Epilogue Crack (Up to you if you want to include to the rest of this story)

Ryoma Echizen didn't know how to say goodbye to his girlfriend. He was always the one leaving for abroad, and she was always the one with kind regards and unforgettable farewells.

He had texted her.

"Sakuno. Departure. When?"

She had replied.

"January 14"

Knowing it was her birthday, he had enlisted the help of his sempai-tachi, the Ichinen trio, Tomoka, and Karupin to plan the perfect farewell gift.

When the date finally arrived. Sakuno was shocked to see the whole airport decorated with pictures of Ryoma and her. Even the monitors had their faces on them.

She felt like she was in some kind of a prank show, and any moment now, the host would reveal the prank to her.

But it was Ryoma, in a prince costume who made his way to her.

Sakuno couldn't help but laugh. He looks so uncomfortable.

"They went overboard."

Figuring who they were, Sakuno looked around to find where their friends were hiding.

…and if they had a camera on hand with them.

Sakuno smiled, blushed for a bit, then pulled Ryoma into her for a kiss. A passionate French kiss.

When she pulled away. She had laughed at Ryoma. "Ryoma, I'll only be gone for a month. Come Valentine's Day, I'll be home."

"A month—valentines—?"

Ryoma could barely speak.

Sakuno smiled once again.

" Are you really that in love with me, Ryoma-kun"?

He still cannot process what he's hearing.

Epilogue 2: Sempai-Tachi

"Echizen has let his guard down."

"Burning! L-O-V-E!"

"Nya, Ochibi's turning purple!"


"Mamushi's blushing!"

"Inui, did you get that?"

"Saa, this is good footage for their wedding."

Epilogue 3: wedding play

" 'yo-chan. Will you marry me?" The girl took the boy's hand

"But..'zaki. We have no wedding cake!"

Nanako laughed. "Seriously Ryoma, that's your problem?"

"What wedding! No wedding! You bastard! Your son! My poor granddaughter!"

"But Old Hag, Sakuno-chan's the one initiating everything. My brat is a wimp. "

"Silence. They're four year olds! Why the fuck are we talking about a wedding as if it's happening soon?"

Karupin meowed.

Meeow. If only you knew, mistress Rinko. If only you knew.