It was a known fact that Oroku Saki hated the turtles. His allies knew it, his adopted daughter knew it, heck, even the turtles themselves and their rat sensei knew it (and they share the exact sentiments;) but there was one particular turtle that always caught his attention, that grant on his nerves the most, and made his blood boil quicker than knowing of Baxter Stockman's failure, or any failure.
Unfortunately, it wasn't Leonardo.
As it seems, it was the orange-mask wearing turtle, the youngest, if he could recall. The one with the nunchucks, always goofing off, making him more of a pest than he already is. Typically, Saki had overlooked most, if not all of the turtles in favor of their leader. Sure, unlike the orange one, the other two - red-mask wearing one named Raphael and the other, the smart one in rivals of Stockman, Donatello - they had their fair share of strength and weakness, but like the orange one, they were easily dismiss. Raphael's temper was too short, and Donatello may be intelligent, but Saki knew he wouldn't trust a single word he would say to him, will question his authority, and most likely snoop around until he can find answers. No, Donatello is too smart for Saki to pull a wool over his head and call it something else. The youngest one had nothing to offer him, so that only lead him to one choice.
He was smart, but not smart enough to see if he's being conned or not. He had strength and loyalty, and with the right persuasion, he could have turned Leonardo into a weapon, his weapon, and if Karai couldn't take his place, then Leonardo surely would.
He almost had him too, had he not learn the truth about his and Yoshi's past. In fact, it seemed as though Leonardo was young and naïve at the time, so Saki had him right within his grasp, and it just fills him with rage that he wasn't able to turn the rat's son against him.
Still, many years has passed, and with each counter, the feeling of hate, rage, vengeance grew. He wanted nothing more, but tear his enemies apart, until there was nothing left of them, and they would all be defenseless against his attacks. He wanted them to cry, beg for mercy, until there was nothing but silence as he kills them one by one. He swore to have revenge and he will have it, one way or another.
But whenever Saki mediates, his thoughts always seem to turn to the turtles, as they always have; he thought about how cocky they were, taking down his plans again and again, how fierce they were in battle, and how they sometimes don't do so well when their sensei has told them over and over again to work as a team. It had taken many months, but eventually, they got it down, and Saki hated that.
He thought about each and every one of them until he came to the orange one. Every time, the corner of his mouth would twitch, his hands curled, tighten against his clothing, and his thoughts turned violent, dark. He thought about how great it would feel to shut the little trash up for good, how his blood would bathe against his armor as a sheer sign of him meaning business, how his family would be in horror as they watched, helplessly, as Saki took one of their own. He wanted to hear the turtle's scream, their screams, and he would relish at the fact that there had been nothing they could've done to prevent it.
Often times, he wondered just why he'd felt this way; sure, he's annoying and sure, he's the easiest to take down compared to the others, but shouldn't all his hate and anger be towards Leonardo? His rival's rat's prodigy son? He was the one that mainly ruined his plans, after all, so Saki should be after his blood as well.
That is not to say, he isn't because he most certainly is, as well as the rest of the turtles and their friends, but the orange one...
There was something about the orange turtle that Saki hated the most, enough that he wanted to kill him first. It seems as though the orange one, for all the uselessness that he is, had dig deeper into his skin than he could say about the other turtles - something about him...something...
Orange - full of hope and smiles, playfulness and cheer, laughter...
When Saki open his eyes, they were burning with a fire so dark, and so bright, it was almost scary-looking.
He wanted nothing more, but to snuff out that laughter.
A/N: Just rewatching some of the old shows and then I came to a startling realization that Shredder always seems to pick on Mikey the most when the turtles are down and out. With the exception of the one time in Origins (Mikey had set himself up for that), Shredder pretty much wanted to kill him first if he could xD (Talking about when Splinter or Leo saves him from his wrath). Just kind of curious as to why and I might continue this, don't know for sure.