fleur got out as her heart pounded against her chest. She was too stunned to move right away but the thought of someone seeing her in the mud, staring wide eyed under the carriage, at supposedly nothing, was enough to bring her back to her senses and force her up to her feet..
"Inside. Everyone. I need new clothes." Fleur ordered as her cousin sputtered, still trying to get over the past two seconds.
"He...It...how…" Rachel managed before Fleur took her hand to break her from her confused sputtering.
"Not now. Inside before someone realizes something is wrong." Fleur managed as she cast the magic rune needed to open the carriage and held open the door for Dobby. She quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen then but thanked her luck that no one was around to see the drama unfold. Most likely due to the fact that most students were already settled for the study period before dinner.
"I'm in Miss." The elf called softly, breaking Fleur from scanning their surroundings a few seconds later. Looking back to her cousin, Fleur was surprised her cousin was still out of sorts and gave Rachel a bemused look.
"Coming?" She asked her still frozen cousin.
"Yeah. But…" She paused. She obviously had a lot of questions but she swallowed them instead and offered her cousin a guilty smile.
"Do you think I can borrow that cloak?" Rachel joked before Fleur dropped her hand to slap her shoulder. Chuckling at the joke, Fleur waited for her cousin to enter the carriage before following her inside and quickly making their way inside and up to their room despite the odd looks they were getting from their classmates.
"What happened Fleur?" One of her classmates asked when they saw her.
"I…" Fleur paused, briefly panicking as she tried to come up with an excuse for her appearance.
"She needed to be cooled off after one of the Hogwarts boys got a little handsy." Rachel cut in with a practiced disinterest before a devilish smirk grew on her face.
"Too bad the Abraxan didn't appreciate her foul mood and decided to throw her into the mud." Her cousin remarked with a teasing tone. Holding back a grumble, Fleur felt her cheeks warm a bit as she nudged her cousin at the weak story.
Surprisingly though, her classmate simply smiled knowingly before nodding and everyone got a small chuckle out at Fleur's expense before returning to their studies.
Huffing at the lot, Fleur lifted her chin and quickly marched away, trying to be every bit the ice princess they expected her to be. It was hard when embarrassment was coursing through her however.
Marching up the main staircase to their room, Fleur only spoke again when they were in an empty hall.
"I can't believe you told them that." Fleur hissed softly to her cousin, annoyed that her classmates thought her a clumsy girl that could be so easily pushed over.
"They believed it." Rachel remarked back softly before leaning in close to Fleur's ear.
"Should I have told them the truth?" She teased.
"You know the answer to that." Fleur hisses as she pushed her cousin away from her. Rachel chuckled at that and nodded as they made their way to their room.
Once inside, Rachel locked the door and cast a silencing charm as Dobby took the cloak off to fully reveal himself.
"Sorry Miss. Can't loan the cloak to you. Not Dobby's to loan." The elf remarked cheerfully before snapping his fingers. Feeling the elf magic appear with a spell and disappear, Fleur looked around to see what he had done and noticed the mud had been vanished from her clothes.
"Thank you Dobby." Fleur breathed before sitting down as the elf stood before her seriously.
"Anytime Miss. But now Dobby must relay his message Miss." The elf began as Rachel settled besides Fleur. Fleur nodded to the elf to speak and the small creature spoke seriously.
"It's about the tournament Miss. Dragons will be your first task. Meant to find the nest originally but now things have changed. You must face them now." Dobby quickly spoke.
"Wait." Rachel halted the elf. "How do you know this?"
"Dobby didn't Miss." The elf explained before puffing his chest in pride. "But then Dobby's friend came to Dobby and gave Dobby a job and the cloak Miss. Trusts Dobby the most with this job. Warned Dobby he'd get it lots of trouble if found, but had to warn Miss anyways."
His friend? Fleur thought briefly.
"So someone asked you to tell Fleur what the first task would be. Why?" Rachel asked as Fleur thought out loud and answered for the elf.
"Because Dobby and his friend have been watching out for me since the beginning of the year." Fleur thought out loud, remembering the first time she met the elf before continuing her line of thought.
Dobby could have been sent by the tournament organizers to throw her off as she had met him before being selected as champion and the first task seemed to be preparing for the unexpected. How better to do just that then to mislead her? If that were the case, then he had specifically been chosen to relay this information to her because she knew him and would trust him.
"And your friend knows I trust you." Fleur continued as her mind spun. But that would mean that Dobby was intentionally lying to her, something she didn't think the elf would do since he was a free elf and he never showed her any sign of deception when around her.
"Dobby, are you telling the truth?" She asked slowly as the elf's eyes widened at the implication
"Of course Miss!" The elf shouted. "Dobby would never lie to his friends! He may withhold information because he must but never outright lie!"
"So I'm a friend?" Fleur asked with a chuckle as she relaxed a little.
"Of course Miss!" Dobby exclaimed before remembering himself and getting small again.
"As long as Miss wishes it…" The elf trailed off as Fleur smiled to him.
"Of course you're my friend Dobby." She teased before the elf smiled and Fleur retreated into her racing mind.
If Dobby was telling the truth then whoever his friend was, was trying to help her. But none of the tournament officials would have any particular reason to help her, besides Madam Maxime that is. But even she didn't know anything about the tasks or the competitive giantess would have found a way to warn Fleur.
"Dobby's friend doesn't like the tournament Miss." The elf spoke, breaking Fleur of her train of thought. "Too many get hurt. They'd rather not see it continued but no choice now. All they can do is try to prevent injuries."
Dobby was wringing his hands, obviously wanting to tell her something but being bound into silence by his own vows.
"Dobby promises though, he is not lying. Miss will have to face Dragons for the first task and must be prepared." The elf tried again, trying to relay as much trustworthiness as he could to her by looks alone.
Fleur merely watched him, thinking harder.
Dobby thought he was telling the truth, that she would have to face a dragon any day now. And he had gotten that information from one of his friends, who most likely was part of the tournament committee.
Someone that knows what's happening in the tournament, before and after the changes that came with Mr. Potter's selection, but has no power to change anything. Fleur thought to herself before some external voice in her head sounded out.
Like a consultant.
With the thought came the shocking realization that maybe it was right. Fleur recalled Hermione and Hagrid's conversation from the day before and tried replaying it to herself.
Something in the first half of the conversation had gotten Hermione riled up before Fleur had started eavesdropping. Could this have been it? The Dragons?
But that couldn't be right either. Dobby had said that they were supposed to originally find the dragon's nest. Now they were to face dragons.
Her shock must have come across her face as Rachel was taking her hand and asking if she was okay.
"I'm fine." Fleur quickly answered as she shelved her revelation for later. She needed to focus on the now.
"Thank you for warning me Dobby." Fleur started before an idea came to her. "Did your friend ask you to only warn me?"
The elf gave a small rueful smile.
"Dobby's friend won't insult Miss's pride. Instructed to inform all champions to be fair Miss. But the organizers will be very mad if they find out so must keep it a secret Miss." Dobby admitted. His admission only confirmed for Fleur that his friend must be someone within the D.A.
More than likely, their hidden leader.
Fleur gave the elf a small smile back, trying to hide her discomfort.
"Then you had best hurry and tell them." Fleur remarked as the elf nodded seriously and retrieved the cloak.
He paused for a moment to look back at Fleur.
"Message from me now Miss." The elf said with a small blush as Fleur nodded.
"Please be careful miss. And good luck." The elf said before he disappeared under the cloak and snapped his fingers. The popping sound of an elf apparating was the only thing to tell Fleur and Rachel that he was gone.
Silence filled the room around them with the elf's departure, Fleur too occupied in her mind as she recalled every memory she had of Alexander Syces to try and decipher his intentions while Rachel watched her frozen face carefully.
"So…" Rachel started slowly when she had had enough. Fleur gave her full attention and noticed her cousins trademark smirk back on her lips.
"Shall we go to Madame Maxime to ask how to fight dragons? I'm sure she's faced a few." Rachel chuckled but Fleur didn't share her amusement. Her mind was already going.
"No." Fleur answered quickly, her face never changing expressions. Rachel raised a brow at her, likely wanting a reason why.
"She will want to know how we know what the task is and Dobby took a big risk coming to warn me. I don't want Madame finding out and Dobby being punished. We keep this between us." Fleur stated seriously as Rachel nodded her understanding.
"Library first then? We have quite a bit of spell work and research to do." Rachel offered, obviously wanting to add something else to the end but decided it was best not to voice it.
Fleur nodded before getting up, her mind racing. She could ponder who on the D.A. and its leader later. Right now she needed to focus on the task at hand. Preparing for a dragon.
Fleur and Rachel spent the rest of the night in the library, even skipping dinner in favor for hoarding the library's knowledge on dragons.
It was late into the night and Fleur was surprised that the librarian hadn't kicked them out yet but it seemed so long as they were quiet she was willing to stay open for them. Probably because the tournament had officially gotten back on track now.
Hiding away at a table in the back of the library, at a table that was tucked against a window in a row of books, Fleur and Rachel searching frantically for anything useful for facing a dragon.
Their table was littered with candles, a few books about dragons, as well as a few charms books. Between them was a spare scrap of paper that the girls kept their notes of useful things they had learned.
There were ten breeds of dragons known to wizard kind and only a handful of hybrids. It was however unlikely that the tournament would use a hybrid as they wouldn't be recognizable to the wizarding audience.
Dragons were resistant to spells unless hit by multiple spells at once or hit in the eye as that seemed to be a dragons only weak spot.
And then there were the dozens of dragon ingredients that could be derived from a dragon's carcass.
At one point, Rachel had added the note to charm Fleur's clothes with a fire resistance spell and have her carry various potions for burns and other injuries.
"Let's hope your not doing someone else's dirty work and killing the dragon for them to harvest." Rachel commented as she closed her book. It seemed the Hogwarts library had little to nothing on how to face a dragon. Just what its carcass could be used for and how untrainable they were.
Fleur sighed at her cousins comment and paused to consider her options for how she should face her dragon.
Dragons had few natural predators, in fact wizards might be the only predators they had as they seemed to be the only other creatures capable of killing the beasts. Which meant that a dragon couldn't be scared off or intimidated like other creatures.
They were also very territorial and aggressive so appealing to them was a no go as well.
Out right fighting was what everyone else would be doing as Fleur was not going to keep up her dumb blonde routine if she wasn't able to differentiate from the other champions.
It was obvious the others would outright fight their dragon. She wanted to find a way to face her dragon without fighting it to prove herself. She wanted more. She wanted to do what they would all think is impossible.
Scowling, Fleur tried to think of how to approach her dragon but couldn't come up with an answer.
Maybe because there isn't a way to calm a dragon. Otherwise wizards would have figured it out a long time ago and they wouldn't be so difficult to handle now. She thought to herself, about to give up one finding a different way of confronting the dragon herself.
Maybe she could summon help to face the dragon.
Then something began to bubble up from her Veela. It wasn't a specific emotion but it was a very strong feeling. One that couldn't be explained easily.
What are you trying to say? Fleur asked her Veela, feeling its frustration and exacerbation. It had a solution, she could feel that, but she couldn't understand her veela enough to hear it.
Leaning over her book more, Fleur clutched her head as she focused on what the Veela was trying to say. It very well might be the answer she needed but couldn't grasp. Diving into the space that had become a sort of common ground between her and her Veela Fleur tried to understand what it was telling her.
What is it? Just say it! Fleur thought to the creature within her as she closed her eyes to focus.
Show me. Fleur ordered, sensing her Veela was close to the surface of her mind. An image began to appear in her mind's eye, distorted but slowly taking shape.
"Fleur." Rachel called softly.
"Quiet." Fleur demanded as the image began to clear up. It was a woman. A Veela if the silver hair and gold orbs were anything to go by.
A shiver went down Fleur's spine as she thought maybe it was the first Veela but her own chirped gently to her. It was enough for her to maintain their connection as the image cleared up some more and Fleur realized it was actually showing her her grandmother.
She can't help. It'll take too long for her to get here or offer any help. Fleur thought to her Veela before feeling frustration coming from it.
The image began to change. Fleur's grandmother more or less stayed but her human features slowly began to change to the harpy like features of a transformed Veela.
I can't transform. Fleur tried before her Veela gave an annoyed screech.
The image changed again. She saw herself facing the dragon and she shuddered as it more or less ate her. But then she saw her grandmother in her Veela form face the dragon. She didn't fight the dragon, it appeared that she used her thrall to make it sleep.
Her thrall? Fleur wondered as she felt her Veela get excited and show her again.
"Thrall." Fleur noted out loud as her Veela retreated back into the shadows of her mind. She opened her eyes slowly to allow them to adjust before giving her cousin a confused look.
Rachel might have a better idea about how creatures reacted to the thrall, she did have more control over hers to know how it worked then Fleur would ever know.
"Veela thrall can calm witches and wizards, even when aggravated. Can Veela thrall do the same to a dragon?" Fleur asked her cousin, trying to ignore the headache forming.
"But you can't control your thrall." Rachel was quick to point out the major flaw in her budding plan.
"I know that. But is it possible?" Fleur asked again. If a dragon could be calmed with Veela thrall then maybe there was a spell that could calm one. And that was something she could do, study and master a spell.
Rachel pursed her lips as she thought over the question.
"I don't know. The thrall is like a suggestion. It can nudge in the direction the Veela wants but never outright make anything just do what the Veela wants. But I don't know if a dragon is susceptible to the thrall." Rachel answered slowly, not fully following.
"But if they are, that would mean that the dragons state of mind can be changed." Fleur thought out loud, urged by her Veela.
"They can't be trained." Rachel quickly cut in, always looking for the hole in her plan. That was one of the reasons Fleur liked bouncing her ideas off of her. She always found the faults in her thinking.
And she was right. Dragons couldn't be trained, many wizards had tried. But they were trying to get dragons to go against their instinct. What if she instead pushed their instinct to do something else?
"What if I used a spell to get a dragon to be more inclined to do something other then eat me?" Fleur asked. "Like how the thrall can be used to incline someone dangerous to not be."
Rachel bite her lip as she thought about it.
"I don't think such a spell exists Fleur. And even if it did, Dragons are resistant to most magic so there's a good chance it won't work. After all, it takes half a dozen stunning charm to subdue a dragon." Rachel noted as Fleur nodded along.
Her cousin was right but Fleur was thinking of something much more subtle than a stunning spell. She recalled a memory of a group of first years making fools of themselves when one of her classmates demonstrated a muggle magic trick.
"Do you remember Francine Parker?" Fleur asked slowly.
"The girl from America? What of her? Didn't she graduate last year?" Rachel asked as Fleur nodded again. Fran had been one of her friend's friends. Not close enough for Fleur or Rachel to consider a friend but close enough that they had heard about her and her life. Especially after the chicken incident.
"She did, and she moved to America after graduating." Fleur started.
"Don't know why." Rachel cut in with a sneer.
"To study the effect of conscious awareness of magic and the potency of spells." Fleur cut back in to get to the point.
"What about her?" Rachel asked as Fleur thought about her upperclassman explaining the idea of hypnotism to her.
"Remember when she used that muggle trick to get the first years to act like chickens anytime someone said cluck?" She asked as Rachel thought about it.
Fran had theorized that there was a connection between hypnosis and the magical principle that if a subject is aware that a spell is being placed on them that they will be able to resist the spells affect more and that if they weren't aware of a spell being put on them, it'll should hypothetically have more effect. She had explained that using triggers that someone knew would hypnotize them would often lead to the hypnosis failing so muggle magicians were always thinking of new ways to subconsciously pull their victims into a trance.
"So you want to unconsciously influence a dragon to be calm around you in an attempt to do whatever the tournament has decided the task will be." Rachel clarified as Fleur nodded. It was her best option other than outright fighting the dragon, a back up plan she would have to prepare for anyways as she didn't have a lot of time.
"Is there any spell you can think of…" Fleur trailed off as she saw her cousin sigh heavily and rub her forehead.
"No. Nothing." Rachel admitted with a tired sigh. "I can't think of anything like that now. Too bad Fran isn't here now. She'd have some brilliant ideas for your crazy one."
Fleur fell silent as she tried to think of something else. She really didn't want to have to face a dragon, but her options were quickly running out. How had Fran gotten the first years to act that way? There was something about putting them in a trance and imbedding the behavior in their subconscious. But how had she done that without magic?
"Let's go back to the carriage for now Fleur." Rachel suggested after a long sigh. "You're just stressing yourself out more when you need to be getting lots of rest if your going to face that dragon."
Fleur was silent for a while, searching for some clue on how to use what Fran had shown her but she simply didn't know how the muggle born had done it.
"Fine." Fleur huffed finally as she gave up. Hypnotism wasn't going to work for her if she couldn't figure out the trick of it. But her Veela apparently disagreed as it was screeching at her again, obviously displeased with her giving up.
There's no other way. She tried to convince it but it wasn't hearing any of that. Again the image of a Veela appeared in her mind.
I can't transform. You aren't strong enough. Fleur thought as her Veela gave another screech, this time in anger.
Well it's the truth! Fleur hissed back at it, feeling her irritation rising. She wanted to argue with her Veela self about how it wasn't her fault that she wasn't a strong enough Veela with enough control over her thrall or a smart muggle born with some sort of trick to get people to do crazy things without magic when Rachel placed a hand on her arm.
"Easy there." Her cousin called out, breaking Fleur's connection to her Veela and bringing her back to herself. When had she closed her eyes and slipped back into the mind?
"Honestly, how can you get so riled up right now?" Rachel asked when she noticed Fleur relaxing a little in her soft grip. "I'm too tired from all this research to fight with my Veela right now."
Fleur paused at that as her own Veela chirped at what Rachel had said. Something about what Rachel had said was important.
"Say that again." Fleur commanded as Rachel regarded her carefully.
"I'm too tired to fight my Veela?" Rachel asked as Fleur's Veela chirped again.
Fleur knew she should be a little more worried about how easily her Veela was slipping into her mind, but right now she welcomed it as maybe it had an idea on how to avoid fighting a dragon.
Her Veela showed her a dragon, rearing and ready to fight.
Fleur nodded at the image before it changed as a Veela appeared and the dragon began to calm. She ignored the fact that she could see what the Veela was showing her without closing her eyes or the increasing worry on Rachel's face.
The spell doesn't exist. Fleur reminded herself as her Veela gave her the feeling of rolling its eyes.
Fleur watched the dragon in her mind slowly relax until it was sleeping at the Veela's feet. The Veela faded away, leaving the sleeping dragon as the crest of Hogwarts began to materialize. Particularly the motto.
"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" Fleur recited before suddenly she understood what her Veela had been trying to tell her.
She didn't have to fight her dragon if she used a powerful enough sleeping charm on it. But by herself she didn't have that kind of strength.
Again she thought of Francine Parker and the long lectures her upperclassman would go into that would almost hypnotize her audience by themselves. Could Fleur implement the same ideas?
The image of the Veela at the Quidditch World Cup came to her and she watched as they enthralled the audience. Enthralled. Like being in a trance. Like Hypnotism. She thought to herself as a small smile came to her face. They had put people into a trance with their thrall.
Her thrall wasn't as strong as theirs and she didn't have much control but she could get someone to relax if she sang thanks to her thrall. Perhaps if she used its allure to lure the dragon into a trance then she could implant the idea in the dragons subconscious to relax. And maybe if she danced she could weave in the movements of the bewitching sleep spell.
"I know how I'm going to do this." Fleur announced to her cousin, excitement racing through her as she started to plan.
Using her thrall, she could lure the dragon into a sort of trance with song and dance, using the most of what little thrall she had, while slowly casting a bunch of bewitched sleep spells at the beast. Because it would hopefully be entranced by her thrall rather then her magic, the spell will should be extra effective and even if she needed to cast multiple spells, hopefully it would continue to be entranced and eventually fall asleep after a few spells. Once asleep, she was free to do whatever was needed to complete the task. Hopefully not killing it.
There was a lot of hoping her thrall would be enough to entrance a dragon but she did have her back up plan of fighting the dragon if need be.
"And how are you going to do this?" Rachel finally asked with a slightly mocking tone. She didn't mean anything bad by it she just no longer had the patient enough to wait for Fleur to explain.
Fleur explained her plan to her cousin who listened silently with a contemplative look on her face as she considered Fleur's plan. Now it was Fleur's turn to wait as her cousin thought things over and weighed the risks of the plan to the probability of it working.
Fleur knew this would be the plan she was going to implement but she trusted Rachel's understanding of the thrall as much as she trusted her own understanding of magic. While she was fairly certain this would work if her thrall held up, her cousins approval would solidify the idea that it had a chance of working for her despite her minimal thrall.
After a few minutes of silence, Rachel sighed heavily before she smirked at her.
"No human would have thought of that crazy ass plan. Only a Veela would think of luring a dangerous dragon to sleep with a combination of thrall and magic." She chuckled as Fleur felt her Veela chirp in pride and puff up a little in her mind's eye.
She straightened up at the praise and knew it was the best plan for her and it would definitely differentiate her from the other competitors. There was no way they would be able to do anything close to this. So long as it was actually possible.
"But it's possible?" Fleur asked, needing some small form of validation. Rachel just smiled at her before turning to scan the library aisles.
"With enough practice. Help me find the more advanced charms book. We need to look up the bewitched sleep spell as well as some fire proofing charms." Rachel ordered before Fleur smiled outright.
She had her plan, now she just needed to perfect the spell before she was called to face her dragon.
A/N- And that's it for now! I'm looking forward to the next chapter and I hope you are too (*cough cough* Fleur and Hermione Moments ahead *cough cough*).
Like I said before, let me know what you think in a comment bellow. Comments feed my muse.
Until next time!
Love, Light, and Happiness!
Firemage )0(